Nycole Turmel’s flirtation with sovereignty was not a secret.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
From: The Toronto Star
Nycole Turmel’s flirtation with sovereignty was not a secret.

During last spring’s federal election campaign, the incumbent Liberal she easily toppled tried to exploit her separatist dalliance.
But she is no longer merely the NDP MP for Hull-Aylmer and being a card-carrying member of the Bloc Québécois is no mere flirtation.
It is not even an affair. It is a full-fledged, long-term relationship.

If Jack Layton knew that the woman he recommended as interim leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition was, until a month before running for the NDP, a member of a party bent on breaking the federation, he showed a spectacular lack of judgment.
And if he didn’t know, why didn’t he ask?

Given her past endorsement of Bloc Québécois candidates while leading the Public Service Alliance of Canada, it was a legitimate question.

Turmel says her me membership in the Bloc — revealed in a published report Tuesday — became known to the party when she filled out a questionnaire before accepting the nomination in her riding.

But she was vague on whether Layton knew of her party membership.

This is not Bob Rae moving from the NDP to the Liberals, it is not David Emerson moving from the Liberals to the Conservatives, it is not Stephen Harper once advocating an Alberta firewall then becoming Prime Minister.
The Bloc is unlike any party, given its ultimate goal.

And if Turmel only turned in her Bloc party card this past January, then her relationship is still too fresh.

Even more damaging, she acknowledged Tuesday that she was still a member of Québec Solidaire, a left-wing provincial party that also advocates sovereignty.

Read more

Clear evidence that the NDP will not hold opposition for more than one term.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Also, while she's a perfectly fine candidate, she's a temp.

I'm pretty sure Mulcair will be the true heir to the throne.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
This could be the start of a decline for the party, especially if Layton doesn't return.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
This could be the start of a decline for the party, especially if Layton doesn't return.

Even if the NDP don't win an election, we would really benefit by having them as the official opposition to the Liberals or Conservatives to keep them from being too lethargic or deceitful.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Quebec sovereignty is strong, but it has nowhere to go but down as the older generations die off.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Even if the NDP don't win an election, we would really benefit by having them as the official opposition to the Liberals or Conservatives to keep them from being too lethargic or deceitful.

It appears that the NDP is falling right in with the deceit crowd.

Flirting with sovereignty, candidates going to Vegas during elections.

I love this picture.

She is not hard to look at though.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Not such a stretch. Both parties want to ruin Canada as we know it. The separatists want to take a big bite out of Canada and the dippers want to destroy our economy.
I haven't heard yet just how well the western dippers are going to take to this. Most of them don't have much use for Quebec"s whining or having French rammed down our throats. What the party brass say in public and what the average blue collar worker think are not always the same thing.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It appears that the NDP is falling right in with the deceit crowd.

Flirting with sovereignty, candidates going to Vegas during elections.

I love this picture.

She is not hard to look at though.

Desperate partisan jabs aside, if you want to know the full spectrum on who the most honest party of the three is, I would probably rate as follows:

1. NDP
2. Liberals
3. Conservatives

You can bring up as many isolated events as you like, but based on the the number of 'convictions', I'm sure the history would clearly show this is an accurate ranking. Whether or not voters actually recognize that is another story, and that's why a strong opposition is the foundation for a decent government.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Quebec sovereignty is strong, but it has nowhere to go but down as the older generations die off.

Yet more and more Quebecers self identify primarily as Quebecers or as Quebecers only. Rarely has the indifference between Quebec and the ROC been so strong. Sovereignty might be in a coma, but so is federalism in Quebec.

The political climate in Quebec right now is anything but predictable.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Desperate partisan jabs aside, if you want to know the full spectrum on who the most honest party of the three is, I would probably rate as follows:

1. NDP
2. Liberals
3. Conservatives

You can bring up as many isolated events as you like, but based on the the number of 'convictions', I'm sure the history would clearly show this is an accurate ranking. Whether or not voters actually recognize that is another story, and that's why a strong opposition is the foundation for a decent government.

I would switch the Liberals and Conservatives in that ranking............although I expect that to change.

The corrupt seek the party of power, as that is the path to gain. The NDP, having no chance of governing, attract lots of nuts, few crooks. The Liberals, as the Natural Governing Party, became so corrupt that it destroyed them as a viable political option. The Conservatives have done darn well in avoiding corruption so far, but the longer they hang on to power, the more the scum will rise to the top.............

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
So what? Anyone can change their mind - or pay the ten bucks (or have a friend pay) to join and help a friend. Your Cons got their majority. Are you that bloody greedy you want it all?

I see the document changer is still in Con caucus....


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yet more and more Quebecers self identify primarily as Quebecers or as Quebecers only. Rarely has the indifference between Quebec and the ROC been so strong. Sovereignty might be in a coma, but so is federalism in Quebec.

Well then I guess the socialists must be pretty damn confident to put another federalist at the helm.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Desperate partisan jabs aside, if you want to know the full spectrum on who the most honest party of the three is, I would probably rate as follows:

1. NDP
2. Liberals
3. Conservatives

You can bring up as many isolated events as you like, but based on the the number of 'convictions', I'm sure the history would clearly show this is an accurate ranking. Whether or not voters actually recognize that is another story, and that's why a strong opposition is the foundation for a decent government.

Desperate Partisan Jabs. ROFLMAO.

Have you noticed who the serving government is?

LOL. Too funny MF.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Desperate Partisan Jabs. ROFLMAO.

Have you noticed who the serving government is?

LOL. Too funny MF.
We are all too painfully aware of who the ruling party is. It just makes one wonder why party hacks feel a need to slam the opposition at this time. It is kinda like kicking your opponent while he's down. Not something I would expect from our ex-military.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
We are all too painfully aware of who the ruling party is. It just makes one wonder why party hacks feel a need to slam the opposition at this time. It is kinda like kicking your opponent while he's down. Not something I would expect from our ex-military.

That's what makes the jabs desperate and partisan.

When all you've got to respond to current issues is Vegas Lolita and Jackie Jizzcock, it adds that extra touch of class to the hackery.
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