Threads about China By China


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Well perhaps you could explain why Obama received the Nobel as you are such a smart fella. Also below is the listing of those that won. perhaps you could also inform us all of which ones were not suitable. You being so smart and all. And everyone else so dumb that we couldn't find our own arse with both hands.. Ya know what I mean Eh.

Index of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates


NameYear AwardedAddams, Jane 1931Ahtisaari, Martti2008The American Friends Service Committee1947Amnesty International1977Annan, Kofi2001Angell, Sir Norman 1933Arafat, Yasser 1994Arias Sanchez, Oscar1987Arnoldson, Klas Pontus 1908Asser, Tobias Michael Carel 1911Bajer, Fredrik 1908Balch, Emily Greene 1946Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois 1909Begin, Menachem 1978Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes 1996Borlaug, Norman 1970Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste 1920Brandt, Willy 1971Branting, Karl Hjalmar 1921Boyd-Orr Of Brechin, Lord John1949Briand, Aristide 1926Bride, Sean Mac 1974Buisson, Ferdinand 1927Bunche, Ralph 1950Butler, Nicholas Murray 1931Carter, Jimmy Jr. 2002Cassin, Rene 1968Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne 1937Chamberlain, Sir Austen 1925Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De 1909Corrigan, Mairead 1976Cremer, Sir William Randal 1903Dalai Lama1989Dawes, Charles Gates 1925De Klerk, Fredrik Willem1993Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)1999Ducommun, Elie 1902Dunant, Jean Henri 1901Ebadi, Shirin2003ElBaradei, Mohamed2005Esquivel, Adolfo Perez 1980Fontaine, Henri La 1913Fried, Alfred Hermann 1911The Friends Service Council1947Grameen Bank2006Gobat, Charles Albert 1902Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich 1990Gore, Albert Arnold (Al) Jr.2007Hammarskjoeld, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl 1961Henderson, Arthur 1934Hull, Cordell 1945Hume, John 1998Institute Of International Law1904Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)2007International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)2005International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)1997International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War, Inc.1985International Committee Of The Red Cross1944International Committee Of The Red Cross1917International Committee Of The Red Cross1963International Labour Organization1969Jouhaux, Leon 1951King, Martin Luther Jr.1964Kellogg, Frank Billings 1929Kim Dae Jung2000Kissinger, Henry A. 1973Kyi, Aung San Suu 1991Lamas, Carlos Saavedra 1936Lange, Christian Lous 1921League Of Red Cross Societies1963Lutuli, Albert John 1960Mandela, Nelson 1993Maathai, Wangari2004Marshall, George Catlett 1953Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro 1907Mother Teresa1979Mott, John Raleigh 1946Myrdal, Alva 1982Nansen, Fridtjof 1922Nansen International Office For Refugees 1938Noel-Baker, Philip J. 1959Obama, Barack2009Office Of The United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees1954Office Of The United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees1981Ossietzky, Carl Von 1935Passy, Frederic 1901Pauling, Linus Carl 1962Pearson, Lester Bowles 1957Peres, Shimon 1994Permanent International Peace Bureau1910Pire, Georges Henri 1958Pugwash Conferences On Science And World Affairs1995Quidde, Ludwig 1927Rabin, Yitzhak 1994Ramos-Horta, Jose 1996Renault, Louis 1907Robles, Alfonso Garcia 1982Roosevelt, Theodore 1906Root, Elihu 1912Rotblat, Joseph 1995Sadat, Mohamed Anwar El 1978Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich 1975Sato, Eisaku 1974Schweitzer, Albert 1952Soederblom, Lars Olof Nathan 1930Stresemann, Gustav 1926von Suttner, Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita 1905Tho, Le Duc 1973Trimble, David 1998Tum, Rigoberta Menchu 1992Tutu, Desmond Mpilo 1984United Nations2001United Nations Children's Fund1965The United Nations Peace-keeping Forces1988Walesa, Lech 1983Wiesel, Elie 1986Williams, Betty 1976Williams, Jody 1997Wilson, Thomas Woodrow 1919Yunus, Muhammad 2006
Goober ,

Well perhaps you could explain why Obama received the Nobel

Have no idea ,don,t really care .

you are such a smart fella.

Thank You ,


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

BULL ,Colpy .You better watch what you are saying .Without that `worse state` ,the shelves in Canada will be empty .Wonder why.
If China got out of the slave labor business maybe the rest of the world could work. Clear the shelves I say.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

If China got out of the slave labor business maybe the rest of the world could work. Clear the shelves I say.

Everything that comes from China is junk anyways, throw away toxic plastic garbage.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Kreskin................ obviously you have a very limited realization of where you live.
Canadian Government Contractor Runs Slave Labor Forestry Operation

by Amanda Kloer August 12, 2010 03:00 PM (PT) Topics: Slave Labor

Canadian taxpayers should be outraged this week, as officials have discovered that a government contractor was using slave labor to clear brush in British Columbia. Twenty-four men and women were held in deplorable conditions and underpaid by tens of thousands of dollars. Looks like modern-day slavery even exists in a country like Canada, eh.
Khaira Enterprises Ltd. had a $280,000 forestry contract from the government of British Columbia to clear brush in the area. They hired 24 recent African immigrants, many of whom were from the Congo, who were forced to work under horrific conditions. The workers put in 12- to 15-hour days of hard labor, often with no breaks (not even for the bathroom), no clean water, and poor food. Lunch was always a meager peanut butter and jelly sandwich and dinner was always chicken with rice. Several workers complained they were afraid to eat even that, since the food was often poorly refrigerated and some of it spoiled. The company supplied no drinking water to the workers laboring outdoors in the summer, but instead told them to drink from a nearby creek. They slept 10-12 people to one small transport container on gasoline-soaked mattresses. In addition to the bad conditions, workers were paid a fraction of what they were promised. Paychecks sometimes bounced. The investigations thus far have shown Khaira Enterprises owes at least thousands of dollars to the workers.
The labor camp, which was remote and isolated, was discovered when police answered a call about the workers illegally burning trash. They had just started a strike because their paychecks had bounced yet again and the wages owed to them weren't forthcoming. In response, management shut off their access to showers and denied them food. When law enforcement found the workers and brought them to a local church, most of them hadn't eaten at all in two days.
It's hard to believe that human rights violations this egregious can happen in a modern, peaceful country like Canada, and with a government contractor no less. But they do happen in Canada, just like they happen in the U.S., Western Europe, Australia, and the rest of the "developed" world. Khaira Enterprises was able to get away with abusing workers for so long because most of them were immigrants who spoke only French (in an English-speaking part of Canada), their work site was remote, and no one was checking in on the workers. It's a situation that could happen anywhere.
The camp has been temporarily shut down and Khaira Enterprises has lost their government contract, pending investigation. A nearby church and a team of government aid workers has come together to provide the 24 Congolese workers with emergency food and shelter, while investigators try and determine how much money is owed to them. One man, acting as a spokesperson for the group, thanked law enforcement officers for rescuing them from the camp where they "felt like prisoners" and said they are looking forward to getting on with their lives.
Photo credit: ferieke


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Kreskin................ obviously you have a very limited realization of where you live.
Canadian Government Contractor Runs Slave Labor Forestry Operation

by Amanda Kloer August 12, 2010 03:00 PM (PT) Topics: Slave Labor

Canadian taxpayers should be outraged this week, as officials have discovered that a government contractor was using slave labor to clear brush in British Columbia. Twenty-four men and women were held in deplorable conditions and underpaid by tens of thousands of dollars. Looks like modern-day slavery even exists in a country like Canada, eh.
Khaira Enterprises Ltd. had a $280,000 forestry contract from the government of British Columbia to clear brush in the area. They hired 24 recent African immigrants, many of whom were from the Congo, who were forced to work under horrific conditions. The workers put in 12- to 15-hour days of hard labor, often with no breaks (not even for the bathroom), no clean water, and poor food. Lunch was always a meager peanut butter and jelly sandwich and dinner was always chicken with rice. Several workers complained they were afraid to eat even that, since the food was often poorly refrigerated and some of it spoiled. The company supplied no drinking water to the workers laboring outdoors in the summer, but instead told them to drink from a nearby creek. They slept 10-12 people to one small transport container on gasoline-soaked mattresses. In addition to the bad conditions, workers were paid a fraction of what they were promised. Paychecks sometimes bounced. The investigations thus far have shown Khaira Enterprises owes at least thousands of dollars to the workers.
The labor camp, which was remote and isolated, was discovered when police answered a call about the workers illegally burning trash. They had just started a strike because their paychecks had bounced yet again and the wages owed to them weren't forthcoming. In response, management shut off their access to showers and denied them food. When law enforcement found the workers and brought them to a local church, most of them hadn't eaten at all in two days.
It's hard to believe that human rights violations this egregious can happen in a modern, peaceful country like Canada, and with a government contractor no less. But they do happen in Canada, just like they happen in the U.S., Western Europe, Australia, and the rest of the "developed" world. Khaira Enterprises was able to get away with abusing workers for so long because most of them were immigrants who spoke only French (in an English-speaking part of Canada), their work site was remote, and no one was checking in on the workers. It's a situation that could happen anywhere.
The camp has been temporarily shut down and Khaira Enterprises has lost their government contract, pending investigation. A nearby church and a team of government aid workers has come together to provide the 24 Congolese workers with emergency food and shelter, while investigators try and determine how much money is owed to them. One man, acting as a spokesperson for the group, thanked law enforcement officers for rescuing them from the camp where they "felt like prisoners" and said they are looking forward to getting on with their lives.
Photo credit: ferieke
They were rescued by law enforcement officers who were thanked by the workers. How many law enforcement rescues in China?


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .


If China got out of the slave labor business maybe the rest of the world could work. Clear the shelves I say.

Kreskin................ obviously you have a very limited realization of where you live- you should clear your shelves I say .
Canadian Government Contractor Runs Slave Labor Forestry Operation

by Amanda Kloer August 12, 2010 03:00 PM (PT) Topics: Slave Labor

Canadian taxpayers should be outraged this week, as officials have discovered that a government contractor was using slave labor to clear brush in British Columbia. Twenty-four men and women were held in deplorable conditions and underpaid by tens of thousands of dollars. Looks like modern-day slavery even exists in a country like Canada, eh.
Khaira Enterprises Ltd. had a $280,000 forestry contract from the government of British Columbia to clear brush in the area. They hired 24 recent African immigrants, many of whom were from the Congo, who were forced to work under horrific conditions. The workers put in 12- to 15-hour days of hard labor, often with no breaks (not even for the bathroom), no clean water, and poor food. Lunch was always a meager peanut butter and jelly sandwich and dinner was always chicken with rice. Several workers complained they were afraid to eat even that, since the food was often poorly refrigerated and some of it spoiled. The company supplied no drinking water to the workers laboring outdoors in the summer, but instead told them to drink from a nearby creek. They slept 10-12 people to one small transport container on gasoline-soaked mattresses. In addition to the bad conditions, workers were paid a fraction of what they were promised. Paychecks sometimes bounced. The investigations thus far have shown Khaira Enterprises owes at least thousands of dollars to the workers.
The labor camp, which was remote and isolated, was discovered when police answered a call about the workers illegally burning trash. They had just started a strike because their paychecks had bounced yet again and the wages owed to them weren't forthcoming. In response, management shut off their access to showers and denied them food. When law enforcement found the workers and brought them to a local church, most of them hadn't eaten at all in two days.
It's hard to believe that human rights violations this egregious can happen in a modern, peaceful country like Canada, and with a government contractor no less. But they do happen in Canada, just like they happen in the U.S., Western Europe, Australia, and the rest of the "developed" world. Khaira Enterprises was able to get away with abusing workers for so long because most of them were immigrants who spoke only French (in an English-speaking part of Canada), their work site was remote, and no one was checking in on the workers. It's a situation that could happen anywhere.
The camp has been temporarily shut down and Khaira Enterprises has lost their government contract, pending investigation. A nearby church and a team of government aid workers has come together to provide the 24 Congolese workers with emergency food and shelter, while investigators try and determine how much money is owed to them. One man, acting as a spokesperson for the group, thanked law enforcement officers for rescuing them from the camp where they "felt like prisoners" and said they are looking forward to getting on with their lives.
Photo credit: ferieke


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

This award is always political, along with international sports and skating medals
and God knows what else. The fact is China is at its own crossroads and it will
not matter how many awards are handed out.
There is some truth to what China said. however this country flies in the face of
all common decency. There is no human rights in China and we in the west
have ensured there will not be for decades to come. By the fact that we opened
the trade doors and convinced them to buy Americas debt, we have given
approval for the bully to be a bully.
Want to end human rights violations in China. Do to China what they did to Cuba,
set up the embargo and enforce it. Don't buy products and don't allow companies
to import Chinese products. Of course that won't happen. Our government and
the corporations have principles, but if we don't like their principles, our leaders have
other principals.
The problem is human rights, issues are used as red herrings, and there is no
action taken when these rogue states ignore us. The problems facing the present
generation of Chinese are problems we instituted and now we are complaining
about our own shortcomings. There is no plot against China at all.
We have a mixture of placating China. and covering up our own role in enhancing
the misery of people. For what? Cheap running shoes and lower production costs.
Gosh we are wonderful scolding China for Human Rights Violations, while we are
talking to each other over two hundred dollar a plate dinners, Am I becoming a
little cynical


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Eleven Filipino workers say they were brought to [COLOR=#0072BC ! important][COLOR=#0072BC ! important]Canada[/COLOR][/COLOR] under false pretenses and worked under slave-like conditions while living in an abandoned farmhouse.
Stories such as this have become so common the Canadian government has begun a global advertising campaign to warn would-be immigrants, the Toronto Star reports. Posters, headlined People for Sale in Canada, have been printed in 17 languages.
Edwin Canilang, a skilled welder, was offered work building an icebreaker. He sold his house in the Philippines to pay fees and other expenses.
What Canilang did not know was that a company that had been doing the recruiting had lost the icebreaker contract and the Labor Market Opinions, the documents needed to bring in foreign workers, had passed into other hands.
Canilang instead found himself in Canada working for Bob DeRosa, whose family owns a bottling plant and other interests.
Don't you know that I spent $4,000 to get you? DeRosa snapped when Canilang asked him about pay.
Authorities say at least 800 foreign workers are brought to Canada illegally every year and another 1,000 sent to the [COLOR=#0072BC ! important][COLOR=#0072BC ! important]United [COLOR=#0072BC ! important]States[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] through Canada. The problem has grown since Canada liberalized its foreign labor law in 2006.

This award is always political, along with international sports and skating medals
and God knows what else. The fact is China is at its own crossroads and it will
not matter how many awards are handed out.
There is some truth to what China said. however this country flies in the face of
all common decency. There is no human rights in China and we in the west
have ensured there will not be for decades to come. By the fact that we opened
the trade doors and convinced them to buy Americas debt, we have given
approval for the bully to be a bully.
Want to end human rights violations in China. Do to China what they did to Cuba,
set up the embargo and enforce it. Don't buy products and don't allow companies
to import Chinese products. Of course that won't happen. Our government and
the corporations have principles, but if we don't like their principles, our leaders have
other principals.
The problem is human rights, issues are used as red herrings, and there is no
action taken when these rogue states ignore us. The problems facing the present
generation of Chinese are problems we instituted and now we are complaining
about our own shortcomings. There is no plot against China at all.
We have a mixture of placating China. and covering up our own role in enhancing
the misery of people. For what? Cheap running shoes and lower production costs.
Gosh we are wonderful scolding China for Human Rights Violations, while we are
talking to each other over two hundred dollar a plate dinners, Am I becoming a
little cynical
We have a mixture of placating China. and covering up our own role in enhancing
the misery of people. For what? Cheap running shoes and lower production costs.
Gosh we are wonderful scolding China for Human Rights Violations, while we are
talking to each other over two hundred dollar a plate dinners, Am I becoming a
little cynical

Very well said


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Get serious China. Slave labor is a matter of policy in China. It's the only bloody reason you export anything.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Actually the slave labour is contracted to the west for cheap goods.
no safety regulations, circumventing environmental regulations while
they promote go green in the west. Nominating the Chinese recipient
takes the curse off the whole thing. Someday we will pay for our actions
and rightfully so.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Get serious China. Slave labor is a matter of policy in China. It's the only bloody reason you export anything.
It's the only bloody reason you export anything.

.......I have lived in China for over 7.5 years (and I will be back in China for Christmas) .There is no welfare or unemployment in China , everyone works and produces ----something .
Slave labor is a matter of policy in China.

.......and you produce a bull sh...t.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

I agree with China. IMO, the sole purpose of this Nobel Peace Prize was a futile attempt to promote internal dissent and destabilize China.

Liu Xiaobo never ended or prevented any conflicts. He never signed any peace agreements. He is not credited with saving any lives or bringing peace to any country or region. He is not associated with efforts to resolve any conflict peacefully. He is only claim to fame is that he is an outspoken critique of the Chinese government. Even though I agree with his viewpoint, Xiaobo is about as deserving of this award as Barack Obama who got the Nobel peace prize for not being George Bush.

The committee which hands out Nobel Peace Prizes has obviously been hijacked. Clearly this award has devolved into a propaganda tool to promote a political agenda.

Ohh, right. Give me a break. keep eating up that propaganda, Earth.

Any citizen that is willing to put their liberty at stake by taking the Chinese government to task is worthy of this award in my opinion.

Didn't they award one to your hero Yassar a few years back?

BULL ,Colpy .You better watch what you are saying .Without that `worse state` ,the shelves in Canada will be empty .Wonder why.

I would happily send Chinese crap back to China en masse. China isn't the only country in the world capable of producing toxin laden trinkets.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

china, do you really want a magnifying glass to be used on china?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Everyone produces something, corruption. Those who speak for the unspeakable.
China is just fine, that is what was said about Hitler in the mid thirties. In fact Hitler
was Times Man of The Year, I think it was 1936. I Germany everyone was working,
there was no unemployment, its starting to sound familiar. People were warming
up to opportunities and these people were not so bad. Joe Kennedy said Hitler
was the brightest young man in Europe.
China too, has turned the corner, they have gone from a Communist State to a full
fascist state. This is complete with factories jobs, slave labour, the crushing of
human rights and all the trappings and a friendly face for tyranny. People will talk
about the Chinese Miracle and how wonderful everything is with international trade
and blah blah blah. At some point the ugly truth will manifest itself and we will all be
shocked and surprised and as guilty as hell that we contributed to stain on the map
of the world.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

.......I have lived in China for over 7.5 years (and I will be back in China for Christmas) .There is no welfare or unemployment in China , everyone works and produces ----something .

.......and you produce a bull sh...t.
No unemployment, what a load of crap. Most everyone in China works for nothing. That isn't employment.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

No unemployment, what a load of crap. Most everyone in China works for nothing. That isn't employment.
No unemployment, what a load of crap. Most everyone in China works for nothing
Have you bin to China ,have you traveled the country have you worked there have you absorbed and understood even a small part of its culture, forget it man, you`re sick.

Contain China. lol

They have more US Dollars, then the United States. They own the US debt and continue to be needed to give out more credit to the USA.

They don't care about world opinion and proved that when they also arrested Liu Xiaobo wife. Talk about giving the world the middle finger...

. Talk about giving the world the middle finger...

HaHa that .


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

At least the United States will screw someone else this time when they
default on the debt and China ends up with all that worthless paper,
Maybe we should have told China,, Don't take any wooden nickels.
yes I am joking.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Part of the plot to contain China .

Oh yes, China is a paradise.

China's wage proportion decreases for 22 years

"Low pay, long working hours and poor working conditions caused conflicts and even mass incidents between labor and management to occur more frequently in recent years, which has already become a major factor affecting current social stability," Zhang said.
On July 24 last year, 3,000 steel workers protested when they were threatened with job cuts following the takeover of their company, the Tonghua Iron and Steel Group, by a private firm in Jilin province. The workers later beat company executive Chen Guojun to death.