Detroit Files for Bankruptcy


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama”

Judges rarely read constitutions. They make them up as they go along.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored.

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama” | FrontPage Magazine

Maybe Rosie wants some of Mr. Johnson.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I just checked the stats for Wayne County, which has also taken a big hit in the past 15 years of so and Michigan State has also suffered a small population decline.

Interesting, JLM. What kind of numbers are they talking about? Any mention of where all these people are going?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Interesting, JLM. What kind of numbers are they talking about? Any mention of where all these people are going?

Wayne County's population went from 2.1 million in 1990 to less than 1.8 million in 2012. No mention of where they went. I believe parts of Ohio to a lesser degree suffered the same fate.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama”

Judges rarely read constitutions. They make them up as they go along.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored.

Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama” | FrontPage Magazine

Maybe Rosie wants some of Mr. Johnson.

So they are not bankrupt now and can somehow now pay their bills? Looks to me she is trying for a federal bailout.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Well, if the voter refuses to let politicians raise taxes, then I guess the next best thing is for a judge to order them to.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
An interesting read:

A few remarks from a dood named "beachboy":
"As someone who greatly enjoyed and cared about the city, might I share a few thoughts about why Detroit failed? Let's start with a question --- were residents unwilling to invest in their neighborhoods, or was there progressively less ability to do so? Or both?

To try to answer this question, can we consider four processes - the first two, consequences of growth; the last two, results of management: (1) Infusion, (2) Perfusion, (3) Diffusion, and (4) Confusion ...

Infusion and Perfusion - As the article said, Detroit was a medium-sized Great Lakes port before auto wealth - produced by inventiveness and hard work - infused and perfused the D. This created a wealth gradient that over-drove subsequent processes, masking underlying negative trends. It happened rather quickly - over less than 30 years (1900-1930) ... the greatest burst of mass wealth creation in our nation's history.

This period of infusion and perfusion has been called Detroit's "golden age". Then the Great Depression hit, and four to eight years of misery followed. After a slow, unsteady recovery, WW2 provided an excuse for great infusion and perfusion of tax money, falsely recharging the D's economic gradient with confiscated wealth. Also, "foreign" labor from the South was infused into, and perfused, the D - tensing up a pre-existing racial gradient. ... sorta like winding up a time bomb...

Diffusion - After WW2, industrial reorganization for domestic production caused migration of technology to the private sector, also migration of people to non-defense workplace clusters that were more distributed geographically. As the article pointed out, the concentrated population (ref. above), tired of a city infused and perfused with air and water pollution (natural consequences of industrial production), left the grimy D to claim their American Dream by the slice in suburbia. And, for a little while (1945 to 1960-something), it worked ... sort of ...

Absent of major natural disasters, the big game-changer in an economy tends to be useful new technology. IMHO, the "beginning of the end" for Detroit came with the infusion of "advanced technology" into auto manufacturing and its dependent sectors, thereby leading to greater automation and increased "productivity". Consequent job losses (a kind of diffusion of labor) were initially masked somewhat by domestic market growth fueled by the Baby Boomers (itself, a type of population infusion and diffusion).

Confusion - As Detroit's single-crop economy settled on its laurels, a confused management watched as product quality and (predictably) market share declined. A confused federal government lowered trade barriers, and the nation was increasingly flooded with artificially cheap imports, further decreasing market share. A confused industrial management cartel struggled to recognize and subvert, then belatedly adapt to, a profusion of social, technological, market, and global economic changes.

A not-so-confused population sensed that their dreams were diffusing (read: eroding) ... driven by social and economic fears and tensions (a form of confusion that infused and perfused Detroit society), violence increased. Confused city, county, and state management bureaucracies dithered and wobbled from one trendy slapstick routine to another, stabbing at replays of the "capital infusion" process - floundering with (increasingly scarce) public money to slap band-aids on the "problems of Detroit". Some of the fixes worked, albeit temporarily; most flopped with a dull, expensive thud while tax revenues further decreased due to more population diffusion.

Emblematic of the template for confusion was the mostly-corrupt Mayor Jerry Cavanaugh's and mostly-well-meaning Gov. George Romney's dithering in late July 1967 as long-simmering economic and racial pressure-gradients (ref. above) erupted into riots that for various reasons were beyond the scope of local police to control (not the fault of the police, IMO). State troopers, then the National Guard, were called in, but to insufficient effect. Requesting federal aid, Romney was told by then US Attorney General Ramsey Clark that Federal troops would be supplied only if Gov. Romney would declare a state of "civil insurrection" (influence of confused interpretations of Posse Comitatus law). Romney, a businessman, would not yield because he feared the effects on insurance payments (confusion motivated by his fear of the "act of war" escape clause). To his credit, Romney persisted in requesting Federal help. Almost two days after the riot started, President Lyndon Johnson imposed a state of emergency on the D, castigating Romney repeatedly for his indecision. Elements of the 82nd and 101st Army Airborne Divisions, waiting outside the city, entered Detroit, marking what I call the "middle of the end" for the D.

Similar denial, dithering, clabbering about, theft and slapstick attempts at "solutions" cluttered the following years, as the denoument of Detroit's tragedy played out. I lived over 100 miles north of the D - reading, listening, inwardly digesting as many details as I could obtain about the slow-moving catastrophe. For a while, industrial wealth production in the D was sufficient to mask many of the underlying decay until, like the bones of an ageing animal, failure poked through the thinning fat. "


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
It wasn't Unions. The same unions in the plants elsewhere in the country that were expanded and took the union labour from Detroit are doing fine.

It was GMAC that tanked GM, not unions. Ford is doing fine. Chrysler has swapped hands so many time nobody know who the hell they are anymore and the Jap companies that utilize union labour are doing fine too.

Contracted parts suppliers buggered off the Mexico and that wasn't because of union it was because the opportunity to do so arose from NAFTA.

It wasn't Unions who came up with NAFTA was it?

NAFTA did it. Nothing more, nothing less.

What nonsense. Unions and economic nationalists fought tooth and nail against Free Trade from the start. It was the Free Traders who made Michigan a 'Right to Work' state last year... essentially destroying the union movement. Free Trade destroyed Detroit. And Free Trade (along with Monetarism.. free trade in currency and credit.. and deregulation and privitization.. the entire cruddy Free Market scam).. will destroy America (and Canada).. if it is not stopped.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
And Free Trade (along with Monetarism.. free trade in currency and credit.. and deregulation and privitization.. the entire cruddy Free Market scam).. will destroy America (and Canada).. if it is not stopped.
What? I thought it was homosexuality (and the acceptance of it) that was going to destroy North America (going by previous statements from you).
Personally, I think the whole idea of rise and fall is based upon greed for power, wealth, and then complacent attitudes towards status quo once the power and wealth has been acquired.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Well, if the voter refuses to let politicians raise taxes, then I guess the next best thing is for a judge to order them to.

I don't have the source but what I read was that only 55% of property owners pay tax on their properties, probably because the tax would exceed the net worth of the dwelling.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Then the judge will order the town to cut back on spending. Either way, if the voter won't allow the town to balance the books, thena judge will make them do it.

Looks like the services will be cut to the point where the tax base can accommodate it.

I'm confused. Did the judge just void the bankruptcy? So does that just mean the city is responsible for its debt?


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
What? I thought it was homosexuality (and the acceptance of it) that was going to destroy North America (going by previous statements from you).

The two are not unrelated LG.. both dealing with a completely artificial and fraudulent concepts of freedom.. the former of freedom from natural law (and therefor God) and its responsibilities.. the latter freedom from an economic construct of productivity and equity.. to one supporting an ever more polarized group of economic parasites (traders and usurers)... which can only produce destruction.
Last edited:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
The two are not unrelated LG.. both dealing with a completely artificial and fraudulent concepts of freedom.. the former of freedom from natural law (and therefor God) and its responsibilities.. the latter freedom from a constructive economic structure of productivity and equity.. to one supporting an ever more polarized group of economic parasites (traders and usurers)... which can only produce destruction.
Related, unrelated, whatever. Past days, you've said homosexuality will cause all the destruction and today you say it's free trade.