Canada: Hells Angels Members Protest Legalization of Marijuana


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
this forum discussion has gone from bad to worse,somethings seems to be fatigued and weary within the narrative on the responses in this forum,incidently within my information auditing travels there was a simple interest in the "fatigued and weary".
this quest became my knowledge base of understanding process's and more so people who navigate process's for self benifit or otherwise,(which of course comes in many and many more different forms of self gratification).I was interested in understanding how people could enable and strengthen bad public policy,policies which manipulate public good,
what were the rewards for people participating in bad proces's,particularly if these people were in governing positions.
messing with the courts is oneimmediate example i can immediatly think of,how does this come to be,how can it be information process's manipulate the Supreme court of Canada,people are needed to be designer and enablers of these process's.

i believed earlier on in this forum discussionwas a steady 4 in how this forum could be judged for design and response, then as time moved on, chit chat continued,things started to fail in a predictable manner,quickly the forum dropped to a one,sorry but there is something wrong with the bias design within this forum.something or someone should update their predictability.
i am thankful noone on this forum is in a positon of authority in governing or deciding.i am glad the design is all make believe.
Simple option for you........DON"T LOG IN


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If people have to prove they are using pot for medicinal purposes making it legal will not make any difference. Pot is a recreational drug no matter what people say. There are plenty of other drugs available for medicinal use. No on NEEDs pot@
Kids will still use it. Dealers will still sell it. People will use it openly instead of covertly is all.
Trudeau just needs to make it legal so he won't be the PM breaking the law.

Most of the sh!t Big Pharma produces is not really medicine. It is drugs. And they have such neat drugs like anti depressants with the side effect of causing suicidal tendencies. Or Methadone, which is a chemical variant of heroin only more addictive but legal.