I think that Canada may be a little too "Multicultural"


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In our neighbourhood, people call Christmas trees, spruce and fir. Should I write the Christian Antidefamation League?
Is there one?

I no longer buy Chinese imports, the quality is atrocius.
Don't shop at Dollarama if you don't like the quality. Consumers get what consumers want. If they want Dollarama then Dollarama it is.


New Member
Nov 17, 2010
Can't you just feel the Christian spirit in this post?

It likely has nothing to do with nationality. Just as some immigrants are Christian, some native-born Canadians aren't. I'd say it has more to do with Christophobia.

And I do agree that any teacher or student ought to be free to practice his faith as he or she wishes as long as it doesn't impose itself on others. I don't see though how one imposes the Christian faith on me by wishing me a merry Christmas. Now if that person forced me to wish others a merry Christmas, that would be another matter.
The meek shall not inherit the earth, Machjo.

Being a wimpy Christian full of naive 'tolerance' and 'understanding' for the Islamist immigrants will eventually, and incrementally lose you your own generational homeland.

Islam is an extremely aggressive religious ideology that demands of its members that they remain primarily loyal to their own kind, and that they help build and increase the presence and power of Islam in foreign societies.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Neo-Conservative right-wing Christians like to claim that society is lacking in morals

Last I check, Islam is the epitome of conservatism - and I hear they're looking for converts!


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
It's not just the women,
the male converts to Islam often wear those full robes that are convenient for hiding "spare tires".


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
And lifestyles are quite different even across Canada. How many British Columbians go to the maple shak each end of winder? How many Edmontonians skate the Rideau Canal to work on some days of the year? While it's not so common even in Ottawa, some do. How many Torontonians are familiar with the Quebec Carnival, and how many Vancouverites with the Montreal Jazz Festival each year? How many Ottawans go hunting Inuit-style in Winter, and how many residents of Iqaluit go to major festivals? And how many Ottawans pedal to work in Winter compared to Victorians and Vancouverites? Yet how many Victorians are into cross-country skiing?

And that just reflects mostly climate and botany. Now if we go into culture, what about rodeos out west, St. Jean Baptiste Celebrations out east, Hallow'een in English-Canada, Pow-wows in some First-Nations' communities?

So really, immigrant culture is not that significant when we consider that a Quebecer would integrate more easily in France than in Toronto unless he's familiar with the culture, just as a Torontonian would integrate more easily in London England than Quebec City. Not so much because of geography, but rather language, culture, music, religion, holidays, festivals, Royal Anthems (Few Quebecers know the Royal Anthem even in French), etc.

If a Quebecer burst out one day singing Gens du Pays, a bunch of strangers from Quebec could easily join in, but you'd likely be standing there totally lost.As for daily life, they don't even speak the same language on TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, restaurants, shops, buses, taxis, government, etc. etc. etc. Some would struggle asking for directions even if sharing a common nationality.

I don't have my lights up because, well... I don't profess the Christian Faith. Can I blame that on immigrants too?

Oh Petros, be clear please. Whose way of life? French Canadians'? English-Canadians'? Algonquis'? Come on, be a little more specific, will you.

Now that's silly. If a Christian wants to call it Christmas, let him. Likewise if a Muslim wants to talk about 'Id or a Jew Hanukkah, let them too. As long as it's equal for all, I see no issue here. Besides, it opens up children's horizons to different cultures. Why are we censoring educaiton now?

I always have the lights up and active for December 1st. they don't get turned on before December 1st, no exceptions.

They usually stay on until January 1st or 2nd and then are shut off.

as far as Im concerned, Lights are a way of showing your christmas spirit.. but not strictly in a religious or non-religious way.


Electoral Member
Mar 17, 2010
Speaking of Russia, there are a number of young Russian women that have figured out how to jump the immigration line in Canada. They get pregnant in Russia, fly to Canada when they are 6-7 months pregnant, do not declare that they are pregnant or claim they are fleeing a violent relationship, have the baby in Canada, and then the baby has Canadian citizenship. That seems to be a very good first step in bringing the family to Canada.

Wow!! This is advice for me??!!

Ha-ha... Good way... I haven’t heard about it.
Really, it would be very funny if it would be not so sad..
Though.. one of the main reason of birth our second child was the aim that my husband was not taken to the Army.. So it would be normal if we give birth to our third child for stay in Canada. :)

Eh… We hope for another way.
But if we emigrate we will not disturb your culture!! Don’t worry about it. :)
We want just work in our profession and receive some money for it. In Russia we can’t do it. So, we had to change our profession (Science for my husband and Environmental protection for me) or emigrate to another country. We’ve chosen emigration.



Electoral Member
Jun 30, 2008
Ohau, Hawaii
if there's a group of people living together on one piece of land, there's bound to be diversity in race, religion, and customs. End of story.


New Member
Feb 17, 2011
I don't think there is something wrong with Canada being Multi Cultural. I know a man from this country and I think he is the best man I ever met.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
I think people should travel a bit before making up their minds.

It's like Ronald Reagan's Dog Joke: An American dog, a Polish dog, and a Russian dog are talking.
The American dog says: If you're hungry, all you've got to do is bark loudly enough and, eventually, someone will give you some meat.

The Polish dog says: What's meat?

The Russian dog says: What's bark?


Our education system is essentially geared into making multiculturalism look like a blessing and even those, who grew up in the big city, are well accustomed to living with visible minorities and even I was a multiculturalist as I grew up rotating between Vancouver, the roughest parts of Surrey and Richmond, but on the other hand most Canadians do not know better and assume that multiculturalism is the best because it was the environment they happened to grew up under.

It's the samething for the Yanks who scream "USA #1", even though they dare not step out of the country because the Government is issuing travel warnings on every single country and frankly airplanes have a habit of crashing!

Even though myself, I was a classical case of stockholm sydrome as I grew up dealing with ethnic gangs, teachers who were quite fond of harassing me for being one of the few white kids in the school and even people on the street who would give me the wrong look as if I had less right to belong in Canada - yet at the sametime I thought everything was "ok" and even mistook the few acts of mercy for compassion.

Yet, I didn't quite realize how **** this all was until I went to homogenous countries in Europe that were safe, had a better functioning social net, had less crime in generalm et al. The funny thing is that most of the Canadians I met in European Hostels were from similiar backgrounds to my own and realized just how **** the situation is for young Canadians growing up in "hotel cities", where actual Canadians (below age of 30) are in the minority and often victims to widespread systemic abuse but otherwise are unable to reconcile what is happening to them. .