The earth Hour is back!


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Earth hour has reached Taiwan.

"In Taiwan, the Presidential Palace along with at least 20 skyscrapers — including the world's second-tallest building — in the capital of Taipei switched off their lights. Hundreds of Taiwanese placed candles beside a Taiwan map formed by energy-saving LED lights at a square outside the city hall. Also dimmed for an hour were large advertising billboards in a nearby commercial district.

This is the official site for US Earth Hour.

Official US Site for Earth Hour | My Earth Hour


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Typical left-wing nonsense, posted by the most hypocritical of them all.

Being independently rich (and if that is not enough, leaching off his wife) it is safe to come to the conclusion that his home consumes more power just by being there than most most regular homes could save by switching power off for one hour 365 days a year.

As a conservative ,I would expect you to oppose any environmental initiative, symbolic or substantial. It is probably against your religion. Nothing new there. Incidentally, you claim to be a Catholic. What does the Pope, the Vatican say about Earth Hour?

I will find out and post it here.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
ROFLMFAO........ A conservative sjp? You're calling ME a conservative?
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Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"As a conservative ,I would expect you to oppose any environmental initiative, symbolic or substantial. It is probably against your religion. Nothing new there. Incidentally, you claim to be a Catholic. What does the Pope, the Vatican say about Earth Hour?"

Symbolic ANYTHING is typically liberal. No liberal ever did anything that might have hurt their comfortable status. They have Never done anything substantial.

My religion encourages me to be frugal, but give generously to the poor. Since you have no religion, this is obviously not an issue with you and your soul-mates.

I AM a Catholic. And if this "Earth Hour" had any practical value at all, not just the feel-good nonsense, there would be support for it from Roman Catholics, all the way from the top.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Think I'll do the same thing I did last year...... turn every light in the house on, all 5 tv's, and maybe see if the wife wants to bake a cake at that time too.

What - you don't know how to turn on the oven and toss in a cake mix???

That is the job for a conservative woman, VanIsle. No self respecting conservative man is going to sully his hands by doing sissy stuff like cooking. That is the job for his wife (or for his girlfriend for the night).

Where did he call you a conservative?

that answer your question?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Does it count if we run the TV and a few lights from our solar back up? We do this quite often as well as use it for recharging battery tools just to cycle the storage batteries.
How about electric heat? Any of you in the frozen zone willing to turn the heat off for an hour?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Does it count if we run the TV and a few lights from our solar back up? We do this quite often as well as use it for recharging battery tools just to cycle the storage batteries.
How about electric heat? Any of you in the frozen zone willing to turn the heat off for an hour?

I believe it is about turning off lights only. Nobody is talking about turning off heating, refrigerator etc. It is a symbolic gesture, one has to use common sense about it. I am going to switch off all the lights and the computer, but leave heating and refrigerator on. A few of us are going to sit chatting in the dark with a beer.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I AM a Catholic. And if this "Earth Hour" had any practical value at all, not just the feel-good nonsense, there would be support for it from Roman Catholics, all the way from the top.

There indeed is support form the top, Vatican is participating.

"This is where Earth Hour comes in. Started in 2007 by the World Wildlife Fund, this hour-long event has spread around the world into homes, businesses, and institutions as diverse as The Vatican and the Las Vegas Strip. "

Since Vatican is participating and will switch lights off, this tells me that many Catholics also would participate, except those belonging to the rabid right (like the Catholic league).


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
What a bloody exercise in futility treating grownups like kiddies...if you sit in the dark for an is a great symbol and you will be helping the planet ..and instead play with your battery operated video games etc etc.pollute the landfills.............what a load of fertilizer:roll:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
What a bloody exercise in futility treating grownups like kiddies...if you sit in the dark for an is a great symbol and you will be helping the planet ..and instead play with your battery operated video games etc etc.pollute the landfills.............what a load of fertilizer:roll:

To a conservative, any initiative to preserve environment, whether it is turning off lights for one hour, taking steps to reduce global warming, or trying to save endangered species (or recycling), is a load of fertilizer.

As I have mentioned before, it comes from their interpretation of the Bible ("subdue the earth, conquer it, dominate it", not "preserve it, conserve it, nurture it")).


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
World Wildlife Fund was so unsure and so lacking in confidence in their cause that they had to launch a lawsuit against World Wrestling Federation for using the acronym WWF.

Anything coming from this phony bullies is suspect.

I used to donate to them but seeing their petty silliness, I stopped.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
That is the job for a conservative woman, VanIsle. No self respecting conservative man is going to sully his hands by doing sissy stuff like cooking. That is the job for his wife (or for his girlfriend for the night).
Alright SJP - where ya going with this "conservative" stuff? I am a Conservative Woman - politically and probably otherwise as well. I was teasing gerry about cooking the cake. However, since I am so Conservative - it is my husband's birthday today and I am baking not one but two birthday cakes right now. He wanted Angel Food and one doesn't feed 13 people unless I make them have a diet slice.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Is that your answer to baking a cake? Your poor husband.:p
He gets a little tired of that burnt cardboard taste so today - he gets a treat. I've actually taken the mix out of the box and mixed it up and baked it. When the cake is cool, I'll do it all over again. So - he gets two cakes in one day without the paper taste.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Does it count if we run the TV and a few lights from our solar back up? We do this quite often as well as use it for recharging battery tools just to cycle the storage batteries.
How about electric heat? Any of you in the frozen zone willing to turn the heat off for an hour?
Hey Taxslave - nice weather we've been having eh? So warm when I got off work after 10:00 PM last night, I left the store in shirt sleeves. I don't know what's in store for today though. I did notice a "weather warning" but I didn't click on it. It's clouding over a bit here in town but it looks a little brighter your way from my house. Probably a wind warning. My sister phoned me once to see if we were all okay. She heard there was Gale force winds in the strait! I assured her that we were fine and that, that is a common weather warning here.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Well Ron, I am going to keep this thread on the front page tomorrow, so that the posters here are aware of the earth hour. That is all I can do.
You can keep it "front page" simply by posting here again about 7:00 PM your time. That should remind everyone. If you are posting much after that - you are not conserving power.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"To a conservative, any initiative to preserve environment, whether it is turning off lights for one hour, taking steps to reduce global warming, or trying to save endangered species (or recycling), is a load of fertilizer.

As I have mentioned before, it comes from their interpretation of the Bible ("subdue the earth, conquer it, dominate it", not "preserve it, conserve it, nurture it"))."

I am trying to do something here that you have never learned: answer a post, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, rather than what you always do, namely, picking out a sentence to which - in your imagination - you have a valid response.

As a conservative, and a capitalist and a money-grabber, I DO TURN OUT THE LIGHTS when I don't use them, because it saves me money.

Once you prove me that the warming on Mars, Jupiter and even the outer planets is caused by conservatives and their SUV's I will concede that you and Al Gore are right.

Once you prove that the polar bears are facing extinction (in spite the fact that there are more polar bears now than 10 years ago) I will concede that you and David Suzuki are right.

Once you make a valid claim that the world is worse off because some species died off, I will conceed that you are right.

Once you prove that you recycle and I don't, I will concede that you are right.

Once you prove that the Bible says that Man should destroy the Earth, not preserve it and nurture it, I will concede that you are right.

And, finally, your post and pretty much all your posts, here and on any and all other threads are nothing but a load of fertilizer.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
World Wildlife Fund was so unsure and so lacking in confidence in their cause that they had to launch a lawsuit against World Wrestling Federation for using the acronym WWF.

Anything coming from this phony bullies is suspect.

I used to donate to them but seeing their petty silliness, I stopped.
I have no use for the world wildlife fund ever since they were instrumental in canceling the spring bear hunt in Ontario (Sorry CDNBear)
And yes it was the Harris(Conservative) Government that caved in.....I'm not a sheeple that agrees with everything a party does;-)