Police Reviewing Bus Monitor Bullying Video


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Spending a lot of time in the bush?
A slap on the mouth for being a knob is one thing. Most bush raised folk understand that, my Grandfather being an excellent example.

But some people haven't the capacity to differentiate between criminal assault, and corporal punishment. That has nothing to do with where they spend their time.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I just hope that she will be left alone and protected the next time she gets on the bus.

Ahhhh...say again?

That's the only way to deal with a bully,confront them and humiliate them in front of their peers,a good slap usually works.


What if the bully beats the crap out of you?

the judge should make an example out of these kids. here is some measures
he could take. First all kids involved repeat the year in school they are now
taking. .

Oh that would be a good one.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
the judge should make an example out of these kids. here is some measures
he could take. First all kids involved repeat the year in school they are now
taking. For added measure, each child be fined a minimum of five thousand
dollars. In addition they would face one school year of house arrest meaning
they could go to school and that is it.
Harsh? Don't think so, as many judges make each sentence more difficult.
If direct consequences come down on those involved it might work
If any of these little pukes were mine they would have an awful time for a long time.

All of the above seems rather insane. Sure, they should be punished, but this stuff is way over the line. Its not just the kids who are at fault here it is also the parents who have obviously been major failures so far.

Again, had the victim been a kid no one would have paid any attention to this. It'd be dismissed as "boys being boys" or some other bs. A kid typically needs to commit suicide to get attention for being bullied.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
What if the bully beats the crap out of you?

Learn how to fight?
I'm not a big guy,I went through all that coming to a mining town in Alberta from Toronto,everyone beats on the city kid.
I lost a few but they allways stopped as they knew they would have to actually fight and maybe lose a tooth or get kicked in the nuts so hard they would cry like a little girl.
Bullys allways have followers with them,bullies in training.
I find 99% of them are cowards.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Here Are 6 New Facts You Need to Know About the Abused Bus Driver Incident

As outrage continues over video footage showing a bus monitor from Greece, New York, being abused by middle school children, the kids at the center of the controversy are speaking out. On Thursday night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper read official statements from the children that purportedly showcased their remorse — apologies that victim Karen Klein flatly rejected.

(1) These apologies are an interesting, new element in the bizarre incident that has attracted mass attention and support for Klein. The Huffington Post provides a recap of the comments that were released to CNN and read on the air to Klein last night:
“I feel really bad about what I did,” [Weslie], one of the boys in the video, said in a statement issued to the show by police. “I wish I had never done those things. If that had happened to someone in my family, like my mother or grandmother, I would be really mad at the people who did that to them.”

“I am so sorry for the way I treated you,” Josh, another one of the boys, said in a statement. “When I saw the video I was disgusted and could not believe I did that. I am sorry for being so mean and I will never treat anyone this way again.”
After hearing Josh’s statement, Klein declined to accept his apology and noted that he is a troublemaker who regularly makes problems. She also rejected Weslie’s comments as well, going on to say that she’s still waiting for official apologies from the four children involved in the abusive incident. So far, not one of the boys has approached her or reached out. Admittedly, Klein says she may need more time before seeing them face-to-face.


Bus Monitor Karen Klein Comments on Kids’ Apologies & the Ongoing Controversy | Video | TheBlaze.com


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
On a related topic, I came across this the other day. I think I remember the story of the 11 year old boy that committed suicide, who seems to be at the heart of this documentary. Not to downplay what happened to this poor woman, I think those kids need a hard and firm lesson in human behaviour, but I kind of wonder where is all the outrage, viral videos, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations when these children are bullied to the point of suicide?

Bully Official Trailer #1 - Weinstein Company Movie (2012) HD - YouTube


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Over $700k donated to bullied N.Y. granny - World - Canoe.ca

Over $700,000 donated! After the host websites, etc take their percentage she'll net just over $650,000.

I have to say, this is kind of sitting like a rock in my stomach. Not to take anything away from her or her family, I think it's great that she had this support and that so many people thought of her and what she was subjected to. But I just wonder, if this one incident of an adult being bullied by kids is enough to spur so many people into action, where is all the attention when so many very young children are being bullied into suicide? I mean, this is not a vacation fund, this amount is more akin to a retirement fund and a pretty healthy one at that. That's great for her but then everyone just seems to turn around and go about their business and ignores the very real problem of children taking their own lives because they just can't take it anymore. Where are the rallying cries and website fundraisers dedicated to that?

I don't know, maybe I'm not articulating it quite right. But this just seems so excessive to me, almost to the point of being grotesque. Something is just not sitting right, maybe not because of where the focus is but because of where the focus is not.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Over $700k donated to bullied N.Y. granny - World - Canoe.ca

Over $700,000 donated! After the host websites, etc take their percentage she'll net just over $650,000.

I have to say, this is kind of sitting like a rock in my stomach. Not to take anything away from her or her family, I think it's great that she had this support and that so many people thought of her and what she was subjected to. But I just wonder, if this one incident of an adult being bullied by kids is enough to spur so many people into action, where is all the attention when so many very young children are being bullied into suicide? I mean, this is not a vacation fund, this amount is more akin to a retirement fund and a pretty healthy one at that. That's great for her but then everyone just seems to turn around and go about their business and ignores the very real problem of children taking their own lives because they just can't take it anymore. Where are the rallying cries and website fundraisers dedicated to that?

I don't know, maybe I'm not articulating it quite right. But this just seems so excessive to me, almost to the point of being grotesque. Something is just not sitting right, maybe not because of where the focus is but because of where the focus is not.

I couldn't agree more.

One old lady is terribly important, kids are not.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I couldn't agree more.

One old lady is terribly important, kids are not.

If nothing more comes out of this than she gets to retire in style then it will have been a waste of time, effort and money. Again, nothing against her per se, but FFS we all have to wake up about some of the really horrendous crap that some young kids are having to deal with day in and day out while we, as a society, gives only lip service to the issue and turns a blind eye.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
On a related topic, I came across this the other day. I think I remember the story of the 11 year old boy that committed suicide, who seems to be at the heart of this documentary. Not to downplay what happened to this poor woman, I think those kids need a hard and firm lesson in human behaviour, but I kind of wonder where is all the outrage, viral videos, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations when these children are bullied to the point of suicide?

Bully Official Trailer #1 - Weinstein Company Movie (2012) HD - YouTube

This was a depressing film. I must say that it is sadly very accurate from what I remember throughout my primary education. I was bullied quite often til grade 8. Numerous times I went to my mother, a few teachers and the principle but nothing was done about it. One day one of the bullies hit me in the hall and I just snapped. I had years of rage built up over people like him. It took three people to pull me off of him. I got suspended for defending myself which I had to do because it was clear none of the adults were going to. I didnt get into any trouble at home over it though. As this film shows when kids snap it can go to two extremes, one is bringing a gun to school and the other is suicide.

The woman being given 700k is definite overkill. Its not her fault though. Im not going to tell people what to do with their money either but it doesnt feel right. Hell, Id gladly go through my 10 years of bullying again for that kind of money. While she gets 700k for a bad day at work the families of kids who have killed themselves over bullying or the kids who face bullying every day get nothing. Not even any sort of help.

Bullying may have been going on for many generations but that is no reason to allow it to continue. Not when kids are dying over it.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
This was a depressing film. I must say that it is sadly very accurate from what I remember throughout my primary education. I was bullied quite often til grade 8. Numerous times I went to my mother, a few teachers and the principle but nothing was done about it. One day one of the bullies hit me in the hall and I just snapped. I had years of rage built up over people like him. It took three people to pull me off of him. I got suspended for defending myself which I had to do because it was clear none of the adults were going to. I didnt get into any trouble at home over it though. As this film shows when kids snap it can go to two extremes, one is bringing a gun to school and the other is suicide.

And nothing is still being done, in schools and communities everywhere. There is a certain amount of power play jousting that is a part of normal development, I think, but too often it crosses a line. Has it always been this way? Are kids snapping more often because it's worse now or do we just hear about it more?

The woman being given 700k is definite overkill. Its not her fault though. Im not going to tell people what to do with their money either but it doesnt feel right. Hell, Id gladly go through my 10 years of bullying again for that kind of money. While she gets 700k for a bad day at work the families of kids who have killed themselves over bullying or the kids who face bullying every day get nothing. Not even any sort of help.
It's not even so much the money really, it's more the attention that doesn't sit right with me. Again, not to detract from anything she endured, I'm sure that probably wasn't the only time it occurred and, had it not become a viral video to spotlight the problems on that particular bus, I'm sure it would have continued. But everybody knows that this goes on every single day, everybody knows that children are suffering horribly, but no one talks about it or does anything about it until these kids snap. I'm assuming that people who donated were doing so to demonstrate their outrage, so where is all that outrage over what goes on daily? Where is all of our outrage?

Bullying may have been going on for many generations but that is no reason to allow it to continue. Not when kids are dying over it.
Maybe teachers, principals, any adult whose job it was to safeguard these kids should be held to some kind of account when these things go over the line. Maybe even parents of bullies themselves. Perhaps if their own 'safety' is on the line, they'll be a little more inclined to do something about it before it goes too far.

I don't know what the answer is or if there even is an answer. You know, for a species that likes to consider ourselves heads and above all the other animals on the planet, we collectively do a piss poor job of taking care of our young.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
This was a depressing film. I must say that it is sadly very accurate from what I remember throughout my primary education. I was bullied quite often til grade 8. Numerous times I went to my mother, a few teachers and the principle but nothing was done about it. One day one of the bullies hit me in the hall and I just snapped. I had years of rage built up over people like him. It took three people to pull me off of him. I got suspended for defending myself which I had to do because it was clear none of the adults were going to. I didnt get into any trouble at home over it though. As this film shows when kids snap it can go to two extremes, one is bringing a gun to school and the other is suicide.

The woman being given 700k is definite overkill. Its not her fault though. Im not going to tell people what to do with their money either but it doesnt feel right. Hell, Id gladly go through my 10 years of bullying again for that kind of money. While she gets 700k for a bad day at work the families of kids who have killed themselves over bullying or the kids who face bullying every day get nothing. Not even any sort of help.

Bullying may have been going on for many generations but that is no reason to allow it to continue. Not when kids are dying over it.

I don't know if this has anything to do with bullying. I thought i'd share.

The Bridge : The Movie


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
This was a depressing film. I must say that it is sadly very accurate from what I remember throughout my primary education. I was bullied quite often til grade 8. .

Well that sucks WLDB. I was fortunate in life and even luckier with my two sons that bullying was never part. But I feel for anyone that has been or has had to deal with their children being bullied.

The only time I had direct experience was with my youngest went to HS. He was bullied in the cafeteria on the first day in HS by some upper class men. However the bullies did not know that he was the younger brother of a senior (my oldest son) who is pretty darn tough. Not just that he had older cousins who were in the school. Well the bullies spent the day getting throttled by my oldest and some of his pals and apologizing profusely saying they didn't know that he was his little brother. I guess in a way getting a taste of their own medicine.

When I heard the story I told my oldest that what he did was good... but now let it go. Don't become the bully.

Maybe teachers, principals, any adult whose job it was to safeguard these kids should be held to some kind of account when these things go over the line. Maybe even parents of bullies themselves. Perhaps if their own 'safety' is on the line, they'll be a little more inclined to do something about it before it goes too far.


I am so all for that. Particularly the school administrators and teachers. They should be held accountable. Apparently they are only held responsible is when a tragedy happens or when the incident appears on Youtube.