Ok, Here's A Freedom of Expression Situation For You All


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Corlett also compared Mitzelfeld to Ginger Grant, the movie star castaway on the 1960s sitcom “Gilligan’s Island.”

they look nothing alike. he needs laser eye surgery. ;)

edit. sorry the pic of the teacher isn't being displayed on the screen. :(


Jan 6, 2007
To be fair, if what Sal said is correct (I am too lazy to read it myself) then what he did qualifies as sexual harassment, whether "She was asking for it," or not.

On the other hand, such a situation is precisely why sexual harassment law is a bit out of control.

I don't know if hubby's company is following 'the law' (I tend to assume they are), but their take at least on sexual harassment (I haven't researched it beyond what he has to follow as a manager), is that sexual harassment is not a singular incident. If someone say or does something that makes you uncomfortable, you are to tell them flat out that what they've said or done is unwelcome, and you won't put up with any repeating of said behaviour. He's had to walk employees and contractors alike through this process/script before and never on his watch has he had to deal with firing someone for sexual harassment. The unwanted behaviour always stops.

Being in a position of authority, unless he was threatening physical aggression against her, she should have been more than capable of simply grading it as a writing assignment, telling him it was unwelcome attention, and moving on with her life unless he failed to get the message.

Academic essay my ***. He was hitting on her.

Does that warrant a suspension?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
This prof asked for "raw" and clearly what she received was not what she had in mind when she said raw. I can understand, from the female point of view, where what was written would be unsettling, but to jump right to suspension seems extremely rash and harsh. Unless there is something extremely salicious that that we've not been made aware of, but I highly doubt that as I'm sure the media would be all over it if there were, they thrive on that stuff. No, there were far more rational and adult ways to handle the situation, in my opinion.