federal election


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Hey! He could use YOURS!!!!
I am sure a serious drinker such as yourself can always use someone who can tell you how strong the booze is by reading the label.
Olympia , it’s the water .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Canadian soldiers about the highest paid in the world.
These days a private makes $50K ?
In almost worthless "trudeau sold all the gold for peanuts" Canadian dollars?
In reality they make Effe all.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Always informative to get the perspective of a complete political novice..

Ah yes................................the usual dismissive crap..................................................

from a DEDICATED LIE-beral HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article illustrating the usual FAILURE of LIE-beral policy!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

B.C. drivers registering more cars despite green policies like the carbon tax and more public transit options

By Wanyee Li. StarMetro Vancouver

Published Sat., June 16, 2018

VANCOUVER—Between rising gas prices — due partly to increasing carbon and fuel taxes — and a growing number of public transit and cycling options, B.C. residents are still buying more cars per capita, according to new data released by Statistics Canada.

(Vancouver is known for its rainy spells and who wants to be out on a bicycle in the cold rain?? And what boss wants to see the employees straggling in looking like drowned rats?? Or- on the rare snow days- having the employees straggle in covered in half congealed salt laced slush?? Add in the sad reality that a public transit trip TAKES SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER than driving and you have the current B.C. reality of MORE CARS - regardless of LIE-beral wishful thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And in our McJob economy being available at short notice- meaning you CAN drive swiftly to work when called upon- means you are MORE LIKELY TO GET WORK!! The highly mobile car driving employee is PREFERRED to the others plodding in on snail paced public transit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Fewer vehicles on the roads mean people will spend less time stuck in gridlock and fewer carbon emissions are being released into the air, but there were about 78,000 more registered vehicles in 2017 compared to 2016 in B.C., according to Statistics Canada. The agency released the data Friday, showing there are now more than 3.7 million vehicles registered in B.C.

(LIE-berals have NO CONCERN for why this is happening- their ONLY FOCUS is a mad scheme to destroy much of our economy - for the perceived good of the LIE-beral party and the party environment!! LIE-berals are seeking to create a national environment where the LIE-beral party can thrive forever - at the expense of all other Cdns!! LIE-berals seek to create a relatively benign Soviet Socialist dictatorship so they can control our wants and needs and even control our thoughts and wold vision- this is why Socialist radicals are so prevalent on our campuses!!)

National numbers paint a similar picture throughout Canada, said Werner Antweiler, an economist at the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business.

“It’s a disconcerting picture,” he said in an interview.

(It may be “a disconcerting picture” from the Socialist point of view- but it is economic reality being driven by double dealing LIE-beral economic choices!!!!!)

“When you look at the overall numbers over the last several years, over a five-year or 10- or 15-year period, the number of vehicles has grown faster than the number of people in the country.”

(And no wonder - the old days of care pooling are dead as disco!! Our schedules are now so splintered and disjointed that we each need personal transportation!! With idiot LIE-berals working ever harder to force us onto worn out and already overcrowded public transit that too often takes us away and FAILS to bring us back due to various things such as break downs or flooding caused by ancient infrastructure failing or police investigations or power failures etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But the silver lining is that B.C. residents are driving less despite buying more cars, said Antweiler, who has been tracking not only vehicle registration for the past decade but also fuel consumption.

(Yes - and B.C. tourism is down - meaning people drive ONLY for work now - with scenic drives and relaxing holidays being put out of affordable reach!!!!!)

Statistics Canada has not released fuel consumption numbers since 2015, but the available data shows a trend of people driving less in B.C. even though they are buying more cars, he said.

(LIE-berals insist that driving is a privilege but the reality is it is essential in our modern over taxed and over stressed economy!! And the willingness of Cdns to take on costly car ownership proves that fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In other words, fuel consumption is decreasing per capita while the number of vehicles per capita continues to increase.

(There is also the issue of modern vehicles getting more efficient in their use of fuel!! The simple act of improving a vehicle transmission by dumping the old 3 - 4 gear system and going to a 6 or 8 gear transmission WILL NOTICEABLY IMPROVE FUEL ECONOMY simply by keeping engine revs lower - but LIE-berals do NOT count or calculate such things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Antweiler suggested people may be changing their driving habits due to high fuel prices and carbon taxes, but they are not necessarily comfortable living without a car altogether.

“We are actually seeing that people are more frugal in terms of their vehicle use, and they are responding even stronger in jurisdictions where we have seen fuel prices increase — so carbon pricing and fuel pricing is working,” he said.

(As usual LIE-berals look at ONLY PART of the picture!! Reduced consumption of gas by ordinary Cdns will be OFFSET by INCREASED gas consumption by well heeled civil service union HOGS! Reduced gas prices make it easier to fuel all manner of gas guzzling toys from atv`s and Sea-Doos to huge motor cruisers - and fuel costs for airline flights also go down - making a trip to Florida more affordable for those with govt cash in pocket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Forcing ordinary Cdns to limit their fossil fuel usage with heavy taxes- that tax gravy then handed out to HOGS so they can EXPAND their carbon foot print is hardly an innovative way to save the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As an example- cottage owners in Muskoka -many of them teacher Hogs - have embraced “bubble systems” - electrically powered air compressors that blow bubbles into lake water for six months every year - stirring up the lake so no ice will form around the valuable family boat house with its costly collection of gas guzzling toys and risk damage to the structure or the toys and previous generations of cottage owners could not do such a thing - so WHY allow it now??)

B.C.’s carbon tax is $35 per tonne, which works out to 7.78 cents per litre and will continue to increase annually until it hits $50 per tonne in 2021. Residents in the Metro Vancouver area also pay an additional fuel tax of 25.5 cents per litre of gas.

Some of that money goes toward building more public transit infrastructure, like rapid transit and bus routes.

(Uh huh- in Ontari-owe that carbon crap cash is merely being used to REPAIR worn out transit infrastructure!! LIE-berals do enjoy putting lipstick on their economic PIG POLICIES!! An example would be green initiatives in which deceitful LIE-berals claim to be greening affordable housing- by sticking some plants on the new roof -AFTER they have rebuilt the crumbling relics that they ignored and allowed to ROT for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Metro Vancouver residents are already choosing public transit more often than ever, according to data released by TransLink Friday.

Monthly boardings on the SkyTrain in May 2018 were up by about 9 per cent compared to the same time last year. The transit authority said ridership across all public transit options — SeaBus, West Coast Express, bus, and SkyTrain — were at an all-time high, with the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver being the only caveat.

(Well yes- LIE-berals are working hard to jam us into that over crowded infrastructure and we will take it when it makes economic sense but LIE-berals beware- the public sees your GREED and shameless vote buying - USING that carbon SCAM REVENUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It’s a start, but policy-makers need to build public transit infrastructure that is “dense enough for more people to feel comfortable about making the switch” from cars to public transit, said Antweiler.

Building a subway along Broadway and creating more priority lanes for buses would help, he said.

(A subway is usually seen as beneficial and useful -and voters want such things- to bad that LIE-berals ALWAYS chose to hand out gravy to HOGS rather than build costly subways- LIE-berals are down in the polls because their shameless vote buying is crippling our public transit options!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals refuse to recognize that deliberately screwing up traffic with bus lanes and bike lanes is NOT WINNING them many new friends - especially on rainy days when the bike lanes are empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Metro Vancouver officials are currently considering charging drivers to use the region’s roads through a model called mobility pricing. Proponents say it would decrease congestion and carbon emissions.

(Oh yes- I am sure that making the city too costly to live in will have some effect on the number of people wanting to travel there!! Too bad LIE-berals cannot see beyond all that new tax revenue they plan to grab - they are missing out on the GROWING RAGE of the ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
September jobs report - 54,000 jobs. 456,000 new jobs this year so far.

Pretty tough to criticize the Liberals economically - but that won't stop the you know who's from trying.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
September jobs report - 54,000 jobs. 456,000 new jobs this year so far.

Pretty tough to criticize the Liberals economically - but that won't stop the you know who's from trying.
Yes , public sector jobs , great .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
CBC suing Scheer over illegal use of their property in yet another attack ad.

tsk tsk

You can tell scheer has never had a job


oh and the excuse is that CBC is publicly funded and therefore their intellectual property should belong to all Canadians.

exactly the reasoning that you would expect from someone who has never worked for a living.
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