Pentagon Missile Theory dispelled

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
gopher said:
I am not aware of anyone suggesting that a missile struck the WTC ( my former place of employment for MANY years).

Neither am I, nor did I ever ask that question. I asked why would the government use planes for the WTC and a missile for the Pentagon.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
gopher said:
If a jet filled with fuel crashed unto the Pentagon, you have to wonder, where did all that fuel go? Why didn't it leak unto the grass around the building, cause fires to the cars parked outside of the building, and spread flames throughout its floors? The fuel leakage is what supposedly got into the WTC and caused it fires so shouldn't the same thing have happened in the Pentagon???

Very much the same thing happened at the pentagon as did at the WTC regarding the fuel - it burned up - mostly inside the building.

Here are some good quality pictures of the fire at the pentagon - they give you a good idea of how intense the fire really was.

Here's one with a very familiar looking smoke plume:

I found the links to these pictures here at the bottom of the page:

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
I think not said:
gopher said:
I am not aware of anyone suggesting that a missile struck the WTC ( my former place of employment for MANY years).

Neither am I, nor did I ever ask that question. I asked why would the government use planes for the WTC and a missile for the Pentagon.

Perhaps because a missile would be able to evade the anti-aircraft batteries while a 757 would not?

I personally don't believe it was a missile, and I believe the anti-aircraft batteries were shut down that day...but I still don't believe it was a 757 that hit the Pentagon...

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Vanni Fucci said:
I think not said:
gopher said:
I am not aware of anyone suggesting that a missile struck the WTC ( my former place of employment for MANY years).

Neither am I, nor did I ever ask that question. I asked why would the government use planes for the WTC and a missile for the Pentagon.

Perhaps because a missile would be able to evade the anti-aircraft batteries while a 757 would not?

I personally don't believe it was a missile, and I believe the anti-aircraft batteries were shut down that day...but I still don't believe it was a 757 that hit the Pentagon...

I think you miss my point. Why not make the whole thing simple and use an airplane full of passengers than anything else? Why risk it? If you believe the batteries were shut down.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Why would the government do so?

Again, I do not have the answers. My point of emphasis is, that the government is capable of doing anything and will do everything in its power to justify and to promote a war. The blatant Gulf of Tonkin lies, Bush's interminable lies, Bush promotion of al-Qaeda operatives into the current government of Iraq are but three examples.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
gopher said:
Why would the government do so?

Again, I do not have the answers. My point of emphasis is, that the government is capable of doing anything and will do everything in its power to justify and to promote a war. The blatant Gulf of Tonkin lies, Bush's interminable lies, Bush promotion of al-Qaeda operatives into the current government of Iraq are but three examples.

Logic dictates using a combination of planes and missiles makes no sense. Logic and evidence dictates people were killed on board flight 77 and bodies/parts found. Why you keep straying off about the Gulf of Tonkin I have no idea. Historical/Past occurences/theories isn't evidence.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: RE: Pentagon Missile Theo

Wetcoast40 said:
You've restored my faith. I guess we never get used to the idea that dozens, if not hundreds, of these goofy ideas float around the ether day after day. If we can still hear stories about the Grassy Knoll, I guess these "We did it to ourselves - 9/11 stories" will last a long time.

But will we ever get to ask "WHAT HAPPENED WITH W.T.C. BUILDING SEVEN" to anyone important, who might have an answer?

You see, if there is an answer, we shoud hear it because so many people know "just enough" to ask about Bldg7, what made it fall down.

But there is no questioning , no answers, so we have to assume there is something to hide... so ya, questions will linger

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: RE: Pentagon Missile Theo

Karlin said:
But will we ever get to ask "WHAT HAPPENED WITH W.T.C. BUILDING SEVEN" to anyone important, who might have an answer?

WTC 7 was pelted with debris from the collapse of two of the tallest buildings in the world. It caught fire, burned for several hours, and fell. It did this in front of the world during one of, if not THE most media covered events ever. There is no mystery surrounding WTC 7.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Historical/Past occurences/theories isn't evidence.

It may not be evidence but it does show a pattern. 58000 dead Americans in Nam --- all killed by their own government. Not by "Hanoi Jane".


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
It may seem so....but it is the tried and tested solution of the many millions of people did you guys kill off this century...70 or was it 80 million? It's so hard to keep track anymore....

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Pentagon Missile Theory dispelled

Jay said:
It may seem so....but it is the tried and tested solution of the many millions of people did you guys kill off this century...70 or was it 80 million? It's so hard to keep track anymore....

Well that's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? I mean we're only five years into this century, and I don't recall there being a mass leftist genocide recently...

...but even if there were, it would have been for the trees, man...FOR THE TREES!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005

Right...I lost my place in time...I have recovered though and seem to be no worse for the wear.

Trees are important....

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
I think not said:

Good job think...but it still doesn't explain how the plane was able to enter Pentagon airspace in the first place... my presume that the altitude and angle of approach would have rendered the anti-aircraft batteries unable to acquire a firing solution, but before affecting its awe-inspiring aerial maneuvers to line it up with the reinforced section, the plane did fly into Pentagon airspace on it's initial approach at an altitude that would have made it an acceptable target. Why did those batteries not fire?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Vanni Fucci said:
I think not said:

Good job think...but it still doesn't explain how the plane was able to enter Pentagon airspace in the first place... my presume that the altitude and angle of approach would have rendered the anti-aircraft batteries unable to acquire a firing solution, but before affecting its awe-inspiring aerial maneuvers to line it up with the reinforced section, the plane did fly into Pentagon airspace on it's initial approach at an altitude that would have made it an acceptable target. Why did those batteries not fire?

OK, so yo accept everything in that post and now we are with the battery theory? Correct?

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
I think not said:
OK, so yo accept everything in that post and now we are with the battery theory? Correct?

Not so much accepted, as have not discounted everything in that post...I'll need to look into it more indepth to come to a better understanding...

...but yes, the failure of the missile batteries is still perplexing...

The Pentagon is equipped with anti-aircraft missle batteries that attacks anything within range that's not equipped with a US military transponder. Which means either the missle batteries were deactivated on 9/11 or Flight 77 had a US military transponder. Neither of which is a promising explanation.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Vanni Fucci said:
I think not said:
OK, so yo accept everything in that post and now we are with the battery theory? Correct?

Not so much accepted, as have not discounted everything in that post...I'll need to look into it more indepth to come to a better understanding...

...but yes, the failure of the missile batteries is still perplexing...

The Pentagon is equipped with anti-aircraft missle batteries that attacks anything within range that's not equipped with a US military transponder. Which means either the missle batteries were deactivated on 9/11 or Flight 77 had a US military transponder. Neither of which is a promising explanation.

Fair enough I'll see what I can do