This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Or even prejudice. Probably won't hear or read about any of this in the MSM though.

In ABC Webcast, Yahoo! News's Chalian Says Romney's ‘Happy to Have a Party When Black People Drown’

Yahoo! Washington bureau chief David Chalian made the offensive remark, ABC News's Julie Townsend told NewsBusters in a phone conversation a few minutes ago. During live coverage of the Republican National Convention here in Tampa, an ABC News employee Yahoo! News Washington bureau chief David Chalian provided the perfect example of the pervasive anti-Republican bias Mitt Romney faces in his bid to unseat President Barack Obama.

In video broadcast Monday night by ABC over the Internet, the person Chalian can be heard claiming that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his wife Ann are unconcerned about the fate of residents of the New Orleans area who are currently being hit by Hurricane Isaac.

“They aren’t concerned at all,” the person says on tape. “They are happy to have a party when black people drown.”

That line elicits laughter from several employees listening in on the joke.

From the audio, it appears the person Chalian was talking to an unknown individual named “John” who presumably was making additional jokes at the expense of Ann Romney although such jokes cannot be heard on the clip.

ABC News Republican National Convention Live Stream, 08.27.12 - YouTube


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

So your claim that this statement is not true?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

Typical liberals, always talking about race.


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

This is just more evidence of the bias the US media is capable of. Don't think for a moment the open mic wasn't anything but intentional. Regardless of the candidate the networks dictate to their employees what the political overtones will be. If the employees don't follow the plan they are looking for another job very quickly.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

US Election- Lies - Spin- BS
This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS that each party uses.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

For those that didn't go to the link, here's the more telling part:

The anti-Romney joke was made while Chalian was on an active microphone, apparently unaware that his quips against the former Massachusetts governor were being recorded and broadcast live.

Unmentioned by Chalian was the fact that the Republican National Committee canceled the entirety of Monday's program or that President Obama did not cancel any of his regularly scheduled campaign fund-raising parties that night.

Update 12:13. This item has been updated and corrected. It originally stated that the person on the audio was likely an ABC News employee. That is incorrect.

It was originally streamed by ABC and Yahoo and no correction or retraction was made during the broadcast as far as we are aware.

Read more: In ABC Webcast, Yahoo

But hey, that's the media for ya.



Yahoo News fires David Chalian

TAMPA, Fla. -- Yahoo News has fired Washington bureau chief David Chalian after he was caught on a hot-mic during an online video broadcast today saying that Mitt Romney and his wife Ann had no problem with African Americans suffering as a result of Hurricane Isaac, a source familiar with the situation tells POLITICO.

"They're not concerned at all. They're happy to have a party with black people drowning," Chalian said during the ABC News/Yahoo News webcast, in reference to the fact that the GOP convention in Tampa is taking place as Hurricane Isaac makes landfall on the north Gulf coast.

The conservative media watchdog organization NewsBusters first posted audio of Chalian's remarks, but referred to him as an ABC News employee (and offered slightly inaccurate transcription). ABC News spokesperson Julie Townsend informed the organization that Chalian was with Yahoo.


David Chalian: Romney's ?Happy To Have A Party When Black People Drown? -


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Re: US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

May I request including the media on this? Any and all media too.

If not, I'll delete this and start another thread.

Because, just today, the same bias-spinning anchor was at it again..because naturally, Romney has an evil lair in the Caymans. Caymans bad.

Brian Ross Does It Again

ABC Reporter Who Botched Shooter Identity MisIdentifies Yacht Flag

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff

August 29, 2012 1:13 pm

ABC News reported Wednesday that a group of Romney donors gathered on a yacht flying the Cayman flag.

One problem: The flag is not the flag of the Cayman Islands. It is the flag of Bermuda.

Among the three reporters bylined on the story is Brian Ross, who suggested on live television that the James Holmes who murdered a dozen moviegoers in July could be a Tea Party member named Jim Holmes. Ross later apologized.

Update 1:31 p.m.: According to Charter World, the yacht is officially registered in the Caymans; its home port is in Fort Lauderdale.

ABC reports the flag the yacht is flying is the Cayman flag; the flag is the Bermudan flag, however. It is unclear why the yacht is flying a Bermudan flag.



Also re-reported at Daily Kos:

A Cayman Islands-flagged yacht, Mitt? Really?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

May I request including the media on this? Any and all media too.

If not, I'll delete this and start another thread.

Because, just today, the same bias-spinning anchor was at it again..because naturally, Romney has an evil lair in the Caymans. Caymans bad.

Brian Ross Does It Again

ABC Reporter Who Botched Shooter Identity MisIdentifies Yacht Flag

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff

August 29, 2012 1:13 pm

ABC News reported Wednesday that a group of Romney donors gathered on a yacht flying the Cayman flag.

One problem: The flag is not the flag of the Cayman Islands. It is the flag of Bermuda.

Among the three reporters bylined on the story is Brian Ross, who suggested on live television that the James Holmes who murdered a dozen moviegoers in July could be a Tea Party member named Jim Holmes. Ross later apologized.

Update 1:31 p.m.: According to Charter World, the yacht is officially registered in the Caymans; its home port is in Fort Lauderdale.

ABC reports the flag the yacht is flying is the Cayman flag; the flag is the Bermudan flag, however. It is unclear why the yacht is flying a Bermudan flag.



Feel free to update the OP with what you feel is required. That would be helpful - All media- all funding groups -all Pacs- Super Pacs - and any Pacs- they all spin from a variety of slimy places.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

- The US MSM has been in the tank for Obama since his excellent Democratic convention speech of 2004.

- Partly, this is because more than 80% of the MSM reporters and commentators are liberals and Obama was selected as the most liberal senator in the entire senate in 2007.

- Partly, this is because Obama is very good at delivering evocative and even inspriational speeches from teleprompters and the MSM reporters are always overly impressed with speech making since - just like Obama - they have neither experience nor interest in actual executive functions that produce actual results and so they tend to confuse words with deeds and posturing with results.

- Partly, this is because more than 80% of MSM working reporters are liberals and Democratic supporters and promoting the fortunes of a black liberal Democrat gave them a virtuous and progressive feeling which, at the extreme, was described by Chris Matthews as a thrill running up his leg. Note that the MSM has a different view entriely regarding black conservative Republicans which was why, for example, some networks made a point to not show last night's speeches by several successful black GOP politicians. For example, arguably the best speech of the night was by Arturo Davis who this spring crossed over from the Democrats to the Republicans even though he had been called the Alabama Obama back in 2008 when he seconded Obama`s nomination for president at the Democratic convention.

- In any case, this overwhelming liberal bias in the MSM is disgusting and anti-democratic and a betrayal of what little remains of journalistic integrity.

- That liberal hack who was just fired because he was caught on camera revealing his disgusting and naked anti-GOP and anti-Romney bias was worse than that asinine rap singer seven years ago who claimed that Hurricane Katrina proved George W. Bush had no compassion for black people and didn`t care if they lived or died. The rap singer wasn`t taken too seriously inasmuch as Bush has saved more black people - in the millions - with his unprecedented and unsung multi-blillion dollar aid program to Africa combatting AIDS, malaria and malnutrition than anyone else alive. But this liberal hack was masquarading as an objective and credible journalist until someone left the mocrophone on.

- Here`s a telling example of the anti-GOP bias regarding what Arturo Davis accurately said last night was the Obama crowd`s gutting of the work requirement to receive welfare `which they did in the dead of night and then lied about`.


August 29, 2012

Poor Mickey Kaus. He's the liberal intellectual (not an oxymoron -- he's the last known living "liberal intellectual") lefties on TV are usually stealing from, but now that this welfare reform maven has concluded that Romney's welfare ad is basically correct, liberals refuse to acknowledge his existence.

The non-Fox media have formed a solid front in denouncing Romney's welfare ad for daring to point out that Obama has gutted the work requirements of the 1996 welfare reform bill.

The New York Times claims that Romney's ad "falsely" charges Obama with eliminating work requirements. CNN rates the ad "false." Underemployed hack Howard Fineman says Romney's ad "is just flat out wrong on the facts" and "that every fair analyst, every fact checker" has said it's "just factually wrong."

When a campaign ad induces this much hysteria, you know Romney has struck gold. On closer examination, it turns out that by "every fair analyst," Fineman means a bunch of liberals quoting one another.

This is how the media's "fact checkers" operate when it comes to a Republican campaign ad. One not very well-informed person (or a heavily biased person) announces that Romney's welfare ad is false, and the rest of the herd quote him, without anyone ever bothering to examine the facts, much less citing anyone who knows what he's talking about.

It is striking that everyone who actually knows something about the 1996 welfare reform law says that Romney's ad is accurate.

One of the principal authors of the 1996 welfare reform, Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, and Douglas Besharov, who advised Hillary Clinton on the 1996 welfare reform law, say Romney's ad is accurate.

Andrew Grossman, also of Heritage, produced something the MSM "fact checkers" avoid: a specific and detailed explanation of how the new waivers will allow states to evade the work requirements.

Even Ron Haskins, one of the reform bill's authors now at the liberal Brookings Institution -- cited far and wide for "blasting" Romney's ad -- doesn't deny the Obama administration plans to waive the work requirements. He just says he supports waivers for "job training." That's not disputing the accuracy of Romney's ads.

A lot of Americans don't support waiving the work requirements, even for "job training." Mitt Romney thinks they should know that that's what Obama is doing.

And liberal Kaus -- whom liberal hacks are usually plagiarizing from -- has written a series of blog posts explaining in detail why the Times is wrong and Romney's ad is not incorrect. True, he says the ad is "oversimplified," but I think most people grasp that a 30-second ad will not provide the lush analytical detail of a Kausfiles blog posting.

We know liberals are reading Kausfiles; why aren't they stealing from him this time?

As Kaus explains, HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius has interpreted the welfare law to allow her to waive work requirements "subject only to her opinion" as to what will serve the purposes of the law.

By viewing the work requirements as optional, subject to her waiver, Kaus says, the law has been "altered dramatically": "Old system: Congress writes the requirements, which are ... requirements. New system: Sebelius does what she wants -- but, hey, you can trust her!"

Sebelius is not a laid-back, third-way neoliberal who can be expected to interpret her waiver authority honestly. She's the doctrinaire feminist loon who "interpreted" Obamacare to require every insurance policy in the country to provide full coverage for birth control.

Kaus points out that the HHS memo announcing that Sebelius could allow waivers from work for "job training," "job search" or "pursuing a credential" unquestionably constitutes "a weakening of the work requirement." He adds that it's also "unfair to the poor suckers who just go to work without ever going on welfare -- they don't get subsidized while they're 'pursuing a credential.'"

In a follow-up post, Kaus pointed out that the Times' own editorial denouncing the Romney ad inadvertently revealed that Sebelius was proposing a lot more than "job search" exemptions from the work requirement.

Both the Times and an HHS memo cheerfully propose allowing hard-to-employ "families" -- which are never actual families, by the way -- to be "exempted from the work requirements for six months." Or more than six months. It's up to Sebelius: "Exempted."

The work requirements were one of two central features of the 1996 welfare reform law, along with time limits. They were heatedly opposed by the Democrats' left-wing base at the time, and have been met with massive resistance in some of our more Greece-like states ever since.

A 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office found that some states were accepting such non-work substitutes from welfare recipients as "bed rest," "personal journaling," "motivational reading," "exercise at home," "smoking cessation," "weight loss," and "helping a friend or relative with household tasks and errands."

(Under Sebelius, the work requirement will also be satisfied with "playing Xbox and eating Doritos.")

Many liberals, such as those who write for The New York Times, agree that "bed rest" and "personal journaling" should count as a work substitute for welfare recipients. But that's not what the law says. And it's certainly not what liberals tell us when they proclaim Romney's ad "false."

What "every fair analyst" and "every fact checker" means when they call Romney's ad "false" is: We, the media, don't consider exempting welfare recipients from the requirement of having to work "gutting" the work requirements.

"Thoroughly debunked" is the new liberal code for "blindingly accurate."



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

Medved: MSM Thrill Might Be Gone, But Press Still 'Ideologically Committed' To Obama

To know Barack Obama is not necessarily to love him. But MSM politics run deeper than water. So suggests Michael Medved. In an interview with NewsBusters today, the author and radio talk show host said that whereas there's not much "affection or respect" for President Obama in the White House press corps, they are still "ideologically committed to him."

That said, whereas an adoring press helped push Barack Obama to victory in 2008, Medved is convinced that Mitt Romney has an excellent chance of defeating Obama in November. So optimistic is Medved, that he has just released an eBook, The Odds Against Obama, making his case. View the interview video after the jump.


Medved: MSM Thrill Might Be Gone, But Press Still 'Ideologically Committed' To Obama |


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
re: This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)

- The US MSM has been in the tank for Obama since his excellent Democratic convention speech of 2004.

- Partly, this is because more than 80% of the MSM reporters and commentators are liberals and Obama was selected as the most liberal senator in the entire senate in 2007.

- Partly, this is because Obama is very good at delivering evocative and even inspriational speeches from teleprompters and the MSM reporters are always overly impressed with speech making since - just like Obama - they have neither experience nor interest in actual executive functions that produce actual results and so they tend to confuse words with deeds and posturing with results.

- Partly, this is because more than 80% of MSM working reporters are liberals and Democratic supporters and promoting the fortunes of a black liberal Democrat gave them a virtuous and progressive feeling which, at the extreme, was described by Chris Matthews as a thrill running up his leg. Note that the MSM has a different view entriely regarding black conservative Republicans which was why, for example, some networks made a point to not show last night's speeches by several successful black GOP politicians. For example, arguably the best speech of the night was by Arturo Davis who this spring crossed over from the Democrats to the Republicans even though he had been called the Alabama Obama back in 2008 when he seconded Obama`s nomination for president at the Democratic convention.

- In any case, this overwhelming liberal bias in the MSM is disgusting and anti-democratic and a betrayal of what little remains of journalistic integrity.

- That liberal hack who was just fired because he was caught on camera revealing his disgusting and naked anti-GOP and anti-Romney bias was worse than that asinine rap singer seven years ago who claimed that Hurricane Katrina proved George W. Bush had no compassion for black people and didn`t care if they lived or died. The rap singer wasn`t taken too seriously inasmuch as Bush has saved more black people - in the millions - with his unprecedented and unsung multi-blillion dollar aid program to Africa combatting AIDS, malaria and malnutrition than anyone else alive. But this liberal hack was masquarading as an objective and credible journalist until someone left the mocrophone on.

- Here`s a telling example of the anti-GOP bias regarding what Arturo Davis accurately said last night was the Obama crowd`s gutting of the work requirement to receive welfare `which they did in the dead of night and then lied about`.


August 29, 2012

Poor Mickey Kaus. He's the liberal intellectual (not an oxymoron -- he's the last known living "liberal intellectual") lefties on TV are usually stealing from, but now that this welfare reform maven has concluded that Romney's welfare ad is basically correct, liberals refuse to acknowledge his existence.

The non-Fox media have formed a solid front in denouncing Romney's welfare ad for daring to point out that Obama has gutted the work requirements of the 1996 welfare reform bill.

The New York Times claims that Romney's ad "falsely" charges Obama with eliminating work requirements. CNN rates the ad "false." Underemployed hack Howard Fineman says Romney's ad "is just flat out wrong on the facts" and "that every fair analyst, every fact checker" has said it's "just factually wrong."

When a campaign ad induces this much hysteria, you know Romney has struck gold. On closer examination, it turns out that by "every fair analyst," Fineman means a bunch of liberals quoting one another.

This is how the media's "fact checkers" operate when it comes to a Republican campaign ad. One not very well-informed person (or a heavily biased person) announces that Romney's welfare ad is false, and the rest of the herd quote him, without anyone ever bothering to examine the facts, much less citing anyone who knows what he's talking about.

It is striking that everyone who actually knows something about the 1996 welfare reform law says that Romney's ad is accurate.

One of the principal authors of the 1996 welfare reform, Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, and Douglas Besharov, who advised Hillary Clinton on the 1996 welfare reform law, say Romney's ad is accurate.

Andrew Grossman, also of Heritage, produced something the MSM "fact checkers" avoid: a specific and detailed explanation of how the new waivers will allow states to evade the work requirements.

Even Ron Haskins, one of the reform bill's authors now at the liberal Brookings Institution -- cited far and wide for "blasting" Romney's ad -- doesn't deny the Obama administration plans to waive the work requirements. He just says he supports waivers for "job training." That's not disputing the accuracy of Romney's ads.

A lot of Americans don't support waiving the work requirements, even for "job training." Mitt Romney thinks they should know that that's what Obama is doing.

And liberal Kaus -- whom liberal hacks are usually plagiarizing from -- has written a series of blog posts explaining in detail why the Times is wrong and Romney's ad is not incorrect. True, he says the ad is "oversimplified," but I think most people grasp that a 30-second ad will not provide the lush analytical detail of a Kausfiles blog posting.

We know liberals are reading Kausfiles; why aren't they stealing from him this time?

As Kaus explains, HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius has interpreted the welfare law to allow her to waive work requirements "subject only to her opinion" as to what will serve the purposes of the law.

By viewing the work requirements as optional, subject to her waiver, Kaus says, the law has been "altered dramatically": "Old system: Congress writes the requirements, which are ... requirements. New system: Sebelius does what she wants -- but, hey, you can trust her!"

Sebelius is not a laid-back, third-way neoliberal who can be expected to interpret her waiver authority honestly. She's the doctrinaire feminist loon who "interpreted" Obamacare to require every insurance policy in the country to provide full coverage for birth control.

Kaus points out that the HHS memo announcing that Sebelius could allow waivers from work for "job training," "job search" or "pursuing a credential" unquestionably constitutes "a weakening of the work requirement." He adds that it's also "unfair to the poor suckers who just go to work without ever going on welfare -- they don't get subsidized while they're 'pursuing a credential.'"

In a follow-up post, Kaus pointed out that the Times' own editorial denouncing the Romney ad inadvertently revealed that Sebelius was proposing a lot more than "job search" exemptions from the work requirement.

Both the Times and an HHS memo cheerfully propose allowing hard-to-employ "families" -- which are never actual families, by the way -- to be "exempted from the work requirements for six months." Or more than six months. It's up to Sebelius: "Exempted."

The work requirements were one of two central features of the 1996 welfare reform law, along with time limits. They were heatedly opposed by the Democrats' left-wing base at the time, and have been met with massive resistance in some of our more Greece-like states ever since.

A 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office found that some states were accepting such non-work substitutes from welfare recipients as "bed rest," "personal journaling," "motivational reading," "exercise at home," "smoking cessation," "weight loss," and "helping a friend or relative with household tasks and errands."

(Under Sebelius, the work requirement will also be satisfied with "playing Xbox and eating Doritos.")

Many liberals, such as those who write for The New York Times, agree that "bed rest" and "personal journaling" should count as a work substitute for welfare recipients. But that's not what the law says. And it's certainly not what liberals tell us when they proclaim Romney's ad "false."

What "every fair analyst" and "every fact checker" means when they call Romney's ad "false" is: We, the media, don't consider exempting welfare recipients from the requirement of having to work "gutting" the work requirements.

"Thoroughly debunked" is the new liberal code for "blindingly accurate."


I loved your post - short, concise and free of the biased posts that are so common. Thank God you are the first.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Wasserman Schultz: Republicans Put “Winning” Over Hurricane Isaac Victims…

She does realize Obama was on a three-state campaign swing and squeezed in a Reddit “ask me anything” interview during this same time frame and he’s the President?

TAMPA, Fla. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the DNC and a Florida congresswoman, dinged Republicans on Thursday for not scaling back their convention further out of respect for Americans caught in the path of Hurricane Isaac.

“They could have taken things down a notch,” Wasserman Schultz said at a Democratic press conference rebutting the Republican convention. “I think it probably was an example of their continued focus on winning at all costs.”

While she said she agreed with the RNC’s decision to scrub the convention’s first day because of safety concerns, “parties and the special interest-funded bashes” still were held “in spite of the fact that our state was getting hit and Tampa was still in the path of the storm.”

“I give them credit for canceling the first day,” she said. “The way they handled it going forward while the rest of the region is getting battered … you know, probably a challenging situation for them. There are other ways they could have handled it other than the path they chose.”

DNC Chair: GOP Placed ‘Winning At All Costs’ Over Respect For Storm Victims | TPM2012

via Zip

Wasserman Schultz: Republicans Put “Winning” Over Hurricane Isaac Victims… | Weasel Zippers