Cut Israel Off


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
What, this was never mentioned.

Palestinian human rights groups pressed Hamas on Monday to allow an independent investigation into whether it committed war crimes while fighting Israel last winter. The 11 Palestinian groups said an internal inquiry was needed to maintain the credibility of Palestinians who want to see Israel punished for its actions during the war. Hamas is unlikely to agree to an independent inquiry.

World Briefing - Middle East - Gaza - Palestinians Push Hamas for Inquiry Over War Crimes Against Israel -


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Very very true! If Hamas and the others wanted to attack America because they 'truly' hate Americans then they would have done it by now because they have better connections in the States then Al Qaeda has because of the Palestinian international community. This article states the true fact because for the past few weeks Abbas has wanted the peace talks to be substantive so that Hamas losses power in Gaza. But Olmert, has proven that first he didn't want substantive negotiations and now saying peace talks might not even happen at all.

Let us invade Israel and make it a true democracy for the Palestinians and the Israeli Arabs that are treated as second-class citizens and destroy the only autocratic regime in the Middle East that has WMD.
Dementia has hit you very hard.

BTW your knowledge of history & politics is laughable and highlights your Grade 4 education beautifully.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
``The Zionist State of Israel has been an evil manevolent force which has brought misery to millions of people. Yet our news spins this state as some sort of innocent victim.``

Precisely why Einstein said ''Zionism = Fascism''.

{op cit}

Einstien was cool, had an approximate idea of configuration and position butt the big really big bank frum.n nothing into everything this presents problems.
Afterall he was an idiot.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The usual bull**** from the left.

The only thing I would agree with in the entire post is the declaration that the palestinians want peace. That the average Palestinian would like to live in peace is without question, as would the average Israeli.......unfortunately peace programs are usually derailed by extremists on both sides......

As for the refugee thing, people consistently forget 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries after the 1948 war.......where are the demands they be compensated, allowed to return to their seized property, where are the calls for justice for them?

Why are they assimilated into Israel and at peace, while 50 years down the road the Arab nations have done NOTHING to aid their Palestinian brothers.......they prefer them as they are, a propaganda club to beat Israel with.

Only hell awaits the Israel faction in perpetuity you will get there, just keep it up.



Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
November 17, 2007
by Charley ReeseIt is long past time for American politicians to quit carrying water for the state of Israel and its powerful U.S. lobby. Congress' craven obedience to the lobby is a disgrace.

America's strategic interests in the Middle East lie with the Arab countries. Israel is a strategic and economic liability. The U.S. government's slavish support of Israel brands us as a hypocrite and is responsible for most of the hostility toward the U.S.

Americans have been brainwashed into believing that it's the Arabs, and the Palestinians in particular, who don't want peace. That is a big lie. The Palestinians made an enormous concession when they agreed to settle for a state on 18 percent of Palestine. Saudi Arabia proposed several years ago a peace plan in which all of the Arab countries would recognize Israel in exchange for Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories. The Israelis rejected it out of hand, just as they reject Arab efforts to have the Middle East a nuclear-free zone.

Israel's goal is and always has been to take all of Palestine and to get rid of the Palestinians. The Israelis employed ethnic cleansing in 1948 and again in 1967 to make hundreds of thousands of Palestinians refugees. For 40 years, the Israelis have refused to give back the Palestinian and Syrian lands they seized in war. They have blatantly violated international law by building settlements on occupied land, and by violating the airspace of other sovereign countries.

Palestinians are the victims, not the villains, in this case. The Israelis make their lives miserable in the hope they will give up and leave. At the same time, the Israelis, in cahoots with the American government, maintain a charade of proposed peace talks. They of course never come to fruition. The Israeli government is not about to allow the Palestinians to have a viable state. If they give the Palestinians anything, it will be a patchwork of enclaves completely surrounded and controlled by Israel. Having created 700,000 Palestinian refugees, the Israelis have from the beginning refused to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses, all of which Israel confiscated on the specious grounds that they were "abandoned property."

Without U.S. aid, which now is conservatively estimated to total $108 billion (think of the infrastructure and schools that amount could build in the U.S.), and without the U.S. wielding its veto every time the United Nations tries to act, none of this would be possible.

It is not just the Muslim world that hates our pro-Israel foreign policy, for sound reasons that it is unjust and cruel. Europeans and others around the world are contemptuous of America's slavelike obedience to a small foreign power. It has gotten to the point that to be seen as an ally of the United States is viewed negatively.

The Arab and Muslim people, with the exception of al-Qaeda, don't hate America or Americans. It is the pro-Israel foreign policy and, of course, our invasions of two Muslim countries that they hate. Virtually all of the anti-Arab and anti-Muslim propaganda generated in this country has its source in the Israeli lobby and in Israel itself.

Thanks to the unconstitutional largess of the cowardly Congress, Israel is a rich country and one of the world's leading military powers. It doesn't need American aid. It is time to quit dancing to the tune of a lobby with dual loyalties and to pursue America's interests.

Americans are being betrayed by their own politicians, and it's time to treat those scoundrels with the contempt they deserve.
An amazingly unique post consisting completely of lies, nonsense, and inaccuracies.

Congratulations! You are the biggest POS on this site.

Care for a sequel? ROFLMAO