For Justin Trudeau


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Back to just Justin:

Personally, I am beginning to think the Tories should SHUT UP about him, and let the idiot Liberals anoint him as their new Moses.......

Be gentle with Justin, until he takes the leadership.

Then torpedo him. He is SUCH an easy target. Harper doesn't even have to snarl at him, as he is eating his own tail.....

Marc Garneau might actually cause the Conservatives a problem.

Justin will be easy meat.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Hmmmmmm how to make up for my stupid comments about Alberta? Eureka, they're all gun toting rednecks in Alberta. I bet I can win their hearts if I say the Gun Registry was a failure.

Do you think the registry was a success? Does anyone? If you don't, then why dis Justin for telling it straight and admitting that it was a failure?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Do you think the registry was a success? Does anyone? If you don't, then why dis Justin for telling it straight and admitting that it was a failure?
The cons thought Obama was an easy target too. I think throwing bile at someone makes people wake up to the true nature of bile throwers and the tactic, like in the US election, could very well backfire.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Justin is an idiot.

We know that seven out of ten of Canada's future new jobs will require post-secondary education. A Liberal Party led by me would make it the highest national economic priority to raise our post-secondary education rate to 70 per cent of Canadians.
Justin Trudeau: Why the Best Canada Is Built on Education

Has it occurred to this dimwit that the reason 70% of jobs require a degree is because a secondary school education is worth SQUAT, as "no child can be left behind" has so diluted the meaning of a HS diploma?.

Has it occurred to this dimwit that 70% of Canadians with a university education would mean that almost a third of those with degrees have LESS THAN AVERAGE intelligence???????

Has he thought about how far we would have to lower standards to "achieve" that goal???

Has it occurred to this dimwit that the way to improve Canadian education is NOT to further dilute standards in university, but to RAISE them??

Oh, BTW, standard Conservatives for Justin:



The kid is brain dead.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Justin is an idiot.

Justin Trudeau: Why the Best Canada Is Built on Education

Has it occurred to this dimwit that the reason 70% of jobs require a degree is because a secondary school education is worth SQUAT, as "no child can be left behind" has so diluted the meaning of a HS diploma?.

Has it occurred to this dimwit that 70% of Canadians with a university education would mean that almost a third of those with degrees have LESS THAN AVERAGE intelligence???????

Has he thought about how far we would have to lower standards to "achieve" that goal???

Has it occurred to this dimwit that the way to improve Canadian education is NOT to further dilute standards in university, but to RAISE them??

Oh, BTW, standard Conservatives for Justin:



The kid is brain dead.

I don't know about brain dead but he has no real work or life experience. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never seen reality. This has been a problem with Liberal party leadership for quite a while.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I think it's a problem with Canadian political party leadership in general.

The Liberals just seem to be better at putting it out front.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Justin is an idiot.

Justin Trudeau: Why the Best Canada Is Built on Education

Has it occurred to this dimwit that the reason 70% of jobs require a degree is because a secondary school education is worth SQUAT, as "no child can be left behind" has so diluted the meaning of a HS diploma?.

The idiot would be you. Where di he say any of that? He didn't, but like a typical conservative lapdog, you have major comprehension problems. Probably because all you hear all day long is dueling banjo's in the back of your head.

Has it occurred to this dimwit that 70% of Canadians with a university education would mean that almost a third of those with degrees have LESS THAN AVERAGE intelligence???????

and here we have colpy, just like teddytheballessgamer, projecting.

Has he thought about how far we would have to lower standards to "achieve" that goal???

Has it occurred to this dimwit that the way to improve Canadian education is NOT to further dilute standards in university, but to RAISE them??

Yes it has, just because brainless wonders like yourself are unable to see a way to up the standards, doesn't mean it's not possible. Typical though of those with lower brain capacities to yell "it can't be done".


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
The thought that he might win scares the crap out of almost everyone west of Ontario.

Eh wot ? Gives some Ontarions pause for concern as well old chap.

Personally, lots of pause.

This idiot actually manages to take three completely different stances on a single issue in one interview.

What a moron!!!!

He's just taking a page or two from Flatulance, Big Toes, and the Great Leader.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The idiot would be you. Where di he say any of that? He didn't, but like a typical conservative lapdog, you have major comprehension problems. Probably because all you hear all day long is dueling banjo's in the back of your head.

and here we have colpy, just like teddytheballessgamer, projecting.

Yes it has, just because brainless wonders like yourself are unable to see a way to up the standards, doesn't mean it's not possible. Typical though of those with lower brain capacities to yell "it can't be done".


That's right.

Up the the standards.

But make sure 70% graduate.

Not REAL bright, are you, Sunshine????

Here's a hint: those two things are mutually exclusive.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

That's right.

Up the the standards.

But make sure 70% graduate.

Not REAL bright, are you, Sunshine????

Here's a hint: those two things are mutually exclusive.

No, they are not mutually exclusive. It's not me that isn't too bright. It's the conservative lapdogs like you and teddytheballessgamer that fit that description.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
No, they are not mutually exclusive. It's not me that isn't too bright. It's the conservative lapdogs like you and teddytheballessgamer that fit that description.

Yes Dear.

You just wave the Liberal Wand of Wonder and the unfortunate portion of that 70% that has an IQ of less than average will automatically LEAP into the stratosphere, allowing them to perform satisfactorily in an environment of increased standards and expectations.

And the Tooth Fairy will save us all.

I've worked in education, remember????

I'm sorry, people may be equal in the eyes of God and the law, but they are NOT equally gifted intellectually. And the attempt to pretend they are is well....stupid.

Which explains why you have yet to come up with some coherent argument on how this magical world of wonder is to be achieved, and instead have tried to cover your inability with arrogance and insult.

Oh yeah, you are a Liberal, aren't you??

No wonder.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Pray, Canadians, down on your knees and pray this moron never gets into the PM's office.

Not that I think that is AT ALL likely.....

This is a guy who was boasting, as recently as 2001: “I don’t read newspapers. I don’t watch the news. I figure, if something happens, someone will tell me.”

Then there’s Justin’s “senior adviser” in his leadership campaign, a celebrity documentarist whose works include a crude piece of anti-Israel propaganda produced in association with the Iranian government’s English-language propaganda arm. This most cherished of Justin’s confidantes is also famous for having penned a 2006 essay for the Toronto Star attributing such super-human powers to Cuban strongman Fidel Castro, “an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets, on everything,” as the ability to go long periods without sleep and to harvest sea urchins from the ocean floor at depths of 20 metres without any artificial breathing apparatus.

This is Justin’s brother Alexandre we’re talking about here, so, you know, back off.

Read more: The Trudeau effect

The Liberals are SO desperate, they tried to convince us an Ivory Tower Egghead was the Messiah because of his brains....and lost.

Now they are trying to foist upon us a brain-dead pretty-boy with a name.

They SO deserve the political wilderness.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So is so 90's.

Keep in mind it's all advisers and minions behind a politician doing the real work and pumping the propaganda.

They aren't oracles, soothsayers or Holy men with unlimited intelligence and unfettered loyalty to their Countrymen.

When it comes to the nuts and bolts of the economy and long term projects, they are powerless and maintain the status quo.

When was the last time a project as huge as the oil sands, crude oil, nat gas, potash, urainium all exported through asia pacific gateway on a drastically updated infrastructure was planned by men who permed their hair wore polyester suits who thought Bobby Vinton was cool.

3/4 of what you see happening with our economy and "Action Plan" infrastructure enhancement was all planned and put forward 35 years ago while Harper was in grade school.

All the PMs since have maintained that vision and seen to it's fruition.

Harper has done an excellent job in advancing the visions of P.E.T in regards to western Canadian resource development and exports.

The CPR to the Pacific was the last project Canada invested in on this scale. We're finally finishing it and it cost us a fortune with heartbreaking sacrifices.

You fanatics need to give your heads a shake and look at the big picture.

Politicians are just people on TV who are not much different than car salesmen or real estate agents who debate sh*t like it were a toastmasters meeting, coffee row or online forum. They are narcasists who like real estate agents and car salesman have their faces plastered all over billboards and bus benches. They are just leeching middlemen.

It doen't matter who the next head leech will be even if they have the best azzes in town sitting on their face plastered bus bench the same way a real estate agent's face plastered on bus benches doesn't make the house I'm looking for any better or a better deal. Lawyers do all the work, the agents just leech...and wear those ugly fvcking blazers.

The big picture is out of their hands.
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