Teacher claims she was fired for standing up for student with special needs


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Yes, it helps when you refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about. For example, I know nothing about climate change so I avoid those threads and I certainly wouldn't question somebody's scientific evidence pro or con. Some folks should follow my example don't you think?

The best advice I can offer, based upon your admission is for you to request to answer- and Climate Change is just one of many that you know little to nothing about. Another would be the ability to have a reasonable discussion, with out insults. But that goes to personal character.
If you need assistance on asking a question or even replying, please ask. I would be happy to help you on the road to learning.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes, it helps when you refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about. For example, I know nothing about climate change so I avoid those threads and I certainly wouldn't question somebody's scientific evidence pro or con. Some folks should follow my example don't you think?

Holy sh*t........you're beginning to see the light! If I'm reading this right, there is actually ONE THING you don't know anything about!

The best advice I can offer, based upon your admission is for you to request to answer- and Climate Change is just one of many that you know little to nothing about. Another would be the ability to have a reasonable discussion, with out insults. But that goes to personal character.
If you need assistance on asking a question or even replying, please ask. I would be happy to help you on the road to learning.

You're on the right track, Goober!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
If I ever think of something you can teach me, I'll let you know. Are you a golfer? I'm always looking to improve my golf game

I offered to help you, clearly you are above that. As to Golf- nah- But please continue trying to improve your game.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I offered to help you, clearly you are above that.

Ummm....I asked you about me golf game? Perhaps you had something else in mind? Maybe you could teach me about writing cryptically although I don't really have a need or a desire for that


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I offered to help you, clearly you are above that. As to Golf- nah- But please continue trying to improve your game.

Did you ever notice, Goober, that people who are good at golf are generally good at F.A. else?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
So your offer to help was just a lie? Oh well, you won't hear me complain. I doubt you would have been any help.

No- I am not into cryptic. Just that you have a failure to comprehend.
Now no need to reply as I have posted to much with you.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
No- I am not into cryptic. Just that you have a failure to comprehend.
Now no need to reply as I have posted to much with you.

I think I comprehend you pretty well. You post something silly in a brutal attempt at trolling then run away when it fails miserably. You're like a broken record


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think I comprehend you pretty well. You post something silly in a brutal attempt at trolling then run away when it fails miserably. You're like a broken record

Says the biggest troller (and hypocrite) on the forum. -:) -:) -:) -:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
C.B. doesn't hold a candle to you. Actually, I'd say he pretty well has you pegged! -:)

On the contrary, he has admitted to being a hypocrite. But anyway, do you have something to say about this teacher or are you just being a troll


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
On the contrary, he has admitted to being a hypocrite. But anyway, do you have something to say about this teacher or are you just being a troll

I certainly don't know (contrary to a lot of people) what the correct answer is. Until more details come to light I only have first impressions. She looks like she could be fairly credible, she's obviously been in the profession for awhile, she has the support of her student's parents. "Insolent and insubordinate" seem like flimsy excuses to me, so I think she probably recognized a problem in the school and decided to bring it to a head. She may also be an emotional type that over reacts but when it comes to children I can understand that. I know in B.C. a lot sh*t goes on in some schools for ulterior motives, but to be frank I can't be sure about all the details of this matter. So now you have my opinion but that is all it is.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Special needs children have to be segregated to their own classroom and taught by specially trained teachers

That's not politically correct - gez don'tcha know that? It causes them great stress to be treated differently and they never learn to integrate and "normal" kids don't learn how to be more accepting etc., etc. Good grief, that's why they're in regular classrooms to begin with.

Whether it is better for special needs kids in the long term is debatable. It does have its rewards though when you see them intermingle with the regular students who show empathy and care to those who are less able to do things for themselves. That part of it I get. But educationally, I dunno.....

I think I'd rather have them in a regular school but in a classroom more appropriate for their needs, thus having the best of both - special ed with trained special ed teachers but in a regular school so that they can associate with other students as well. But maybe that's even a more expensive alternative. I honestly don't know what the answer is.

The issue is that while having them integrated is all fine and good, the teachers aren't being supported. Additional assistance (aides) in the classrooms are expensive and school boards are already dealing with limited budgets. When there are two or more special needs children in a classroom, and they all have extensive learning disabilities, how is the teacher able to cope with the situation without additional assistance? And, is 1 Aide enough or does there have to be more? It ain't easy nor is it cheap.