More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Or like this one in Sturgeon Falls!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sEv4ZbFJoYoeECRhpcCHkyA!2e0

Sure looks like an old Rail Car.....I've never been inside though....


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Hobby Lobby is a worse offender than Obama.

Hobby Lobby just didn't want to be forced to pay for contraceptives.

It's like telling you boss; "Hey it's Friday night boss, can you buy me a box of condoms. There on special at London Drugs, 100 per box."

See where that gets you..

This video is retarded and I can't believe a Canadian posted it.

You're going to try and shame me with my Canadian Citizenship? :lol:

Like Ted Cruz, was born in Canada but lived the majority of my life in Texas..

They make replica rail diners from that era, expensive as hell.

This was more of what I had in mind.

Incorporated Rallys Hamburgers, Inc. but died in the waiting room.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Hobby Lobby just didn't want to be forced to pay for contraceptives.

It's like telling you boss; "Hey it's Friday night boss, can you buy me a box of condoms. There on special at London Drugs, 100 per box."

See where that gets you..

You're going to try and shame me with my Canadian Citizenship? :lol:

Like Ted Cruz, was born in Canada but lived the majority of my life in Texas..

This was more of what I had in mind.

Incorporated Rallys Hamburgers, Inc. but died in the waiting room.

Guess what. It is not like that because what I do on Friday night is not my bosses concern if I am not working at the time.
What you seem to believe, like all the other totalitarian righties, is that whoever I work for can control my time outside work.
Hmmm. So I guess righties don't actual believe in freedom unless it agrees with their religious views.
So, you guessed it, just like Iran.
You righties are looking more Muslim everyday.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
What you seem to believe, like all the other totalitarian righties, is that whoever I work for can control my time outside work.

Hold on.. I never said that.. but you should have personal responsibility for what you do after work and not expect your boss to pay for risky behavior.

If you want to screw around, why should Hobby Lobby pay for your contraceptive. As you said, it's none of their business what you do after work. So buy your own Johnny Condom and Birth Control Pills. ;)

Supreme Court Rejects Contraceptives Mandate for Some Corporations ... Hobby Lobby, he said, could face annual fines of $475 million if it


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Hold on.. I never said that.. but you should have personal responsibility for what you do after work and not expect your boss to pay for risky behavior.

If you want to screw around, why should Hobby Lobby pay for your contraceptive. As you said, it's none of their business what you do after work. So buy your own Johnny Condom and Birth Control Pills. ;)

Supreme Court Rejects Contraceptives Mandate for Some Corporations ... Hobby Lobby, he said, could face annual fines of $475 million if it
No Boomer don't you understand I play you pay .

Yikes .