CDN Election 2019


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Quite easy...………..when I act true to my philosophy things usually work out O.K.

Uh huh....................and WHAT HAPPENS when you lose your special HOG PRIVILEGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is what NO LIE-beral wants to discuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for your insistence that you are NOT a LIE-beral...............................

you are playing SILLY WORD GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF you have HOG privileges then you are a LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers are ESPECIALLY ADEPT at TALKING about justice and fair play.................................

they just do NOT UNDERSTAND why they cannot keep their SPECIAL HOG STATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nazi general Erwin Rommel was NOT a Nazi.......................................

but it did not stop Britain from sending commandos to try to kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are judged by the company you keep and hanging out with HOGS WILL CONDEMN you as a LIE-beral by association!!!!!!!!!!!

Your values are MUDDLED in the extreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I'm not aware of any HOG privileges! Perhaps you can remind me of what they are!

TYPICAL HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinks its none of our biz HOW he grabs his gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOGS LOVE those LIE-beral privacy laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can HIDE A MOUNTAIN of gravy behind that smoke screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at Ontari-owe teachers PUBLICLY LYING about Ford "CUTS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Translation - Ford is simply NOT GIVING TEACHER HOGS a big a pay raise as they demand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT IS NOT A CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in light of HOW LITTLE EFFORT teachers are making to keep our kids safe at school................................

there is VALID REASON TO LIMIT teacher gravy.................................

and put the money into Security Guards INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating that our overpaid teachers are lying about the safety and security of our kids at school!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

‘He lifted his shirt up and he had the axe’: Hamilton student speaks out about alleged school yard incident

By Morganne Campbell, Global News

Published October 13, 2019

A teen is speaking out about an incident allegedly involving a weapon at a Hamilton high school Friday, just days after a 14-year-old boy was killed outside another school in the city.

(I was sitting in a room full of teenagers when Liz Sandals- the Wynne LIE-beral govt education minister assured the media that she had spoken to kids and received assurances that all was safe and well at school - and the kids I was with ROARED with SCORNFUL LAUGHTER and the kids suggested that Sandals must have only consulted the school council president and a few other suck ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(School principals are apparently chosen for their ability to defuse and HUSH UP serious events!! Some will recall that when 15 year old Jordan Manners was shot in his school hallway - and cops began asking questions - cops accidentally UNCOVERED EVIDENCE of a sex assault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Cops discovered that a Muslim girl had been dragged into a bathroom and forced to perform sex acts upon several black students -eventually the girl was released and she told a teacher what had been done to her - teacher then took the kid to the school principle - and it was all swept under the rug - the kid sent home with the advice that she SAY NOTHING ABOUT THE ATTACK to anybody - including her parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In the eyes of Islam the victim has been contaminated and defiled so there is strong incentive for her to say nothing and hide her “shameful” status!! But what of the villains?? They just got away with a MAJOR CRIME!! Will their consequence free status ENCOURAGE MORE ATTACKS - for their ENTERTAINMENT???)

"That's not the first time a weapon has been pulled on me this school year and it probably won't be the last either," said 15-year-old Joseph Poirier.

Poirier said he was involved in a school yard fight that quickly escalated.

He said it started online with another teen who allegedly showed up with an adult friend to Glendale Secondary School with weapons.

(A subsequent news article suggested the “adult friend” was carrying a knife - but cops arrived to late to catch either thug!!!!!!)

Poirier said the trio were arguing about a gaming system and had planned to fight it out after school, before one student brandished an axe.

(It is this combination of weapons AND multiple numbers ganging up on individuals that is so troubling!! With the added issue of kicks to the head being part of the fight now- in older days such violent actions did not occur for fear of doing REAL INJURY that would bring ADULT RETRIBUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"The one kid said, 'I ain't playing no more,' and he lifted his shirt up and he had the axe there and everything, so I jumped back a couple steps and before I knew it the school was swarmed with cops."

Hamilton police said officers were called to the school around 2:45 p.m. Friday and later arrested two teenagers in connection with the incident, a 17 year old and 18 year old, who initially fled the area.

The younger suspect was charged with threatening, possession of a weapon and carrying a concealed weapon, while the other suspect faces charges of possession of a weapon, carrying a concealed weapon and breach of release conditions.

"I wasn't about to get stabbed over something stupid," Poirier said.

Nobody was injured in the incident.

The incident happened on the heels of a tragedy that rocked Hamilton last week when a 14-year old boy was stabbed to death outside Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School on Monday.

(Yes- 14 year old Devan Selvy went to his first day of high school and was immediately confronted by a brazen gang of older kids who demanded that Selvey and several of his friends HAND OVER their bicycles to the thugs!! Modern thieves are getting lazy - used to be they came sneaking around your house under cover of darkness to steal your bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(When confronted -Selvey blocked the thugs so his pals could escape -but Selvey lost his bike - but his defiance put a target on him that resulted in him being stabbed to death in broad daylight - in front of hundreds of witnesses - some of whom recorded the attack that saw him chased down and stabbed as he was trying to get into his mothers car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Such an act - without a care for witnesses indicates UTTER INDIFFERENCE to adult reaction to the act!! These kids are CONVINCED that adults do not care and that NO REPERCUSSIONS will fall on them for their brazen violence!! Our kids are now living in a chaotic world dominated by The Lord of the Flies!!!!!!!!!!)

On Saturday, a funeral was held for Devan Selvey in Stoney Creek where hundreds of people – including car and bike enthusiasts -- turned up to show their support against bullying.

"If you're a bully, there's way more of us than you -- please just stop. Find a way to get along with each other," said Andrew Hines as he handed out pink ribbons to all who attended the funeral.

(LIE-berals and teacher union HOGS are encouraging this lawless chaos!! For reasons of Political Correctness - our overlords have ABANDONED ANY EFFORT to rein in the THUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Those close to the Selvey family say the latest alleged act of violence within the school system is concerning.

They're calling on officials with the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) to make changes inside the schools, including the installation of metal detectors.

(Selvey was stabbed ON THE FRONT LAWN- outside the school -metal detectors INSIDE the school are USELESS - but installing detectors give LIE-berals a good EXCUSE to PRETEND they have taken action for the sake of the kids - but all the metal detectors do is PROTECT TEACHERS from the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"These issues should not be there. We should be loving, helping one another, but its not just that way," said family friend Shawn Wager.

"What are we teaching our kids? I often wonder -- what are we really teaching our kids?"

(Who says ANYBODY is teaching our kids anuthing?? I say THAT is the problem!!!!!!!!!!)

HWDSB says it is conducting its own safe schools investigation, looking at policies and expectations since Selvey's death.

"That's not the direction of the province to put metal detectors in schools so I would say we'll be open to anything in terms of what we find out, but I wouldn't see that as a strategy that we would implement," explained Director of Education Manny Figueiredo during an interview with Global News Wednesday.

(IN other words - all this violence is to be swept under the rug for the CONVENIENCE of HOGS and LIE-berals!! Heaven FORBID that REAL ACTION might be taken to discourage violence - such action MIGHT LOSE VOTES for LIE-berals or school trustees!! After all - school trustees and teachers ARE ALREADY AT WAR with Ford govt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The HWDSB encourages students to use their anonymous tip service in an event they're finding themselves in a troubling or complicated situation.

(Yeah - sure - put in your tip and then wait the rest of your life for NOTHING to be done!! Good advice - if you are an OSTRICH with your head buried in the sand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
TYPICAL HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinks its none of our biz HOW he grabs his gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind the f**king screed, if there's any substance to what you say just answer the f**king question...…………"what HOG privileges"?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Never mind the f**king screed, if there's any substance to what you say just answer the f**king question...…………"what HOG privileges"?


ANOTHER HOG SQUEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about the ONE THIRD HIGHER PAY that a TYPICAL HOG gets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us consider what the union HOG electrician gets..................................

compared to a private sector electrician!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU DO KNOW that civil service union HOG EMPLOYEES typically get ONE THIRD HIGHER PAY AND PERKS...........................

than people doing THE SAME JOB in the private sector.........................right!!!!!!!!!!

And that SAME HOG ADVANTAGE works across the board in all occupations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meaning electricians, roofers, carpenters, clerks, secretaries accountants and etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO LIE-beral can explain why a HOG clerk marking your $100 water bill as being paid........................

should get ONE THIRD BETTER PAY than the grocery clerk marking your $100 dollar food bill as being paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO HOG can explain why THEY should get that paid Ontari-owe Family Day Holiday...............................

while NON union private sector gets NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO HOG can explain why it is FAIR that TWO THIRDS of the Cdns who retire VOLUNTARILY AND HAPPILY ..............................

BEFORE AGE 65.........are all HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No HOG CAN EXPLAIN WHY an older worker who voluntarily takes the corporate buy out and gives up his job............................

because if he does not take the buy out - he will END UP WITH NOTHING - meaning NO BUY OUT AND NO JOB EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A VOLUNTEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY should a worker who was FORCED INTO AN UGLY economic SITUATION............................


Just so HOGS can make their greed look less obnoxious????????????????????????

Why is it that always well heeled HOGS can afford good holidays.......................

while one third of Cdns CANNOT AFFORD ANY HOLIDAYS AT ALL???????????????????????/

NO HOG can explain WHY HOGS typically take THREE TIMES MORE PAID SICK DAYS.........................

than private sector workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO HOG can explain why Toronto mayor Mel Lastman was BLASTED by the Toronto Fire dept union.........................

for PUBLICLY STATING that Toronto fire personnel take the most sick days of any North American fire dept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO HOG can explain why they SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BREAK ELECTION SPENDING RULES.....................

and continue committing a GROSS CONFLICT OF INTEREST by spending all that HOG advertising GRAVY to get LIE-berals elected.......................

IN EXCHANGE FOR MORE LIE-beral gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO HOG can explain WHY IT IS FAIR OR LEGAL to allow HOGS TO "VOUCH" for total strangers at polling booths...................

and ALLOW those unidentified strangers to vote in TIGHT ELECTION RACES.................................

and thus STRONGLY INFLUENCE election results - in FAVOUR OF HOGS and LIE-berasl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The MOST EGREGIOUS EXAMPLE of HOG greed and arrogance is their ONGOING insistence.............................

that their rights are being VIOLATED whenever an elected govt IMPOSES A CONTRACT on HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over 100 years ago - ALL DEMOCRATIC GOVTS reached the same conclusion..................................

that a business that had a MONOPOLY in some economic area...............................

MUST BE MORE HEAVILY REGULATED than other businesses that have multiple competitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the good of the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ontari-owe teacher HOGS who are currently AT WAR with the Ford govt are SQUEALING in the usual HOG FASHION..................

that their rights are being violated since Ford has offered them only a one percent raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And because Ford has implemented a law making it LEGAL to limit HOG pay raises to one percent for the next 4 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOGS INSULT OUR INTELLIGENCE by SLANDEROUSLY REFERRING to that one percent raise AS A CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simply because the HOGS WANT MORE GRAVY than we can afford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT iS the scale and scope of HOG PRIVILEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

ANOTHER HOG SQUEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about the ONE THIRD HIGHER PAY that a TYPICAL HOG gets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before you go yapping too f**king much, maybe check what the HOG rate was between the years of 1963 and 1975, when we were about 30% behind the private sector...……...asshole. Anyway I worked for 35 years before I drew any pension as opposed to 6 years for some members of Gov't. I never got to set my wage (Iike some in the private sector do) and I never got any say on the pension rate, so you better shut your f**king pie hole before making anymore stupid f**king statements you don't have a clue about. If you think my job was so f**king great, why didn't you apply for it, Asshole!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Before you go yapping too f**king much, maybe check what the HOG rate was between the years of 1963 and 1975, when we were about 30% behind the private sector...……...asshole. Anyway I worked for 35 years before I drew any pension as opposed to 6 years for some members of Gov't. I never got to set my wage (Iike some in the private sector do) and I never got any say on the pension rate, so you better shut your f**king pie hole before making anymore stupid f**king statements you don't have a clue about. If you think my job was so f**king great, why didn't you apply for it, Asshole!
Calm down , no says you don’t deserve your pension . It is true that public sector unions are a drain and should be eliminated, that said public sector employees should receive fair compensation with yearly cost of living raises , as well as a generous pension plan .


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Before you go yapping too f**king much, maybe check what the HOG rate was between the years of 1963 and 1975, when we were about 30% behind the private sector...……...asshole. Anyway I worked for 35 years before I drew any pension as opposed to 6 years for some members of Gov't. I never got to set my wage (Iike some in the private sector do) and I never got any say on the pension rate, so you better shut your f**king pie hole before making anymore stupid f**king statements you don't have a clue about. If you think my job was so f**king great, why didn't you apply for it, Asshole!

Calm down old fart


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
We'll see although despite tater tot's many gaffes, crimes and outright acts of stupidity, Ontario and the Maritimes thought that he wasn't quite idiotic enough to justify showing him the door bad as he is, people thought he was much better than what people like you have to offer. People just aren't interested in the you style of quackery


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Never mind the f**king screed, if there's any substance to what you say just answer the f**king question...…………"what HOG privileges"?
You just love the gubmint tit so much it would be embarrassing if you had an ounce of integrity

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Before you go yapping too f**king much, maybe check what the HOG rate was between the years of 1963 and 1975, when we were about 30% behind the private sector...……...asshole. Anyway I worked for 35 years before I drew any pension as opposed to 6 years for some members of Gov't. I never got to set my wage (Iike some in the private sector do) and I never got any say on the pension rate, so you better shut your f**king pie hole before making anymore stupid f**king statements you don't have a clue about. If you think my job was so f**king great, why didn't you apply for it, Asshole!
Dip, Dip Doowah.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
And it depends on which part of the private sector you look at, a good majority has nothing for pension outside of investments and CPP.
True , but in modern society most people switch employers many times . Government employees not so much .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Calm down old fart bad as he is, people thought he was much better than what people like you have to offer. People just aren't interested in the you style of quackery
You just love the gubmint tit so much it would be embarrassing if you had an ounce of integrity

Easy now, settle down, getting up too fast creates emotional outbursts, I see they triggered you so calm down, take your medication it will be OK