Gay marriage billboards turning heads in U.S.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Yup, kinda like the atheists that feel the need to plaster "God is dead" all over billboards and the sides of buses.

Bullshyte. The "atheists" are threatened. If they weren't, we wouldn't have them bitching and whining so much about prayers, Christmas trees, "in God we trust", or any other "religious" thing.

I thought Nenshi was the most "progressive" mayor in Canada and he just stopped the opening prayer for council meetings. Not sure why, unless of course some atheist felt threatened by it.

Actually, they do care what Christians do in their "clubs". Christians that own their own businesses are not allowed to decide who they can and can't serve. Atheists have made sure of that. Atheists are trying to make it so that if a Church will not preform SSM then they should not be allowed to preform any marriage. Christians and their institutions are NOT allowed to decide what can and can't happen in their respective institutions. They can't decide what they will and will not pay for. Atheists have made sure of that. While Atheists can say and do as they please, Christians must be muzzled in any way possible.

No. I believe the bus thing said. "God probably doesn't exist".
Christians are not muzzled in our society. They just shouldn't be allowed to use public funds, like official government meetings, that Nenshi just recently stopped praying at the open of due to a supreme court ruling.

As an atheist I do not feel threatened by religion but I do not want the preachings of a 2000 year old fairy tale to rule my life.

Homo milk is 3% fat and Jesus was a Jew but you'll never see that on a billboard

He may have even been black too. He had rhythm.



The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Christians by and large spread the venom of the issue, but Gerry is right the same
can be said for those anti Christian. Kind of funny how those claiming to be
discriminated against can't wait to discriminate against someone else and justify it

Because some people can only see discrimination when it's against their values.

I kind of liken it to the truth, a lot of people can't see the truth about themselves (or their "group"). And it is a difficult thing to do, raw truth is often quite ugly.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
o.k. thanks for the reminder Walter,I will not mention poltical parties,no political party bashing,I need to release my joy in a more healthy manner,I am being a hypocrit.
i want you to know some of my best buddies work in law enforcement,that at one time I was and still have fond thoughts of a Conservative Lawyer,we had lots of fun together,I have friends who belong to the Communist party,I have friends which are down and out,some may label as "deadbeats",I have friends who are alcoholics,as I have relatives with alcohol and drug problems,I have friends who should drink, or smoke a little hippie to see if their bitterness can be disolved.I stay away from PD's.I have friends which are into alternative thinking,into belief systems like Wika,UFO's,I have religious and spirtiual friends,I have a friend who is pro muslim,supports what ever that organizatiion is,hamas?I have another friend who thinks jews are destructive,I love my country, I love my Province, I love the QueenI love my community.I love the trailor park,
thanks Walter,for the reminder,that I need to walk my talk,I appreciate it,where do I place my frustration of information anxiety?any suggestions?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
o.k. thanks for the reminder Walter,I will not mention poltical parties,no political party bashing,I need to release my joy in a more healthy manner,I am being a hypocrit.
i want you to know some of my best buddies work in law enforcement,that at one time I was and still have fond thoughts of a Conservative Lawyer,we had lots of fun together,I have friends who belong to the Communist party,I have friends which are down and out,some may label as "deadbeats",I have friends who are alcoholics,as I have relatives with alcohol and drug problems,I have friends who should drink, or smoke a little hippie to see if their bitterness can be disolved.I stay away from PD's.I have friends which are into alternative thinking,into belief systems like Wika,UFO's,I have religious and spirtiual friends,I have a friend who is pro muslim,supports what ever that organizatiion is,hamas?I have another friend who thinks jews are destructive,I love my country, I love my Province, I love the QueenI love my community.I love the trailor park,
thanks Walter,for the reminder,that I need to walk my talk,I appreciate it,where do I place my frustration of information anxiety?any suggestions?
Have you tried Hare Krishna?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Why is this even an issue, Heterosexuals or Homosexuals should all have equal rights..

I don't agree with forcing Religious establishments such as Churches to marry a homosexual couple, if they don't want to. They have their Freedom of Religion, to a point. (Islam kills gays)

However, on a civil level they should have the right to marry and receive all the benefits entitled to a couple.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Marriage is an institution.. reflecting the integrity and purpose of family. Turn this into an absurdity.. founded on carnal gratification and capitulation rather than the procreation and nuturing of children in a rational, safe and coherent structure.. and you will undermine the future of civilization.

Even Pope Francis, whom the homosexual lobbies viewed as a potential co-conspirator in the deformation of Marriage, lamented last week the “ideological colonization of the family,” by relativism, by the culture of the ephemeral, by a lack of openness to life"

He reasserted the Marriage is ordained by Christ in its traditional form. The attitude that Western Civilization can ditch Christianity, its founding inspiration.. for an inchoate, undefined relativism will bring on a chaotic dissolution the integral structure of the West.
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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
founded in carnal gratification

Sex is carnal gratification regardless if it's between a man and women, women and women or man and man.

rather than the procreation and nuturing of children in a rational, safe and coherent structure..

Have you not heard of adoption, and who are you, who the FUKK are you to decide what is a rational, safe and coherent structure is..

There are plenty of same sex couple that have raise healthy children that turnout straight.

Marriage is ordained by Christ in its traditional form.

Say's who? A book?


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Allowing adoption of children into environments as confused, egocentric, sexually stunted, morally depraved and mutually exploitive as that of 'same sex unions' is tantamount to child abuse. No child will emerge unscathed from such an emotionally impoverished enviroment.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Allowing adoption of children into environments as confused, egocentric, sexually stunted, morally depraved and mutually exploitive as that of 'same sex unions' is tantamount to child abuse. No child will emerge unscathed from such an emotionally impoverished enviroment.

Yeah so leave these children that could be adopted by loving couples, bounced around between in Foster Care homes and stuck in the Welfare system..

That sounds like a great environment for a child to be raised. When a couple, parents that are willing to give that child support, love and provide a stable home is available.. YOU would deny that child the hope because YOU don't agree with the parents lifestyle.

Shame on you coldstream.. Shame on you.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Marriage is an institution.. reflecting the integrity and purpose of family. Turn this into an absurdity.. founded on carnal gratification and capitulation rather than the procreation and nuturing of children in a rational, safe and coherent structure.. and you will undermine the future of civilization.

Even Pope Francis, whom the homosexual lobbies viewed as a potential co-conspirator in the deformation of Marriage, lamented last week the “ideological colonization of the family,” by relativism, by the culture of the ephemeral, by a lack of openness to life"

He reasserted the Marriage is ordained by Christ in its traditional form. The attitude that Western Civilization can ditch Christianity, its founding inspiration.. for an inchoate, undefined relativism will bring on a chaotic dissolution the integral structure of the West.
Um, marriage has been around since the dawn of civilization. It was an institution in Sumeria, India, the Americas and every religion. Christianity did not invent marriage or religion. If you had been born in India, you would in all probability be a Hindu.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Allowing adoption of children into environments as confused, egocentric, sexually stunted, morally depraved and mutually exploitive as that of 'same sex unions' is tantamount to child abuse. No child will emerge unscathed from such an emotionally impoverished enviroment.

You know that 'these people' you are referring to were born by heterosexual couples right?
So by your logic, these heterosexual couples, of which you approve, created the 'emotionally impoverished' people you are now railing against.
Contrary to your stunted view of the world, 'these people' are actually more intelligent then average and have proven they can raise children as well as any other human.
You are so small and weak. You need a 2000 year old book which has been proven wrong time and again to guide your morality.
Can you not find the strength within your own humanity to be a decent person?
Of course not, you just lap up what you've been told and are trying to drag us back in time.
You are lost. Goodbye.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
He reasserted the Marriage is ordained by Christ in its traditional form.

Jesus was utterly silent on the subject.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Allowing adoption of children into environments as confused, egocentric, sexually stunted, morally depraved and mutually exploitive as that of 'same sex unions' is tantamount to child abuse. No child will emerge unscathed from such an emotionally impoverished enviroment.

This has already been proven to be false. Children raised in SS family's do not have any more, nor any fewer "problems".