Equalization formula is unconstitutional: report


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
We are supposed to be a Canadian family for one thing, that means we share our talents and
our resources accordingly and that includes good ole cash.
constitutions are guide posts and some people want to flirt with opening that document up for
a look see. I suggest we leave it closed. The last time we opened Pandora's Box it took us
fifteen years to close it.
Only the West would question equalization anyway. The way I described this to younger people
is as follows. There were these people called Albertans who were gathering bounty on gopher
tails in the dust on the Prairie. For the most part the Federal Government assisted them through
the dirty thirties and beyond with military basis and so on. For the most part these were poor
folks and and good and decent inhabitants. One day Jed Clampett was shooting at gophers and
he missed striking the ground and Yup He Struck Oil.
After that these folks got swollen bank accounts and wallets which put so much pressure on them
they got swollen heads. Their heads grew so large, and pressured their brain as to inflame the
greed gene and its that self centered way today.
What I think is so funny as some in the West, including BC where I live, are critical of Quebec as
they look after their own interests first. The criticism in hollow as Albertans are first for thinking in
terms of themselves, followed by BC. We hear this stuff about western separation and son on, of
course while criticizing Quebec for being separatists. It is time for the western provinces to Grow


House Member
May 18, 2010
There were these people called Albertans who were gathering bounty on gopher
tails in the dust on the Prairie. For the most part the Federal Government assisted them through
the dirty thirties and beyond with military basis and so on.
This is a lie, old man !! The Feds never help AB during the dirty 30's!!
Get you facts straight before you spew eastern propaganda.

AB was entitled to military basis just the same as other provinces.
So again, old man, get your facts straight and cut with the BS trying to make like you know something,,,you don't !!!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
This is a lie, old man !! The Feds never help AB during the dirty 30's!!
Get you facts straight before you spew eastern propaganda.

AB was entitled to military basis just the same as other provinces.
So again, old man, get your facts straight and cut with the BS trying to make like you know something,,,you don't !!!

I don't think that equalization even came into existence until the '50's or '60's.

But DG's story makes for good entertainment for the inbred grandlings out in the Ozarks.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is a lie, old man !! The Feds never help AB during the dirty 30's!!
Get you facts straight before you spew eastern propaganda.

AB was entitled to military basis just the same as other provinces.
So again, old man, get your facts straight and cut with the BS trying to make like you know something,,,you don't !!!

When was the first big field (Leduc, I think) discovered?

Yes, Alberta has punched well above its weight since, as has
Ontario. This wasn't always so though. As far as Equilization
goes, if anyone has the right to bitch, it's Ontario. Alberta at
least got to receive some funding in the beginning. Ontario
never did.

(P.S. I'm not from Ontario, nor have I ever been there; but I'm
a Canadian, and am aware of this nation's history)

Saskatchewan received $$$ through equilization in small doses
comparatively for a long time. Those days have passed, and it
will pay into for others for a long time to come.

Due to shear numbers, with about 40% of the countries population,
Ontario contributes the most to the Equilization plan. The one time
in the past that Ontario qualified to actually receive funds as a
have not province....was the time (& reason) that the formula was
changed...so they missed out.

Yes, things where lopsided in the past with development of industry
in Canada, with Central Canada set up as the manufacturing center
with the East & West set up to supply it, but that's long in the past.
Things have changed. Times have changed.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Alberta at
least got to receive some funding in the beginning.
Oh, pray tell, and just when was this!!

I don't see anywhere in your diatribe that the AB taxpayer, contributes more than any other taxpayer in Canada??? Maybe I missed it??

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Centre for Constitutional Studies - The Debate over Canada's Equalization Program

"Since the program’s inception, the so-called “have-not” provinces of Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland & Labrador have and continue to receive federal payments under the program.[vi] The eligibility of British Columbia and Saskatchewan wavers from year to year; Ontario has never qualified; Alberta qualified for compensation from 1957 to 1964 but has not been eligible since that time, and Canada’s territories are given financial assistance through a separate program.[vii]"

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House Member
May 18, 2010
Ahhhh, you were saying Ron from Regina???

Hmmmm, I wonder if that old fart grumpy knows how to read a chart ???


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The Federal Government did the handouts through setting up military basis and
things of that nature. Alberta was not a have province until well into the forties
The story I told is tongue in cheek by the way.
I have relatives who live in Alberta and except for two they are blowhards just
like Texans.. Why is it that Alberta always wants to be the victim when it
comes to who gets what? I am in BC not the East but I understand the Easts
frustrations with Alberta. They seem to somehow have this simplistic view of the
world. The Reform Movement came from there after all and that is as simplistic
as you get. Its what happens when you mix ordinary conservative fiscal policy
with religion. It leads to isolation of thought and a simmering unfairness that the
world doesn't see the picture the way they do, even as distorted as that vision is.
In BC we have some Liberals and some NDP folks who say things that raise my
eyebrows and even snicker a bit from time to time.
However there are people in Alberta, Art Hanger was one of them come to mind,
and when they say things I feel embarrassed, rather than amused. People being
a little off is one thing but when the little off is off the map that is something else.
It appears Alberta wants to be the victim and everyone else is saying OK.
I think its sad really, progressive thinking keeps them in the past. I find that its also
true to some extent in Nova Scotia from time to time..

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Oh, pray tell, and just when was this!!

I don't see anywhere in your diatribe that the AB taxpayer, contributes more than any other taxpayer in Canada??? Maybe I missed it??

Diatribe? Really? When was the big field at Leduc discovered?
What was happening in Alberta at that time? That was a clue.
How did the ball get rolling on the leduc field?

If you really are interested in not only Canada's history, but
some of the history of Alberta itself...you've now got a seach
point to start at. If it really doesn't matter to you, then my
saving you the effort so that you can dismiss things outright
is just a waste of my time.

If you really believe the stuff you chronicly toss out regarding
the east/west myth, then you'll look it up yourself (or at least
make the effort) just to prove me wrong.

If you can't be bothered, then it puts things into perspective,
doesn't it? All those in Ontario that pull your leg, in the effort to
help you extract your foot from your mouth, on the east/west
thing....live in a province that has never received funding from
Equilization...as Ontario has never qualified as a "have not" in
the formula, be it the old one or the new one.

Yes, Alberta has punched well above its weight. Maybe you missed
that. Yes, Alberta has paid more in by magnitutes than it has received.
Yes, Ontario hasn't ever revieved equilization funding, but has always
paid in.

Ahhhh, you were saying Ron from Regina???

Hmmmm, I wonder if that old fart grumpy knows how to read a chart ???

Sorry 'bout the slow responce. I was typing. I'm not a
quick typer. Sometimes I can use 4 fingers....but usually
it's just two.


House Member
May 18, 2010
"Ontario hasn't ever revieved equilization funding, but has always
paid in."

Never Ron ??? Even in the last few years??? Are you really sure about this???!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
"Ontario hasn't ever revieved equilization funding, but has always
paid in."

Never Ron ??? Even in the last few years??? Are you really sure about this???!

If it's the last year or two, then I'm wrong & you're right. If that's
the case, I might have edible stuff in my freezer that predates
Ontario receiving anything out'a Equilization.

If it's previous to that, it's news to me. Point it out! I'm here
to learn and have an open mind.


House Member
May 18, 2010
If it's the last year or two, then I'm wrong & you're right. If that's
the case, I might have edible stuff in my freezer that predates
Ontario receiving anything out'a Equilization.

If it's previous to that, it's news to me. Point it out! I'm here
to learn and have an open mind.

Oh, ok, I just thought you read the OP!
I guess when you say never, you don't really mean never, but that's ok, it's easy to make a fast statement when your trying to make a point!!