Dogs shouldn't be left alone with babies folks


Electoral Member
May 31, 2007
I just pray some researcher somewhere finds a way to grow him a usable one on a mouse or something. 8O

Please, for the kid's sake, grow it on an animal larger than a mouse!!
He has enough issues...



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
the problem is, once those conditions arise, it's not a stable dog anymore.

don't get me wrong... dogs are dogs.... people are the ones responsible (like the drug addict whose starved dogs ate her face), but I wouldn't feel sorry for it that it needs to be put down after snacking on a baby. Especially while simply guessing as to what brought it about.

Hence the point is that no dog should be left unattended with a baby. There is no established pecking order concerning the baby and the dog, as far as the dog is concerned. There is no telling what a dog is thinking when given the leave to do as it pleases.

Some dogs would never take something out of the garbage while the master is around, yet left on their own, even a dog that isn't hungry can decide that there is something in there that it wants and go get it.

It doesn't mean the dogs has gone crazy, just that it's not under control and a dog must always be under control.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
That's just it. Never leave a dog alone with a kid, let alone a 4 month old who has no way of defending him/herself.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
All too often it seems people forget that just because we've domesticated an animal, it is still an animal, and still to a very large degree, slave to it's baser instincts - unless there is something to stop them from indulging these instincts, they will do so. It's unreasonable to expect otherwise.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
True Zan. Domesticated dogs simply live by the rule of the food chain. Whoever has more power over food or to the food is the one who calls the shots. There no equals in the eye of a dog.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Dogs That Bite The Most....................

The 9 Breeds of Dog That Bite the Most

According to a 27-year study of dogs in the New York City area made by Dr. Robert Oleson, of the U.S. Public Health Service, these are the 9 dogs most apt to take a nibble out of a human being. They are, in the order of their aggressiveness:

1. German shepherd
2. Chow chow
3. Poodle
4. Italian bulldog
5. Fox terrier
6. Mixed chow chow
7. Airedale
8. Pekingese
9. Mixed German shepherd

Not what I would have picked, but, who knows?

Where's the Rottie and the Pit?

And, who the hell owns an Italian Bulldog?

Ah well.........



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The 9 Breeds of Dog That Bite the Most

According to a 27-year study of dogs in the New York City area made by Dr. Robert Oleson, of the U.S. Public Health Service, these are the 9 dogs most apt to take a nibble out of a human being. They are, in the order of their aggressiveness:

1. German shepherd
2. Chow chow
3. Poodle
4. Italian bulldog
5. Fox terrier
6. Mixed chow chow
7. Airedale
8. Pekingese
9. Mixed German shepherd

Not what I would have picked, but, who knows?

Where's the Rottie and the Pit?

And, who the hell owns an Italian Bulldog?

Ah well.........

The shepherd doesn't surprise me...but the list is interesting. Guess pit bulls don't bite they just kill. I am surprised the dobe didn't make it too.