Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Mulcair 1 thread

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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
He said Canada has been focused on slow-growing markets with 85 per cent of our exports going to slow-growth advanced economies.

Typing in bold is to compensate for a small penis, or what..

Yeah, we are building a pipline from Alberta to a BC port to send crude oil to a slow developing country... what was the name of that small country again.. oh yeah CHINA!!

Not to mention Canada supplies the USA with 62% of their oil supply.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Published On Tue Jan 27 2009 :roll:

Nice try though.. nacro the news now.. 2012, come out of your hole.. we now have a majority Conservative government..

Here is a news article a little closer to today's date.. May 16th, 2012

Economy shows surprising resilience

Canada's economy is showing surprising signs of resilience, but the outlook for sustained growth is still clouded by events outside our borders,

Remember that Chinese fella that stood in front of the tank, change the world..

Nothing is stopping you from doing the same... run up to the Oil Sands and protest.. put actions where you mouth is.. if the driver doesn't was nice knowing you..

Please quit telling me how bad the Oil Sands are, or drilling in the Gulf of Mexico or Drilling in a protected watershed area.. better yet, tell me you invented a new power source to run cars, homes and businesses on..

Or better yet.. get into politics and convince the people YOU have a better way of doing things..

1. a Hydrogen Hwy as they have in Norway, with Hydrogen fueling stations..
Hydrogen highway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. alternative energy, solar, wind, tidal power for St. Johns reversing falls..
Wolfram Publications: Ocean Renewable Making Tidal Energy Generation A Reality

...and then explain how all these new technologies are going to create 500,000 top paying jobs immediately and last for years..

I'm guessing from your utter lack of compassion that you live nowhere near the massive toxic waste dumps that are rapidly building up not too far to the north of where I live.

And yes there are many alternatives to fossil fuels, but they're never going to go mainstream as long as the current government keeps forcing us back into the old way of doing things...and does so by utterly subverting the democratic process in this country.

If Canadians are committed to oil sands development here's an idea that will help all of us feel like we're pulling our weight and not just Albertans who are going to be left with a permanent toxic legacy from this.

1. Massive pipelines running to the east and west from the oil sands to carry a slurry of toxic waste to dumps in every province that wants to benefit from oil sands development. It wiil create many of the JOBS that some Canadians talk so much about without thinking of the point of employment in the first place...which is to build a better life, not to destroy the means to do so.

2. Pipelines running from the west and east into the Athabaska carrying water to allow the massive processing process that is sythetic oil production. We can pump water from the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg(they often have too much) and maybe even divert a river or two from could be the Columbia or the Fraser, we'll let them decide.

Incredible you say?

What we're doing is already incredible and possibly creating an ecological disaster that Albertans are going to be forced to bear the brunt of.

Your ignorance was already established. The largest petroleum engineering project in human history, is going on in Saudi Arabia.

I can only point out your errors, I can't make you understand how you made them.

Do I really need to point out the fundamental difference in scale between a conventional petroleum extraction operation and a vast strip mining project that moves then process huge amounts of material every day?

You really are educating me on just how ignorant some Canadians have allowed themselves to become on this issue.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Do I really need to point out the fundamental difference in scale between a conventional petroleum extraction operation and a vast strip mining project that moves then process huge amounts of material every day?
Like I said, I can only point out your errors, I can't make you understand how you made them.

The largest petroleum engineering project in human history, is taking place in Saudi Arabia.

You really are educating me on just how ignorant some Canadians have allowed themselves to become on this issue.
I don't mind educating you ignorant Canadians. I consider it a public service.


Time Out
Feb 19, 2012
London, Ontario
Jeffery Simpson just wrote an article in the Globe and Mail about how Mulcair's claim of the Dutch Elm disease hurting Ontario manufactuering is false. Yet a few short months ago he wrote an article:
"Worse, Canada entered into a form of the dreaded 'Dutch disease,' whereby the
currency soars on the back of high commodity prices, thereby diluting the
economy's competitive position. Ontario has suffered from the Canadian version
of 'Dutch disease': High oil prices and large oil exports keep the currency
high, causing competitive problems elsewhere."
It's pretty clear which of his positions is the actual rhetoric.

Ontario can no longer hide from taxes, restraint - The Globe and Mail

How damnable that a shill for the right wing changes his feathers when convenient.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Jeffery Simpson just wrote an article in the Globe and Mail about how Mulcair's claim of the Dutch Elm disease hurting Ontario manufactuering is false. Yet a few short months ago he wrote an article:

It's pretty clear which of his positions is the actual rhetoric.

Ontario can no longer hide from taxes, restraint - The Globe and Mail

How damnable that a shill for the right wing changes his feathers when convenient.

EH!! The Local Libtard speaks..

Dr. Mulcair's ms-diagnosis of Canada's Dutch disease is killing the east (Quebec) manufacturing sector and the inoculation is to kill the Alberta Oil Sands and the jobs that go with it... has basically ended Mulcair's political career and the NDP's chances of being a serious political party and not just fringe.

This really shows the envy of Eastern Canada towards the west..

The reason the manufacturing sector has died, is mainly because the major buyer is going through a recession... The US economy fails, so goes the east riding away on the coat tails of Uncle Sam as it does best.

Rex can generally be depended on to tell it like it is. I think in the near future we'll see that Mulcair is merely a flash in the bedpan!

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Jeffery Simpson just wrote an article in the Globe and Mail about how Mulcair's claim of the Dutch Elm disease hurting Ontario manufactuering is false. Yet a few short months ago he wrote an article:

It's pretty clear which of his positions is the actual rhetoric.

Ontario can no longer hide from taxes, restraint - The Globe and Mail

How damnable that a shill for the right wing changes his feathers when convenient.

So he had more information - changed his opinion- so when that happens to you he is a shill - yet I am sure if he had written again and agreed with and reinforced his past opinion he would be then classed differently by you.

But more stats have surfaced and even economists are having a hard time deciding if it is or is not D Disease. But that does not matter to you - facts that is.


Time Out
Feb 19, 2012
London, Ontario
Simpson had no more information, he didn't have a sudden flash of insight. Simpson is a hard core shill for the right, so he changed his stripes, lieing to support his dogma.

Apologist crap. If you idealogues had read the many excellent science based posts in this thread, you would put aside your "cognitive dissonance" and come to a very simple realization: the high Canadian dollar is killing manufacturing in this country. The high Canadian dollar is the product of demand for our dollars, which are driven by the sale of bitumen, unprocessed oil to the States. Our high dollar is also the product of Central Bank policy (thank you Mr. Carney).

It's that simple. That is all.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Apologist crap. If you idealogues had read the many excellent science based posts in this thread, you would put aside your "cognitive dissonance" and come to a very simple realization: the high Canadian dollar is killing manufacturing in this country. The high Canadian dollar is the product of demand for our dollars, which are driven by the sale of bitumen, unprocessed oil to the States. Our high dollar is also the product of Central Bank policy (thank you Mr. Carney).

It's that simple. That is all.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Simpson had no more information, he didn't have a sudden flash of insight. Simpson is a hard core shill for the right, so he changed his stripes, lieing to support his dogma.

Apologist crap. If you idealogues had read the many excellent science based posts in this thread, you would put aside your "cognitive dissonance" and come to a very simple realization: the high Canadian dollar is killing manufacturing in this country. The high Canadian dollar is the product of demand for our dollars, which are driven by the sale of bitumen, unprocessed oil to the States. Our high dollar is also the product of Central Bank policy (thank you Mr. Carney).

It's that simple. That is all.

My what big ears you have.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
NDP's Mulcair will keep French citizenship | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

OTTAWA - NDP leadership hopeful Thomas Mulcair holds dual Canadian and French citizenship and vows to keep both even if he should one day become Canada's prime minister.

So as Prime Minister, and France requests special concessions with Canada.. is this a conflict of interest for the Prime Minister to be a dual citizen.

He was not born a French citizen, he sought out the citizenship of France.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
NDP's Mulcair will keep French citizenship | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

OTTAWA - NDP leadership hopeful Thomas Mulcair holds dual Canadian and French citizenship and vows to keep both even if he should one day become Canada's prime minister.

So as Prime Minister, and France requests special concessions with Canada.. is this a conflict of interest for the Prime Minister to be a dual citizen.

He was not born a French citizen, he sought out the citizenship of France.

Maybe Dude can be the PM of Eastern Canada, & France, 'cuz if he ever
gets to sit in the big chair, I can't see it going well for a united Canada.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
NDP's Mulcair will keep French citizenship | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

OTTAWA - NDP leadership hopeful Thomas Mulcair holds dual Canadian and French citizenship and vows to keep both even if he should one day become Canada's prime minister.

So as Prime Minister, and France requests special concessions with Canada.. is this a conflict of interest for the Prime Minister to be a dual citizen.

He was not born a French citizen, he sought out the citizenship of France.

Sure seems that Mulcair is about as dumb as they come.. Wasn't he recently blasting Conrad Black for dumping his citizenship for a peerage? Seeing that Mulcair is adamant about retaining his French citizenship, should we conclude that he's only 1/2 interested in his status as a Canadian?... And he has fantasies about being the PM - what a maroon


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Simpson had no more information, he didn't have a sudden flash of insight. Simpson is a hard core shill for the right, so he changed his stripes, lieing to support his dogma.

Apologist crap. If you idealogues had read the many excellent science based posts in this thread, you would put aside your "cognitive dissonance" and come to a very simple realization: the high Canadian dollar is killing manufacturing in this country. The high Canadian dollar is the product of demand for our dollars, which are driven by the sale of bitumen, unprocessed oil to the States. Our high dollar is also the product of Central Bank policy (thank you Mr. Carney).

It's that simple. That is all.

DO tell us why if the high dollar is hurting manufacturing why several sawmills have reopened in B.C. despite the poor US market.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Maybe BC hasn't received the memo that Dutch Disease is driving up the cost of manufacturing?

You folks on the West coast have always been a little ass-backwards, that might explain it
I think there is a group of Socialists who want us all to go "Dutch" on rebuilding ON manufacturing industry.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Well, the longer that Ontario/Quebec wait to get their ass in gear, the more facilities will be constructed throughout the West.

It'll be fun to observe Tommy waste all kinds of time pissing and moaning about how the resource sector has hurt his little fantasy land, all the while, mfging will be getting a stronghold outside his chronic sphere of pathos and self pity