Canada is headed in the wrong direction, majority says


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Harpo is taking Canada in the direction of being a province in a corporate run world government, just like every other leader of their country today. He has no choice but to obey the masters if he wants to keep his head on his shoulders.

It's holiday time :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Helter skelter... dodge the truth.

What truth? That a poll asking if we're heading in the wrong direction rather than in what direction we ought to be going is pointless.

To take a concrete example, two provinsial elections ago, the Liberals defended the Separate School System while the Greens supported a single school system and the Conservatives supported increasing funding more equally for all religious schools.

Now immagine a poll asking then if you supported the separate school system. Even if a majority said they opposed it, it still wouldn't answer in what direction they really wanted to go.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
What truth? That a poll asking if we're heading in the wrong direction rather than in what direction we ought to be going is pointless.

To take a concrete example, two provinsial elections ago, the Liberals defended the Separate School System while the Greens supported a single school system and the Conservatives supported increasing funding more equally for all religious schools.

Now immagine a poll asking then if you supported the separate school system. Even if a majority said they opposed it, it still wouldn't answer in what direction they really wanted to go.
Do you really think the ruling class give a rats azz what people think? They control the direction we are going in. They publish polls to make you think you have choice.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Polls mean nothing until six weeks before an election. Remember also a poll is a
snapshot in time. I do think this poll along with the last three Angus Reid Polls are
showing a trend of unrest. Two things account for this the scandal of the Tories in
the Senate and the old we have had enough theory after a party is in power too
long. Harper has gone slowly but Canadians are getting to the edge of the ole
comfort zone they don't want privatization of social programs and they want the
social safety net to remain. Harper is stepping over the edge of that zone and is
losing those who cautiously followed. The conservatives are in trouble because
they must satisfy the old Reform base at the expense of where Canadians want to
go and he risks losing the race either way he turns. Should this brand of Tory
members lose I think they will unravel and the Progressive Conservatives will rise
from the ashes of the old Reform. While polls at this time don't mean much there
is a feeling for change in the air.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Not random. just a slight curve to the middle of the road. Which is far better than the left ditch we were cruising in.
Whatever. I have confidence in Canada. I've visited often, done some work there, and there's nothing wrong with Canada that the Canadian people can't or won't fix, quickly and with a minimum of fuss. They're good folk.

Yeah, Canadians, you've just been complimented. Deal with it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Not random. just a slight curve to the middle of the road. Which is far better than the left ditch we were cruising in.

Oh come on taxslave, Pierre Trudeau hadn't run the economy into the ground so completely as to make recovery impossible. Sure we're still trying to dig ourselves out of it, but at least we survived eh. :)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Do you really think the ruling class give a rats azz what people think? They control the direction we are going in. They publish polls to make you think you have choice.

I'd be interested to have a face associated with 'the ruling class'... So far, all that is mentioned is NWO and conspiracies, banks and corporations.

Exactly 'who' are the ruling class.

Whatever. I have confidence in Canada. I've visited often, done some work there, and there's nothing wrong with Canada that the Canadian people can't or won't fix, quickly and with a minimum of fuss. They're good folk.

Yeah, Canadians, you've just been complimented. Deal with it.

It's a Canadian tradition to apologize for such things.

... Sorry


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Apology accepted, although I am ashamed and very sorry to have put you in that position to begin with
thanks it was a tough spot to be in but I made, sorry don't mean to make you feel bad or anything


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Harpo is taking Canada in the direction of being a province in a corporate run world government, just like every other leader of their country today. He has no choice but to obey the masters if he wants to keep his head on his shoulders.
Yah I know it really sucks that some people actually have jobs and want to work .

Polls mean nothing until six weeks before an election. Remember also a poll is a
snapshot in time. I do think this poll along with the last three Angus Reid Polls are
showing a trend of unrest. Two things account for this the scandal of the Tories in
the Senate and the old we have had enough theory after a party is in power too
long. Harper has gone slowly but Canadians are getting to the edge of the ole
comfort zone they don't want privatization of social programs and they want the
social safety net to remain. Harper is stepping over the edge of that zone and is
losing those who cautiously followed. The conservatives are in trouble because
they must satisfy the old Reform base at the expense of where Canadians want to
go and he risks losing the race either way he turns. Should this brand of Tory
members lose I think they will unravel and the Progressive Conservatives will rise
from the ashes of the old Reform. While polls at this time don't mean much there
is a feeling for change in the air.
Is this a repeat of your prognostications from 5 years ago or does it really really feel different this time ?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The votes in Ontario were actually quite close in the last election and many
ridings were decided by extremely narrow margins. And yes something has
changed. The conservative base is losing faith for a couple of reasons.
1 Harper promised the faithful there would be no political scandals and he
personally appoint all but one of them what a mess
2 If Harper carries on with his changes he loses the public who now want a
different agenda 55% say he's gone too far, in addition if he doesn't keep
going he angers the base
3 The one thing I have noticed is the Tories would sink and come back in the
polls just beyond the forty percent mark. That is no longer the case they
are in the thirties and never regain what they lost
I believe Harper's days are numbered as more and more MP's make their own
remarks in the last couple of months which means his control of the party is
slipping. Some are looking at the polls and thinking about alternatives and he
has stifled leadership renewal
All is not well in the land of the Reform Tories, Majority is out of the question
and minority could see an opposition coalition before the new house would
meet. Could be an interesting year leading up to 2015