Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Child slavery and now trafficking her to the US
You would be one of the guys that watches women's gymnastics and track and field because the sport interests you. Child sex slavery is alive and well here without it being imported.
A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest where contestants are usually under 16 years of age. There does not appear to be reliable statistics about the number of these pageants held each year around the world. They vary in style, and categories may include a talent segment as well as costume and theme wear. Contestants often wear makeup, fake teeth, false eyelashes, lipstick, elaborate hairstyles with hair extensions, and specially designed, sometimes provocative, outfits. Spray tanning and waxing are also common.[1][2] Contestants compete for prizes and are judged on the way they look and how they act on stage, similar to the judgment criteria in adult beauty pageants. Many parents attribute confidence-building as one of the reasons they enter their children in beauty pageants, but critics argue that the negative effects of beauty pageantry, especially the sexualization of young children, outweigh the positive intentions.


There are several components to sexualization that set it apart from healthy sexuality. Sexualization occurs when a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics.[3] A report by the American Psychological Association more specifically cites sexuality that is imposed on someone, rather than undertaken by choice, as evidence of sexualization.[4] In the United States, legal adulthood and ability to give consent varies from 16 to 18 years of age,[5] yet in child beauty pageants, the children's consenting parents permit them to participate, pay their entry fees, dress them, and train them to perform on stage in front of judges and an audience.
In preparation for these beauty pageants, children have their appearances altered by costumes, makeup, and other products to the point that they resemble dolls, which objectifies them at a very young age.[6] The child perceives that sexuality is not only encouraged but can be a means to an end.[7] The child pageant industry involves thousands of contestants and $5 billion a year in revenue,[8] and television networks air in-demand shows like Toddlers & Tiaras and Little Miss Perfect. The viewership implies that many adults not only condone these activities but also the view of children as sexual objects.[7]


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You come up with the adult version of what she said. 12 year old girl from a certain part of the planet, the sames that allowed you to pig out while most of the world starved. She sounds like she should take down more than bad science.

She's 16 not 12 and a high school drop out.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It's pretty pathetic that they chose a 16 year old drop out to lead the climate propanganda campaign.
She was 1/112M children around the world at a special gathering, that you missed commenting on that so they are already doing more than you and your kind are. What were you doing, getting another bad load of speed ready for you best friends, any Indian on a Reserve.

The 'adults' that you represent don't be doing such a great job or there wouldn't be any crisis, real or even worse, imagined. All you are doing is showing a 'child' is more on the ball than all of the 'loco collective', who all claim to be part of the smartest people on the planet.

This is the part of the program where the Bankers stab the old supporters in the back and take up the plight of the abused, until they also become just as abused. The best way to remain the smartest person in the room is to make sure everybody else is playing sports rather than learning about how our home really works. Stock Market crashes have been how the Bankers decimate all the rich in a war that lasts about a whole week.

Even at 16, or 26, having somebody come from the Netherlands and have her compared to what other children around the globe are involved in would be an embarrassment to any nation, especially the US and Canada because we push that we are the smartest and most moral people on the planet yet people like J. Epstein can be help in high regard through about 5 decades of raping children.
We would be blacklisted by the UN if it was let out that 'Canadian Government Doctors' kept Canada's north closed to others so they could torture the locals without getting any condemnation.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

Heavy snow in Tatogga, B.C. on Sunday, August 18. Courtesy: Kyle Wiebe

While this is a very early season snowfall, it's not entirely unheard of for the region. Fort Nelson averages 0.6 cm of snow in August; the record snowfall for the day is 5 cm. It's certainly not the norm, however, with an average August daily high around 15ºC.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
No storage is something they don't want to admit is too big of a hurdle.
Yet temperature, or any other Energy difference ( Hi pressure Vs low pressure, for example ), or "CHANGE", IS energy storage.
the stupid effers.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Have you ever been to a farm in North America, as soon as you can walk you get a chore to do?

Best way to bring up fine upstanding citizens with a tonne of pride and a hard work ethic, you'll find very few of them waiting by the mailbox waiting for their welfare checks. You should try it


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
She "took time off" (dropped out) of high school for her Climate Crusade.

Why didn't she go to the Arab countries first and convince them to give up AC?

Could have done it by rail or sail all nice and green like.

BTW they are sailing a longer southern route. The North Atlantic is too dangerous this time of year.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How old should you be in high school? Do you not graduate at or turning 18?
High School dropouts are past High School age. A sixteen years old that isn't in High School is a minor skipping school. A 21 year old who left High School when she was a minor and didn't go back and finish is a High School drop out.

One is a Minor, the other is an Adult and there are big qualitative diferences between 16 year old adolescents and 21 year old adults.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
High School dropouts are past High School age. A sixteen years old that isn't in High School is a minor skipping school. A 21 year old who left High School when she was a minor and didn't go back and finish is a High School drop out.
One is a Minor, the other is an Adult and there are big qualitative diferences between 16 year old adolescents and 21 year old adults.
drop·out (drŏp′out′)
a. One who quits school.
b. One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment.
a. A segment of a recording device, such as a magnetic tape or optical disk, that is damaged or unreadable.
b. The loss of an audio or video signal.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
drop·out (drŏp′out′)
a. One who quits school.
b. One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment.
a. A segment of a recording device, such as a magnetic tape or optical disk, that is damaged or unreadable.
b. The loss of an audio or video signal.
You must one one of those.

16 year olds haven't "dropped out". They're missing school. People like you who never went back to it are drop outs.

I gotta say that you old guys with the serious hate-on for a little 16 year old girl are the sickest of weirdos. Something is seriously amiss in your toxic souls.