Democrat Party Civil War Begins


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Yes where is the science behind this whole windmill cancer thing?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
DNC votes down climate-focused debate

A committee within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Thursday voted down a proposal for a debate focused on climate change.
The DNC's resolution committee voted against the measure, though a resolution calling for a climate debate could still be considered for a vote by the full committee Saturday as they continue to meet over the weekend.
The committee defeated the resolution in a 17-to-8 vote, according to the Mercury News.
The DNC has faced mounting pressure from environmental groups and some candidates, even as two climate forums hosted by other entities are planned for September.
“We are in a climate emergency. If we’re going to prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, we need to know how those vying to become our next president are going to confront the fossil fuel industry and accelerate the transition to renewable energy from day one. Talking points and sound bites don’t cut it anymore,” Greenpeace said in a statement on the vote.
A number of candidates have heeded calls for a climate-focused debate, but one of the loudest of those voices, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, ended his presidential bid late Wednesday night.
Christine Pelosi, a member of the executive committee and the resolution committee, was one of three DNC members to introduce a resolution that called for a standalone climate debate.
Pelosi, daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), introduced the resolution Thursday that read: "Therefore, be it resolved that one of the first of several DNC Presidential Debates should be focused on Climate Change issues and solutions."




Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
DNC votes down climate-focused debate

A committee within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Thursday voted down a proposal for a debate focused on climate change.
The DNC's resolution committee voted against the measure, though a resolution calling for a climate debate could still be considered for a vote by the full committee Saturday as they continue to meet over the weekend.
The committee defeated the resolution in a 17-to-8 vote, according to the Mercury News.
The DNC has faced mounting pressure from environmental groups and some candidates, even as two climate forums hosted by other entities are planned for September.
“We are in a climate emergency. If we’re going to prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, we need to know how those vying to become our next president are going to confront the fossil fuel industry and accelerate the transition to renewable energy from day one. Talking points and sound bites don’t cut it anymore,” Greenpeace said in a statement on the vote.
A number of candidates have heeded calls for a climate-focused debate, but one of the loudest of those voices, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, ended his presidential bid late Wednesday night.
Christine Pelosi, a member of the executive committee and the resolution committee, was one of three DNC members to introduce a resolution that called for a standalone climate debate.
Pelosi, daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), introduced the resolution Thursday that read: "Therefore, be it resolved that one of the first of several DNC Presidential Debates should be focused on Climate Change issues and solutions."


But isn’t that the number one issue facing not only America but the whole world ?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trump campaign attacks AOC, Democrats: 'This is our country, not theirs'

President Donald Trump's re-election campaign attacked Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a campaign email on Tuesday for her calls to abolish the Electoral College, telling supporters that "this is our country, not theirs."
The attack was prompted by comments Ocasio-Cortez made last week in which she called the Electoral College a "scam" and said that the constitutionally-mandated way the U.S. picks its presidents dilutes the voting power of people of color as well as voters in large cities.
"Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently called for abolishing the Electoral College. Remind her that this country belongs to AMERICANS from EVERY zip code, not just the Coastal Elites and Liberal Mega Donors. This is our country, not theirs," the Trump campaign petition said, directing supporters to sign.
The language used in the email is similar to the racist attack by Trump on four Democratic congresswomen of color - known as "The Squad" - last month in which he tweeted that the group should "go back" and try to fix the "crime infested places" they "originally came from" instead of telling the U.S. government how to handle its problems.
The group includes Ocasio-Cortez as well as Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. Three of the women are U.S.-born. Omar, a Somali refugee, moved to the U.S. when she was 12 and is a naturalized citizen.
Trump won the presidency in 2016 with 304 electoral votes against Hillary Clinton's 227. However, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. After losing the popular vote to Clinton, he called the Electoral College "genius" and "far better for the U.S.A."...……..More


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Rep. Ilhan Omar at center of Washington political consultant's divorce

The wife of a Washington political consultant filed for divorce on Tuesday and alleged that her husband told her he was having an affair with Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to court documents obtained by NBC News.
Beth Mynett, who works as the medical director of the D.C. Department of Corrections, alleged in court documents that her husband, Tim Mynett, confessed his "devastating and shocking declaration of love" for Omar this past April, which led to the split. Tim Mynett's company, the political consulting firm E Street Group, has worked with Omar's campaign.
Omar's office, when asked for comment, referred NBC News to the E Street Group, which said in part, "E Street Group does not comment on the personal life of either our staff or clients."
Beth Mynett, 55, said in the divorce filing that she was "devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration," but she told her husband that she "loved him and was willing to fight for the marriage." However, she said he told her that "was not an option for him," according to court documents.
The couple has been together since 2006, married in 2012 and have a 13-year-old son together, according to the divorce filing. The New York Post first reported the story.
Omar, who is married, represents Minnesota and was elected last year. She has been in the national spotlight after becoming one of the first Muslims to serve in Congress.
She has also been the subject of racist attacks and death threats as one of the four Democratic congresswomen of color known as "The Squad." The Somali-born congresswoman has drawn the ire of President Donald Trump, who launched an attack on the group last month by telling them to "go back" to the countries they "originally came from." She is an outspoken critic of Israel and was recently denied entry to the country for her affiliation with a boycott movement against Israel.
Federal campaign finance records show that Omar's campaign paid Tim Mynett, 38, $7,000 in July 2018 and E Street Group roughly $222,000 from 2018 to 2019 for fundraising consulting, travel consulting, and internet advertising, among other services.
Tim Mynett's LinkedIn profile shows that he has worked at E Street Group for more than a year and that he provides "national progressive strategies for candidates, nonprofits and advocacy efforts."
She is also is seeking child support, ownership of their Washington home and the division of their assets because she is "closer to the end of her professional career" and would be "left to face a financially insecure future as a result of (his) unilateral decision."


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Lying weasels?


We have a VAST over supply of LYING WEASELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also commonly referred to as LIE-beral supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look how hard the LYING WEASELS work to distract us.............................

from the madness of Our idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berls would rather discuss what might happen to Trump.......................................

MORE THAN YEAR FROM now.................................................

than speak of the EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS in new promises...............................................

made by Our idiot Boy in the few months AFTER...................................

his spring budget............................................................

that ALREADY CONTAINED a TWENTY BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor LIE-beral LYING WEASELS CANNOT explain................

HOW ANYBODY but LIE-berals and their pals will benefit.....

from such massive debt..........................

and sheer Financial PIGGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals do not want us to think of stuff like this::::::

Cdn LIE-berals are up in arms over the”terrible” conditions that exist in our jails!!

LIE-berals want to act as if some other evil people= and NOT LIE-berals - are running the jails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals want to PRETEND that conditions in jail - especially for those doing solitary time for offenses committed INSIDE THE JAIL - are at special risk - as if attacking guards and other inmates - and thus earning that solitary confinement was something to be EXCUSED - rather than discouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea of giving killers some sort of decent existence came into play when a life sentence really was FOR LIFE! Convicts were easier to handle if left fat and lazy! A certain amount of decent treatment made for less violence in jails- some of the old jail house riots were truly murderous!

And one may ask: "who cares if convicted felons kill each other off"? I say we all should! It is one thing for us to look at Paul Bernardo or Clifford Olsen and say: "these killers are hopelessly broken and can never be safely released so maybe it is more merciful to execute them- just send them back to their maker"!

But there is the point- it is our choice- based ALLEGEDLY on what is most humane and decent! If we allow convicts to impose their own rabid justice then we end up with the most vicious and least deserving killers in charge of our jails since they will enslave or kill off all the weaker convicts! This is not any justice I recognize! If we want Bernardo dead- and I think he ought to be- then we should have the courage to do it for ourselves and not leave the job to some back stabbing thug!!!

Sadly- LIE-berals have- as usual- taken a small and logical fact and blown it up into INSANITY- as they seek to buy votes at any price!

It is LIE-berals who have so little respect for democracy or the rule of law- who have made so many choices in favour of their CRAPPY catch and release legal system that criminals have decided is an IMPOTENT JOKE!!

It is LIE-berals who decided to allow convicted criminals and inhabitants of lunatic asylums to vote in our elections!

It is LIE-berals who seek to win over the votes of people related to hard core convicts- as if such family bias in favour of thugs does not matter!

It is LIE-berals who told us we should permit illegals to vote in our elections- after all illegals "live here" too!

It is LIE-berals who claim illegals should have the same rights as citizens because “they pay taxes too” - and that is a LIE-beral LIE!! Illegals pay NO income taxes because they are NOT LISTED in the Revenue Canada computers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is LIE-berals who created the "catch and release" legal system that has convinced hard core criminals that CRIME DOES PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is LIE-berals who refuse to focus on any sort of sensible prison policy! What are our prisons for anyway?

LIE-berals refuse to permanently lock up dangerous criminals for our protection.

LIE-berals refuse to punish convicts so they will be scared straight and will not re-offend.

And LIE-berals have demonstrated they have NO CLUE how to rehabilitate criminals.

And it is LIE-berals who refuse to deport foreign born criminals.

At what point should we conclude that LIE-berals are ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST MAIN STREAM CANADA?

Now would seem to be a good time for that conclusion - that voting LIE-beral is hazardous to our economic and social health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!