Moral men and women will deny women equal rights.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
You had doubts???????

Socrates would say to both of you----------

The Rodeo Song - YouTube



Too Late you chauvinist


That ain't a moose.


Hey moron... do you know what assess means? Do you know what a comma is used for?

Assess- To estimate the value of, or to determine importance of

And she put a comma between develop and assess.

And it is spelled sweet not sweat. Sweat is what comes out of your pores during exertion, stress, etc.

It's late, I'm tired, and grouchy and the quinine is kicking in. Bite me.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
1 Corinthians 14, 34-35: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; for they are commanded to be under obedience, also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
Ephesians 5, 22-24: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
1 Timothy 2, 11-14: Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1 Corinthians 11, 7-9: For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man.

I could hardly be any clearer than those words from Paul the hysterical misogynist: women are inferior, are to be subservient to men, women are responsible for Original Sin, and one of those citations goes on to point out that women's only salvation is in childbearing. That view has permeated and poisoned the culture and the legal codes of every nation where Christianity was once the power, and Judaism and Islam are no better. The problem is monotheism, it's been the largest single barrier to establishing women's legal, social, and political equality for as long as it's been around. More broadly, it has resisted legal, social, political, philosophical, and scientific progress every step of the way, and continues to do so. There is, for instance, no conceivable objection to marriage equality but the religious one, no objection to stem cell research but the religious one, no objection to contraception but the religious one, no objection to teaching evolution to children but the religious one, and on and on and on... It's toxic, arrogant, and reactionary, and deserves to be mocked for its follies.

G,day Sinister, could you possibly supply a link or source to Pauls alleged words above. Thanksyous

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I never understood why anybody would want to be equal to "white" men. Why would anybody want to lower their standards?. The equality junkies should give their collective heads a shake.
lmao Thanks for the laugh. But, who said anything about skin color? I thought the whole idea was to be equal but different as people in general.

If we count Islam, I would say it is more because of religion.

I think it's more like religion is the excuse. Control and domination is the prime suspect, IMO.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Equality means that we are free to develop, assess, and apply our skill sets as suits us, in each scenario and facet of life, as we see fit. It isn't about conformity, it's about freedom to follow our path, with our skills and abilities being the deciding factor, rather than our skin colour or our gender.

Our differences don't make any one of us better than the other.


My Siamese got me up at 4.30 this morning and after being up and at it since, I got screen blind and miss-read your post and was so busy giggling to re-read. My bad.

I sincerely hope my miscue did not offend but regardless, I apologise for my error.



Jan 6, 2007
I like this but you spelling is like when people want to make fun of my sssweat avatar. LOL.
I don't think you meant develop assess even as women develop fine ones.


You're right, I didn't mean develop assess, I meant it exactly as I wrote it, develop, and assess (no, not asses).

From what I can tell English isn't your first language, so I'll cut you some slack on your attempt to correct mine. If anything about my spelling and grammar in that post still has you confused, just ask away.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC

My Siamese got me up at 4.30 this morning and after being up and at it since, I got screen blind and miss-read your post and was so busy giggling to re-read. My bad.

I sincerely hope my miscue did not offend but regardless, I apologise for my error.


You're right, I didn't mean develop assess, I meant it exactly as I wrote it, develop, and assess (no, not asses).

From what I can tell English isn't your first language, so I'll cut you some slack on your attempt to correct mine. If anything about my spelling and grammar in that post still has you confused, just ask away.
It was funny anyway. :D

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
You're right, I didn't mean develop assess, I meant it exactly as I wrote it, develop, and assess (no, not asses).

From what I can tell English isn't your first language, so I'll cut you some slack on your attempt to correct mine. If anything about my spelling and grammar in that post still has you confused, just ask away.

Thanks and please see my reply above.

Leave it to a woman to be more astute than men. As I said and meant, the best man for any job is a woman.
You are correct in your assessment of my language. I can screw up both writing and speech in three languages.
Combine that with my lack of formal education and it is what it is. Thank Gods for spell check.


lmao Thanks for the laugh. But, who said anything about skin color? I thought the whole idea was to be equal but different as people in general.

I think it's more like religion is the excuse. Control and domination is the prime suspect, IMO.

No argument. That is what the Noble Lie is all about and why Rome invented the Christianity we know and hate today.

Have you seen these?

I will add these clips to themix for your consideration. They show who put what in Jesus' mouth and howChristianity has been manipulated. The first which is part of the second speaksto my Gnostic Christian label and the second shows my view of religions overalland the Noble Lie that I think we and our governments should rescind. The thirdclip speaks to the reason that religions were invented in the first place as itshows why social control was required for city states that had to deal with thereality of finite resources. I see these city states as led by a timocraticking who through the religion that he would have created, also realized thatthere had to be a tyrannical part to his benevolent duty and created a religion to be just that.

The Bible's Buried Secrets - The Real Garden of Eden (Part I) - YouTube

I see the King/God as havingto have the morals shown in the Haigt clip.

We would have to create hisreligion as expressed through his high priest/tyrant who would live by thefirst commandment of God, place no one above me as the enforcer of hisKing/God's rules and laws while still obeying his King. The larger Roman systemwould later assume the same system through the Noble Lie. First through the Flavian and later throughConstantine.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I think we should focus on your theory that men should revert back to being the hunters and women the gatherers. That was way too much fun to let die. You have plenty of anti-religion threads that we can go back to.

Men has always been the protectors of the nations and family and you would take that from us.
Tsk tsk.

So women never protected their families or nations?


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Regardless of what life is, mankind still consists of hunters and gatherers.

Our basic characters have not changed in 20,000 years

Have you noted how men and women disrespect each other?

I think it is because women do not need men in the protection and care way anymore and men do not see women doing their duty toward family by recognizing that men are willing to die for them.

We are losing our role as hunter and provider and you would also give up your role as protector.

Tsk, tsk.

Let women gather cities and nations and rule. They are the gatherers.

Our job and duty is to protect. We are the hunters.


If we count Islam, I would say it is more because of religion.


Right, I will reember that bit of enlightened advice the next time I am gutting a moose with my stone knife.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
I think we should focus on your theory that men should revert back to being the hunters and women the gatherers. That was way too much fun to let die. You have plenty of anti-religion threads that we can go back to.

So women never protected their families or nations?



When did we change to some other psychology?

Man has always been the hunter and women the gatherers.

There are of course exceptions to this rule just as there are exceptions away from straight male and female psychologies.


I think we should focus on your theory that men should revert back to being the hunters and women the gatherers. That was way too much fun to let die. You have plenty of anti-religion threads that we can go back to.

So women never protected their families or nations?


