

Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Looks like Greta is the new face of Neo-Colonialism.

It's so gracious of her to agree to sit in judgement in allowing which populations will be able to get into the 21st Century

Oh.............I think you are missing the point here about LIE-beral intentions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THEY PLAN TO IMPOVERISH US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is why there are SO VERY MANY HOLES in LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is why LIE-berals are working so VERY HARD to LIMIT discussion on the internet........................

BY CLAIMING THEY ARE ONLY TRYING TO REMOVE FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals DO NOT wish to admit they are MAJOR PURVEYORS OF FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For instance LIE-berals claim our economy is BOOMING.............................

but get tongue tied when asked WHAT WILL HAPPEN when we hit the debt wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that TWENTY EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR in federal deficit spending ENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
LET US CONSIDER that the Swiss do it THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PRETTY MUCH every citizen/high school grad there does compulsory military service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then is required to take time off work for occasional bouts of refresher training as they get older!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Switzerland - no completion of military service MEANS NO ACCESS to a voting booth either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And of course during the Cold War - countries like Britain. France and Germany had FULL compulsory military service.....................
for all school graduates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You could put off your military service till after college or university since the army LIKES educated soldiers........................
but YOU HAD TO COMPLETE BASIC TRAINING at some point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rather short sighted. What abut the people that are either physically r mentally not capable of military service? Why should they not be permitted to vote?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That's not what I said, and the U.S. has fewer than 350,000,000 people, but I know your reality only occasionally and accidentally intersects with objective reality, so you go ahead and run with it.

Making up something in your head, attributing it to your interlocutor, and arguing against it is the informal logical fallacy known as the strawman argument.

Way I see it, you're either deliberately misinterpreting my words in order to play the strawman game, or too stupid to understand ordinary, colloquial, American English. In other words, dishonest or dumb. Can't be bothered either way.
So , when I play your game your, you]get insulted ? But it is obvious in your posting history that current or retired service members are held in higher regard .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Still frothing over a 16-year old kid?

The 16 year old Swedish Troll is the dull witted ill tempered FRONT for huge corporate interests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor burned out Ember probably thinks there is a REAL AUNT JEMIMA producing that pancake batter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news- here is the latest dose of truth to EXPOSE LIE-beral FAKE NEWS related to electric TOY cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article exposing the FAKE NEWS in LIE-beral advertising for their electric TOY cars!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Electric vehicles are supposed to be green, but the truth is a bit murkier

By David Common & Jill English, CBC News

Published December 29, 2019

At gatherings of electric vehicle enthusiasts, the curious surround Rob Spritzer and his car. Both are celebrities in these circles — he's known as "High Mileage Rob," having driven more than 115,000 kilometres in his Tesla Model 3 in a little more than a year of ownership.

No other Model 3 in Canada is believed to have reached that milestone in such a short time, and it's possible no other battery-only electric vehicle has either.

And not once has he stopped for gas. Never changed the oil.

"I probably saved about $10,000 last year," Spritzer says.

(That`s nice that he saved so much money - HE WILL NEED IT - to replace the rapidly decaying Lithium battery that is the essential heart if his car!! All LIE-beral electric TOY car numbers are infected with same SERIES OF DECEITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(At 10 years old a Lithium battery has lost a HUGE PORTION of its capacity and has suffered a drastic reduction in range such that the car becomes pretty much USELESS unless a new battery is purchased at HUGE EXPENSE!! By comparison the average gas powered car on our roads is ELEVEN YEARS and usually still fully functional - IN STRONG CONTRAST to electric TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

He's also trying to save the planet by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions. His car, like other zero-emission EVs, doesn't have a tailpipe and a popular online carbon calculator shows it has a zero-carbon output.

But that doesn't mean there isn't a carbon footprint.

(Yes - that “zero emission claim is THE KEY LIE-beral FIB!! LIE-berals also CLAIM that nuclear power is zero emission and that is a LIE!! One has only to read up on the huge carbon foot print produced by making the masses of concrete needed to build containers for nuclear waste and to count the number of diesel truck loads of waste that must be hauled daily to storage facilities to recognize that LIE!!!!!!!!!!)

Where does your power come from?

(LIE-berals are very proud of their wind and solar powered GRAVY GRAB - but the nouldy green power is NOT ZERO EMISSION EITHER!! In Ontari-owe such power is SO UNRELIABLE that for each megawatt of green power - WE MUST HAVE A CORRESPONDING MEGAWATT from a natural gas fueled power generator!! Yes- we MUST KEEP natural gas fueled generators fully powered up and ready 24/7 TO TAKE OVER from mouldy green power at a moments notice!!!)

(Even WORSE - moudly green power cuts out so frequently and LIE-berals have made mouldy green such a PRIORITY on our power grid - that LIE-berals ARE REFUSING TO USE WATER POWERED GENERATORS - simply in order to make room on the power grid for their mouldy green CRAP!! And OF COURSE WATER powered generators are THE CHEAPEST AND CLEANEST OF ALL POWER SOURCES available to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So if LIE-berals are truly focussed on a “climate emergency” THEN WHY are they dumping water power and refusing to use this CLEANEST energy source?????????)
Some EV batteries today pack 10 times as much power as an average household uses in a day. And often, those electric vehicles are being charged at home.

Most of the electricity generated by North American grids has some greenhouse gas emissions connected to it. So even if a car isn't belching carbon, it doesn't mean it's perfectly clean.

For instance, coal is about the dirtiest way to generate electricity to recharge a car battery. Powering an EV with electricity generated from coal is marginally better than burning gasoline in an internal-combustion engine, according to numbers compiled by Jennifer Dunn at Northwestern University's Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience.

(Oh yes- more LIE-beral FAKE NEWS - they do not count the SERVICE LIFE of the various car types!! Obviously a machine with SHORT service life will have a larger carbon foot print then one with longer service life as one will need to be REPLACED more frequently -resulting in a larger industrial footprint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

An electric vehicle may not have a tailpipe, but it still has a carbon footprint.

Most North American grids are composed of a mix of generating sources, from coal to hydro to nuclear. When that mix is taken into account, charging a car generally creates less than half the carbon emissions compared to gasoline, according to Dunn.

It's only when electricity comes from clean, renewable sources like wind and solar that you see the most pronounced drop in EV emissions generated to power the car.
Where does your battery come from?

(And of course wind and especially solar power are LEAST USEFUL AT NIGHT - when most electric TOY cars are parked and hooked to chargers - thus THEY ARE NOT making use of wind or solar power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Before an electric vehicle even charges for the first time, however, one key part of its power system already has a significant carbon footprint.

"One really important aspect of an EV to think about is its battery," explains Dunn.

"For example, the material that helps power the battery is produced from a number of different metals, things like nickel and cobalt and lithium."

Mining and processing the minerals, plus the battery manufacturing process, involve substantial emissions of carbon.

Lithium mining, needed to build the lithium ion batteries at the heart of today's EVs, has also been connected to other kinds of environmental harm. There have been mass fish kills in Tibet, for example. The freshwater supply is being consumed by mines in South America's lithium-rich region. Even in North America, where mining regulations are strict, harsh chemicals are used to extract the valuable metal.

(In other words - western LIE-berals and their demand for Lithium batteries are literally BRIBING third world govts to pollute their lands and ground water during Lithium production and then LIE-berals ONLY COUNT pollution in western lands to “claim” how clean their electric TOYS are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
And all the operations are energy intensive, sometimes running on diesel generators and relying on carbon-emitting heavy machinery.

(And as mentioned - LIE-berals DO NOT count those diesel generators in third world lands as part of the electric TOY foot print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Adding to the cumulative effects on the environment, lithium demand is expected to at least triple by 2025, pushing more exploration and extraction globally.

And all that extracted raw material — once the batteries are worn out — will land somewhere.

(There is another aspect of LIE-beral deceit - they do not count for the cost of DISPOSING of all those Lithium batteries!! WE DO KNOW that a lot of small batteries from phones and lap top computers get dumped in regular trash - and from there they decay and contaminate our ground water- but NOBODY says much about where electric TOY car batteries end up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It's something Andrew MacDonald at Maritime Autoparts in Debert, N.S., is thinking about. His facility recycles car parts and he says it's only a few more years before his industry will start seeing EVs and their lithium-ion batteries in the scrapyard.

"As pure electric vehicles come onto the market, there's less wearable parts, so it's going to change what we sell," he says.

MacDonald adds that his company is already receiving nickel metal hydride batteries from early-model hybrids, and is figuring out what to do with them.

(So those nickel metal hydride batteries have been in production for years but NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO EFFICIENTLY RECYCLE THEM?? AND WE KNOW that Lithium batteries cannot be dumped in some storage yard and forgotten because as the cases rust out and expose the Lithium to air- it will burst into FLAMES on exposure to oxygen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Anybody recall some decades back when the country was rocked by a series of HUGE TIRE FIRES - as people stock piled old tires they could NO LONGER put in a landfill and did not know how to recycle!! Are we headed to something similar with Lithium batteries and out to lunch govt?????????????????????????????)

"We do our own research, but it would be nice to have better partnerships with the OEMs [original equipment manufacturers] to understand exactly what we're dealing with, what are the best methods and procedures and policies in handling them," MacDonald says.

"There's lots of stuff going on in the research labs around the world, trying to figure out what to do with these things. But certainly there's a big potential for what you can do with them," he says.

One of those research facilities is the U.K.'s Faraday Institution, and it's looking at ways to both reduce waste and extend the usefulness of all that lithium that's being mined.

"There are going to be a lot of batteries that reach end of life. Out of those batteries, you're going to find very valuable applications in second life," says Gavin Harper, a Faraday Institution research fellow and the lead author of last month's paper on battery recycling, published in the journal Nature.

(Really?? “Valuable applications in second life” for Lithium batteries that no longer hold a charge?? And what are those second applications?? AS BOAT ANCHORS?)

Andrew MacDonald of Maritime Autoparts is expecting to start seeing lithium-ion batteries at his recycling facility within the next few years as electric vehicles age. Problem is, it’s not clear what he should do with them.

(Uh huh - buy now- create solutions later - MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

He says if reuse is considered in the initial design, applications for batteries can be wide-ranging when their state of health — or charging capacity — is no longer adequate for an electric vehicle.

"The best option companies are looking at is to remanufacture cells into new battery packs for electric vehicles," he says.

(And NOBODY is speaking of THE COST!! NOR OF WHO WILL PAY!! As we have seen - owners of electric TOY CARS FEEL ENTITLED to have govt aid and subsidies for their TOYS!! And industry will DO NOTHING without very large govt grants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(What LIE-berals are really producing is MORE EXCUSES for COSTLY LIE-beral VOTE BUYING and setting up future public liabilities as abandoned Lithium batteries burn like those forgotten rubber tire dumps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So , when I play your game your, you]get insulted ? But it is obvious in your posting history that current or retired service members are held in higher regard .
That's not what I said. But I'm sure it's true in pgsWorld. But I have no interest in visiting pgsWorld, so if you want to discuss something, you'll have to come to someplace English-speaking.

Seriously, I'm sure that your subtle, clever (for values of subtle, clever = childish and obvious) traps serve you well on a day-to-day basis, but it really ain't making much progress, unless your actual game is to impress the mouth-breathing contingent around here with what a devilishly clever fellow you are.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That's not what I said. But I'm sure it's true in pgsWorld. But I have no interest in visiting pgsWorld, so if you want to discuss something, you'll have to come to someplace English-speaking.

Seriously, I'm sure that your subtle, clever (for values of subtle, clever = childish and obvious) traps serve you well on a day-to-day basis, but it really ain't making much progress, unless your actual game is to impress the mouth-breathing contingent around here with what a devilishly clever fellow you are.
What ever . Your Ravens are getting kicked right now . Have at it .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Start of the second half , Jackson getting his grove , should be good .
Jackson didn’t find his grove . Who would have thunk Ryan Tannahill would turn into a giant killer . Shades of Nick Foles ?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
What ever . Your Ravens are getting kicked right now . Have at it .
Yep. Some you win, some you lose.

You seem bent on demonstrating yourself a person who has a deep, emotional compulsion to "win" every social situation, by means fair, foul, or just stupid, regardless of the pettiness of the stakes.

That's OK. I find you easy to ignore. Shall we get back to that?

Then you can ask me the same question dozens of times and pretend that my ignoring you is a "victory" for you.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
It's trump that's been triggering the snowflakes for several years...
He just might add another four years of ammunition for all you all!
He certainly triggers some. Lots of Republicans were triggered by Obama, too. It still looks to me as if a lot of snowflakes are triggered on all sides of an issue.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yep. Some you win, some you lose.

You seem bent on demonstrating yourself a person who has a deep, emotional compulsion to "win" every social situation, by means fair, foul, or just stupid, regardless of the pettiness of the stakes.

That's OK. I find you easy to ignore. Shall we get back to that?

Then you can ask me the same question dozens of times and pretend that my ignoring you is a "victory" for you.
Well seeing I bet Baltimore , you might be incorrect , I understand you are never wrong .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Still frothing over a 16-year old kid?

Burned out EMBER - STILL CLUELESS ABOUT HOW BADLY LIE-beral policy is FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have you not heard- NOT EVEN GRETA the Swedish Demon could motivate her colleagues in Spain .......................

to make anything useful of the latest climate fest and LIE-beral PUBLIC PIG OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greta took the train home and her 15 minutes of fame ARE SO COMPLETELY OVER.........................

that the Germans made her sit on her own luggage in a passenger car corridor for much of the trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Still frothing over a 16-year old kid?
Busted by a Computer Glitch: Thunburg’s Father Caught Posting on Facebook, Pretending to be Greta

A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired.

The result? For starters, some 3 million followers of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been reading posts written by her father, Svante Thunberg, and a climate activist in India who serves as a delegate at the UN’s Climate Change organization, Adarsh Prathap. Thunberg, Inc. claims Greta is still the one writing the content.

Greta, Inc. explained this in a Saturday Facebook post purporting to be the young climate activist.

“Some people have been asking who manages this page. First of all, since last spring I only use Facebook to repost what I write on my Twitter and Instagram accounts,” reads the post, in which ‘she’ says she tried Facebook “early on,” but didn’t like it, so she uses “my father Svantes account to repost content.”

“The rest that is shared on Facebook is reposted from Twitter and Instagram by the guy who founded the Greta Thunberg Facebook page long before I knew it existed. His name is Adarsh Prathap and he lives in India. Since a lot of people thought it was my official page in the beginning I asked if I could co-manage it and he said yes.”

Greta claims to have written all the content posted by her father and Prathap.
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