If god were real and you could ask one question what would it be?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
The odds of having a stroke while hooked up to the artificial pump are about 20 - 25%.
Chances of needing another bypass surgery after five years is about the same. And same with another heart attack within 24 hours. If you like those odds, feel free to have one. I don't like those odds.

Doctor told me at this stage it would not improve my quality of life but it would prolong it. I said I'm not interested in prolonging it. If your body had been as smashed up as mine, I doubt you would either.

OK, your choice for yourself, just wondered, as my husband just had a valve
replacement plus one bi pass, and yes there were risks we knew about, but
he was getting too tired too easy, now he has lots of energy, he is a new man,
or at least like his younger self.
His brother just had quadrupal bi pass one year ago, doing great, his other
brother had quadruple bi pass 10 years ago, doing great, and they are doing
those surgeries every day, most of the day, a 85 year woman had a triple
bi pass when my husband was in the hospital, came through it with flying
colors, another man with diabetes and other problems also had bi pass at
that time, took a little longer to recover, but did.
Yes, it is a personal decision, but I find the medical community wonderful and
the new beginnings they are giving to people who are not doing well, is very
impressive, people who 'some years ago' would not have lived very long.
My grandson had a very complicated heart surgery when he was 4, and had
2 surgerys before that, he was born with a very wierd heart, he is now 16
and growing normally, very healthy and is having a good life, years ago he
would not have lived 6 months.
Good luck to you, seems you are doing OK.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
God is Real

But are you for real? You are just as likely to be a figment of your imagination.

God is Real.

I am real; but the reality of God is more than my reality. My reality is relative, but His reality is absolute; my reality is dependable on His existence.

People, what's the matter with you?

If you truly have all this medical situation (although no one is spared of anything; God is the only Perfect One) then what for is all this haughtiness?

I surprise; and this is also according to the aya 37: 12-14
بَلْ عَجِبْتَ وَيَسْخَرُونَ . وَإِذَا ذُكِّرُوا لَا يَذْكُرُونَ . وَإِذَا رَأَوْا آيَةً يَسْتَسْخِرُونَ
The explanation:
(But you [Mohammed] do marvel [of the signs], whereas they scoff [at them.]

And when they are admonished, they receive not admonition.

And when they see that a revelation [has been revealed], they go on scoffing.)

This has reminded me of an incident that occurred many years ago, when I was trained at the hospital: a car accident occurred and the victims were brought to the hospital; I saw few unconscious and semi-conscious men covered with blood; they were in extremely dangerous situation, and about to die; they were of huge bodies like buffalos. A surgeon decided to make an urgent tracheostomy that is done as a life saving procedure without anesthesia, to insert a tube in the trachea so that the patient will breathe directly through this tube.

Then when the surgeon started to cut the throat of this buffalo-like corpse, the patient was semi-comatose, and started to shout and revile God Almighty; Glory be to God and exalted be He!

All those having such dirty tongues and dirty hearts (and I think they were drunken and profligate); all of them then perished and died, and went to their Lord.

And I was astonished and surprised from their foolishness when they were on the brim of death, and even though they blasphemed and reviled God, in stead of asking His forgiveness and His help, Who might have saved them.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I here mention the meaning of all these marvelous ayat 37: 12-27 succeeding the first aya 37: 12
بَلْ عَجِبْتَ وَيَسْخَرُونَ ...الخ
The explanation:
(But you [Mohammed] do marvel [of the signs], whereas they scoff [at them.]

And when they are admonished, they receive not admonition.

And when they see that a revelation [has been revealed], they go on scoffing.

And they say [that]: "This [Quran] is but an obvious magic."

"In case we die and become dust and bones, shall we be then brought forth [alive out of our graves!?]"

"And our fathers, the old?"

Say: "Yes, and you then will be humiliated."

It is only one shout [of the angel of death], when then they will be awaiting [the judgment and the punishment.]

And they [will] say: "Woe to us! This is the Day of Judgment."

[Then the angels will say to them:] "This is the Day of Decision that you unbelieved [during the life of the World.]

[Then God will say to the angels:] "Bring up those who wronged [their people] together with their wives [: the associaters] and [the devils] that they served [in the world of souls],"

"Apart from God, and direct them to the path of Hell."

"And stop them [or detain them]; for they are to be questioned [concerning their followers: not with judgment but only with rebuking.]"

[It will be said to them in rebuke:] "What ails you that you help not one another!?"

No, indeed; but today they resign themselves in submission [to the doom.]

And they [will] come together asking each other...)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Enki was written about long before any Heeb Christian or Muzzie walked the earth. Are you saying ancient man doesn't know anything about ancient man? The Quran is the umpteenth edition of the story of Enki and his decendants.

I'll be a happy guy when the sun worshippers and the moon worshippers are long gone.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
God – be glorified – commanded to worship Him alone, and to worship neither any sun nor any moon.

This in the Quran, 41: 37
لا تَسْجُدُوا لِلشّمْسِ و لا لِلقَمَرِ و اسْجُدُوا للهِ الّذي خَلَقَهُنَّ إنْ كُنْتُمْ إيّاهُ تَعْبُدُونَ
The explanation:
(Do not prostrate yourselves [in adoration] to the sun nor the moon, but prostrate yourselves to God Who created them [all], if [truly] Him [alone] you do serve.)



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
[Quoting petros:] "Prove it on your own without reference material."

We say to you: Any building has to be built by a builder, and so the universe has been created by the Creator.

But you say: it came to existence by chance.

We say to you: the Creator created the universe.

After that, you say: who then created God Himself?

We say to you: This can't be; there should be an origin of all the chain of makers.

But you deny, and return once again to say: Prove it; and so on you keep up saying: Prove it.

In the Quran 25: 2, God – be glorified – said:

الَّذِي لَهُ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ شَرِيكٌ فِي الْمُلْكِ وَخَلَقَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ فَقَدَّرَهُ تَقْدِيرًا

The explanation:
([God] to whom belongs the ownership of the heavens and the earth,
and has not assigned for Himself any son [nor any daughter],
and has not any associate in the kingdom;
and has created everything, making for it a decreed termination.)

Last edited:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If there is really no matter and all is just energy (quantum physics and metaphysics) then by definition we are spirit made manifest by our belief system in physical reality. We create ourselves and we created a god because we forgot that we created ourselves. Stories about gods and creation began in the caves and we should have left them there when we moved on.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
God is Real​

But are you for real? You are just as likely to be a figment of your imagination.​
God and the universe don't exists if you don't exist.
If there is really no matter and all is just energy (quantum physics and metaphysics) then by definition we are spirit made manifest by our belief system in physical reality. We create ourselves and we created a god because we forgot that we created ourselves. Stories about gods and creation began in the caves and we should have left them there when we moved on.
Then one could say; "God doesn't matter".


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
You try to explain where the spirit goes upon death.

Would you please explain where the spirit comes from at birth?

The spirit comes from the ether, which consists of very fine particles very much smaller than the particles of the matter. This ether fills the universe.

When the fetus is created in the womb of the mother, the ether will start to be attracted to this new material structure, and it will percolate through the intermolecular spaces of the body of the fetus to take his shape, then when the fetus grows, it grows with it, until the baby is born, having its spirit – a true copy of the baby.

Then the baby will grow, and the spirit will grow with it (more ether is attracted as it grows) – here it is still called spirit.

Then when the baby will be 40 days of age, there will have been formed for it a hearing, an eye-sight, and a spiritual heart – here it is called soul.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Then one could say; "God doesn't matter".

That about sums it up. I mean, if there is this god of the desert, and it is so insecure that it demands our constant adoration, then one must assume that it is an insignificant little ego not worth consideration. It really doesn't matter.

On the other hand we have a living planet that provides all our food, clothing and shelter. That might be worthy of consideration. But I think the Earth deserves our respect, not adoration, as, it seems to me, she offers her bounty without expectation.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
eanassir Religion is of the earth, spirituality isn't, therefore religion is dunya so by pushing religion on someone you are pushing dunya when you should be pushing and respecting spirituality.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
If there is really no matter and all is just energy (quantum physics and metaphysics) then by definition we are spirit made manifest by our belief system in physical reality. We create ourselves and we created a god because we forgot that we created ourselves. Stories about gods and creation began in the caves and we should have left them there when we moved on.

If this was true, then why would you compete with others according to your advantages, and suffer the pain of disease, and have the family relations and work to obtain the livelihood?

On the contrary, it is more logical in your situation (and according to your claim) to sit down and sleep and do not bother yourself by any effort; because all this is some illusion according to your claim!


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
eanassir Religion is of the earth, spirituality isn't, therefore religion is dunya so by pushing religion on someone you are pushing dunya when you should be pushing and respecting spirituality.

What is this, Upsidedown? :-?