CDN Election 2019


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

Scheer lunacy:
• Voted against women's fertility and abortion rights.
• Voted twice against giving same-sex couples the right to marry.
• Voted for the failed bill to restrict same-sex marriage after it was legalized.
• Voted against the right to assisted death.
• Voted against transgender rights bill.
• Denies climate change.
• Pro guns. He wants to reduce gun regulations including lift gun regulations that limit magazine capacity.
If you want Canada to follow America down the toilet, then go ahead fools. Vote for this psycho.
this is why Trudeau's falling popularity makes no difference to the conservative support

nobody who was a Trudeau voter would ever vote for Scheer or his party.

the people who bail on the Liberals over Trudeau are going orange and green

and the white nattys cheer


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Ocean Breeze......Remember a song by Simon and Garfunkle..."The Boxer"
"We only see what we want to see and disregard the rest"
Um. . .

"All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest"

But S&G were lying. You can tell from the chorus:

"Lie lie lie
Lie lie lie lie
Lie lie lie
Lie lie lie
Lie lie lie-lie lie lie lie
Lie lie lie-lie lie"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
People should move on from this "blackface, brownface fiasco" with Trudeau. At the time he did it, it wasn't illegal and wasn't even regarded as being in "bad form". There is more than enough shit he's pulled off since 2015 to highly qualify him to be removed from office. Let's concentrate on THAT and give the bastard the heave ho!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
this is why Trudeau's falling popularity makes no difference to the conservative support
nobody who was a Trudeau voter would ever vote for Scheer or his party.
the people who bail on the Liberals over Trudeau are going orange and green
and the white nattys cheer

Let them slide over to the Orange and the Green parties, that with the hardcore Red will equal Blue on election day ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Baby on board: Scheer's campaign is a family affair

TORONTO — Not yet two months old, Georgia Hubick is already a frequent flyer.
Georgia is travelling with her mother, Kenzie Potter, on the Conservative campaign tour. In just seven days, Georgia has been to more than a dozen cities and towns in seven provinces, while her mom continues as Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer's chief political adviser.
"A lot of people see her get off the bus and they're quite surprised, or they ask 'You have a baby on tour?'," Potter says, sitting for an interview with The Canadian Press during a rare down period on a campaign swing through Toronto last week.
"I'm not sure if they're weirded out by it or if it's cool."
As far as Andrew and Jill Scheer are concerned, it's more than cool.
"I couldn't imagine the campaign without her," Andrew Scheer says.
Bringing a baby along for a campaign tour is unusual for a political staffer. But the Scheers have five kids of their own — Thomas, 14, Grace, 12, Madeline, 10, Henry, 8 and Mary, 3 — and Scheer likes to joke that for each campaign he's fought since 2004, Jill has either been pregnant or just had a baby.
"Kenzie did it this time to keep the streak going," Scheer jokes.
Still, Potter, 37, didn't want to tell Scheer she was pregnant and due two months before the federal election campaign would begin.
"This is everything we've worked for, right? This is the Stanley Cup for us," says Potter, cradling Georgia in her arms, seated on a couch in an airport hotel between the Scheers.
"This is the time in life they're going to need me the most. I just felt like a terrible friend, like, 'I'm failing you. I'm so sorry.' "
But she says Scheer didn't miss a beat. He simply children are the greatest thing, "and then pivoted to, 'You'll just bring her on the plane.'
"And that was the extent of our discussion."
Scheer's identity as a father is a big part of who he is as a politician and families are at the centre of his platform. From tax credits to help families pay to put their kids in sports and arts lessons or to offset the federal income tax paid on maternity leave benefits, to an increase in federal matching contributions to registered education savings plans, Scheer is constantly talking about family budgets. He says he knows firsthand how much kids cost and he just wants to make raising them a little bit easier.
Potter is toting a nursing pillow and a diaper bag along with her briefing books, and Georgia has her own seat in the front row of the campaign plane.
Jill Scheer, who has become one of Potter's closest friends, takes over baby care when Potter needs to do a briefing or take a meeting and the baby can't be there.
"Not because I have to, but because I want to," Jill Scheer stresses. On plane journeys, she can often be seen cuddling Georgia in the aisle, bouncing up and down to keep her happy. Over breakfast at the tour hotels, she reaches in for a baby snuggle, giving Potter a chance to eat.
Potter refers to her as "Auntie Jill" and said she has learned a ton about parenting from her friend.
When asked how old Georgia is, Potter says she's eight weeks. Jill cocks her head and says, "I think she's nine weeks."
Potter looks briefly stricken, then shrugs it off.
"I tell my friends she is an extreme mom," says Potter, noting how Jill puts together fun gifts and treats for her kids for holidays and other special occasions.
Andrew Scheer is less meticulous than his wife about those types of things. When Jill was away one Valentine's Day, she asked him to put some sprinkles on some cupcakes she had made for the kids.
When asked if he followed through, he looks sheepish and says a drawn-out "Yeeesss." He clearly means there's no chance he did.
Another time, on Halloween, Jill left him a bag of candy to give out. He said he was busy with work and looking after their youngest daughter, so he just dumped the candy in a bowl and put it on the front step with a sign saying, "Take one."
"I asked him how many kids came and he goes, 'Either one, or 200,' " Jill says.
Andrew shrugs.
"The system worked."
Georgia is just one member of a small baby boom in the Conservative party in the last few months. Hamish Marshall, Scheer's campaign manager, has a four-month-old boy. Scheer said young Alexander was issued credentials for the Conservative war room in Ottawa last week.
As well, two Conservatives seeking re-election — Garnett Genuis in Alberta and Rosemarie Falk in Saskatchewan — welcomed babies in July.
Potter says finding the balance between work and mom life is the same for her on the campaign plane as it is for any mother.
"You're supposed to work like you're not a mom and be a mom like you don't work," she says.
She credits an understanding boss and a helpful and understanding husband for being able to do what she does. He is at home with their older daughter, Sloan.
She met her husband during the last election campaign, when she was helping Scheer get re-elected in his Regina-Qu'Appelle riding. They went to visit a local bar in the town where her now-husband, a Saskatchewan farmer, lives.
Four years later, she has two babies and Scheer is running for prime minister.

Now wasn't that a heart warming article?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Perhaps, the point isn't "What there are" (which, is in itself a racist way of looking at it) but what they think and say. If you vote for a candidate solely because they are a woman or from a visible minority because you don't like the history of white male candidates, you are the most racist one going, Amil.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Since when is Sheer a racist anyways?

Hell, you use black toner in your printer ink cartridge nowadays and you're labelled a racist.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Hedy Fry is most definitely a serious racist and, coincidentally, she also wears black face some times.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
People have to simmer down and quit their obsession with this black skin, brown skin bull shit or Justin will be retaining power through the back door via the sympathy vote. What he did was neither illegal or particularly evil at the time he did it. Focus instead on his time in India and holidaying in the Bahamas when he WAS acting like a real asshole!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Beavis or Butt-head for prime minister? There are other choices

The leader of the Liberal party has been outed wearing blackface or brownface makeup three times in the past 24 hours.
Justin Trudeau has also twice violated the Conflict of Interest Act.
His government approved two pipelines and an LNG plant while professing to be interested in adhering to the Paris Agreement on reducing greenhouse gases. And he broke a promise to bring in proportional representation.
Then there's Andrew Scheer, the social conservative who tries to act like he's not one.
In opposing same-sex marriage, the leader of the Conservative party was seen in Parliament coming up with a kooky analogy of a dog's tail not being a dog's leg.
Scheer also proudly ran with Stephen Harper, who wanted to introduce a racist barbaric-practices snitch line in 2015.

The anti-abortion group RightNow celebrated Scheer's victory in his party's leadership race in 2017.
RightNow bragged about signing up thousands of anti-abortionists to the Conservative party.
Scheer returned the favour by allowing a long list of anti-abortionists to carry the party banner in this election, including in the suburbs of Vancouver.
It's nuts. These are the two choices to become the next prime minister of Canada? Beavis and Butt-head?

There's never been a stronger case for a minority government.
If you can't forgive Trudeau for his latest outrage, the default position is not to vote Conservative.
That's because if Scheer forms a government, we'll inevitably see more state-sanctioned Islamophobia, zero authentic action to address the climate crisis, and more foreign military adventures causing death to people in other countries. That's the Conservative way.
With Trudeau, you get more public transit projects, more fossil-fuel production, and slippery Liberal ethics.
Take the time to read the NDP platform and the Green platform. Then cast your vote wisely.
Don't stay home just because you can't stomach the two frontrunners. That only encourages them.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015

DAUGHTER knows MORE HISTORY than papa hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND EVEN SHE GETS IT WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW1 was a smash and grab raid by dictators ............................

who THOUGHT they could get away with bullying others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Austrians wanted to bully BOTH Bosnians and Serbs.............................

meaning Austrians launched the first step in the smash and grab raid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russians wanted to DEFEND their Serb Slavic cousins ...............................

NOTE THAT - DEFEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Germans wanted to bully Russians and enslave them and take their land .......................

NOTE THAT - the second step in the smash and grab was against Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

France hated Germany and WANTED TO GET BACK LAND that Germany had taken in 1870!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Germany CHOSE to invade Belgium because it was the easier route to get at France...................................

Belgium was collateral damage from the German smash and grab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Britain WANTED NO PART of the European madness............................................

problem was that in the 1880`s.............................

Brit and French diplomats came up with an agreement that Brit ships would patrol the English Channel/ North Sea area.....................

including around northern French ports.............................................

and France would patrol the Mediterranean Sea.............................................

thus making best use of naval resources for both countries...........................

PROBLEM WAS..................................................

GERMANY LAUNCHED THE SMASH AND GRAB RAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the British were CAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Brits HAD GUARANTEED the neutrality of Belgium after the Napoleonic wars..............................

and if they refused to help Belgium against the INVADERS.....................................

then nobody would trust Britain again in future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second - most French naval resources were in the Mediterranean because THEY THOUGHT Britain HAD THEIR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Britain refused to join the fight then German navy would blockade and attack northern French ports........................

and France WOULD BE DEFEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Germans were bullies..................................

and Britain stood up to them at high cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS for the Yankees....................................

THEY IGNORED THE WAR for 3 years..................................................

until things got DESPERATE for the west....................................

and Washington chose to intervene.................................

in order to AVOID having to face the German bullies ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS THE TRUE VERSION OF WW1..............................................

with Brits reluctantly helping DEFEND lands that had been INVADED by bullies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID reveals his POISONED value system by scorning Brits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anbd we all know what hemerHOID thinks of white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID is DISGUSTED when any white person successfully defends themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And NOW we are facing EXACTLY the same pressures from MODERN bullies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran wants to DESTROY Israel .......................................

regardless of whether the Jewish state has a right to exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And China wants to grab up islands- and the OIL AND GAS UNDER THE ISLANDS...........................

in spite of the fact that FIVE OTHER nations have just as good claims to the Islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And China wants to grab other resources as well- at the expense of white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Russia wants to grab resources from other countries...................................

because the Russians are TO STUPID AND CORRUPT.....................................

to manage their own economy........................................

so they want to STEAL FROM OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wikipedia tells us the Russian Federation has a population of 144 million people.................................

and the RUSSIAN ECONOMY IS SMALLER than that of Canada.................................

with 35 million people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bullies dont know any better than to smash and grab...........................................

and hemerHOID doesnt know any better than to spew LIE-beral HATE propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Yeah, yeah Cliffy that's the ticket

Green Party would decriminalize all drug possession if elected

How about the Independent vote Cliffy that's how you can drive change in Ottawa

Mike Smyth: As Trudeau stumbles, the fight is on in Vancouver-Granville

Liberal candidate running around calling everyone a racist while defending Trudeau what a maroon, hopefully they split the vote and squeak through the Con. for the win.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
People have to simmer down and quit their obsession with this black skin, brown skin bull shit or Justin will be retaining power through the back door via the sympathy vote. What he did was neither illegal or particularly evil at the time he did it. Focus instead on his time in India and holidaying in the Bahamas when he WAS acting like a real asshole!
So you don’t think sticking a banana down ones pants is cultural appropriation?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yeah, yeah Cliffy that's the ticket

Green Party would decriminalize all drug possession if elected

How about the Independent vote Cliffy that's how you can drive change in Ottawa

Mike Smyth: As Trudeau stumbles, the fight is on in Vancouver-Granville

Liberal candidate running around calling everyone a racist while defending Trudeau what a maroon, hopefully they split the vote and squeak through the Con. for the win.

It will be interesting to see how many Jody gets! I'd bet it's a shit load! (Go Jody go)