Canadians overwhelmingly disagree with Trump victory


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Popular vote has been very good for Europe huh?
Most countries with first past the post system, which leads to a heavy bureaucracy, are virtually bankrupt...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And any Trump like candidate in Canada.

Not only did 70 per cent of respondents indicate they are unsatisfied with Trump’s win, they are also losing faith in our neighbours to the south. Less than a third (30 per cent) of poll respondents agreed they “trust the judgement of the American electorate.”

Canadians disagree with Donald Trump’s victory

Oh God, are we back to this poll mentality again? Haven't we got it through our heads by now how reliable polls are? It's time to move on to other things while we wait and see what happens. And whatever happens it's not likely to be the end of the world!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You are the one who can't accept a right wing win you ideological twit!

The right wing didn't win you twit! Trumps economic plans are left wing twit!

He's going to be out after the first term unless he can somehow get other voters on board.

Not only that but once simpletons like Das realize he has left-wing economic policies, many of the people that supported him will desert


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

Conbots are so dumb they don't even realize they support Hitler :lol:
When racist calls don't work there's always Goodwin as a backup when at a loss for anything bordering intelligent repartee...
Besides .......agreeing with the Cannuck fool has sunk you to a new low......


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Popular vote has been very good for Europe huh?
Most countries with first past the post system, which leads to a heavy bureaucracy, are virtually bankrupt...
Actually a large country like Germany has a smaller civil service then Canada .


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
.......agreeing with the Cannuck......

He's not just agreeing with me. I know you're a little embarrassed now that you realize you supported a left-winger just because he labeled himself a right-winger. You're more like flossy than you realize. He hated a liberal like Klein just because Klein called himself a Conservative


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Remember, when you piss and moan about Trump, it's bad, but when you piss and moan about Trudeaubama, it's good.

Trudeau is our problem to bitch about and he is giving plenty of cause. Trump is YOUR problem (if that's how you see him) and really none of our business.
People are wringing their hands asking, "What will this mean for Canada?'. Well, it won't mean sweet buggerall!
Canada is getting like North Korea always trying to look important and get attention. But the world, least of all the U.S., doesn't care what Canada does or thinks and possibly couldn't find it on a map.
It's very embarrassing!

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I'm sure you realize that the only change in the U.S. was that not enough Democrats showed up to vote.

It's on Breitbart if you need to confirm it. :)

So of course, that's why they're rioting in the streets - because they didn't care enough to vote. Huh! Makes sense to me!


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I'm sure you realize that the only change in the U.S. was that not enough Democrats showed up to vote.

It's on Breitbart if you need to confirm it. :)

I'm sure you believe that. Lol.

He's going to be out after the first term unless he can somehow get other voters on board.

He got less votes than Mitt Romney dummy.

He got less votes than Mitt Romney.

Accept it and move on.


In fact if you go by the popular vote, you are also wrong but electoral college is obviously the current system.


Conbots are so dumb they don't even realize they support Hitler :lol:

you are the example of a triggered skinny cuck buddy. you're gonna be pissy whiny and otherwise full of spite for the next 4 years.

anyway......Donald Trump won the big game, your type lost and you should just accept it and move on with your little life. :lol:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Maybe my experience is unique, but I haven't run into any Anti-Trump
folks since the US election yet, but it's only been a few days so far....

I work for a transport company at this point, & deal with Americans
every day. Everyone has a joke about a Wall or something, but no
'frothing at the mouth' reactions. Our Drivers tell similiar stories.

Watching the marketplace, most business people I've talked to are
more curious about the shake up that anything else. No hatred but
wondering what this unknown will do next, while the markets just
close higher than the day before, so far....

Trump will do whatever Trump will do. Life will go on, and it will be
a good show if nothing else.

Maybe my experience has to do with the people being where they
are that I'm dealing with. It's only MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, & ND mostly
as well as SK, AB, & BC...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
It's just a shame (not) for Canadians or anyone else that they can't do anything about it.

All this whingeing over Trump is the same sort of whingeing by the same sort of people over Brexit.

Brexit and Trump are two massively great things to happen to the world (and Leicester City breaking the big boys' grip - at least temporarily - on the Premier League).

Ms. May had better hope Trump is pro-free-trade.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Maybe Canadians who dislike Trump are the only or the most vocal. I am a Trump fan and I hear people bitching about him but I don't offer an opinion. It would only start a big lecture which I don't need. I know quite a few who like Trump but they just smile when they hear complaints about him. There's no use trying to get the bitchers to see any other view but their own. Their minds are closed.