Fishing row breaks out between Scotland and Ireland


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A row has broken out between Scotland and Ireland over fishing rights around the uninhabited islet of Rockall.

The Scottish government has said it will take "enforcement action" against Irish vessels found fishing within 12 miles of Rockall from Saturday.

The UK claims sovereignty over the North Atlantic outcrop but the Irish government does not recognise the claim.

Fishing row breaks out between Scotland and Ireland

7 June 2019
BBC News

A row has broken out between Scotland and Ireland over fishing rights around the uninhabited islet of Rockall.

The Scottish government has said it will take "enforcement action" against Irish vessels found fishing within 12 miles of Rockall from Saturday.

The UK claims sovereignty over the North Atlantic outcrop but the Irish government does not recognise the claim.

Irish ministers have described Scottish government comments as "unwarranted".

However, the Scottish government said a recent increase in activity from Irish vessels around Rockall had prompted the move.

'Defend the interests'

A Scottish Government spokeswoman added: "Irish vessels, or any non-UK vessels for that matter, have never been allowed to fish in this way in the UK's territorial sea around Rockall and, despite undertaking extensive discussions with the Irish authorities on the matter, it is disappointing that this activity continues.

"It is our duty and obligation to defend the interests of Scottish fisheries and ensure compliance with well-established international law.

"We have provided an opportunity for the Irish government to warn their fishers not to fish illegally and hope that this opportunity is taken up as this will of course obviate the need to take enforcement action - which would otherwise be implemented to protect our fisheries' interests."

Image copyright Getty Images Rockall is an eroded volcano that lies 260 miles (418km) west of the Western Isles and is only 30m (100ft) wide and 21m (70ft) high above the sea.

The UK claimed Rockall in 1955, but Ireland, Iceland and Denmark have previously challenged that claim.

The Irish government's minister for agriculture, food and the marine, Michael Creed said he was trying to, "avoid a situation whereby Irish fishing vessels who continue to fish for haddock, squid and other species in the 12-mile area around Rockall are under the unwarranted threat of 'enforcement action' by the Scottish government".

He added: "However, following this sustained unilateral action by them, I have no option but to put our fishing industry on notice of the stated intention of the Scottish government."

Rockall became part of the United Kingdom in 1972
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
What's long, black, full of seamen and f*cks Irish fishing vessels?

A British hunter-killer submarine, liked the one which sank an Irish fishing boat in 1982.

Be careful, Paddy!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Another intelligent response, I see.

I can see I'm dealing with a man of high intellectual calibre. I stand no chance.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well that's just a matter of opinion.
Mon, but you are an asshole.

Submarines are crazy dangerous places even when everything is running smoothly. Every single member of the crew relies 100% on every other crew member for their survival. You have to have complete faith that the guy beside you will do his job to the upmost, all of the time and you will lose faith rapidly in a dope head. This is true of any warship but there are lots of ways of hiding on a surface ship. There is nowhere to hide on a submarine and you have to be totally there, all of the tine for your shipmates as well as for yourself.

The military operates on teamwork, like no one else does.

There is no, ABSOLUTELY NO room for coke on a submarine.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Mon, but you are an asshole.
Submarines are crazy dangerous places even when everything is running smoothly. Every single member of the crew relies 100% on every other crew member for their survival. You have to have complete faith that the guy beside you will do his job to the upmost, all of the time and you will lose faith rapidly in a dope head. This is true of any warship but there are lots of ways of hiding on a surface ship. There is nowhere to hide on a submarine and you have to be totally there, all of the tine for your shipmates as well as for yourself.
The military operates on teamwork, like no one else does.
There is no, ABSOLUTELY NO room for coke on a submarine.

That's like saying there's no room for rum on a submarine.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
That's like saying there's no room for rum on a submarine.
There is no room for rum on a modern submarine. They issued rum in Nelson's day to steel nerves but a machine as sophisticated as a submarine needs clear heads on board.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I guess you never seen the ones they pawned off on Canada. Must be 15 years ago now and they still can't leave the dock without either sinking or catching fire.
HMCS Chicoutimi (the one that had the fire) deployed on a 197 day patrol across the Pacific to the Asian Coast and, almost simultaneously, HMCS Windsor deployed on a 133 day patrol across the Atlantic and into the Mediterranean ... sailing independenly, fully armed patrols.

Stick to what you know, Taxslave, not what you think that Terence McKenna told you about our Navy.