Libya: Calls For War Crimes Investigation


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
can you stay on topic and stay away from poster (OB) bashing or are you braindamage?? as in serious concentration impairment.

If you are impaired and can't help yourself from poster bashing , just say so and that way your silliness can be completely ignored. and filed under the appropriate category.

You complain about bashing in one sentence and then in the next start bashing. Really -


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
gerry: IF I recall correctly.. the USG was the key catalyst for the operation.

Only in your head.

Obama said that he did not want to have the US appear as the chief aggressor due to the ongoing "wars" in Afghanistan and Iraq and the fact that the USG reputation had taken some major hits for being too war oriented and too aggressive . ( there were a few other reasons)

Oh I would LOVE to see where Obama said that!

this is why he made sure that NATO was seen as the main player. It just so happens that a Canadian is heading NATO at this time

No brainstorm... Canada is NOT heading NATO at this time.

Do you check anything before you post?

IF it turns out bad........NATO will take the heat. IF it turns out positve........the US will take the credit.

Your boyfriend Gopher already tried that but I schooled him. It was all Canada baaaabyyy.

Let's not be naive .about the US involvement. NATO did not come up with the idea. Obama and his regime convinced NATO to be the umbrella under which this was done.

How wrong can you possilby be?

Obama had to be convinced to even participate in a supporting roll with our "unique capabilities". In other words bombing their brains in... or out.

Now..........that is not to say , that this was not worthwhile or that putting it under NATO was not smart. It was very smart. Now let's hope that the events there unfold as constructively and positively for the it is THEY that are the main concern .

Good luck. Either way... you own this one.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
You complain about bashing in one sentence and then in the next start bashing. Really -

do you understand what push back is?? You expect me to just roll over and let the bozos who bash OB get their stupid jollies of bashing ( gang mentality in place) and not respond on occassion???

a no brainer.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
do you understand what push back is??

Shall I post our first meeting, and point out who drew first blood? <<<Serious question. Warning, I'm really good at burning people with their own words.

You expect me to just roll over and let the bozos who bash OB get their stupid jollies of bashing ( gang mentality in place) and not respond on occassion???
Hell, I'd love for you to respond to one of my posts without passing judgment and calling me names.

That would be nice.

a no brainer.
Yes you are.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
do you understand what push back is?? You expect me to just roll over and let the bozos who bash OB get their stupid jollies of bashing ( gang mentality in place) and not respond on occassion???

a no brainer.

Yes I understand push back - I also understand clearly that you complain about something and then turn around and do it yourself. I do not have the problem. You do. You also use inflaamatory language quite often -

Noted below.
Obama said that he did not want to have the US appear as the chief aggressor due to the ongoing "wars" in Afghanistan and Iraq and the fact that the USG reputation had taken some major hits for being too war oriented and too aggressive . ( there were a few other reasons)



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
YYou also use inflammatory language quite often
Inflammatory language? How about massive sweeping generalizations, promotes fantasy as fact, blind name calling, labels anyone that remotely disagrees with her, lies outright, and so on.

No wonder she keeps company with the likes of Abtfet and gopher. They're all alike.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
do you understand what push back is?? You expect me to just roll over and let the bozos who bash OB get their stupid jollies of bashing ( gang mentality in place) and not respond on occassion???


So you're speaking in the 3rd person now? Just like old Bob Dole!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

interesting body language/ expressions. For someone "forced" to execute others to save her own skin.......she does not look all that perterbed about it and actually quite joyful. One might even say she enjoyed it. But then we are seeing folks from a different cultural orientation ........where KILLING is just part of life. There are a few places like that on the planet.

Once demonstrates how foolish it is to take anything at face value ......or believe/ buy into what we are told as if it were actual FACT........let alone truth.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

What's with the shaved eyebrows? Forced to shave them off by alQaeda? What's up with her ID tag?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Well that freedom isn't going to last long. I hope they have some spare burkas.

Yeah, maybe....

OMG I just listened to CBC radio news at 5:00 here.....their lead item was concern over what the Libyans are going to do with all those (gasp!) assault rifles!!!! They found one rebel, an oil worker, who couldn't wait to give his up, and extrapolated that to them all.....

If they had a brain, they would each take a rifle home with all the ammo they can steal, disassemble the weapon, pack it in grease, wrap it up and bury it.....with the ammo packed in plastic.

They might need it again.

The stupidity of the CBC never ceases to amaze me......
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yeah, maybe....

OMG I just listened to CBC radio news at 5:00 here.....their lead item was concern over what the Libyans are going to do with all those (gasp!) assault rifles!!!! They found one rebel, an oil worker, who couldn't wait to give his up, and extrapolated that to them all.....

If they had a brain, they would each take a rifle home with all the ammo they can steal, disassemble the weapon, pack it in grease, wrap it up and bury it.....with the ammo packed in plastic.

They might need it again.

The stupidity of the CBC never ceases to amaze me......

Ahhh, yeah...yes I think they will be holding on to those AK's for quite some time. Your CBC is PROBABLY... probably similiar to our NPR and they extrapolate a lot.