Canada is headed in the wrong direction, majority says

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Mr. Harper is refusing? How about Ottawa is refusing. There are plenty of politicians who beat the reform or abolish drum until they actually get into government. The truth is that we would have to completely revamp how parliament works if we wanted to abolish the senate. Doing so would cost a ton of dough, much more than Duffy's scandal. You find me a politician that will actually tackle that problem and I'll vote for him or her. But the fact is you won't.

To open that issue (Senate) and deal with it means opening up the Constitution - an issue that will have government tugging on its bottom lip and making gurgly sounds in mere hours


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Respondents in Ontario are probably upset at the current direction of the provincial government.



Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Why don't the pollsters ever ask, "In what direction would you like the country to go?"
old Diefenbaker said dogs know what to do with poles(polls).I think they should be outlawed as the sheepherders in office use it to tell us what we want to hear.Some countries ban them and i think they are right.

Of course that is what will happen... This is the ultimate result of policy that sees every solution in a tax or other form of fiscal punishment.

We've seen it time and time again where gvt looks to pick people's pockets, hell, France instituted a 75% marginal tax rate on income over 1 million Euros and the net effect was that those people and business' up and left.... Now, they have 75% of nothing.
And still they are tied with America at 21 in prosperity.Socialist Norway number 1 for the sixth year with very high taxes.Right wingers don't want to talk about all the top 7 or so as they are socialist or like Germany with a greater social net than most of the world.Its not that taxes are high-its what you do with the money.I think the 1% should start paying their fair share...

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Polls mean nothing until six weeks before an election. Remember also a poll is a
snapshot in time. I do think this poll along with the last three Angus Reid Polls are
showing a trend of unrest. Two things account for this the scandal of the Tories in
the Senate and the old we have had enough theory after a party is in power too
long. Harper has gone slowly but Canadians are getting to the edge of the ole
comfort zone they don't want privatization of social programs and they want the
social safety net to remain. Harper is stepping over the edge of that zone and is
losing those who cautiously followed. The conservatives are in trouble because
they must satisfy the old Reform base at the expense of where Canadians want to
go and he risks losing the race either way he turns. Should this brand of Tory
members lose I think they will unravel and the Progressive Conservatives will rise
from the ashes of the old Reform. While polls at this time don't mean much there
is a feeling for change in the air.

What social programs are they privatizing? I must have missed that.

Just askin'....


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
I work for an individual who is a millionaire (and likely a multi-millionaire). He's worked hard to get where he is and is just now able to relax somewhat and enjoy the fruits of his labour while still keeping his eye on the competition.

Without his business, I and the 20 or so employees wouldn't have a job. He takes the fact that he is responsible for his employees seriously. He knows that if he should fail, he'll likely be okay as he has the extra resources because of his hard work, but his employees, many of whom are single parents, do not.

He lives in a very nice home, collects cars and motorcycles as a hobby and does some traveling with his family. It amazes me that even some of his employees are "envious" of his situation. But who took the risks? Whose money was it that invested into his business? He is successful now because of his hard work and dedication, but when he initially started the company, he could have lost everything. But because he didn't, he should be penalized? How absurd.

He didn't get government assistance. As a previous poster stated earlier, most government assistance are for large companies, that have to invest big bucks anyway and government incentives are used to encourage them to situate in their particular region. I think that it sucks big time and don't agree with it. However, companies are in business for profit and whomever provides the best incentives will reap the benefit in terms of jobs and taxes. Unfortunately, people like my boss don't receive the same consideration and he'd likely turn it down anyway. He doesn't like to be beholden to anyone.

I think capitalism is what makes this country great; crony capitalism does not and there's the difference. Socialism/Marxism have proven to not work. People become lazy when there is no incentive to actually improve their lot in life. There are many capitalists who are also very generous and give back to their communities in various ways to those in need. We also need to care for the individuals who can't care for themselves and, for the most part, we do exactly that each and every day.

Top about 7 countries are socialist in the world right now.Norway #1 for 6th year and when you compare Tories handling of our oil to Norway-they look like idiots.I am happy for you and your enlightened boss who treats you well.Unfortunately the other 99% we had to make laws to force them on penalty of jail for minimum wage,health and safety.The minimum wage is just enough to keep a lot off welfare.You are right people should get payment for hard work and risk.Problem is the deck is rigged-google American chicken tax for a shock.Tariffs force us to pay $5000 more for trucks-some free trade/enterprise.One other little note-what the Americans worship"the job providers" is forgetting is that it is not bosses who provide jobs-it is the sweat equity of "product"produced by workers...

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
The only fair tax is a consumption tax.

I would agree to some extent but the poor have to pay it as well so how will it help them?

As for the tax code, oh boy, am I for simpler taxes - no exemptions - income, family size tax% done! I prepared taxes as part of my job description and its becoming totally stupid; credits here, exemptions there - and for 2015 its only going to get worse!

HELP!! :)

Dixiecup did you not tell us you owned your own company and had recently hired a CEO?

No - I did not. I am not willing to sacrifice my time or energy nor take the risks involved in starting my own company. I would just as soon someone else did that, thank you very much.

Hubby wanted to start a company many years ago and I said "go ahead - kiss your weekends goodbye and you deal with the hiring and firing" He said with my accounting background I could do "the books" and I said - good luck with that as it ain't happining!! I ain't no entrepreneur thank you very much. That ended the discussion.

I have been with my current employer for over 12 years and I saw what was involved in building his business. There is no way that I was (am) willing to sacrifice my life style like he did. He may be able to relax now, but not before sacrificing a lot to get where he is now, and I mean A LOT of time away from his family, trying to build his business and ensure that the staff he had got their paychecks in a timely fashion. It takes a special person to be able to do that and I am not one of them (neither is my hubby - he just needed to be reminded of what it takes). My bosses wife is a bloody hero in my mind (very much like military wives have to take care of things when hubby is away on exercise or overseas). They had 3 kids, the oldest has Downs so she didn't have it easy since he was hardly ever at home.

Personally, I like my weekends and while I may have to work them now and again, especially during tax time, once its over, the weekends are mine to do with as I wish. No phone calls, no emergencies to deal personnel/payroll to deal with... I'm too selfish.

Do I begrudge his hard work and the money he's made? Absolutely not as he's earned every penny. (welllll....maybe I'm a bit envious 'cuz he can afford things I can't) but I have a reasonable standard of living and my pay cheques don't bounce so who am I to bitch? AND, I didn't have to sacrifice my family time to get there. I'm a happy camper! I work hard and I enjoy the benefits I get accordingly (i.e. a reasonable salary and time off when required). Is it enough? How much is enough? For him or I? Some people have told me that I am under paid as are some of my other co-workers but quite frankly I don't care. We all seem to be doing okay - buying homes, new(er) vehicles etc. Could I make more elsewhere? Maybe. Do I want to go elsewhere? No. As much as I might envy my employer for his standard of living, I care more about mine and we're doing okay and that's all that matters.



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually i think Nik is arrogant but he usually has a pretty good pulse on the day
People are unhappy and restless and this govt is in trouble


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mr Steven Herper and his merry band of fascist pricks believe they will sip expensive wines in Moscow after a short but decisive western victory. Ottawahaha is complete wall to wall lunatic bank bagmen.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Mr Steven Herper and his merry band of fascist pricks believe they will sip expensive wines in Moscow after a short but decisive western victory. Ottawahaha is complete wall to wall lunatic bank bagmen.

Since when did Harper become a dipper?

Top about 7 countries are socialist in the world right now.Norway #1 for 6th year and when you compare Tories handling of our oil to Norway-they look like idiots.I am happy for you and your enlightened boss who treats you well.Unfortunately the other 99% we had to make laws to force them on penalty of jail for minimum wage,health and safety.The minimum wage is just enough to keep a lot off welfare.You are right people should get payment for hard work and risk.Problem is the deck is rigged-google American chicken tax for a shock.Tariffs force us to pay $5000 more for trucks-some free trade/enterprise.One other little note-what the Americans worship"the job providers" is forgetting is that it is not bosses who provide jobs-it is the sweat equity of "product"produced by workers...

There would be no jobs at all if someone didn't have vision and put up the capital to make it happen. Workers that hang onto their cherished 40 hr week are largely interchangeable.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
But he said he would so the sheeple that know nothing of how government actually works think he can just snap his fingers and presto all the wrongs in the country are righted.

And if you recall, he tried but there were no takers - oops, pardon the pun, there are lots of takers - i.e. Provinces who aren't willing to give up anything to make it happen (with the exception of Alberta). He put off appointing senators so that the Provinces, (many of them having elections at the time), to give them the option of electing senators and not one of the Provinces were willing to put people on the ballot. So eventually, he had to appoint 18 because he couldn't wait any longer. So, he tried and was hoping he could do sort of a run-around the constitution.

To disband the senate would mean opening up the Constitution and NO ONE is willing to do that.

He tried....I give him credit for that!



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
But he said he would so the sheeple that know nothing of how government actually works think he can just snap his fingers and presto all the wrongs in the country are righted.
So is that Harper's fault or the fault of the complacents who can't be bothered educating themselves and/or didn't bother paying attention in school?
The fact that a PM cannot unilaterally dissolve the Senate isn't exactly a national secret. One could easily blame the media for not even really mentioning that little tidbit of information in the run up to the previous election.
For example, some kid drowns in the Med and it makes the news in Canada for, well it's STILL in the news. Yet something kind'a important that Canadians should know about is lazily waved at, at best by our media outlets.

And if you recall, he tried but there were no takers - oops, pardon the pun, there are lots of takers - i.e. Provinces who aren't willing to give up anything to make it happen (with the exception of Alberta). He put off appointing senators so that the Provinces, (many of them having elections at the time), to give them the option of electing senators and not one of the Provinces were willing to put people on the ballot. So eventually, he had to appoint 18 because he couldn't wait any longer. So, he tried and was hoping he could do sort of a run-around the constitution.

To disband the senate would mean opening up the Constitution and NO ONE is willing to do that.
I don't think that's entirely true. I think the provinces and territories could be coaxed into opening up the Constitution to disband the senate. Ontario might be a hold out simply because they hold the most seats. Quebec would be a definite and permanent holdout because if you can open up the Constitution to eliminate the Senate, you can open it up to scrap that mind-numbingly stupid notwithstanding clause.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So is that Harper's fault or the fault of the complacents who can't be bothered educating themselves and/or didn't bother paying attention in school?
The fact that a PM cannot unilaterally dissolve the Senate isn't exactly a national secret. One could easily blame the media for not even really mentioning that little tidbit of information in the run up to the previous election.
For example, some kid drowns in the Med and it makes the news in Canada for, well it's STILL in the news. Yet something kind'a important that Canadians should know about is lazily waved at, at best by our media outlets.

I don't think that's entirely true. I think the provinces and territories could be coaxed into opening up the Constitution to disband the senate. Ontario might be a hold out simply because they hold the most seats. Quebec would be a definite and permanent holdout because if you can open up the Constitution to eliminate the Senate, you can open it up to scrap that mind-numbingly stupid notwithstanding clause.

Of course it's Harper's fault. Just ask the CBC and they will tell you that is so.