New survey reconfirms overwhelming scientific consensus on AGW


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A little pop science, a heap of financial gain based on hysteria and fear. A lot of fear from doomsday scenarios using faulty atmospheric modelling that excludes several powerful geophysical and aquatic systems and focus on CO2 whilst turning it into a high value, highly prized solvent.


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
A little pop science, a heap of financial gain based on hysteria and fear. A lot of fear from doomsday scenarios using faulty atmospheric modelling that excludes several powerful geophysical and aquatic systems and focus on CO2 whilst turning it into a high value, highly prized solvent.

It's a conspiracy!

Ooooogy Booogy Booogy Wooogy.

Yet no one ever got rich off dirty an honest business with no political lobby at all.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
As it stands, the predictions have, to date, been very inaccurate and when making broad brush statements about 'what is', well put simply, it has been proven to not be the case

I disagree. The radiation physics one is pretty good. But we're not really going to know until 2050, maybe 2070, once those CO2 levels are way up there and we can make out the anthrpogenic signal from the noise of periodic oscillations like ENSO.

The IPCC estimate for climate sensitivity is between 1.5 and 4.5 detg C (they use the average of 3 deg C). In other words, for every doubling of CO2, you increase average global temps by 3 deg C.

I believe that the number is closer to 1 (doubling CO2 will raise global surf temp by about 1 deg C). Which actually puts closer to the skeptic camp than the AGW proponent's camp.

There's a big difference. If the climate sensitivity is 3 or higher, we're pretty f*cked. If it's 1 it'll be a damn nuisance.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So why not create a sphere of fear duping taxpayers to fund CO2 capture to use as a solvent to extract even more oil?
If you're going to be evil, you damn well better be good at it and play both ends.

You can't get anymore "evil corporation llc" than that.

Will you be protesting CO2 pipelines and port terminals for CO2 tankers?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
So why not create a sphere of fear duping taxpayers to fund CO2 capture to use as a solvent to extract even more oil?
If you're going to be evil, you damn well be good at it and play both ends.

You can't get anymore "evil corporation llc" than that.

Will you be protesting CO2 pipelines and port terminals for CO2 tankers?

I won't be protesting nuthin. I'm just a lowly scientist. I like numbers and physics. I probably won't even say "I told you so."


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I won't be protesting nuthin. I'm just a lowly scientist. I like numbers and physics. I probably won't even say "I told you so."

Check the science on MIS 12 and 13 and the breakdown of CO2/temperature corellations and they go their own way. While your at it look into diatoms and oxgyen isotopes over the Pleistocene in relation to "climate change".

Plankton has and always will be the "lungs of the planet" fed by subsea hydrothermals venting nutrients into upwellings. They are the atmosphere controllers not us.

Yep, that's how science works.

How about a job making a living on dirty energy?

Never a factor at all.

Wonder what the science on Asbestos is......hmmmm........good for you like vitamin C?

Facts say otherwise.

Yet our good government still allows the export of this crap which we don't even use here.....why?

If you need an answer you're dumb.

Dirty energy will fight hard to burn up every last piece of carbon we have to get rich.

Scientists do their work because they

They don't do it to get rich.

Show me one climatologist that

Heck, I can show many in the dirty energy sector that are.

Just climatologist that is getting rich.....making millions hand over fist.

Show me their and their spouse's personal investment portfolios and their tax data.

Can you do that for one?

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House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Tipping points - Are we too late to save the climate?

James Hansen's picture is in teh Socialist Worker therefore your argument is invalid.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
As I said, the radiation model has done a pretty good job of predicting things to date.

yes that would be absurd, but that's not what models do. Physicists can't model to hydrogen molecules interacting. The math gets too crazy. And that's pretty much the simplest atomic level interaction that there is. Still, despite the fact that we don't have the "dynamics between all the variables" we still quite successfully use models to say, design buildings. because the model simplifies those complex quantum dynamics into macroscopic varibales "modulus of elasticity" and such.

Rubbish, balderdash plus the dynamic missing entire from the steaming heap called scientific consensus is the electrical nature of climate and geophysics. The models are gas crap and stupid heat engines workin in faux greenhouses no less. Science today is mired in dark ages. Engineering's fine though cuz it pays the egg heads no attention whatever.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
New survey reconfirms overwhelming scientific consensus on AGW

It's a consensus!!!

Climate "scientists" agree that they have to keep the story scary so that grant money keeps flowing.....................


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
New survey reconfirms overwhelming scientific consensus on AGW

It's a consensus!!!

Climate "scientists" agree that they have to keep the story scary so that grant money keeps flowing.....................
While dissenting scientists work at Zeller's for minimum wage whilst toiling unthanked and unhonoured for The Truth in their spare time.

You have the most amusing worldview. Everybody who agrees with you is a shining Christian knight sans peur et sans reproche, and everybody who dares disagree with you is a vile, greedy, money-grubbing liar.

Don't ever change.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
While dissenting scientists work at Zeller's for minimum wage whilst toiling unthanked and unhonoured for The Truth in their spare time.

You have the most amusing worldview. Everybody who agrees with you is a shining Christian knight sans peur et sans reproche, and everybody who dares disagree with you is a vile, greedy, money-grubbing liar.

Don't ever change.
He's a two dimensional man.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Kerry raises climate change in brief Solomons stop

HONIARA Solomon Islands (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flagged cooperation on tackling climate change during a brief stop in the Solomon Islands on Wednesday, where he emphasized ties dating back to World War Two.

Kerry is the first secretary of state to visit the Solomon Islands. His trip is viewed as an important part of President Barack Obama's strategic rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region, something that has irked China and been questioned by allies who wonder about the extent of U.S. commitment there.

"We have huge historical ties that we respect enormously," Kerry said in the capital, Honiara.

"There is a lot that ties us together."

Kerry said the Solomon Islands stands to benefit from U.S. funding for programs to deal with the effects of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region.

Like many island nations in the South Pacific, the Solomons faces problems from climate change and warming oceans that include rising sea levels and the acidification of coral reefs.

During his three-hour visit, Kerry laid a wreath at a memorial for Americans and allies killed during the Guadalcanal campaign of 1942 and 1943, an offensive that was considered a significant strategic victory over the Japanese.

He also visited the Solomon Scouts and Coastwatchers Memorial at Point Cruz, which honors islanders and expatriates for their service and support in World War Two. Islanders lined the streets to greet his convoy.

Kerry said during a meeting with Prime Minister Gordon Lilo he was "very saddened" by the loss of life during a tropical cyclone three months ago.

The United Nations deployed troops to the Solomons after Cyclone Ita caused widespread flooding in April, killing at least 23 people and affecting another 50,000.

The United States contributed $250,000 in assistance to help deal with the cyclone in the Solomons, which also faces frequent earthquakes.

(This version of the story Corrects dollar figure in final paragraph to $250,000, not $25,000)

Kerry raises climate change in brief Solomons stop


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Like many island nations in the South Pacific, the Solomons faces problems from climate change and warming oceans that include rising sea levels and the acidification of coral reefs
Now all the carbon loving corals are at risk? Why did they bleach in the Pleistocene without industrial man? Why were coral so important during the Carboniferous? Do you ever stop and think "is this reality or are the gentlemen on CC going to call bullsh-t, prove it as bullish.t and call me on it"?

See these mountains? They are made of 100% dead coral.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I am addressing the topic which is bullsh-t. Quit posting bullsh-t if you don't want it to be called out as bullsh-t.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Proof is a logical abstraction. It has no meaning in natural philosophy (more recenetly known as "Science"). There is observations in nature. There's evidence. There will never be proof, one way or the other.

The other thing is that belief in AGW is highly correlated with political beliefs--yet another indication that humans are not actually particularly rational beings. We think we are, but the evidence indicates that we aren't.

As I said, let the revisionism begin.

We have a definition of proof in the Scientific Method and it is stipulated in the premis of a theory.

AGW has abandoned the Scientfic Method, the core of Western technology, as it has stated a premis and refused to define a proof. In fact it has increasingly claimed that ANY outcome proves the hypothesis as its predictions have gone through innumerable revisions as they have gone unrealized. The evidence is now chosen selectively, or interpreted after the fact, or ingored all together depending on whether it can be used in program of fear mongering and obfuscation.

AGW is not even a natural philosophy, which relies Logic and stated assumptions. AGW has now deemed itself a Religion.. which must be accepted on Faith and requires no material or empirical proof. Hence it is a Cult. It has a political agenda as its goal.. but it based on a deeply pessimistic and anti-human belief system.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
We have a definition of proof in the Scientific Method and it is defined in the premis of a theory

AGW has abandoned the Scientfic Method, the core of Western technology, as it has stated a premis and refused to define a proof. In fact it has increasingly claimed that ANY outcome proves the hypothesis as its predictions have gone through innumerable revisions as they have gone unrealized. The evidence is now chosen selectively, or interpreted after the fact, or ingored all together depending on whether it can be used in program of fear mongering and obfuscation.

AGW is not even a natural philosophy, which relies Logic and stated assumptions. AGW has now deemed itself a Religion.. which must be accepted on Faith and requires no material or empirical proof. Hence it is a Cult. It has a political agenda as its goal.. but it based on a deeply pessimistic and anti-human belief system.

You should Study the Rules of Capitalisation in the English Language.