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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Why the Quran is
Not from Allah:
10 Reasons

According to the sahih (authentic) hadith, Muhammad believed that the sun set each day in a spring of water. As the creator, God would know the truth.
So... whose version made it into the Quran? Muhammad's, of course! (see verse 18:86) He was the one who wrote the Quran - not God.

Quran 18: 86, which means:
(86. [And Alexander of Macedon went westward b in his march]
until when he reached at sun-set [time];

he found the [sun] setting under the observation of a black woman, and he found with her a people

We said: "O 'Zul-qarnain'e, you have either to punish [these people who worship the sun if they do not believe], or to show them kindness [if they believe.]")

86 b Of Macedonia, his country.

Alexander set from Macedonia to conquer Turkey then to Egypt where he built Alexandria city. Then he continued his march to Sudan, [and he reached to a region in Sudan at the sun-set time.]

86 c The black woman was their queen.

The meaning: He found the sun set on a people watching the sun at its sunset time, and they prostrated themselves to it. They had a black queen leading them in prayer.

That is because when Alexander reached to Sudan, he found the citizens of that country worship the sun; so they gathered on the day of their festival outside the city at the sunset time, watched the sun, and hymned their religious hymns; then when it was about to hide from sight [behind the horizon], then all of them would prostrate themselves to it.

So the Arabic word in the aya here means the ‘observation and watching’, [not the ‘water spring’.]

86 d It means: Alexander found with the black woman a people who acted like her act and imitated her in her prostration to the sun.

86 e Which is the surname of Alexander.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Why the Quran is
Not from Allah:
10 Reasons

So much of the Quran is devoted to redundant claims and threats about Muhammad’s status as a prophet, yet there is not a single original moral value. Nowhere does it tell men not to rape women or refrain from sex with children. In fact, it gives men permission to rape their slaves and implies that sex with children is permissible (verse 65:4).
Wouldn’t a perfect book teach perfect morality?​

The aya 65: 4 and the two ayat preceding it speak about the divorce and the "idda" or the "divorce interim"

"The meaning: Do not hasten, O man, to divorce your wife, while you do not know whether she is pregnant or not, but wait until her days of the cyclical period or ‘Idda’ come; so if she menstruates, it will be obvious that she is not pregnant; but if her days of the cycle end and she does not menstruate, it will then be obvious that she is pregnant. Afterwards you may divorce her in order to be certain whether she is pregnant or not.

Then you should bring witnesses to that; so that she may not ascribe the child to you, if she becomes pregnant from anyone else; and so that she may not hide the pregnancy if she is pregnant by you.

One may ask: what is the benefit of the ‘Idda’ or the days of the cycle, and for what purpose is this?

The answer: The reason for that is in order that we may know about the divorced woman: is she pregnant or not pregnant; so if a man divorces his wife and he does not know that she is pregnant, and she goes to her family, and she will later be known to be pregnant, the husband may doubt about her pregnancy, and he may say: This pregnancy is not by me, because I divorced her when she was not pregnant; and by saying such words, he will accuse his ex-wife with adultery.

Or the ex-wife may be a profligate, so she will adulterate and become pregnant by someone other than her husband, but the pregnancy will only be obvious after the divorce, and by that she will wrong her ex-husband and he will lose a ‘Nafaqa’ for her child.

So for this reason, God – be glorified – told us: (divorce them when they have reached their cyclical period.)"

This is the explanation of this aya, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

Quran 65: 4, which means:
(4. As for your women who are despaired of further menstruation [because of a disease or affliction], if you are in doubt [concerning their pregnancy a], their prescribed period [or interim or Idda] shall be three months, as [shall the interim be of] the [old women in or after the menopause] who menstruate not b.

And those pregnant women, their appointed term [: interim or Idda] is when they are delivered of their born [child.] c

Whoso wards off God’s [punishment], [God] will appoint for him easiness of his affairs.)

4 a So that you do not know whether they are pregnant or not pregnant.

4 b Because of their old age; their Idda [or prescribed interim] will also be three months.

4 c This means: The Idda [or interim] of such women will be until she is delivered of her born child, and she is then allowed to marry, one month following the delivery.

Therefore, the reason of the "idda" is to ascertain that the divorced woman is not pregnant, and if she is pregnant, then the son or daughter she bears will belong to his or her father in lineage and in rights.
Moreover, if the divorced woman proved to be pregnant, then her husband is more worthy of restoring his wife back.​

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Comment: I surprise about such Zionists who dare antagonize God and His revelations by their lies and they don't mind.. and they are ignorant about what awaits them in the Next Life of extreme punishment and torment and suffering .. woe to them for their blasphemy and stubbornness like the stubbornness of their ancestors who at last lost with an utter loss and terrible destruction.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Such words will not change the truth of your stubbornness like the goat: similar to the stubbornness of your ancestors about God and His messengers.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
As mentioned, despite being a small book, the Quran is supposed to be the timeless, unchangeable word of God. Why would God use precious and valuable space on the personal life of one man - the same one who happens to be narrating the "revelation"?
Consider verse 33:53:
O you who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses, except when leave is given to you for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation. But when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken your meal, disperse, without sitting for a talk. Verily, such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet, and he is shy of (asking) you (to go), but Allah is not shy of (telling you) the truth.​
That has to be immortalized on a tablet in heaven?
Substantial portions of the Quran (particularly suras 33 and 66) are equally self-serving and address the sex, money or respect from his wives to which Muhammad is entitled. Moreover, several such passages are repetitive.
Couldn’t Allah have thought of a more important message for mankind than telling us (several times over) that Muhammad may sleep with an unlimited number of women?
Further Reading

The importance of the person of the Prophet is not like other persons among Muslims; moreover, God teaches people the good morale and conduct; also He teaches them about the example of the past nations of believers, with Moses, Jesus and with the rest of God's messengers.
And here is the explanation of the aya of the Quran 33:53
[When the Prophet married Zaynab, he made a banquet for his companions, who started to eat and go out, except three of them who ate and sat after eating to talk among themselves; therefore, this aya was revealed concerning them:]

(O believers, enter not the houses of the prophet, unless permission is given to you for a meal, without waiting [for the prophet, in order to go out with him.]

But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have had the meal, then leave [after the eating],

neither [should you stay] lingering for any idle talk [among yourselves];

That is hurtful to the prophet, and he is shy [to dismiss] you; but God is not shy of the truth.

And when you ask [his wives] for any object [of the World], ask them from behind a screen; that is purer for your hearts and theirs [from doubts and from the suggestions of Satan.]

It is not for you to hurt God's messenger [with anything of that], neither to marry his wives after his [death], ever;

surely, that would be, in God's sight, a monstrous thing [so avoid it.]

More explanation:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The earth will slow down then will stop its axial rotation:

This is because of the loss of the internal heat of the earth; this will be gradual, so the day and night will be longer by time, then the earth will stop its axial rotation and the day and night will be lasting for 1000 years after which Doomsday will occur.

Quran 28: 71-72, which mean:
(Say [O Mohammed, to them]: "What's your opinion: if God makes for you the night perpetual [without being succeeded by any day] till Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you [day] light? Will you not [then] hear [the wind and the falling of the snow?]"

[Then God – be glorified – addressed those who will be in the day side and He said:]
Say: "What's your opinion: if God makes for you the day perpetual till the Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you night, wherein you may rest? Will you not then see [the severe heat of the sun?]")
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Go play with your goat!
You're not getting any converts here!
You're wasting your time and ours!

This is his favourite goat. It's got a love heart on it.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
How the environment will deteriorate before Doomsday:

Circumstances will worsen gradually along the coming 2000 of our years, when Doomsday will occur.

The central heat of the earth will decrease gradually
.. leading to slowing of the spinning of the earth around its axis
.. leading to lengthening of the day and night duration (until at last the earth will stop its axial rotation 1000 years from now.)
.. leading also to the decrease of the earth gravity .. leading to the binary division of the moon: moon will divide into two parts ... which will be drawn by the sun to unite with it.

The earth will get closer to the sun, and the heat on its surface will increase ... the atmosphere will consequently disturb then at the end it will become smoke (like Venus atmosphere now), then the atmosphere will be lost into the space to become like Mercury now.

Then comets will fall on the earth in large number because its core will be colder than before
Then the water of seas will evaporate and escape into the space, and water from the underground will gush in the sea basins or bottoms.

Mountains will be smashed and become sand which will be dispersed by the wind.

So life will be terminated.
Then the earth will start to quake violently and it will be broken up into many pieces ... and as such will Doomsday occur.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The telling about and the detailed description of the portents of Doomsday:

The Glorious Quran describes in details the portents of Doomsday, much more than the other heavenly books like the Torah (which they call the Tenakh), and more than the Gospel .. because the Quran is the last heavenly revealed book ... which is nearer in time to Doomsday than the rest of the heavenly books.

Moreover, none of the prophets of God had defined the timing of Doomsday, even Prophet Mohammed himself said when he was asked about Doomsday timing: "I have not any knowledge about its timing more than you who question me."

But the Mahdi who will be nearer in time to Doomsday: the Mahdi will explain about its time of occurrence and will explain fully how Doomsday will take place, and the reason for that.

So the Mahdi said in his book The Universe and the Quran:
"Dear reader, you have to know when that time will come, and such portents as:
>> the fixation of Moon – as a full moon, its cleavage and its attraction by the Sun gravity,
>> the standstill of the Earth from spinning,
>> the everlasting of the night in one hemisphere, and the everlasting of the day in the other side,
>> moving of the meteorites towards the Sun
>> and the rest of the extraordinary signs;

Then at that time the way to repentance will be blocked; and the repentance of every infidel, disbeliever and wrong-doer will not be accepted.

Therefore, the wise man should repent from today, and turn obedient to his Lord, and ask His forgiveness for all his past sins.

[: The wise man should believe in God alone, according to the First Commandment,
and believe in all the prophets and apostles of God, including Mohammed,
and believe in all the Heavenly Books including the Quran;
and convert to the Islam;

because anyone does not believe in the Islam: his righteous work will not be accepted from him, and he will completely lose in the Next Life. ]"
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
How the planets will stop their spinning around themselves:

"The planets will not come to a standstill, altogether and simultaneously, from spinning around themselves. But this will gradually take place; so that the smallest one among them will be the first to stop its spinning; then the planet bigger than the first one; then the bigger and so on till the last of them.

So Mercury is the smallest of the planets in volume; therefore, it should stop before the rest; because the heat of the small object will finish before the big one.

After that, Venus will stop because it is bigger than Mercury.

Then Earth, because it is bigger than Venus;

and so on the last of them to stop will be the biggest of them in volume."

Quran 89: 1-5, which mean:
([I swear] by [the zone of] the dawn!
And by the ten nights [preceding the standstill of the earth!
And by the even [: the two planets: Mercury and Venus] and the odd [: the planet Mars!]
And by the night when it will spread [like an infection, from one planet to another: from Mercury to Venus to Earth then to Mars!]
Will this [threatening and warning] be enough as an oath for a rational man?

More explanation is in the book The Universe and the Quran, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

Here is also a nice recitatin of this blessed soora 89 in the book of the Quran:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A clue that the earth will stop its axial rotation in 1000 years time:

If we see Mercury and Venus stop their axial rotation, we should know that the turn is for the earth to stop from spinning around itself, and this will occur after a period of time.

Now, if we study the movement of Mercury, it almost agrees with stopping its axial rotation and becoming like our Moon in relation to the Earth: Moon keeps the same face towards the Earth, which means practically it does not spin around itself.

As such is Mercury in relation to the sun: Mercury keeps the same face towards the sun.

Almost similar to it is Venus: its year almost equals its day: so it keeps the same face towards the sun.

Hence, we expect the earth to follow in the footsteps of Mercury and Venus: to slow in its axial rotation then to stop later on, and will keep the same face towards the sun.

Quran 28: 71-72, which mean:
(Say [O Mohammed, to them]: "What's your opinion: if God makes for you the night perpetual [without being succeeded by any day] till Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you [day] light? Will you not [then] hear [the wind and the falling of the snow?]"

[Then God – be glorified – addressed those who will be in the day side and He said:]
Say: "What's your opinion: if God makes for you the day perpetual till the Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you night, wherein you may rest? Will you not then see [the severe heat of the sun?]")

The interpretation:
§ (if God makes for you the night perpetual [without being succeeded by any day] till Doomsday) indicates the side which will have an everlasting night.

§ (if God makes for you the day perpetual till the Doomsday) indicates the side which will face the sun.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In the future, the sky (or the earth atmosphere) Will Be Upset:
Because the earth will get nearer to the sun; therefore, the sun heat will influence the gases of the upper atmosphere.

So while the sky or the atmosphere is calm and clear now, it will be disturbed and reel about, and will be dim and crude: full of smoke and suffocating gases of the upper atmosphere (like the SO2) will mix with the gases and water vapor of the lower atmosphere .. and will be like the sky or atmosphere of Venus at the present time.

Surprisingly, the earth atmosphere will be full of smoke, but its smoke will be brownish like the color of the tahini, described in the Quran.


[God – be glorified – explained some events which will occur on that day which will last one thousand years, and He said:]

Quran 70: 8, which means:
(The day when the sky shall be [as turbid] as the turbid [boiled] oil [of sesame])

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Another description of the earth before Doomsday:

When the earth stops its spinning around itself, and starts to circle around the sun, with one of its hemispheres confronting the sun; this hemisphere will have a lasting day in which the heat will accumulate and the temperature will increase to a great extent and as a result:

"the plant will burn, trees will dry, rivers will dry up and the water of seas will evaporate, so that no water, seed, fruit or animal will remain on the day-side; so that people will perish from heat and starvation."

Quran 81: 6, which means:
(And when seas shall be ‘seared and baked’ [by the sun heat.])

A horrible description of people at that time, those who will lag behind and remain on earth and will not go to Heaven or Paradise; they will be the idolaters, blasphemers and wrong-doers:

Quran 88: 1-7, which mean:
(1- Have [you, Mohammed, understood] the account of the overwhelming [sky, when it had been] conveyed to you [in a previous revelation 44: 10-11]?

2- On that day, [many] faces will be humble.

3- Toiling and laboring hard [in the life of the World: not for God, but for others.]

4- Broil in a very hot fire [in the Next Life.]

5- Shall be given to drink from a very hot [and temporary water] spring.

6- They will have [in the world of souls, after their death] no food save from [some kind of] thorn.

7- That [thorn] will neither fatten nor satiate.)