George Takei: "Welcome to the Resistance"

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yes, climate change is a bigger problem.

But as we've seen since the 60s and 70s, when America was last 'great', racism and xenophobia are still rampant.

These are issues that will continue to be resolved though, regardless of politics.

As a white guy, I'm doing my part.

Are you?

Flossie, you're just as intolerant as those you claim are intolerant. You simply don't see it IMHO


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I feel bad for ya Floss... 4+ more years of you being full of angst and salt.

Brace yourself for January, Trump will officially be taking office then

I feel bad for Americans. They'll feel the effects of Donald's horrible economic policies more than Flossy


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I feel bad for Americans. They'll feel the effects of Donald's horrible economic policies more than Flossy

I'm sure they'll be fine.

I live in Ontario and everyone is doing great here despite the 'economy'.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
We better hope Trump gets impeached. Or Canadians are sure to be looking forward to a 65 cent to the dollar economy.

The irony if that is that if Trump really wants to bring manufacturing and export back to the US, they will need to lower their overvalued currency, somehow. That muscular greenback has cost them all sorts of jobs as it makes American goods too expensive to be bought overseas. If Trump really did manage to do anything other than than trash the existing trade networks, our dolliar would go up, not down. I don't expect that to happen, myself. Trump will do what's best for Trump and his team.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Shatner says he still doesn’t know the root of Takei’s ire or why he’s held a grudge for so long.
“I haven’t seen him in decades,” he said. “The mystery to me is that I don’t know the man. Years ago, I apparently did something that offended him. I don’t know what that is — and this thing has blackened my name for 50 years. That’s a little sick, isn’t it?”
But with the 50th anniversary of the show and major conventions in New York and Las Vegas looming, there’s the chance they’ll cross paths again.
What would Shatner say to him?
"Fuuck off!” he snapped
William Shatner commented his fellow Enterprise voyager last year, with whom he has been disaffected for decades . He thinks George is a really SICK little puppy.. who needs a good kick in the @$$. The Captain.. and i.. think you need to get a life, George.
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Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Yeah, I'm not really sure what is up with those two. Shatner allegedly has an abrasive side. James Doohan, Leonard Nimoy and a few others have commented on him over the decades. They spoke of these run ins or episodes in their book. But with anything Hollywood, one has to wonder how much is true.
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The irony if that is that if Trump really wants to bring manufacturing and export back to the US, they will need to lower their overvalued currency, somehow. That muscular greenback has cost them all sorts of jobs as it makes American goods too expensive to be bought overseas. If Trump really did manage to do anything other than than trash the existing trade networks, our dolliar would go up, not down. I don't expect that to happen, myself. Trump will do what's best for Trump and his team.

Manufacturing in the US has doubled in the last few decades. Manufacturing is strong. Jobs are disappearing because of automation.

Anybody that thinks Trump is going to bring back manufacturing jobs needs to explain why Nike would come back to the US and pay 50 times the labour rate.