Thank You Mr. Ramsey: 3 Girls Saved


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Personally my feelings wouldn't be hurt if they each got $1million victim impact award, the money to be raised by the perpetrators breaking rocks at $10 an hour.

That would mean the taxpayer would have to house and feed them for about 200 years. Hardly fair to taxpayers


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That would mean the taxpayer would have to house and feed them for about 200 years. Hardly fair to taxpayers

Yep, in principle, but the dollar amount for every tax paying American wouldn't be all that much and I don't think $1million per victim is out of line, considering 10 years of their lives has been virtually ruined.

From what we know right now there is only one culprit so far!

Personally my feelings wouldn't be hurt if they each got $1million victim impact award, the money to be raised by the perpetrators breaking rocks at $10 an hour.

P.S. - I could be mistaken here, Ohio minimum wage could be less than $10 an hour!


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Murder charges sought in Cleveland

By Daniel Trotta and Kim Palmer, Reuters

CLEVELAND - An Ohio prosecutor vowed on Thursday to seek murder charges that could carry the death penalty against a former Cleveland school bus driver accused of kidnapping and raping three young women who endured a decade as captives in his house.
The murder charges against Ariel Castro would stem from forced miscarriages that police say were suffered by one of his victims. Castro was arrested on Monday shortly after the women were rescued.
Their imprisonment ended when neighbors, alerted by cries for help, broke through a locked door of Castro’s house and freed Amanda Berry, who disappeared the day before her 17th birthday in 2003 on her way home from work at a fast-food restaurant.
Liberated along with Berry, now 27, were her 6-year-old daughter, conceived and born during her confinement, and two fellow captives - Gina DeJesus, 23, who vanished at age 14 after school, and Michelle Knight, 32, who was 20 when she went missing in 2002.
All three told police they were abducted by Castro when they accepted offers of a ride from him in the same West Side Cleveland neighborhood where they were found years later.
Castro, 52, made his first court appearance on Thursday to face the three counts of rape and four counts of kidnapping he was initially charged with by the city attorney’s office, and was ordered to remain in custody on an $8 million bond.

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty, who has jurisdiction over all felony cases for Cleveland, said he intends to expand the charges once the case is formally transferred to his office.
“I fully intend to seek charges for each and every act of sexual violence, rape, each day of kidnapping, every felonious assault, and each act of aggravated murder for terminating pregnancies that the offender perpetrated,” he said.

Murder charges sought in Cleveland - World -

Looks like they may end up putting him down after all.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ariel Castro may have died by auto-erotic asphyxiation
Ohio prison guards falsified logs in death, report says
Kim Palmer, Reuters
First posted: Thursday, October 10, 2013 12:53 PM EDT | Updated: Thursday, October 10, 2013 01:35 PM EDT
CLEVELAND - Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro, found hanging in his prison cell last month, may not have committed suicide but died accidentally while performing a sex act, an Ohio state investigative report suggested on Thursday.
The report by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction also said prison officials had falsified logs and failed to make scheduled checks on Castro’s cell Sept. 3, the day of his death.
Castro had been serving a sentence of life plus 1,000 years for the abduction, torture and detention of three young Cleveland women. He was taken off suicide watch in June, but was supposed to have been monitored every 30 minutes by guards.
“There appears to be no known, substantiated motivation for the self-inflicted death,” the report found.
The state report said Castro’s trousers and underwear were pulled around his ankles when he was found hanging from a bed sheet, although the relevance of the finding is “unclear.” Those facts were relayed to the Ohio State Highway Patrol for “consideration of the possibility of auto-erotic asphyxiation,” the report said.
Auto-erotic asphyxiation is a form of sexual masochism in which oxygen flow to the brain is reduced in order to enhance the pleasure of masturbation.
The two Ohio correctional officers on duty when Castro was found have been put on leave and face discipline and possible dismissal, according to the report. Ohio prisons were already under increased scrutiny at the time of Castro’s death, which came about a month after the suicide of Ohio death row inmate Billy Slagle.
Castro had pleaded guilty in August to more than 900 counts including kidnapping, rape, and murder, after three women and a 6-year-old girl he fathered escaped from his home on May 6. The kidnap victims - Amanda Berry, 27, Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32 - had been missing up to 11 years.
The report said Castro left no suicide note, and was found with a Bible open to John, Chapters 2 and 3. There were also pictures of his family, arranged in a “poster-board fashion.”
In documents found in his cell, Castro complains about verbal harassment from other inmates and staff, and conveys his fear that someone was tampering with his food, according to the report. The report said the complaints about the food appeared to be unjustified.
Ariel Castro may have died by auto-erotic asphyxiation | World | News | Toronto Sun


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2012
Ariel Castro may have died by auto-erotic asphyxiation
When I read that on the crawl on CNN I actually laughed, "OOPS " I hope he was very very aware that he had killed himself for an orgasm.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ariel Castro victim Michelle Knight: 'He tied me up like a fish'
Says was hung on the wall like ornament
Kim Palmer, Reuters
First posted: Monday, November 04, 2013 03:15 PM EST | Updated: Monday, November 04, 2013 06:20 PM EST
CLEVELAND - One of the three Cleveland women who survived years of imprisonment after being kidnapped by Ariel Castro gave details about her ordeal in a television interview on Monday including being tied up and hung on the wall like an ornament.
“He tied me up like a fish, an ornament on the wall. That’s the only way I can describe it,” Michelle Knight, 32, told Phil McGraw in a taping for his “Dr. Phil” syndicated TV program.
The interview in which Knight tells of her 11 years in Castro’s Cleveland home will be aired on Tuesday and Wednesday. CBS television provided excerpts on Monday.
Knight was the first of the three women to be kidnapped by the bus driver, followed by Amanda Berry, 27, in 2003 and Gina DeJesus, 23, in 2004. The women escaped in May, along with Berry’s 6-year-old daughter, whom Castro had fathered.
Their story captured worldwide attention. Castro was found hanging in his prison cell in September, a month after he pleaded guilty to almost 1,000 charges of rape, kidnapping, torture and aggravated murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Knight said Castro promised her, “When I get two other girls in the house, then I’ll let you go.”
The other two women are planning a book about their ordeal, working with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post writers Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan.
Knight had been the only one of the three to testify at Castro’s sentencing after he had agreed to a life term to avoid a death sentence.
She said in the interview with the “Dr. Phil” show that she was the “most hated” of the victims. At one point, she said she picked a lock and tried to escape, and Castro told her, “Now you’re going to be punished.”
Tuesday 11/05: Exclusive: Ariel Castro's First Victim Speaks Out - Show Promo - YouTube
Ariel Castro victim Michelle Knight: 'He tied me up like a fish' | World | News | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Castro 'couldn't break me': Knight
Kim Palmer, Reuters
First posted: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 12:17 AM EST | Updated: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 12:24 AM EST
CLEVELAND - One of three Cleveland women kidnapped and held for years by Ariel Castro said in a television interview that she suffered pregnancies and miscarriages at the hands of the bus driver, who beat her regularly for hours at a time.
When Castro learned of Michelle Knight's first pregnancy by him, he struck her in the stomach with a barbell, warning her that, "tomorrow 'it' better be gone," Knight, 32, told Phil McGraw in a taping for his "Dr. Phil" syndicated program that aired on Tuesday.
Knight told McGraw that Castro hated her and didn't want her to have a child. She said she had five pregnancies and miscarriages at his hands after her abduction in 2002.
"He couldn't control me very much," Knight said. "I was the most hated one because he couldn't break me."
Knight was the first of three women Castro kidnapped and held in his house. Castro kidnapped Amanda Berry, 27, in 2003 and Gina DeJesus, 23, in 2004. The women escaped in May, along with Berry's 6-year-old daughter, whom Castro had fathered.
Their story captured worldwide attention. Castro was found hanged in his prison cell in September, a month after he pleaded guilty to almost 1,000 charges of rape, kidnapping, torture and aggravated murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Knight had a 2-year-old son when she was captured, a fact Castro taunted her with, telling her that her son was better off without her, she said.
"My love for my son got me through it," Knight said.
Knight said she was kept in a basement, her hands bound by plastic ties with a motorcycle helmet on her head for weeks after Castro first kidnapped her.
"The only thing I could do was cry," Knight said.
Castro often returned to the house intoxicated and beat Knight for three to four hours at a time, she said.
Knight said Castro "was obsessed with prostitutes." She said he had thought she was a 13-year-old prostitute and became angry when he found out she was 20 years old.
Knight said she watched news coverage of Berry's disappearance on a television in the room where she was being held, but did not meet Berry until weeks afterward. Knight said she only saw Berry six or seven times that first year and they were never alone together.
In part two of the interview airing on Wednesday, Knight talks about helping to deliver Berry's daughter on Christmas Day in 2006.
Berry and DeJesus are planning a book about their ordeal, working with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post writers Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan.
Knight was the only one of the three to testify at Castro's sentencing after he agreed to a life term to avoid a death sentence.
One of three Cleveland women kidnapped and held for years by Ariel Castro said in a television interview that she suffered pregnancies and miscarriages. REUTERS/Aaron Josefczyk

Castro 'couldn't break me': Knight | World | News | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Cleveland kidnap survivor had to prepare room for new hostage
Kim Palmer, Reuters
First posted: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 08:16 PM EST | Updated: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 08:26 PM EST
CLEVELAND - Former bus driver Ariel Castro forced his longest-held captive, Michelle Knight, to help drill holes in a wall at his Cleveland house for restraints to secure a teen he had kidnapped, Knight said in a television interview aired on Wednesday.
The first of three women Castro kidnapped, raped and held captive for years, Knight said she heard a girl scream “get off me, get off me” from the basement of the house the day Castro abducted Gina DeJesus, then 14.
“All I can hear is a girl screaming and nobody comes, nobody comes,” Knight, 32, told Phil McGraw in a taping for his “Dr. Phil” syndicated program.
Knight has said in the two-part interview that Castro beat her regularly for hours at a time, and that she suffered five pregnancies and forced miscarriages at his hands.
Castro kidnapped Knight in 2002, before taking Amanda Berry, now 27, in 2003. When he took DeJesus, now 23, the following year he initially told Knight that DeJesus was his daughter, Knight said.
“At the time he was telling me I needed to help him prepare another room, and I didn’t want to prepare that room,” she said.
The women escaped in May along with Berry’s 6-year-old daughter, whom Castro had fathered, and the story of their captivity and rush to freedom captured worldwide attention.
Castro was found hanged in his prison cell in September, a month after he pleaded guilty to almost 1,000 charges of rape, kidnapping, torture and aggravated murder. He was sentenced to life in prison in a deal that spared him the death penalty and avoided a lengthy legal process.
Knight said that in addition to beating her, Castro tortured her psychologically, asking her why her family was not trying to draw attention to her disappearance like DeJesus’s or Berry’s family members were.
Castro would say, “’They must not really love you’ and it would hurt because I knew my family didn’t care and I knew they were never there for me,” Knight said in the interview.
Knight spoke of her friendship with DeJesus but was more reserved about Berry who she said Castro treated better.
Knight has told McGraw in the interview that she watched news coverage of the police search for Berry in 2003 on a television from the room where she was held captive. Knight said she helped deliver Berry’s daughter on Christmas 2006.
Berry and DeJesus are planning a book about their ordeal, working with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post writers Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan.
Knight was the only one of the three to testify at Castro’s sentencing and said of his death, which was ruled a suicide, that he “took the coward’s way out.”
“He finally realized the pain he put us through was a pain he didn’t want to go through,” Knight said.
Michelle Knight, the first of Ariel Castro's Cleveland kidnapping victims, is interviewed by Dr. Phil McGraw during the taping of the Dr. Phil Show in Cleveland, Ohio in this handout provided by CBS Television November 4, 2013. REUTERS/CBS Television Distribution/Peteski Productions/Handout via Reuters

Cleveland kidnap survivor had to prepare room for new hostage | Home | Toronto Sun

Dr. - Shows - Chained, Tortured and Starved: The First Cleveland Kidnapping Victim Reveals All


Jan 6, 2007
Torture porn on Dr.Phil.... fer **** sake.

While I feel deeply for these women, and the horrors they've endured, it should not be entertainment fodder.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Torture porn on Dr.Phil.... fer **** sake.

While I feel deeply for these women, and the horrors they've endured, it should not be entertainment fodder.

No, it shouldn't. While I can understand the inclination and the cathartic value in sharing personal tragedies, for both the person sharing and for the listener, there is a very, very fine line where it becomes perverse titillation for the masses. In my opinion none of these Dr Phil type spectacles stay on the tactful side of that line.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, it shouldn't. While I can understand the inclination and the cathartic value in sharing personal tragedies, for both the person sharing and for the listener, there is a very, very fine line where it becomes perverse titillation for the masses. In my opinion none of these Dr Phil type spectacles stay on the tactful side of that line.

Isn't Dr. Phil about making money?


Jan 6, 2007
No, it shouldn't. While I can understand the inclination and the cathartic value in sharing personal tragedies, for both the person sharing and for the listener, there is a very, very fine line where it becomes perverse titillation for the masses. In my opinion none of these Dr Phil type spectacles stay on the tactful side of that line.

worse than titillation for the masses, it's ACTUALLY erotic for some people to listen to. Somewhere (probably more than one somewhere) there is an Ariel Castro wannabe getting off on these interviews.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
worse than titillation for the masses, it's ACTUALLY erotic for some people to listen to. Somewhere (probably more than one somewhere) there is an Ariel Castro wannabe getting off on these interviews.

Okay. Now I need a second shower.

Shudder. 8O


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ariel Castro's ex-neighbour, Elias Acevedo, Sr., confesses to murders, rapes, sentenced to 445 years
Kim Palmer, REUTERS
First posted: Monday, December 30, 2013 05:28 PM EST | Updated: Monday, December 30, 2013 05:40 PM EST
CHICAGO - A former neighbour of Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro pleaded guilty on Monday to murders and rapes committed nearly two decades ago and was sentenced to more than 400 years in prison with no chance of parole, prosecutors said.
Elias Acevedo, Sr., 49, became a suspect in two murders committed in the 1990s after the FBI re-examined the disappearance of other missing women from the Seymour Avenue neighbourhood in the aftermath of Castro’s arrest in May.
Castro was sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping, raping and torturing three women for about a decade, after they and the child he fathered with one of them were rescued from his home nearby.
One month into his sentence, Castro was found hanged in his cell and his death has been ruled a suicide.
Acevedo pleaded guilty on Monday to all 297 counts against him, including the murder, kidnapping and rape of Pamela Pemberton, his 30-year-old neighbor, found strangled in 1994 and to the murder of Christina Adkins, a pregnant 18-year-old who disappeared in 1995.
Adkins body was discovered in a manhole off a busy highway in October, 18 years after her disappearance.
Acevedo also pleaded guilty to three rapes of children and the rape of his brother’s common-law wife in 1993. He was sentenced to 445 years in prison.
He confessed to the Pemberton and Adkins murders in October in an attempt to avoid the death penalty, according to prosecutors.
A registered sex offender, Acevedo was arrested in June for failing to register his address with authorities.
Elias Acevedo, Sr., 49. (Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office/Handout)

Ariel Castro's ex-neighbour, Elias Acevedo, Sr., confesses to murders, rapes, sentenced to 445 years | World | News | Toronto Sun
I wonder if both monsters knew what the other was doing? :shock:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
jesus... what a horrendous freaking follow up to the other...both in the same neighbourhood, both got away with it for decades...