Professor predicted Trump win, says he will be impeached


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Convince 1/2+1 of the republican controlled house to impeach him and 2/3 of the republican controlled senate to actually agree.

The first part has only been done to a president twice. Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton. Neither were convicted in the senate.
Andrew Johnson. Not mocking you, just saying. Different guy. Senator from Tennessee, the only senator from a rebel state to remain in Washington, which is why Lincoln picked him as VP. Got impeached for resisting the attempts of the Radical Republicans in Congress to punish the rebel states, though the formal reason was alleged violation of the Tenure in Offices Act.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Can't say as I think all that much of Lichtman. He's a decent professor, but I ain't seen nothing that'd make me bet the rent on his words of wisdom.
Oh, bullsh! don't pay rent..LOL
Andrew Johnson. Not mocking you, just saying. Different guy. Senator from Tennessee, the only senator from a rebel state to remain in Washington, which is why Lincoln picked him as VP. Got impeached for resisting the attempts of the Radical Republicans in Congress to punish the rebel states, though the formal reason was alleged violation of the Tenure in Offices Act.
Andrew Jackson was a great guy. Took on the bankers and had 5 attempts on his life for it. Other presidents have been mysteriously killed after taking on the banking cartels. Lincoln and Kennedy for sure


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh, bullsh! don't pay rent..LOL
Ya got me. I paid off both my places years back.

Andrew Jackson was a great guy. Took on the bankers and had 5 attempts on his life for it. Other presidents have been mysteriously killed after taking on the banking cartels. Lincoln and Kennedy for sure
You'll forgive me for not thinking much of him, I hope.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Better'n permanent depressions.

The depressions created by the bankers to manipulate the currency and the population and transfer huge amounts of wealth to their little cartel? You ever think getting rid of the Fed and giving control of the currency back to congress may prevent further depressions?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The depressions created by the bankers to manipulate the currency and the population and transfer huge amounts of wealth to their little cartel? You ever think getting rid of the Fed and giving control of the currency back to congress may prevent further depressions?
Pretty much what Jackson did. How'd that work?

I wouldn't give Congress control of a used car.

"The committee is the only form of life in the universe with three or more bellies and no brain."

-- Lazarus Long


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I wouldn't give Congress control of a used car.

It's funny that Politicaltwit keeps denying he's a lefty but he always wants to give the government control of everything.

Kinda like the guy that rails against "the gays". You can almost guarantee what his porn stash consists of
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The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
It's funny that Politicsaltwit keeps denying he's a lefty but he always wants to give the government control of everything.

Kinda like the guy that rails against "the gays". You can almost guarantee what hid porn stash consists of

The constitution gave congress control over the currency a couple of hundred years ago. It is one of the few legitimate roles of government.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The guy doesn't say Trump will be impeached. He says there's a 'good chance' that he will be impeached.
There's a better chance he'll serve even less than William Henry Harrison. Bout the first time he gets on Marine One, that combover's gonna get caught in the rotors and it's hello President Pence!