Canada Failing to Put Climate Change Plans in Action


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trudeau on back foot as frustration builds over PM's climate strategy

When Justin Trudeau swept into power in 2015, he pledged to make fighting climate change a top priority for his government.
Three years later, Canada’s prime minister is on the defensive, scrambling to both revive his party’s unravelling climate strategy as a growing number of provinces refuse to participate in national carbon tax – and to temper frustrations over his government’s continued investment in the fossil fuel industry.
“From the beginning, [the government] decided they were going to try to thread the needle on the need for climate policy and fossil fuel resource development. They even made the two interdependent,” said Matthew Hoffman, a political science professor at Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs.
But on the surface, the strategy appears to be quickly falling apart.
Related: What if Canada had spent $200bn on wind energy instead of oil?
Trudeau’s political foes have already seized on the carbon tax in anticipation of the upcoming federal election – still a full year away – but the prime minister has shown no signs of backing down.
“Pollution should not be free anywhere across this country,” he said last week.
The political infighting comes as the UN’s intergovernmental panel on climate change warned that drastic changes are needed to offset the impacts of global climate change.
As part of a strategy to reduce Canada’s emissions, provinces are required to introduce a tax of at least $20 per tonne on emissions from January 2019, with increments of $10 each year until 2022.
In provinces which fail to produce an adequate carbon pricing plan, the federal government would implement its own tax, or ‘backstop’–.
Last week, Manitoba became fifth provinceto publicly opt out of carbon pricing, arguing that its own plans to combat climate change were sufficient.
Saskatchewan, which still relies heavily on coal for its power, has called the carbon tax a “ransom note”.
In Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, rightwing premier Doug Ford has vowed to rally opposition to the measure, which he described as “the worst tax ever”.
Alberta, home to the country’s oil sands, announced it would leave the plan after the federal government failed to push through construction of the Trans Mountain expansion pipeline built – a project Alberta argued was critical to its economy.
“Until the federal government gets its act together, Alberta is pulling out of the federal climate plan,” said Premier Rachel Notley in August. “And let’s be clear, without Alberta, that plan isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.”
Only two provinces, British Columbia and Quebec, have signalled a willingness to remain in some form of carbon pricing agreement.
When the original agreement was laid out, many of the provinces had Liberal politicians in power. Now, a conservative wave across the country has changed the party in power – and the political calculus.
Construction on the Kinder Morgan pipeline was halted over the summer.Photograph: Ben Nelms/Reuters
“This is a political move by the provinces. It’s conservatives wanting to give the Liberals a black eye,” said Nelson Wiseman, a professor of Canadian studies at the University of Toronto. “If you ask people, ‘Should the government do something about climate change?’ they’ll say yes. If you ask them, ‘Are you prepared to pay higher taxes?’ they’ll say no.”
The recent stumbles, however, could end up being a benefit for Trudeau, argued Mark Cameron, director Clean Prosperity, an environmental thinktank.
“If anything, this may end up making the carbon price backstop more effective,” he said. “Instead of one or two provinces that are going to be falling under it, there will be four or five. You’ll be getting a more coherent national carbon pricing system.”
Carbon taxes are supposed to be revenue neutral, meaning any increase a person pays are offset elsewhere. With its own carbon tax, the federal government could circumvent antagonistic provincial governments and deliver cheques – as high as $600 per year– to individual households. “The [upcoming federal] election is going to be in October,” said Wiseman. “Imagine, in July, people start getting cheques in the mail!”
Experts agree that any plan to fight the tax is likely a losing battle: courts have repeatedly affirmed the right of the government to impose a tax on provinces. “Whether that court victory leads to political victory is another question all together, said Hoffman. “[Trudeau’s] got to build popular support for this.”
As he grapples with carbon pricing, Trudeau is also engaged in a delicate task of placating his environmental supporters over frustrations that oil development is detrimental to emissions reductions.
Related: Hellfire: this is what our future looks like under climate change
Construction on the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, which the government purchased from Texas-based Kinder Morgan, was halted over the summer by a federal court order, largely the result of inadequate consultations with indigenous communities.
The government remains committed to pushing the pipeline through – and recently hired a retired supreme court justice to buttress its consultations with First Nations.
“The idea that the environment and the economy are not opposing goals, is a great framing,” said Hoffman. “But it’s tough to do when you’re framing the economy not as a transformed economy in a low-carbon world, but as further exploitation of fossil fuel resources.”

Supporters starting to question Trudeau's policies


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Don't count on it. As we saw with the re-election of Kathleen Wynne, the stupidity of Canadian voters is at least as great as that of US voters who put President Pussy Grabber into the White House.

In addition, Trudeau has the everlasting support of most of the Press (Nat Post excepted) and Pravda West aka. the CBC on his side.

I sure hope that you are right though.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I seen all the progressive policies have been jettisoned



Our idiot Boy Justin is now just scrambling to save a little dignity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he is GOING TO FAIL- even in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Andrew Scheer Says He Supports Reducing Global Emissions Rather Than Domestic

OTTAWA — Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has dropped some breadcrumbs for what his eventual climate plan will look like, saying he believes Canada can reduce global emissions rather than domestic — and without a carbon tax.
Scheer took shots at the Liberal government's plan to impose a carbon price on recalcitrant provinces during an interview with CBC Radio's Michael Enright on Sunday, framing the environmental policy proposal as a tax issue.
"Don't tell Canadians that you've got an environmental plan and that's it's really just in fact a new taxation tool," Scheer said.
The Conservative leader also dismissed the work of Yale professor William Nordhaus, whose research shows a carbon tax to be an effective means of lowering emissions.
"There's no correlation between reductions of emissions and what the Liberals are proposing," Scheer said.
Nordhaus was awarded the Nobel Prize for economics this month for his work on carbon pricing.
Scheer and his MPs have maintained a price on carbon would stifle Canadian industries and make businesses less competitive with international-based competitors operating in jurisdictions without an equivalent tax.
"Are we better off if we displace jobs and investments to other countries and global emissions go up? I say no," Scheer said. "Let's bring that production here and have less emissions globally because we can make things more efficiently and cleaner."
Scheer did not commit to support the Paris Agreement, the international climate pledge signed by 194 countries in 2016 to limit global warming, even though Tories voted in 2017 to implement the accord. The Conservative plan is still being finalized and "all will become clear" in the future, he said.
'I don't know what that means'
Shy of explicit details, the Conservative leader has previously stated in vague terms that the party's alternative to the government's climate plan would be more internationally minded.
"It will speak to Canada's targets," Scheer said of his draft climate plan. The answer prompted host Enright to quip, "I don't know what that means."
The Conservative leader didn't offer a substantial answer and shifted the focus to knocking the Liberal government's plan for failing to meet Paris targets. The party's policy will be "well-documented and comprehensive," Scheer said.
Also on Sunday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared on popular Quebec program "Tout Le Monde En Parle" and criticized the opposition for failing to share their environmental plan to curb carbon emissions.
Trudeau has been grilled by the NDP for failing to raise emissions targets previously set by the Conservative government under Stephen Harper. The prime minister told the studio audience in Montreal that bumping targets would make a negligible difference.
"Even if Canada stopped everything tomorrow, and the other countries didn't have any solutions, it wouldn't make a big difference," he said in French. Trudeau contrasted the Liberals against the Conservatives, suggesting a price on pollution is better than offering no ideas on the environment.
One party has a plan to counter climate change, and another party has no interest, he said, adding he hopes Canadians will make the right choice come election time.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Andrew Scheer Says He Supports Reducing Global Emissions Rather Than Domestic


WELL SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOST PEOPLE support reducing global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the LIE-beral devil is in the details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My idiot brother in law bills himself as an "environmentalist"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiot even VOTED for Our idiot Boy Justin because idiot brother in law thought Justin was an "environmentalist"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So BiL -that`s brother in law to you- lives in the woods in a log cabin he built for himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL HATES the big city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL HATES all the development taking place in his Muskoka forest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How awful that all those arrogant city slickers are crowing into HIS forest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And building those huge mansions that only get used a few months per year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But BiL BENEFITS from all that development- as his cabin is a typical log structure- with NO VAPOUR BARRIER AND NO REAL INSULATION either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL burns SIXTEEN CORDS of wood per winter to keep warm in his very attractive but hugely DRAUGHTY house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL is burning Muskoka TO THE GROUND one tree at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL gets his wood relatively cheap because of all the land being cleared for the development he so despises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Bil would only seal his house properly then he could keep nice and warm with only one or two cords of wood per year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But sealing the house properly would alter its quaint rustic appearance so he refuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL is CONVINCED that those dirty CHINESE are behind all the global warming and that the best way to clean our environment would be to starve those dirty Chinks into submission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL explained all this to me.............and then he and wife hopped into their Asian made SUV and drove off- a 2 hour highway ride to Toronto airport- met their 2 adult kids there- and flew away to British Columbia for a couple weeks of skiing and riding around on diesel powered chair lifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL has as much on the ball as our resident LIE-beral and retired Hog Bluebyrd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL TRULY BELIEVES that he can distract the Chinese from his carbon rich life style- with its drive everywhere you need to go habit, his enjoyment of a yearly trip on an air plane- the most filthy way to travel; and he will also expect them to overlook his summer time motorboating/fishing expeditions and his autumn hunting trips complete with motorboats and ATV`s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- BiL wants to convince us that some Chink living in a 4th floor walk up apartment building who will NEVER OWN A single gasoline powered device, NOR ever ride in an air plane actually represents the great threat to our environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL likes to point out that his son lives in a high rise condo tower and WALKS to work- its just too bad that BiL DOES NOT want to consider how much fossil fuel his offspring burns on weekends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Statistics have proven that down town residents often have surprisingly HIGH carbon output simply because of where they go and what they do on weekends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BiL is NO MORE willing to consider any of this then our idiot Bluebyrd is willing to discuss HER union Hog rip offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL LIE-beral policy is based ENTIRELY on preferential treatment for those that LIE-berals think they can BRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With OUR money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral interest in the environment is ONLY focussed on how many votes they can grab with their FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Looks like Sask. is taking much larger steps on change with the support of business, this should win the Carbon tax lawsuit, and real change not like what the PM is forcing on us, a money grab.

Sask. environment minister introduces climate change plan legislation

The government of Saskatchewan has taken an important step in putting their climate change plan into action next year. Environment Minister Dustin Duncan tabled necessary legislation to implement industry performance standards.
In addition to performance standards, The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Amendment Act, Bill 132, will provide the regulatory framework for heavy emitters contributing to a green technology fund, purchasing performance credits and carbon offset credits.

READ MORE: Saskatchewan unveils climate change plan; will not submit to Ottawa for assessment

“These amendments are an important step in fulfilling our government’s promise to reduce emissions and make Saskatchewan more resilient to the impacts of climate change,” Duncan said. “We already have an effective plan, and we are proceeding with industrial performance standards and compliance options in 2019 – especially with the federal government’s recognition of Prairie Resilience.”
When unveiling the framework for the federal price on emissions, Ottawa said that sectors covered under Prairie Resilience will only have to comply with those regulations.
However, since power generation and energy pipelines were not included, those sectors will be regulated under the federal standards come Jan. 1, 2019.
Bill 132 will also oversee several administrative steps of Prairie Resilience, including a requirement for heavy emitters to register with the province.
All emitters pumping out over 10,000 tonnes of carbon annually will have to track their emissions. Those with emissions over 25,000 tonnes will have to comply with performance standards.
The minister said that emitters under the 25,000 tonnes threshold may want to voluntarily comply earlier if they anticipate their emissions growing. This would allow them to access the technology fund or start earning performance credits ahead of time.
Duncan first unveiled these performance standards at the end of August, with a stamp of approval from several industry groups.
These amendments build off legislation that was passed in 2009 to establish a technology fund for heavy emitters. However, the legislation was never implemented.
The opposition NDP have been calling for the legislation to be implemented for years. Opposition Leader Ryan Meili said they have not yet had time to properly go over these new amendments.
"The government's actually had nine years to put it in place and take action. They've chosen not to. Now there's pressure to move quickly," Meili said.
"We will certainly have a good look at what the amendments are and decide whether or not it's close enough to the original that we're happy with it and it can go quickly. If there are real concerns that we have, we will debate them."

READ MORE: Economy, healthcare and climate change – Sask. gov’t leaders lay out session priorities

The province touts Prairie Resilience as a climate plan that has achievable emission reduction targets, without implementing an economy-wide price on pollution.
The federal government plans on imposing a carbon tax on Saskatchewan next year. In addition to the price on power and energy generation, there will be a price on fuel that takes effect April 1, 2019. That price is expected to add 4.42 cents per litre to the price of gas in the first year.

READ MORE: Liberals say 90% of carbon tax will be given to Canadians in rebate

The federal plan will see carbon pollution priced at $10 per tonne next year, adding $10 annually until reaching $50 per tonne in 2022.
The province does have a legal challenge on this tax before Saskatchewan’s Court of Appeal. Justice Minister Don Morgan anticipates the case will be heard in the spring, but doesn’t anticipate a final decision until sometime in 2020.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Looks like Sask. is taking much larger steps on change with the support of business, this should win the Carbon tax lawsuit, and real change not like what the PM is forcing on us, a money grab.

Sask. environment minister introduces climate change plan legislation


I do hate to burst the bubble of anybody who is excited and pleased about killing the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam.......but sadly I think the lawsuit against it will fail!!!!!!

The LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam is CERTAINLY BUILT ON A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals assure us it will somehow save the environment even though it only cleans cash from wallets and leaves the dirt in the air!!!!!!!!

But there is the point- IT IS A TAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals even call it a tax- on pollution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a fit of madness that has now passed- Cdns elected Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals - but there is the point................

Our idiot Boy was elected and as the govt he is entitled to impose taxes if he feels the need!

Sadly there is no law that says he must only impose sensible taxes!

There is no law that says he cannot claim the tax will work in a certain way when it is patently obvious it will not!

As we have seen- there is no law that says he must admit that ALL his policies are FAILURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly- there does not even seem to be any laws that would have prevented Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals from telling

GROTESQUE LIES about the size of their deficits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just as there does not seem to be any handy law that would prohibit LIE-berals from LYING about the number of illegals who have come here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE: I speak of "any handy law" that would prohibit LIE-beral number fudging on illegals- it probably IS ILLEGAL to lie as LIE-

berals have done- but since the matter will be judged by LIE-beral appointed judges- any legal action on LIE-beral immigration lies is

also likely to fail........sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a court battle against the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax will be just as successful as the Toronto City Council trying to stop Ford from cutting their numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our BEST HOPE is the Silent Majority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those swarms of Cdns who do not normally vote in any election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals may just have goaded and enraged the Silent Majority sufficiently that they WILL VOTE in the next election............

and sweep the LIE-berals and their Carbon crap and trade LIES out of office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the upside of an election win for US would mean we save money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont just mean saving cash from the dead carbon crap and trade LIE............................

There is other cash to be saved as well!!!!!!!!!

Who wants to pay a pile of cash to STINKING LAWYERS????????????????

For a carbon crap legal case they cannot win in front of a LIE-beral judge anyway????????????????????????

The old rock group Trooper said it best about Our idiot Boy:

"just a 3 dressed up as a 9,

you are only wasting my time"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Actually I believe Saskatchewan buys most of its power from Manitoba- which as some very substantial hydro electric generators on rivers feeding into Hudson`s Bay......
This is from 2018 regarding Saskatchewan Energy Production.

Saskatchewan has Hydroelectric Dams or Power Stations of its own.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How many more years of coal left? On site geothermal will ease the load, NG when 90% of the coal has been used. Offshore hydro on both coasts (underwater wind farm) could be done using off the shelf parts except a new prop will be needed.

'Browns gas' can neutralize atomic waste, what would it do to the ash left behind.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Bait and switch. Upping the GST would kill any Govt's popularity but a Carbon (not CO2 but C) Tax is acceptable.

Yeah, Carbon is an element, and all life on Earth (that I'm aware of is carbon based). Treating carbon as a villain is like claiming that you're going to the water tap to pour yourself a cup of hydrogen. It's just so much bullshit.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Here is something to ponder. Carbon Dioxide comprises .0004
of the total atmospheric composition. The natural contribution
to the total ambient atmospheric CO2 is 250 times greater than
the human contribution, about 750 gigatons naturally compared
to 3 gigatons of anthropologically sourced CO2 residing in the
atmosphere at any given time.

So, the human contribution to total atmospheric CO2 is .004,
which means that anthropogenic sourced C02 comprises only
4 one thousandths part of 4 ten thousandth part, or 0.0000016
part of total atmospheric composition, that is 16 parts out of
10 million. This is what is known as a TRACE GAS, a gas,
which, by the way, is absolutely essential to all life on Earth.

Now of this tiny portion of the CO2 in the atmosphere that is
anthropologically contributed globally, Canada's percentage of
that is about 1.54% of the 0.0000016 of the .004 that is the total
volume of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. That's it folks. That's
what Trudeau's 'Carbon Tax' is out to combat to the detriment of
our economy and global economic well being. I hope this helps to
put the whole fear mongering federal government imposed sales
pitch into perspective. "Now bow down to this tax or else we'll impose
this federally at a provincial level you for your damn good!!"

1.54% x 0.0000016 x .004 = 0.00000000009856 or 0.0000000099%

or 1/101,461,039th being Canada's total annual contribution to the
total amount of CO2 in the Earths atmosphere produced annually.

Does this tax still sound like it's going to save the plant or just suck
off your wallet whether you have basic math skills or not, or have
questioned the furrier of those that have swallowed the pill of Global
Cooling/warming/Change/Extreme Events/Whatever without looking
for conflicting data from multiple sources to make up their own minds
instead of having their minds made up for them.

I wonder what Saskatchewan's percentage of the 0.0000000099% is
going to negatively affect the neighboring provinces if it takes it's own
path to really combating pollution instead of crippling its economy with
a Carbon tax. If it fits the situation, if ever there was a cause to apply the
notwithstanding clause, this would be it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Sorry folks, I was so choked at a news story I heard
about on the radio that above I didn't even quote
what I was arguing against.

The federal government argues it has jurisdiction
to impose a carbon tax in Saskatchewan because
climate change is a matter of national concern.

In written arguments filed with Saskatchewan’s
Court of Appeal this week, Ottawa says a failure
by one province to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions will hurt the rest of the country.

“Failure by one province to reduce GHG
(greenhouse gas) emissions will harm other
provinces and territories, harm Canada’s
relations with other countries, and impede
international efforts to mitigate climate change,”
the factum says.

Blah blah blah....& more at the LINK....

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Sorry folks, I was so choked at a news story I heard
about on the radio that above I didn't even quote
what I was arguing against.

The federal government argues it has jurisdiction
to impose a carbon tax in Saskatchewan because
climate change is a matter of national concern.

In written arguments filed with Saskatchewan’s
Court of Appeal this week, Ottawa says a failure
by one province to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions will hurt the rest of the country.

“Failure by one province to reduce GHG
(greenhouse gas) emissions will harm other
provinces and territories, harm Canada’s
relations with other countries, and impede
international efforts to mitigate climate change,”
the factum says.

Blah blah blah....& more at the LINK....

Unbelievably disingenuous. I simply don't understand why the Libs are pursuing this with such gusto! I can't help but think there is something in it for them because nothing about their Carbon Tax makes sense. Mother Nature will do what she does whether we pay $50 or $5500 a ton for carbon pricing. Someone, somewhere will be profiting and it must be quite lucrative for them to be pushing this so hard. We definitely need to get them out of power to put a stop to this!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Sorry folks, I was so choked at a news story I heard
about on the radio that above I didn't even quote
what I was arguing against.
The federal government argues it has jurisdiction
to impose a carbon tax in Saskatchewan because
climate change is a matter of national concern.

In written arguments filed with Saskatchewan’s
Court of Appeal this week, Ottawa says a failure
by one province to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions will hurt the rest of the country.
“Failure by one province to reduce GHG
(greenhouse gas) emissions will harm other
provinces and territories, harm Canada’s
relations with other countries, and impede
international efforts to mitigate climate change,”
the factum says.
Blah blah blah....& more at the LINK....

Ottawa argues carbon tax matter of national concern

"Failure by one province to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions will harm other provinces and territories, harm Canada's relations with other countries, and impede international efforts to mitigate climate change," the factum says.
Saskatchewan has asked the court to rule whether the federal government's plan to force a carbon tax on the province is constitutional.
The province believes its own climate change plan, which doesn't include a carbon tax, is enough to reduce emissions.
Premier Scott Moe said he feels confident in the challenge despite Ottawa's factum and doesn't believe the province is hurting the rest of Canada.
"Whether or not the federal government has the ability to tax one jurisdiction or one province, we don't agree with that," he said. "The constitution, we believe, doesn't agree with that."
Ottawa contends that there is no constitutional requirement for federal laws to operate equally throughout Canada.
The factum says emissions in Saskatchewan have increased by 10.9 per cent since 2005 and accounted for 10.8 per cent of the country's emissions in 2016.
The case won't be heard in court until at least the spring.
"We have a plan for a healthy environment and a stronger economy," federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna said in a statement. "Because, at the end of the day, it's what we owe to our kids and grandkids."
Ontario has joined Saskatchewan's case as an intervener while also filing its own legal challenge.
Ottawa argues in the factum that the law isn't an intrusion into provincial jurisdiction. It says the act implements the "polluter pays" principle which is "firmly entrenched in environment law in Canada."
Keith Stewart, a spokesman for Greenpeace, said Ottawa is arguing that climate change is such a big deal for Canada as a whole that not allowing the federal government to bring in a carbon tax would affect it constitutional authority to provide peace, order and good government.
"If Saskatchewan wants to try and challenge that, they're pretty much going to have to try and deny the evidence presented by the intergovernmental panel on climate change, which every country in the world has signed on to," Stewart said.
Amir Attaran, a law professor at the Ecojustice Environment Law Clinic at the University of Ottawa, said Saskatchewan made a mistake by not acknowledging that the federal and provincial governments can co-operate to solve a problem such as climate change.
"That is, I think, going to kill them," he said.
The federal government had asked all provinces to put a minimum price on carbon emissions of $20 a tonne by Jan. 1.
Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau detailed a plan to charge a carbon tax in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick — the four provinces that have refused to comply.
Ottawa plans to rebate the carbon tax money to residents of those provinces. It's estimated the average household payment in Saskatchewan will be $598.
Opposition NDP Leader Ryan Meili said the province hasn't displayed anything solid so far with its climate strategy.
"To date we haven't seen any strong evidence that there's a great deal of hope for the case," Meili said.
On Tuesday, Saskatchewan introduced its own climate change law, which would amend current legislation.
Under the proposal, large emitters would be required to register with the province and could receive credits for reaching targets.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
How many more years of coal left? On site geothermal will ease the load, NG when 90% of the coal has been used. Offshore hydro on both coasts (underwater wind farm) could be done using off the shelf parts except a new prop will be needed.

'Browns gas' can neutralize atomic waste, what would it do to the ash left behind.


POOR MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The laws of economics and physics are so very easy to manipulate in his home world of Erehwon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MHz has told us he was an engineer in working life........yet all his "solutions" to so many things involve mind bending and economy breaking Rube Goldberg devices that always suck up more cash and energy than they would ever produce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One might almost imagine MHz as an overgrown kid sitting on the floor surrounded by a mess of Lego blocks and muttering "the

answer to cold fusion is in here someplace- while his perplexed parents make arrangements for him to spend some "quality time" at a

"special rest home"!!!!

MHz needs a nice series of electric shocks that will help him focus on the world at hand......rather than getting so often LOST in his own personal Erehwon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
POOR MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The laws of economics and physics are so very easy to manipulate in his home world of Erehwon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MHz has told us he was an engineer in working life........yet all his "solutions" to so many things involve mind bending and economy breaking Rube Goldberg devices that always suck up more cash and energy than they would ever produce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You fuktards don't seem to know how to build a house in the north that doesn't rot away in 10 years and I'm the stupid one.

I'm not the one in delusion about what the climate is doing and what is causing it. Nice to see the supporters of the collective get fuked over so they get a small taste of of what it feels like to be a lab rat. depression comes from knowing you can do fuk all about it as the time to change that was when you were eating cake with them while watching the Indians being killed in a slow extinction process.
I won't shed one fuking tear no matter how far they disassemble the place.

The food we grow comes from plants that use CO2 and the elite want to eliminate that gas? (and most people her fully support that) I'm not feeling any urgency to follow that stupid plan, the idiots that let it happen can deal with. (they are taking all the spare money we had, woe is me)