Libya: Calls For War Crimes Investigation

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Another no surprise. Another example of that same pattern of conduct by the US to despot leaders. They are just fine as long as they serve a purpose. When that is over for reasons only the USG knows for sure......the same despot leader becomes the target for removal and lynching.

Think SH and now Gadaffi.

Hypocricy does not begin to describe this "standard" and lack of ethics.

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

anyone still have to wonder about how "loyal " the US is to its "Friends"?? If this kind of foreign policy is acceptable to some.......then they have fewer principles than the USG......which is at bottom feeder level.

if someone gets bent out of shape about US bashing.........then they might want to examine just what they are defending with such intensity . IF folks can't see that the USG is just as bad as those it condemns. but in a different way. That is the reality of it.

How did we help Libya by blowing flying infrastructure to bits and sleeping with alQaeda?

the same way the US "helped" Iraq (b;y doing the same for a decade now. ) ya see......some have this insane idea that one has to kill, destroy what is there .in order to save the country they are invading. It is as perverse a thinking as the leaders of history who were addicted to power and lusted for war. and more territorial control.

that phrase has become their motto and party line. They regurgitate it like good little followers of the USG doctrine.

you really don't get it do you???

The Libyans deserve a CHANCE at building something we can't help out everywhere, but we OWED Gaddafi, big time.

One stone, Two birds.

even if Libya winds up not as we wish,

we got one bird.

NO........YOU don't get it. You have overdosed on the proverbial Kool aid.Your brainwashed ideas fall into the repug party line. Gaddafi was fine as long as he was useful TO THE US ........and like SH .......when his usefulness ended........he was removed militarily. with lots of death and destruction. Sadly you have bought into the propaganda. & superficial lies.

IF death , destruction and having your life torn apart by an invader who wants to do a regime change in your country which is illegal to start "building something better"........than a perverse set of dogma has taken over the minds of some.

It will take generations for all the occupied countries to gain some sense of stability.........but as long as the US has its tentacles in there, it matters little how many are slaughtered in the process.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Another no surprise. Another example of that same pattern of conduct by the US to despot leaders. They are just fine as long as they serve a purpose. When that is over for reasons only the USG knows for sure......the same despot leader becomes the target for removal and lynching.

Think SH and now Gadaffi.

Hypocricy does not begin to describe this "standard" and lack of ethics.

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

anyone still have to wonder about how "loyal " the US is to its "Friends"?? If this kind of foreign policy is acceptable to some.......then they have fewer principles than the USG......which is at bottom feeder level.

if someone gets bent out of shape about US bashing.........then they might want to examine just what they are defending with such intensity . IF folks can't see that the USG is just as bad as those it condemns. but in a different way. That is the reality of it.

the same way the US "helped" Iraq (b;y doing the same for a decade now. ) ya see......some have this insane idea that one has to kill, destroy what is there .in order to save the country they are invading. It is as perverse a thinking as the leaders of history who were addicted to power and lusted for war. and more territorial control.

that phrase has become their motto and party line. They regurgitate it like good little followers of the USG doctrine.

NO........YOU don't get it. You have overdosed on the proverbial Kool aid.Your brainwashed ideas fall into the repug party line. Gaddafi was fine as long as he was useful TO THE US ........and like SH .......when his usefulness ended........he was removed militarily. with lots of death and destruction. Sadly you have bought into the propaganda. & superficial lies.

IF death , destruction and having your life torn apart by an invader who wants to do a regime change in your country which is illegal to start "building something better"........than a perverse set of dogma has taken over the minds of some.

It will take generations for all the occupied countries to gain some sense of stability.........but as long as the US has its tentacles in there, it matters little how many are slaughtered in the process.

Still in denial that Canada led the NATO operation are you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Another no surprise. Another example of that same pattern of conduct by the US to despot leaders. They are just fine as long as they serve a purpose. When that is over for reasons only the USG knows for sure......the same despot leader becomes the target for removal and lynching.

Think SH and now Gadaffi.

Hypocricy does not begin to describe this "standard" and lack of ethics.

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

anyone still have to wonder about how "loyal " the US is to its "Friends"?? If this kind of foreign policy is acceptable to some.......then they have fewer principles than the USG......which is at bottom feeder level.

if someone gets bent out of shape about US bashing.........then they might want to examine just what they are defending with such intensity . IF folks can't see that the USG is just as bad as those it condemns. but in a different way. That is the reality of it.

the same way the US "helped" Iraq (b;y doing the same for a decade now. ) ya see......some have this insane idea that one has to kill, destroy what is there .in order to save the country they are invading. It is as perverse a thinking as the leaders of history who were addicted to power and lusted for war. and more territorial control.

that phrase has become their motto and party line. They regurgitate it like good little followers of the USG doctrine.

NO........YOU don't get it. You have overdosed on the proverbial Kool aid.Your brainwashed ideas fall into the repug party line. Gaddafi was fine as long as he was useful TO THE US ........and like SH .......when his usefulness ended........he was removed militarily. with lots of death and destruction. Sadly you have bought into the propaganda. & superficial lies.

IF death , destruction and having your life torn apart by an invader who wants to do a regime change in your country which is illegal to start "building something better"........than a perverse set of dogma has taken over the minds of some.

It will take generations for all the occupied countries to gain some sense of stability.........but as long as the US has its tentacles in there, it matters little how many are slaughtered in the process.

The Americans (and the rest of the west) used Gaddafi when it was beneficial to do so. It was better to talk to Gaddafi and use him, thus forestalling his support of say they were buddies is simply so completely idiotic it defies the imagination. The Americans shot down his aircraft in the Mediterranean and bombed the hell out of his compound in an attempt to kill him back in the 80s.

Yep, that is what I call a "close" relationship. lol

Iraq has a chance to build a just society. It has been released from the grip of a dictator and the fascist party he led....I'd advise you to do a little research on Saddam....start with the childrens' prison, where the kids of the arrested were kept so they would be handy when the secret police wished to dismember them alive in front of their parents.

Prisons For Children Discovered in Baghdad

Here's a bulletin for you and the rest of the brain-dead: very little of any real significance in the political advancement of mankind has ever been achieved without violence and death. Both Iraq and Libya have a chance at advancement...........and yes, it cost.

It always does. To paraphrase Jefferson, the tree of liberty is watered with blood.

Or, if you prefer, CSN: find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground.

Western civilization, and that includes the USA, is the absolute pinnacle of human political development. I am constantly and consistently sickened by people that sit on their fat, spoiled arses in the freest societies on earth, rich beyond compare....and express disgust for the system that has made more people more rich and more free than at any other time in human history. If you had spoken against SH or MG in their respective countries in the same manner, you would be dismembered by the secret police.

Oh, and the USA, having liberated Iraq, is leaving.

And the USA is NOT leading the attack on Libya.....Canada is, backed mainly by France and Great Britain.........

But you know, I don't expect you to let facts get in the way of psychotic Yankee hatred.


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
you really don't get it do you???

The Libyans deserve a CHANCE at building something we can't help out everywhere, but we OWED Gaddafi, big time.

One stone, Two birds.

even if Libya winds up not as we wish,

we got one bird.

Rebels are worse than the Gaddafi regime, that won't help the Libyans one bit.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Rebels are worse than the Gaddafi regime, that won't help the Libyans one bit.


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The Americans (and the rest of the west) used Gaddafi when it was beneficial to do so. It was better to talk to Gaddafi and use him, thus forestalling his support of say they were buddies is simply so completely idiotic it defies the imagination. The Americans shot down his aircraft in the Mediterranean and bombed the hell out of his compound in an attempt to kill him back in the 80s.

Yep, that is what I call a "close" relationship. lol

Iraq has a chance to build a just society. It has been released from the grip of a dictator and the fascist party he led....I'd advise you to do a little research on Saddam....start with the childrens' prison, where the kids of the arrested were kept so they would be handy when the secret police wished to dismember them alive in front of their parents.

Prisons For Children Discovered in Baghdad

Here's a bulletin for you and the rest of the brain-dead: very little of any real significance in the political advancement of mankind has ever been achieved without violence and death. Both Iraq and Libya have a chance at advancement...........and yes, it cost.

It always does. To paraphrase Jefferson, the tree of liberty is watered with blood.

Or, if you prefer, CSN: find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground.

Western civilization, and that includes the USA, is the absolute pinnacle of human political development. I am constantly and consistently sickened by people that sit on their fat, spoiled arses in the freest societies on earth, rich beyond compare....and express disgust for the system that has made more people more rich and more free than at any other time in human history. If you had spoken against SH or MG in their respective countries in the same manner, you would be dismembered by the secret police.

Oh, and the USA, having liberated Iraq, is leaving.

And the USA is NOT leading the attack on Libya.....Canada is, backed mainly by France and Great Britain.........

But you know, I don't expect you to let facts get in the way of psychotic Yankee hatred.

Don't let anything get in the way of your OB hatred and bashing. You just cannot deal with anyone that thinks differently from you. In your deluded believe You and only YOU are right and anyone with a different view on things is psychotic. How can you live with such a narrow and lilmited mind?? I guess you are used to it


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The rebels who have been beheading Libyan troops probably didn't do this, no it was pro-Gaddafi forces.


Another no surprise. Another example of that same pattern of conduct by the US to despot leaders. They are just fine as long as they serve a purpose. When that is over for reasons only the USG knows for sure......the same despot leader becomes the target for removal and lynching.
Ummm, you do realize that Canada led the attacks in Libya right?

Don't let anything get in the way of your OB hatred and bashing. You just cannot deal with anyone that thinks differently from you. In your deluded believe You and only YOU are right and anyone with a different view on things is psychotic. How can you live with such a narrow and lilmited mind?? I guess you are used to it
The finest example of projection I've ever seen.

Especially since this is how OB describes people she disagrees with...

IF you are so blinded by your US worship........that you can't see the trees for the forest......then the problem is yours. As in many ways you are as brain washed as many americans are. That does not mean they ALL are. There are many many very fine, intelligent and thinking (questioning) americans who make up for the narrow minded regressives.

NO........YOU don't get it. You have overdosed on the proverbial Kool aid.Your brainwashed ideas fall into the repug party line.

you know CRAP


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Don't let anything get in the way of your OB hatred and bashing. You just cannot deal with anyone that thinks differently from you. In your deluded believe You and only YOU are right and anyone with a different view on things is psychotic. How can you live with such a narrow and lilmited mind?? I guess you are used to it

I like your answer to this...Libya: Calls For War Crimes Investigation... Bad Ocean Breeze

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I like your answer to this...Libya: Calls For War Crimes Investigation... Bad Ocean Breeze

can you stay on topic and stay away from poster (OB) bashing or are you braindamage?? as in serious concentration impairment.

If you are impaired and can't help yourself from poster bashing , just say so and that way your silliness can be completely ignored. and filed under the appropriate category.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
can you stay on topic and stay away from poster (OB) bashing or are you braindamage??
The post you neg'd wasn't about you.

Should we add vanity to your list of issues?

as in serious concentration impairment.
No, your problem is a serious comprehension issue.

If you are impaired and can't help yourself from poster bashing ,
Is that what your other problem is?

just say so and that way your silliness can be completely ignored.
I won't ignore your silliness, you're funny as hell.

and filed under the appropriate category.
Where should I file your posts?

I know why you ignore mine. I ask to many revealing questions.

He's the only one who reciprocates her greenies.....
Oh so it's a mutually sycophantic relationship.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
He's the only one who reciprocates her greenies.....

do YOU come here to discuss the topics or discuss, condem the posters ??? Particularly posters you decided you don't like or don't think like you do??

Your comments as above..........are a waste of good bandwidth and indicate a limited focus and most of all are against ROC.

but have your fun. Does not take much to amuse the likes of you, does it??

Is there any thread that you and your groupie has not spoiled with this kind of stupidity??? Why bother coming here?? either act like a responsible and contributing ADULT or find some kids site to play on.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
do YOU come here to discuss the topics or discuss, condem the posters ??? Particularly posters you decided you don't like or don't think like you do??

Your comments as above..........are a waste of good bandwidth and indicate a limited focus and most of all are against ROC.

but have your fun. Does not take much to amuse the likes of you, does it??

Is there any thread that you and your groupie has not spoiled with this kind of stupidity??? Why bother coming here?? either act like a responsible and contributing ADULT or find some kids site to play on.

I'm starting to feel like I'm writing from the right lately, which is really pissing me off, and the reason is that those that are writing from the "left" appear to be completely out of touch with reality.

The "Libyan campaign" is one of the few true NATO involvements. As has been pointed out it is headed by Canada with contributions from mainly France and Britain. Is the u.s. involved? Yes it is, in a support role.

You want to come out against what is happening in Libya, great, I'm all with you, but how about the shots be fired at NATO as a whole rather than singling out one member that is not necessarily the major player in this little escapade.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
do YOU come here to discuss the topics or discuss, condem the posters ???
I come here for good conversation.

You come to preach.

Particularly posters you decided you don't like or don't think like you do??
I don't dislike anyone on the net.

Your comments as above..........are a waste of good bandwidth and indicate a limited focus and most of all are against ROC.

You thinking you speak for the rest of Canada aside, all you do here is post anti American tripe. Speaking of limited focus.

but have your fun. Does not take much to amuse the likes of you, does it??
What? You aren't working hard at making us laugh?

Is there any thread that you and your groupie has not spoiled with this kind of stupidity???
Better yet, is there any thread on the States or otherwise you haven't smeared your anti US venom in?

Why bother coming here??
Besides conversing with truly intelligent people, I really love poking ideologues like you.
either act like a responsible and contributing ADULT or find some kids site to play on.
So in other words, agree with you, or bugger off?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
gerry: IF I recall correctly.. the USG was the key catalyst for the operation. Obama said that he did not want to have the US appear as the chief aggressor due to the ongoing "wars" in Afghanistan and Iraq and the fact that the USG reputation had taken some major hits for being too war oriented and too aggressive . ( there were a few other reasons)

this is why he made sure that NATO was seen as the main player. It just so happens that a Canadian is heading NATO at this time but the US is a key player here others are bit players. The bit players are there to assist of course , but also to spread the responsibility all around.........

IF it turns out bad........NATO will take the heat. IF it turns out positve........the US will take the credit. Let's not be naive .about the US involvement. NATO did not come up with the idea. Obama and his regime convinced NATO to be the umbrella under which this was done.

It is politics. plain and simple.

Now..........that is not to say , that this was not worthwhile or that putting it under NATO was not smart. It was very smart. Now let's hope that the events there unfold as constructively and positively for the it is THEY that are the main concern .


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm starting to feel like I'm writing from the right lately, which is really pissing me off, and the reason is that those that are writing from the "left" appear to be completely out of touch with reality.

The "Libyan campaign" is one of the few true NATO involvements. As has been pointed out it is headed by Canada with contributions from mainly France and Britain. Is the u.s. involved? Yes it is, in a support role.

You want to come out against what is happening in Libya, great, I'm all with you, but how about the shots be fired at NATO as a whole rather than singling out one member that is not necessarily the major player in this little escapade.

Something tells me she would like to retract her comment that you Gerry "are such a delight to read!" about now.