If you could have chosen your religion ?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
OK so even with Ron's admittance of changing the post you still have not gotten to the root of the issue.. What is it that I think and what have I trashed in religion ?

Most, if not all, of the religeous threads have been "derailed" by non believers and their bullsh*t comments. Your comment concerning not having to take responsibility is complete BS and shows how little you really know.

To recieve forgiveness one must admit and take responsibility for ones transgressions.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
....even if that forgiveness is from yourself, for yourself. Everyone has to
live with their own actions, whether or not they follow any particular Faith,
or none at all. You don't have to follow a Religion to see within yourselves
a need to clean up your acts (call it morality or ethics or what have you) in
an effort to be a better person for yourself and those around you.

Gerryh? Is this the direction you are leading towards?


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Most, if not all, of the religeous threads have been "derailed" by non believers and their bullsh*t comments. Your comment concerning not having to take responsibility is complete BS and shows how little you really know.

To recieve forgiveness one must admit and take responsibility for ones transgressions.

All you have done is lumped me in with people and tried to state that you know exactly that "I don't have a clue what I am talking about"..

When called to prove your point, you use excuses and fail to even come close to answering..

The only person spinning BS here is you.

I don't appreciate being tarred with a broad brush for stating an opinion.. I don't do it to you and expect the same respect..


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
All you have done is lumped me in with people and tried to state that you know exactly that "I don't have a clue what I am talking about"..

When called to prove your point, you use excuses and fail to even come close to answering..

The only person spinning BS here is you.

I don't appreciate being tarred with a broad brush for stating an opinion.. I don't do it to you and expect the same respect..

and if you actually READ my above reply, I gave the correct answer to your BS statement concerning forgiveness.

You don't want to be tarred with the broad brush of ignorance, then don't make ignorant statements as if they were fact.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
and if you actually READ my above reply, I gave the correct answer to your BS statement concerning forgiveness.

You don't want to be tarred with the broad brush of ignorance, then don't make ignorant statements as if they were fact.

I don't have time to play silly games gerryh..

I "READ" your post and don't see the link.. I did not cause any transgressions and if there had been one you would have been quick at quoting..

Game Over..

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
and you'd think that someone that objects to being told that their beliefs or lack of beliefs are wrong, wouldn't do the same thing, but I guess that's why they're Hypocrites.
Could be.It isn't hypocritical to tell someone that their beliefs (or disbeliefs) are based on nonsense, though. You seem to have trouble distinguishing between being told you are wrong and being told your beliefs are based on nonsense. The former is a statement requiring evidentiary support and the latter is an opinion.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Could be.It isn't hypocritical to tell someone that their beliefs (or disbeliefs) are based on nonsense, though. You seem to have trouble distinguishing between being told you are wrong and being told your beliefs are based on nonsense. The former is a statement requiring evidentiary support and the latter is an opinion.

No, my beliefs are not based on nonsense but on personal revelations. My wife was brought up without ANY religious beliefs at all. Yet she believes in God and Jesus Christ. Not because of being ingrained with that belief from birth or childhood, but because she sought out and found her truth.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
No, my beliefs are not based on nonsense but on personal revelations. My wife was brought up without ANY religious beliefs at all. Yet she believes in God and Jesus Christ. Not because of being ingrained with that belief from birth or childhood, but because she sought out and found her truth.
So you expect everyone else's opinion to be the same as yours? You must be disappointed a lot.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So you expect everyone else's opinion to be the same as yours? You must be disappointed a lot.

Nope, I don't. That's the difference between you and I. I'm not about to tell you that you are wrong in your beliefs, or that your beliefs or ideas are based on "nonsense"

I just don't think that you have been shown the "truth" as of yet and hope that you are able to see it eventually. As far as I am concerned it is not my place to "tell" you what is what. Finding out is part of YOUR personal journey, and we all take different paths and/or travel those paths at a different pace.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Nope, I don't. That's the difference between you and I. I'm not about to tell you that you are wrong in your beliefs, or that your beliefs or ideas are based on "nonsense"

I just don't think that you have been shown the "truth" as of yet and hope that you are able to see it eventually. As far as I am concerned it is not my place to "tell" you what is what. Finding out is part of YOUR personal journey, and we all take different paths and/or travel those paths at a different pace.
But you just did tell me what is what (according to your opinion). You just said that you don't think I can see the truth. So you can voice your opinion but everyone else can't, if it differs from your opinion?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

Forget it.....I'll continue to be an asshole and you continue to be an asshole.

Tried Ron, but like I told ya, they ain't interested.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2010
As far as I am concerned it is not my place to "tell" you what is what. Finding out is part of YOUR personal journey, and we all take different paths and/or travel those paths at a different pace.

I was born in secular family. We rarely spoke about religion. Officially I still am a Lutheran Christian. I think secular background is good. Often I see, when people are grown in some religion, they can be inflexible, or they may think that their beliefs are self-evident.

If I could have chosen... I don't know. None of the major religions seems very good. I'd probably choose to be born in a family without religion (it does not mean atheism), or with neutral religion like our State Lutheranism. I imagine it could as well be Jewish religion, or Hinduism, or Sikh.

Love is more important, than what special religion you are born into. Without love, what matters if you were born in finest religion? What matters, is mother love.

I feel that secularism gave good background for seeking and studying, and comparing between religions and paths. No one was forcing me.