Internet nudie judge faces inquiry Monday


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
WINNIPEG - No federally appointed judge has ever been forcibly removed from the bench.

Will Lori Douglas be the first?

On Monday, nearly two years after revelations of nude Internet pictures thrust the associate chief justice under a media spotlight, an inquiry will start hearing evidence to determine whether Douglas is fit to remain a judge.

Douglas, in documents filed earlier this month, argues she shouldn't be punished for the misdeeds of her lawyer husband, Jack King, or his former client, Alex Chapman.

King has admitted trying to lure client Alex Chapman into a sexual affair with Douglas without her knowledge and posting the nude pictures on the Internet. Chapman went public in 2010, violating a $25,000 confidentiality agreement.

At issue is whether Douglas knowingly participated in the sexual harassment of Chapman and whether she failed to disclose the affair when she applied to become a judge, knowing it would reflect negatively on the judiciary.

Since its inception in 1971, the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC) has referred only nine complaints to an inquiry committee for investigation. Douglas is the first judge west of Ontario to be the subject of a judicial council inquiry.

While Parliament has yet to formally remove a judge from office, four judges in the past elected to resign after an inquiry committee recommended their ouster.

"Judges, more often than in other instances, resign before their matter even goes before an inquiry committee," CJC executive director Norman Sabourin said.

The CJC receives an average of 200 complaints a year. Only the most serious complaints, where it is determined a judge's actions could justify their removal from the bench, are referred to an inquiry committee.

Unlike a trial, an inquiry is not adversarial, Sabourin said.

"An inquiry means you try to gather information," Sabourin said. "Finding out what happened here is the purpose of a public inquiry committee. They are going to hear a lot of submissions."

Once the inquiry is concluded, the CJC has the discretion to accept or reject the inquiry committee's recommendation or send the matter back to the committee for further examination.

"The council has to give deference to the facts established by the inquiry committee, but it doesn't owe any deference to recommendations on removal," Sabourin said.

If the CJC agrees removing a judge form the bench is necessary, its recommendation is forwarded to the federal justice minister and then on to Parliament.

Internet nudie judge faces inquiry Monday | Home | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
I found this pic.

i'm glad I didn't come across any others.


Time Out
Nov 18, 2011
Since its inception in 1971, the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC) has referred only nine complaints to an inquiry committee for investigation. Douglas is the first judge west of Ontario to be the subject of a judicial council inquiry.
... they've never ONCE removed a judge guilty of misconduct in canada??? holy smokes, no wonder the judges act like monarchs, nobody is calling them on their misconduct ...

... i've sent several letters to the canadian judicial council complaining about bc supreme court judges, most particularly a corrupt judge name justice grant d. burnyeat. i only ever received one response from them. in the reply, written by a man named norman sabourin, my complaint was totally ignored and i was told that my only option was to file an appeal court application at the bc supreme court. what does an appeal court application have to do with reporting the misbehavior of a judge?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
... they've never ONCE removed a judge guilty of misconduct in canada??? holy smokes, no wonder the judges act like monarchs, nobody is calling them on their misconduct ...
Actually Judges are usually forced to resign.

... i've sent several letters to the canadian judicial council complaining about bc supreme court judges, most particularly a corrupt judge name justice grant d. burnyeat. i only ever received one response from them. in the reply, written by a man named norman sabourin, my complaint was totally ignored and i was told that my only option was to file an appeal court application at the bc supreme court. what does an appeal court application have to do with reporting the misbehavior of a judge?
Given the criminal activity you have been convicted of, and the vexatious litigation you cite in your memoirs, I can understand why you were brushed off.


Time Out
Nov 18, 2011
... a judge's employment has never been terminated by the canadian judicial council? i suspected that the canadian judicial council was yet another one of these phony government offices that doesn't actually do what it claims to do and now i see that i was absolutely correct ...


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I found this pic.

i'm glad I didn't come across any others.

I think it's disgusting enought that you'd 'cum across' that one, much less tell everyone that you did.

... a judge's employment has never been terminated by the canadian judicial council? i suspected that the canadian judicial council was yet another one of these phony government offices that doesn't actually do what it claims to do and now i see that i was absolutely correct ...

Do they kill people so they can take their assets, too?

wizard;1610430 ... i've sent several letters to the canadian judicial council complaining about bc supreme court judges said:
I'm surprised you got even one response, your ramblings are mostly incoherent paranoid and delusional.


Time Out
Nov 18, 2011
Do you know what 'resign' means?
... yes i do ..

... in almost fifty years the canadian judicial council has never fired a single judge!!! how deplorable ...

... this proves unequivocally that the office was put in place not to discipline judges but rather to protect them and to harass the victims of their misconduct. i'll bet the office is so powerless it couldn't remove a judge from the bench even if it wanted to ...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
... a judge's employment has never been terminated by the canadian judicial council? i suspected that the canadian judicial council was yet another one of these phony government offices that doesn't actually do what it claims to do and now i see that i was absolutely correct ...

Toronto SUN
There has been one judge ordered to be removed by the Ontario Judicial Council in recent memory.
Judge Walter Hryciuk — dubbed the “Kissing Judge” — was ordered removed from the bench in 1993 after an Ontario Judicial Council inquiry into sexual misconduct allegations involving two female Crown attorneys.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
... yes i do ..

... in almost fifty years the canadian judicial council has never fired a single judge!!! how deplorable ...

... this proves unequivocally that the office was put in place not to discipline judges but rather to protect them and to harass the victims of their misconduct. i'll bet the office is so powerless it couldn't remove a judge from the bench even if it wanted to ...

four judges in the past elected to resign after an inquiry committee recommended their ouster.

If they're gone, they're gone. What difference does it make how they go?


Time Out
Nov 18, 2011
Toronto SUN
There has been one judge ordered to be removed by the Ontario Judicial Council in recent memory.
Judge Walter Hryciuk — dubbed the “Kissing Judge” — was ordered removed from the bench in 1993 after an Ontario Judicial Council inquiry into sexual misconduct allegations involving two female Crown attorneys.
... the ontario judicial council is a different office altogether. who do they investigate? do they investigate victims of bc supreme court judge abuse?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
I think it's disgusting enought that you'd 'cum across' that one, much less tell everyone that you did.

Do they kill people so they can take their assets, too?

I'm surprised you got even one response, your ramblings are mostly incoherent paranoid and delusional.

a poor choice of words. ;)