New survey reconfirms overwhelming scientific consensus on AGW


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I am addressing the topic which is bullsh-t. Quit posting bullsh-t if you don't want it to be called out as bullsh-t.

You haven't proven anything to be bull**** except your misrepresentation of the science.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
You should Study the Rules of Capitalisation in the English Language.

And your mother should taught you that criticicizing spelling and grammar on forums in very poor Netiquette.

But you've never struck me as anything but a rather rude person, TB (hence poorly brought up).. who has trouble addressing the substance of an issue.. and therefor relies only on issues of style.
Last edited:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You haven't proven anything to be bull**** except your misrepresentation of the science.

Explain in full how corals are doomed and explain in full why they are still around after every possible doomsday scenario has came and went several times over.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It's not my fault you interpret the conclusions of these reports to mean certain doom.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Adn your mother should taught you that criticicizing spelling and grammar on forums in very poor Netiquette.

But you've never struck me as anything but a rather rude person, TB (hence poorly brought up).. who has trouble addressing the substance of an issue.. and therefor relies only on issues style.
This issue has no substance, so I don't see how I could address it.

As to the rest, I do not suffer fools gladly. Sorry, that's the way it goes. If you'd like to talk to my mom, I can direct you to the grave.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's not my fault you interpret the conclusions of these reports to mean certain doom.

That's the way they are written. Is anyone writing about or funding the benefits of the Holocene Optimum or just pitching doomsday scenario after doomsday scenario?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
goOd gRieF.. TB.. you aRe a mOroN. iNcaPable of aDdressinG a sUbstantive iSsuE.
This thread has no substantive issue. "Consensus" in science is utterly worthless. In science there is right and wrong, and if 99.99999% of everybody agrees with wrong, right is still right.

The whole issue of global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it has become mere politics, or religion as you put it. No science in any of the discussions.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
New survey reconfirms overwhelming scientific consensus on AGW

It's a consensus!!!

Climate "scientists" agree that they have to keep the story scary so that grant money keeps flowing.....................
I would like to see the hard evidence to your view.
This is where conspiracy theories become the reason people like you give their money and keep it flowing to the Harperism campaign of death to civilized thought .

Colpy you magnificent bastard, you make so much so clear to the informed.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
This thread has no substantive issue. "Consensus" in science is utterly worthless. In science there is right and wrong, and if 99.99999% of everybody agrees with wrong, right is still right.

The whole issue of global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it has become mere politics, or religion as you put it. No science in any of the discussions.

The determination of cause is entirely based on science, but the scope of any resulting damage is what has become politicized.

The consensus is simply to acknowledge that the predominant driving force right now is human activity.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
We have a definition of proof in the Scientific Method and it is stipulated in the premis of a theory.

AGW has abandoned the Scientfic Method, the core of Western technology, as it has stated a premis and refused to define a proof. In fact it has increasingly claimed that ANY outcome proves the hypothesis as its predictions have gone through innumerable revisions as they have gone unrealized. The evidence is now chosen selectively, or interpreted after the fact, or ingored all together depending on whether it can be used in program of fear mongering and obfuscation.

AGW is not even a natural philosophy, which relies Logic and stated assumptions. AGW has now deemed itself a Religion.. which must be accepted on Faith and requires no material or empirical proof. Hence it is a Cult. It has a political agenda as its goal.. but it based on a deeply pessimistic and anti-human belief system.

I think you're confusing logic/mathematics and science. Science, at its essence, develops models that attempt to approach the natural world. We measure the success of those models by their ability to predict. Some aspects of global warming are pretty successful in that regard. For example, we can measure the electromgnetic spectrum of incoming and outgoing radiation, and we can develop models, based on our knowledge of the chemcial composition of the atmosphere and the spectral properties of molecules that are fairly predictive.

Logic and mathematics have axioms and theorems and proofs.

I'm not denying the political/philosophical bent of AGW propoenetns (and deniers, for that matter), and I'm not denying that the field is rampant with advocacy science, but the idea that increasing CO2 in the atmosphere will result in a wamring of the troposphere and a cooling of the stratosphere is quite well borne out through many lines of evidence.

There is a lot of evidence that:

CO2 is increasing, and a significant portion of that increase is due to anthrpogenic emissions and anthropogenic land use.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas that captures spacebound infrared photons and and then re-emits them in a random direction, resulting in near-surface warming.
The temperature of the planet has increased around 0.7 deg on average in the last 100 years or so.

As for anti-human, some would say that ignoring the impact that global warming will have on future generations is anti-human too.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The determination of cause is entirely based on science, but the scope of any resulting damage is what has become politicized.

The consensus is simply to acknowledge that the predominant driving force right now is human activity.

No it's not. There is no AGW consensus. The only real consensus is that nobody knows for sure what the hell is going on. You will not find a single statement from IPCC that blames man or indicates they know the driver behind ANY interglacial including the Holocene.

In conclusion, the explanation of glacial-interglacial CO2 variations remains a difficult attribution problem. It appears likely that a range of mechanisms have acted in concert (e.g., Köhler et al., 2005). The future challenge is not only to explain the amplitude of glacial-interglacial CO2 variations, but the complex temporal evolution of atmospheric CO2 and climate consistency.

6.4 Glacial-Interglacial Variability and Dynamics - AR4 WGI Chapter 6: Palaeoclimate


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The whole issue of global warming or climate change or whatever you want to call it has become mere politics, or religion as you put it. No science in any of the discussions.

Truth. That's because the political discussion about whether or not something is happening/stopped/manmade is dumber and easier than say, how much water vapour feedback is there, and what is the magnitude and sign of the cloud forcing. Science has moved past many of the questions in the political debate, and the state of the science is focusing on mostly different questions.

I wouldn't even say that this is the most charged political-science theater. Human health issues like GMOs and vaccines I would say are worse.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
What's wrong with GMO's?

Depends who you ask. Ask a far left liberal and they'll be as out of touch as the climate deniers. The only difference I would say is that the liberal opinion leaders don't seem to be pandering to the anti-science position like the conservative opinion leaders have on the issue of climate change.


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
Depends who you ask. Ask a far left liberal and they'll be as out of touch as the climate deniers. The only difference I would say is that the liberal opinion leaders don't seem to be pandering to the anti-science position like the conservative opinion leaders have on the issue of climate change.

True, this is the politics of the issue, not the science.

As far as I can tell their is no consensus on GMO's and the potential for them can solve future problems in agricultural needs.

The left are massive hypocrites on this matter but so are conservatives regarding AGW.

It's why I don't like douche bags like Al Gore.