Half of Canadians Want Refugees Deported


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Only Indigenous would remain. Thank goodness indigenous peoples have overcome catching the plague from immigrants & are enjoying a comeback.
Bill you are aware most natives are carrying enough blood of immigrants that they would also need to be deported . A simple DNA test would reveal where .


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Splillthebeer is a product of Canada’s education system , aren’t you proud .

Let me let you in on a little secret , Trump did not win the election , Hillary lost .
Well I guess spittle-beer was one of the system's worst failures. YES Trump did not win because (drum roll please) more fake accusations brought in just days before the election. And they originated with the Conmen party
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
pgs;2642147Let me let you in on a little secret said:
Obviously as there were only two MAIN contestants if Hillary lost then Trunk won. I can't see any other way to interpret it than that. He actually "cleaned her clock" by close to 100 electoral votes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Obviously as there were only two MAIN contestants if Hillary lost then Trunk won. I can't see any other way to interpret it than that. He actually "cleaned her clock" by close to 100 electoral votes.
No Hillary lost by not campaigning among the basket of deplorable


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No Hillary lost by not campaigning among the basket of deplorable

Poor Hilary- she lost because the number of sleazy business deals connected to her name was sufficiently large that it angered much of the public!!!!!

LIE-berals just cannot seem to get past the ugly truth that their candidate is seen as more sleazy than Trump!!!!!!!!

And now lets discuss our very own king of sleaze- that infamous Kokanee groper- the idiot Boy Justin Trudope:

Here is an article illustrating some SERIOUS QUESTIONS regarding the sanity and the morals of Our idiot Boy Justin. With some comments of my own in brackets):

EDITORIAL: We're owed answers on Trudeau's Boyle meeting

Special to Toronto Sun. Published: January 5, 2018. Updated: January 5, 2018 5:27 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Editorials

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appears with members of the Boyle family on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in pictures posted Dec. 19, 2017 to a Twitter account attributed to the family of released Afghan hostage Joshua Boyle. (Twitter/The Boyle Family)

Canadians deserve to know more about why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with returned captive Joshua Boyle and his family and what was discussed during that meeting.

For a PM who preached transparency before being elected, his office has been less than forthcoming about a controversial meeting with Boyle.

Here’s what we know: Late last month Boyle, via a family twitter account, posted photos of his family’s sit-down with Trudeau. When contacted by media, the PMO confirmed the meeting took place but refused to discuss details citing privacy considerations.

Sorry, we’re not buying it. This isn’t about protecting privacy, not given the questions surrounding Boyle and fact he tweeted photos from the meeting himself.

When the PM has a hush-hush meeting with someone previously married to Omar Khadr’s sister, who then travelled to Afghanistan under questionable circumstances, it’s reasonable to ask why our PM would meet with them and what was discussed.

(Face it- the sanity and values of Our idiot Boy Justin are already under serious doubt! His choice to give $10.5 million dollars to terror poster boy Omar Khadr has seriously damaged LIE-beral credibility! That LIE-berals would then go ahead and hand out ANOTHER $37 million dollars to 3 other Muslims detained in the aftermath of 9/11- BEFORE the Khadr Krap fallout had ceased is further display of either madness or utter contempt for main stream Canada! The LIE-beral choice to welcome home returning Isis fighters so they “can be a powerful voice in Canada” is also worrying! The LIE-beral choice not to deport convicted terrorists is even more disturbing! The Boyle business just throws gasoline on the public bonfire of very QUESTIONABLE LIE-beral values!)

As a Sun exclusive revealed this week, Boyle emailed Candice Malcolm following his release claiming he’d been offered a position in the Taliban-linked group that held him captive. He criticized his captors for not being, in his view, authentically Muslim enough.

(Boyle- the NUTBAR former Mennonite who went on tour in Taliban held Afghanistan- with his pregnant wife- wants to be critical of the level of radical Muslim devotion? HAHAHA!!!!! And he wants to discuss it with Candace Malcolm who writes so often about the political and military menace offered by radical Islam? More HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!)

Did the Prime Minister’s office and vast security apparatus surrounding him not know this? Did they know but decided questions about Boyle’s murky past were irrelevant?

And if so, what was the point of meeting?

(Yeah- great question!!!! Is Cdn security so bad they did not know anything about Boyle? Or is Our idiot Boy so far out there in left field intellectually that he over rode security concerns to meet with Boyle? Boyle tells us he and Our idiot Boy are old pals who have met before- which means more gasoline on the political fire!!!)

As security expert Scott Newark told Anthony Furey, we ought to know whether Trudeau discussed a financial pay-out to Boyle, similar to the one received by his ex-relative Khadr, for Canada not securing his release.

(Our idiot Boy has been very clearly dismayed at the public opposition to giving Khadr ANYTHING!!!! Even long time members of LIE-beral party are dismayed- though its hard to say whether they are opposed simply because of negative public reaction and potentially lost votes- or if some LIE- berals actually think the pay out was morally wrong!)

Meanwhile, compounding questions about Boyle and the meeting is the troubling news that he now faces 15 criminal charges ranging from assault and sexual assault to misleading police, though none have been tested in court.

(Our idiot Boy- the feminist star of the Kokanee Grope scandal has some very ODD events in his life- before entering politics!)

The alleged crimes occurred during a timespan than included his PMO visit. Did the PMO’s office know about those charges?

(Again we must ask questions about the quality of Cdn security! Or maybe we should ask if Boyle black mailed Our idiot Boy into meeting with him- as in “meet with me or I will go public with the details of our so called friendship”!)

Bottom line, the collective stink surrounding Boyle’s motives and behaviour ought to have given Trudeau, or someone in his office, serious pause for concern.

That it didn’t, and we’re offered nothing but silence by way of explanation, provides yet another example of the growing lack of judgment from our PM.

(Our idiot Boy is just like his father- they both think that their bullsh+t and a big helping of bribery will keep them in power! Too bad the gravy has run out and the problems re things like crime, national security and illegal immigration are piling up! And Our idiot Boy is making himself look like a nut job with his fawning praise for radical Muslims and returning Isis fighters! But then what else should we expect from a goof whose father Pierre publicly praised Chinese Chairman Mao for “his genius in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows” during the Great Leap Forward! A kid like Justin is quite likely to absorb some very weird values from a father who praises state mass murder in such fashion as Pierre did!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Do you think these people can control Trump? Because if so they don't seem to be doing a very good job.

I think they probably are! Might explain why he has so many good ideas!

What in the world do you suffer from. I have never encountered such bizarre posting behavior. I surely hope it is not sample of your way of dealing with the rest of the world. Do you post from your own home ,,,,or are you in residence?

Well, I am in good company. Canadians much like the rest of the world are flabbergasted by the choice of Americans for president. Personally, I feel that knowing they were going to loose (which they would have if Russia hadn't interfered) Republicans to choose Trump a a joke. After all in spite of all the rhetoric involving Hillary, she had Putin's number and he hates her for it. Many Republicans were really flabbergasted when Trump won. Now they have no idea on how to handle him. Most of the world has his numer,

It is amazing that Hiliary lost through false innuendo while Trump won when everyone knew what a sleazy individual he is. All on his own he is bringing the US down to the lowest level possible.

How many votes do you think those Russkies were able to cast? :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yah!! While the US. shunts the influx of refugees from their south directly up to Canada's south!! Yes, we should send all our refugees back over the border they come from, mainly the US Would solve our problem quite nicely!!
Blibbidy, blibbidy blu. FunFact: The US has 7, count 'em, seven consulates just in Mexico. Every single one of those people trying to cross the US border could have stopped at any one of those consulates and applied there without any fear whatsoever of being separated from their kids or being put in detention.

Meanwhile, we have illegals coming here deliberately avoiding the controlled entry points, hence the term, "illegals". When you travel from the Eastern US to cross the border at Manitoba, you are making a deliberate effort to avoid detection upon entry. And as far as I'm concerned, that deserves nothing less than a good ol' heave-ho right the f*ck outta here. No hearing, no wasting taxpayer money and govt resources on sob stories, just a quick, "See ya" as your ass gets punted back to wherever.

Trudeau didn't help much either with his big yap and pathetically desperate need to be liked. And now he's created some new bullshit cabinet position for this crap and stuck a White guy in charge of it. Presumably because he somehow figured out that a Somali migrant trying to get all self-aggrandizing by suggesting that 82% of Canadians aren't as Canadian as he is, just isn't going to play to the masses. But by appointing a White Canadian to this new cabinet position, Trudeau's hoping when said minister gets all Christ-y about illegals more Canadians will fall in line.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Blibbidy, blibbidy blu. FunFact: The US has 7, count 'em, seven consulates just in Mexico. Every single one of those people trying to cross the US border could have stopped at any one of those consulates and applied there without any fear whatsoever of being separated from their kids or being put in detention.

Meanwhile, we have illegals coming here deliberately avoiding the controlled entry points, hence the term, "illegals". When you travel from the Eastern US to cross the border at Manitoba, you are making a deliberate effort to avoid detection upon entry. And as far as I'm concerned, that deserves nothing less than a good ol' heave-ho right the f*ck outta here. No hearing, no wasting taxpayer money and govt resources on sob stories, just a quick, "See ya" as your ass gets punted back to wherever.

Trudeau didn't help much either with his big yap and pathetically desperate need to be liked. And now he's created some new bullshit cabinet position for this crap and stuck a White guy in charge of it. Presumably because he somehow figured out that a Somali migrant trying to get all self-aggrandizing by suggesting that 82% of Canadians aren't as Canadian as he is, just isn't going to play to the masses. But by appointing a White Canadian to this new cabinet position, Trudeau's hoping when said minister gets all Christ-y about illegals more Canadians will fall in line.


Yeah- having a former Somali refugee telling us we are not proper Cdns did not go well for LIE-berals!!!!!

And of course it is also a FINE argument in favour of NOT letting foreign born immigrants from holding high office- or any govt office in Canada!

We have only to think of Italian born Aphonse Galliano- the LIE-beral Human Resources Minister at the heart of the three billion dollar adscam theft - he was never actually charged with anything but the theft occurred on his watch!!!!! And several LIE-beral bagmen DID eventually go to jail!!!!!!

Or LIE-beral Hedy Fry- the white people hating Harpy from some Carribean island who had her own shrieking meltdown in parliament- telling us that "crosses are burning as we speak in the city of Prince George" - as if we are all members of Ku Klux Klan- and of course she was forced to publicly apologize for her "intemperate" remarks!!!!

Or Maryam Monseff- the Iranian born liar who told us she was from Afghanistan- apparently because she and her parents figured being Afghan was more politically correct and sympathetic!!!! And Monseff was put in charge of the LIE-beral electoral reform scam designed to rig our elections and paralyze our parliament- and Monseff had a shrieking, insult laced meltdown in our parliament when she was told her committee was insisting on a national referendum before electoral reform might be implemented!!! Apparently Iranian BIGOTS know more about democracy than Cdns??????????

And we must not forget Iqra Khalid- the Muslim racist with her Islamophobia witch hunt!!!!! Khalid and her LIE-beral allies intend to expand her "anti Islamphobia Motion" into a full blown law that can be used to SILENCE ANY CRITIC OF ANY LIE-BERAL POLICY!!!!! So much for free speech and honest discussion of future govt policy under Muslim Rule!!!!!!!!!

And of course the utterly unrepentant racist Hedy Fry is leading the committee seeking some way around our civil rights and free speech protections so LIE-berals CAN get their Islamophobia dictatorship legally IMPOSED on us in time for the 2019 election!!!!

Yes- we have been very well served by foreign born members of parliament- JUST SO LONG AS YOUR POLITICAL FOCUS IS GETTING MORE GRAVY FROM GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of us are figuring the WRONG PEOPLE are running things in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Can we start with the ones that came over after the Mayflower found the place. They haven't done the place any favors and it is a bigger shit-hole than it was before they invaded the place. You are aware it was an invasion, Right?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Can we start with the ones that came over after the Mayflower found the place. They haven't done the place any favors and it is a bigger shit-hole than it was before they invaded the place. You are aware it was an invasion, Right?

Poor foolish LIE-berals!!!!

They think they can insult white people endlessly and load us up with illegals and huge new taxes to cover the immense costs generated as LIE-berals BUY enough votes so they can cling to power AND make sure they always have laods of gravy as well!!!!!!!

Bob Rae has done his work well during his time as "interim leader" of LIE-beral party!!!!! Idiot LIE-berals are going to "spend us rich" with borrowed money just as Rae did for Ontari-owe!!!!!!

Now consider this tale of LIE-beral discrimination:

Here is an article illustrating how distressed LIE-berals are becoming that all their policies are being exposed as costly failures at best and as draconian dictatorship via govt mandated mind control at worst! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Liberals double down on threats to regulate social media.

By Anthony Furey. Published: February 27, 2018. Updated: February 27, 2018 7:27 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists/

The Trudeau Liberals are getting serious about their plans to regulate companies like Facebook and appear to be in the early stages of an action plan.

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reportedly brought up the issue recently in person to Facebook Chief Operating Office Sheryl Sandberg, the actual work would fall to Minister of Democratic Institutions Karina Gould.

(LIE-berals have created a Ministry of Democratic Institutions? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clearly LIE-berals have read George Orwell and think his idea of a Ministry of Truth dedicated to telling LIES is useful!!! How else to explain the Ministry of Democracy- created even as LIE-berals try to KILL our democracy! LIE-berals want to limit our free speech so we cannot easily criticise their idiot policies! And LIE-berals want to paralyse our parliament by using electoral reform to ensure that no single ever regains control of the out of control govt spending machine LIE-berals are creating! If you think that having 65 govts in 67 years is a nice idea- with absolutely NO long term planning and an economy run by organized crime- in the chaotic Italian style then you will LOVE LIE-beral electoral reform! More than 20 years ago National Geographic Magazine told us that over 80 percent of Italian economy operates completely out of reach of govt regulation! No wonder |Italy is stony broke!)

“Minister Gould has repeatedly stated that while social media companies are taking initial steps to ensure that their platforms are not being used as tools for foreign disinformation campaigns to undermine Canada’s democratic institutions, there still remains a great deal of work to be done,” wrote Nicky Cayer, spokesperson for Gould, in an email to the Sun. “This is a challenge that is being faced by democracies around the world. We are studying other countries’ approaches to see what works and what does not, what would be appropriate in a Canadian context and what — like censoring Canadians’ speech — would be unacceptable.”

(Sadly, LIE-berals have proven themselves only too happy to censor Cdn opinions they do not like- while ignoring foreign influences they do like! Their Human Rights but too often Wrong Kangaroo Courts are busy bullying Cdns for holding anti LIE-beral opinions! One has only to look at the Mississauga man arrested last summer on hate crime charges because he dared to offer money to any person who could provide him with verifiable proof of hate speech taking place in Cdn mosques! Yes- under our LIE-beral mind control police it is illegal to ask for proof of radical views and opinions that LIE-berals choose not to discuss! Even worse- at the same time- our Nazi style bully boy LIE-berals IGNORED two Cdn reporters who reported in main stream media that there was NO moderate writing on any Cdn based Muslim web site- yes- the reporters insist that even in Canada Muslim moderates are being shouted down by radicals- while our LIE-beral overlords legally harass people seeking proof of the existence of Islamic radicals in Canada!)

While hand-wringing over the term ‘fake news’ became all the rage following the 2016 U.S. presidential election of Donald Trump, there are no major examples of any jurisdiction actually regulating against ‘foreign disinformation campaigns’ for the Liberals to learn from.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently pledged to ban ‘fake news’ during election campaigns, but failed to offer policy specifics. Policymakers’ concerns over the phenomenon aren’t isolated to the West, ranging as far as the Philippines.

(LIE-berals know we don’t like being lied to-but they do it anyway! Letting LIE-berals regulate news is like letting an alcoholic guard the liquor store!)

The most recent examples of regulating or restricting social media tend to involve tackling some version of hate speech, granting tools for users to report what they consider offensive posts. The European Union got tech firms to agree in 2016 to responding to online hate complaints within 24 hours, although studies have shown they’ve had trouble keeping pace.

(Such an approach is doomed to fail- one way or another. For instance- LIE-berals feed us a steady diet of Fake News- anything from reports of our “booming economy” to self promotion of smart meters and “bargain” auto insurance rates- and yet in each case we see that LIE-berals are NOT telling the truth! Smart meters have NOT saved us money as they have enabled LIE-berals to be more selective about charging premium rates for power. LIE-berals tell us the economy is booming and yet cannot explain why there is that 30 percent jump in use of homeless shelters in Toronto- nor can they tell us why debt in Canada is rising to such dangerous levels if we are so flush with new cash! Nor can they explain why it is that health care must be rationed in “booming” Ontari-owe! LIE-berals have also told us their 2017 budget was balanced and our auditor general says that is Fake News that was engineered with accounting methods never taught in any respectable school of business! LIE-berals also told us that their 2018 and 2019 budgets were HALF of what the auditor claimed and LIE-berals would very much prefer to SILENCE the auditor rather than be honest about their cooked books! And we know that LIE-berals consider it hate crime to have people contradict them so laughing at their FAKE economic news IS defined as hate by them- against them!)

The Liberals haven’t offered up any working definition of what ‘foreign disinformation’ means to them. Despite that, they apparently still see some urgency to the situation, with Gould telling CBC last week that their plan may commence as early as six months from now.

(A couple of years back there were alleged to be a series of sex assaults by Muslims in Germany and Sweden around the new years eve- with the assaults alleged to have been carried out by Muslim immigrants and refugees- would our LIE-berals consider it to be foreign disinformation if Europeans reported that the rapes WERE committed by Muslims? LIE-berals have displayed a disturbing tendency to shoot the messenger bearing unhappy news- and then destroying the messages- unread- for the good of LIE-berals!)

“Are we going to see something more robust in the next six months?” she said of self-policing by social media giants. “If we don’t see something more robust in the next six months, then we need to take action.”

(LIE-beral willingness to compromise long established rules of law- in exchange for short term show boating intended to buy votes is on display as LIE-berals have tabled legislation that will limit the ability of lawyers to challenge the jury selection process! It is the usual ill considered LIE-beral deal- they do not like the Coulton Boushie jury verdict and so they will destroy the jury selection process that has been in place for hundreds of years- and replace it with BIGOTRY!)

(LIE-berals would disapprove of a Ku Klux Klan racist sitting in judgement on a black man! Yet LIE-berals se nothing wrong with forcing lawyers to accept a jury loaded with native bigots sitting in judgement on a white man accused of defending himself from a native thief! LIE-berals consider us all to be systemic racists because 80 percent of Cdns condemn LIE-beral immigration policy and want illegals and Muslim terrorists deported- yet LIE-berals are quite happy to defy our will in this- democracy and justice are on a ONE WAY STREET for LIE-berals- its all for them as they DICTATE what is fair- TO THEM!)

Meanwhile, legislation put forward by Conservative Senator Linda Frum designed to tackle foreign funding to registered third-parties during election season has been languishing for nine months due to inaction on the part of Liberal-appointed Senators.

(In one example of foreign funding, the David Suzuki Foundation has openly admitted to accepting millions of dollars from Yankee “super pac” political organizations in exchange for Suzuki support against Alberta tar sands! If Yankees are so troubled by tar sand oil extraction then why do they not attack the California La Brea tar sand operation in their own country? Is it because they simply want to shut down Alberta so that La Brea oil becomes more valuable when the market shortage hits? And should we not ask the same thing of Yankees giving funds to Cdn environmental groups that want to block pipelines and halt logging operations in Canada- while that same business flourishes in United States? How much funding are Cdn lobbyists getting from foreigners to promote economic activities that will harm Canada- WITHOUT having any effect on the environment? LIE-berals say its none of our concern! Halting production in Canada and shifting it and expanding it in other jurisdictions will do NOTHING for the environment! But foreign investors WILL benefit from closing Cdn business! And LIE-berals will expand the number of Cdns who must live off LIE-beral charity! LIE-berals prefer it if we are weak and dependent on their crumbs since it makes us easier to buy and control!)

It’s unclear when Gould will commence next steps and what form those steps will take.

(Yes- LIE-berals must be very careful as they move forward with their selfish and racist dictatorship! They do not want to be caught out blatantly promoting their own version of Hate and Bigotry! Too many Cdns are already angry with LIE-berals over their MANY failed policies- LIE-berals are having their hands tied by angry public opinion that is turning against them on all fronts!)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You should 'copy&paste' more often.

I fear the corruption goes back to the English/French wars for the place. Hindsight would point to the citizens being the only ones that lost anything. (when you consider that being raped is not a reward)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
‘Illegal’ or ‘irregular’? Debate about asylum-seekers needs to stop, experts warn


Experts at the UN demand Canadians to stop the debate. Obey.

Yeah- LIE-berals are really funny in that slip on the ice and wipe out sort of way!

But then as some famous guy- might have been Yankee president Ulysees Grant observed: "a LIE-berals is a person who will give away all that he does not own"!



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Can we start with the ones that came over after the Mayflower found the place. They haven't done the place any favors and it is a bigger shit-hole than it was before they invaded the place. You are aware it was an invasion, Right?

You should see Plymouth, Massachusetts now.

The place is amazing. Great restaurants and bars along the waterfront. Nice parks. No more disease wiping out the people.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You should see Plymouth, Massachusetts now.

The place is amazing. Great restaurants and bars along the waterfront. Nice parks. No more disease wiping out the people.

Syphilis sure did a number on whitie. The nerve. Giving white people people diseases. Unforgivable.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
When you take a tour of Plimoth Plantation (yes, that's spelled correctly) the people who portray the English settlers will be in character as they go about their daily chores.

However feel free to talk about Boston sports teams with the Wampanoags. They'll be dressed in period clothing but feel free to talk about whatever you wish.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC