Teddy Bear Grief


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
There are a lot of people who held Jack up as the last honest politician. I didn't see it that way at all. I saw him as conniving, underhanded and out of his league, but I still kind of liked him. Personally, his chest pounding regarding prisoner abuse in Afghanistan was what I found very unsavory. It showed me that he was willing to throw our soldiers under the bus for political points. When that abuse claim proved to be unfounded I don't remember him getting out front and retracting his accusations. For me that was pretty personal, not just because of my service, but because both my kid and my brothers kid are serving veterans of that war.

Still, when he was hit by this 2nd bout of cancer I was taken off guard and when he died I was sad. His politics and his tactics made him anything but a Saint. Those who now wait in the wings ready to jump on anyone who is critical of Jack Layton remind me somewhat of the zealots who, after 911, were at the ready when anyone questioned the policy of the Bush Administration.

Well....looky looky..... so the only reason good ole taliban jack was against Afghanistan was to garner votes. Cause there's no way a politician could have any ideals of their own. No way brother. It's all about suckerin the votin public. Especially if yer talkin about a sacred cow like the armed forces. And prisoner mistreatment, well that's just an asinine accusation, cause the Canadian Armed Forces has NEVER mistreated prisoners in their care. Never....nope...Never..... and if ya'll say they have, well it's a god damn lie and yer nothin but a terrorist sympathizer, and you obviously are lookin at just want'n ta tear apart this great Country.

What a load of horse shyte!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Well....looky looky..... so the only reason good ole taliban jack was against Afghanistan was to garner votes. Cause there's no way a politician could have any ideals of their own. No way brother. It's all about suckerin the votin public. Especially if yer talkin about a sacred cow like the armed forces. And prisoner mistreatment, well that's just an asinine accusation, cause the Canadian Armed Forces has NEVER mistreated prisoners in their care. Never....nope...Never..... and if ya'll say they have, well it's a god damn lie and yer nothin but a terrorist sympathizer, and you obviously are lookin at just want'n ta tear apart this great Country.

What a load of horse shyte!

Well looky looky a reaction to criticism of Jack Layton.

Looky looky Gerry, someone who worked in the same company abused someone over a decade ago so I get to make unfounded accusations against everyone who works in your company.

A load of horse shyte is the rigging your using to try and hook me.

Try harder.:smile:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
The reaction was to the stupidity of the statements. Layton was not the only person in Canada that that was against the war. Layton wasn't the only person in Canada that didn't like what they were hearing was going on over their. But as a sitting MP and the voice of his constituents (at least) in Parliament he put those concerns onto the public record. He did his fu cking job.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
The reaction was to the stupidity of the statements. Layton was not the only person in Canada that that was against the war. Layton wasn't the only person in Canada that didn't like what they were hearing was going on over their. But as a sitting MP and the voice of his constituents (at least) in Parliament he put those concerns onto the public record. He did his fu cking job.

Sorry, making unfounded accusations is not doing your job. Jack was against the war from the beginning, I can respect his position on that, but what I can't respect is slandering someone without the facts.

The whole fiasco was pure theatrics. Something the NDP has always been masterful at. Svend Robinson comes to mind.

edited to add:
Layton was not the only person in Canada

Not sure what your driving at here. Are they all going to be getting state funerals as well.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Sorry, making unfounded accusations is not doing your job. Jack was against the war from the beginning, I can respect his position on that, but what I can't respect is slandering someone without the facts.

The whole fiasco was pure theatrics. Something the NDP has always been masterful at. Svend Robinson comes to mind.

edited to add:

Not sure what your driving at here. Are they all going to be getting state funerals as well.

He asked for answers. Something many Canadians wanted. This is what we are hearing, is this true? If so, what are you going to do about it Mr. Prime Minister. He was doing his fu cking job. What he was elected and paid to do. As an opposition MP part of his job was to keep the governments feet to the fire.

As for the state funeral, any sitting MP may be given a state funeral.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
He asked for answers. Something many Canadians wanted. This is what we are hearing, is this true? If so, what are you going to do about it Mr. Prime Minister. He was doing his fu cking job. What he was elected and paid to do. As an opposition MP part of his job was to keep the governments feet to the fire.

As for the state funeral, any sitting MP may be given a state funeral.

I have no issue with the state funeral. My criticism of him is because of his actions and because he was a public figure. Those other people that don't get a state funeral or the media attention would get equal criticism if they pulled the same theatrics in my presence. In fact some on this forum have.

And just to be clear he was pretty animated and disgusting when he asked those questions.

Pure theatre Gerry, completely uncalled for. The soldier abuse debacle was an ill attempt to create scandal where it wasn't.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I have decided that from now on I am going to ignore you completely. When I see your name, I will skip the post completely. You have not once added something constructive to any discussion. I'm tempted to say quite a few other things but will not. You aren't worth my time or effort.

I must say I take slight offence at the implication that any grief I have shown is "fake" or not real. I imagine many others would too. If you don't get it, that's one thing. Accusing others of faking it is quite another thing. For those of us who either shared Jack's beliefs or had a chance to meet him this was big shock and is a loss as he will no longer be there. I didn't particularly care when Michael Jackson died, but I did not question the grief of those who mourned him, for whatever reason. It's quite difficult, if not impossible to fake the mourning of someone's death.

Easy enough. Put him on your ignore list. You won't see anything he posts unless someone else quotes him


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Easy enough. Put him on your ignore list. You won't see anything he posts unless someone else quotes him

I don't really get that ignore option. I mean, what's the point in taking part in a forum filled with divergent views if you are going to start cherry picking which views you'll allow yourself to see?

I just don't see the point. But, each to their own I guess.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
It's okay. Layton says Hi from NDP heaven - where all NDP'ers go. It's a land of uninterrupted harmonious equality and social justice.

Yep, as long as you don't deviate from the intensive, all-hours activity program, think anything not on the Approved Thoughts list, or say anything unapproved by the HHRC (Heavenly Human Rights Council).

Heaven to the NDP, Hell to any thinking human being.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yep, as long as you don't deviate from the intensive, all-hours activity program, think anything not on the Approved Thoughts list, or say anything unapproved by the HHRC (Heavenly Human Rights Council).

Heaven to the NDP, Hell to any thinking human being.

We'll never get to the utopian vision, but the beauty of life is to always progress in that direction.


Jan 6, 2007
Teddy Bear grief... interesting term for it Mark.

We've all seen it with celeb deaths, but have you ever had the good fortune of witnessing it with someone you know? When my grandfather passed away, my cousins all bawled their eyes out at his funeral. We all hated the man, hell, I smiled watching him die, yet there they were acting like he wasn't a holy terror who damaged all our lives in one way or another.


Jan 6, 2007
Forgive the hateful. They have only themselves to blame - and they're always so perfect

hatefulness is like ink... no matter how much you want to stay clean, you can't work around it without eventually getting it on you in some way. I know that I've got a pretty nasty stain on my soul, and I try to make sure it doesn't show up in my day to day life. But once in a while, it shows, still disgustingly marked.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Teddy Bear grief... interesting term for it Mark.

We've all seen it with celeb deaths, but have you ever had the good fortune of witnessing it with someone you know? When my grandfather passed away, my cousins all bawled their eyes out at his funeral. We all hated the man, hell, I smiled watching him die, yet there they were acting like he wasn't a holy terror who damaged all our lives in one way or another.

Yes I have Karrie. Although I don't rate Jack Layton in the same league as your Grandfather or my Father.

My Father was a criminal his whole life, tried to kill my Mother, beat me and my brother with a leather strap and even when he tried to make amends it went sour again after he told my teenage son to hit his Mother. (He didn't by the way) When he wasted away from Hepatitis C at the age of 66 (no doubt from sharing needles or having unprotected sex in the Pen) he was surrounded by the vultures who lay in wait for what little money he had.

I found out about his death two weeks after.

I never shed a tear and never will. He was scum.