CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
You get pretty upset about thumbs for somebody that couldn't care less

Do you use yours effectively?



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
UN is just about bankrupt and ready to fold.

Happened under tater tot's reign, ergo, he's to blame

Since Our idiot Boy SUPPORTS ALL U. N. VALUES..............................

WE CAN put substantial BLAME on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is acting like a typical Third World Soviet DESPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the latest job news- and it AINT GOOD for ordinary Cdns!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Public sector added 51,900 jobs in Ontario last month - meaning September 2019.

By Antonella Artuso

Published: October 11, 2019, Updated: October 11, 2019 12:42 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Ontario

Ontario’s job market was cooking last month — but only for public sector workers.

Provincial employment rose by 41,000 jobs overall in September, the majority in full-time work, the Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey released Friday shows.

The country as a whole created 54,000 jobs, so Ontario was the main driver of employment growth for the month.

Unemployment rate down after 54,000 jobs added in September: StatCan

Newfoundland and Labrador was the only other province that saw a significant uptick in jobs, adding 3,200 full-time positions.

The Ontario numbers were immediately hailed on social media as a sign that the Doug Ford government’s job creation policies are working.

“New job numbers are out! 272,400 jobs have been added in Ontario since June 2018! By cutting red tape and lowering taxes, we’re sending a message to job creators that Ontario is #OpenForBusiness and #OpenForJob,” the premier tweeted.

New job numbers are out!

272,400 jobs have been added in Ontario since June 2018!

By cutting red tape and lowering taxes, we’re sending a message to job creators that Ontario is #OpenForBusiness and #OpenForJobs.
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) October 11, 2019

A deeper dive into the September numbers reveals that a boom in public sector employment masked a decrease in private sector jobs of 12,100 positions.

Stats Canada figures provided to the Toronto Sun shows that Ontario saw a whopping increase in public sector employment in September of 51,900 jobs.

The number of self-employed rose by 1,300 positions.

(Any ride in the number of self employed is a BAD SIGN as it measn desperate people are using their savings to try to BUY a job- in a society where 95 percent of new companies go bankrupt in their first year - and 95 percent more go bankrupt in five years!! Those ARE NOT GOOD ODDS for the desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(This steady rise in the number of civil service union HOGS is a SERIOUS PROBLEM as it is a FAVORITE TRICK of third world dictators!! The dictator habitually BUYS SUPPORT by hiring people to work for his govt -thus ensuring lots of people are invested in his leadership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE know that the Ford govt is pinching pennies and has a hiring freeze on - so WHO IS hiring these new HOGS?? WE should look to our municipalities and to Ottawa for the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Our idiot Boy Justin has made it clear he will run deficits as long he is able - and of course LIE-berals PIONEERED the concept of buying HOG votes!! And our always GREEDY municpal govts see no reason why they should not imitate the idiot Boy and do their own third world style vote buying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Cdn LIE-beral gvot is AT WAR with the needs of ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Do you make a habit of denigrating people over some perceived illness? be fair.......................................

Comrade Curious DOES GENERATE a lot of buzz about his confused mental state..........................

and he is thus just trying to respond in kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If he was less confused he might be more effective in debate...............................

but since he is a Red Tory - he could be perfectly sane and still debate POORLY....................

due to his Red Tory values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
36 be fair.......................................

Comrade Curious DOES GENERATE a lot of buzz about his confused mental state..........................

and he is thus just trying to respond in kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If he was less confused he might be more effective in debate...............................
but since he is a Red Tory - he could be perfectly sane and still debate POORLY....................
due to his Red Tory values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least, I have values.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C. be fair.......................................

Comrade Curious DOES GENERATE a lot of buzz about his confused mental state..........................

and he is thus just trying to respond in kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If he was less confused he might be more effective in debate...............................

but since he is a Red Tory - he could be perfectly sane and still debate POORLY....................

due to his Red Tory values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basically he's nothing but a f**king troll! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
At least, I have values.

Your understanding of "values" is so COMPROMISED......................

I am quite sure you had to use a Thesaurus to tell you how to use the word........................

in your Fake News retort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your twisted crap is what we have come to expect from Red Tory LIE-beral Lite MORONS like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Here is an example of the sort of racist garbage our LIE-beral friendly Cdn news media, ably assisted by civil service union HOGS - is cooking up in support of LIE-beral dictators!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

School janitor on paid leave after allegedly being told not to speak Cree

From Canadian Press

Published: October 25, 2019. Updated: October 25, 2019 3:33 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

TIMBER BAY, Sask. — A janitor from northern Saskatchewan who was allegedly told not to speak Cree says she was recently placed on paid leave, pending the outcome of an investigation by the Northern Lights School Division.

Rose Bradfield, a janitor at the remote Timber Bay School, has said the school’s principal told her last month that it wasn’t right for her to be speaking Cree and that it was rude.

(Uh huh- and WHAT WAS IT the Cree was saying in her native language?? A simple question about a work issue to a Cree colleague is one thing- but a series of INSULTS ABOUT the school principal - IN FRONT of the principal is something else entirely!! And loud laughter and a refusal to translate the joke would usually be considered as a CLUE to the offensive nature of the remark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or should we assume the woman was goofing off on the job and shooting the breeze with other Crees instead of working and has decided that being told - by the principle - to get back to work should be regarded as a prohibition against speaking Cree????????)

(How much BIGOTRY is involved here and by whom???????????????????)

Principal Daryl McKen has denied the allegation.

Bradfield says she was pulled out of a suicide prevention course at the school Monday and told by human resources of her paid leave.

(The woman is a JANITOR- so WHY is she in a suicide prevention course?? Unless she is a little crazed herself and in need of treatment?? Or is this an example of how messed up the entire native reserve population is -that even the janitors have to be enlisted to protect the kids from themselves???????)

She says she felt embarrassed when she had to go back to the course and gather her belongings.

(Well of course- nobody likes to be caught out being foolish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The school division says it expects the investigation to conclude this week.

(I DOUBT VERY MUCH if this issue will ever be resolved in a SENSIBLE WAY as THERE IS NO REAL EVIDENCE!! We CANNOT know what remarks were made in Cree and thus we cannot judge accurately if the woman was being RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bradfield, whose is in her early 60s, says she wasn’t allowed to speak Cree in school when she was young and now takes any opportunity to speak the language to others who can.

“Cree is my language,” she said in a recent interview with The Canadian Press. “I like speaking Cree because I don’t want to lose it.”

(That`s nice- but WHAT DID SHE SAY about the principle???????????)

Bradfield has worked at Timber Bay School, located about 260 kilometres north of Saskatoon near Montreal Lake, for more than 10 years.

She has said she didn’t complain, but told her husband and her sister about it. Her sister then shared the story on social media.

(This is the usual LIE-beral mandated B.S.!! There is NO proof of anything - just the usual he said and she said garbage - with LIE-beral Human Rights Kangaroo Courts being so BIASED they will zero in on Cree hurt feelings regardless of truth or reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-beral Kangaroo Court bigots have made it clear they consider there IS NO REAL DEFENSE for a white person who argues with a native under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Never (and certainly not twice) :)

And HOW WOULD YOU KNOW??????????????

Since it so often requires the observations of others to alert you to your failings????????????????

And yet when you are alerted- you remain stubbornly oblivious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont worry...................I wil help you out when I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!