Are you created in God's image?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Have you been watching a rerun of the Godfather or just the latest news showing the Vatican bank under investigation, --- again?

Strange how the world cares about money but will not do anything about the Vatican's pedophile priest protection racket they run.

Why is it strange? Are you under some sort of impression that people care more about children than money?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
probably since I come from him I am a part of him

correct he is made into man's image

to the best of my ability

I am not a Christian but yes I do follow what I believe to be god
yes since I am of him, I am created in his image

I don't really know with certainty and yet I believe yes, since I only know my perception of god and my perception of god is based upon my personal experience and my experience includes a Christian background and therefore that colours my thinking.

However most of the Christian belief system I have rejected or abandoned for many reasons. Most Christians are more interested in the way others behave than their own behaviour and the way they live does not reflect Christ's principals. I do believe Christianity for those who attempt to follow likely results in a lot of positive outcomes for the believer and for those around them. People need to be told what to do since figuring things out for themselves doesn't seem to interest a huge majority of people. It's easier to cling to the pack.

Safer too.

I like a man who can look at a moral system and recognize that it is not that.

If you still have a spiritual or religious itch to scratch, I recommend you look into Gnostic Christianity.

The Gnostic wing of Christianity, if it can even be called that today, has quite a few differences to Christianity and Catholicism. If the old Gnostic Christians were here, they would hardly recognize what has happened to the original Orthodox Catholic Church or its various offshoots in Protestantism and Islam. The Gnostic Christian Jesus would have a fit and would be quite disappointed I think. I know that this Gnostic Christian is.

Please suffer through a bit of boring history.

The main differences that moved the old Christians to decimate Gnostic Christians and burn their scriptures was literalism in reading scriptures. They were also more patriarchal and were not about to grant equality to women. Much later, gays would also lose the equality that they enjoyed. These were Jews don’t forget. The Gnostic version of Jesus and his Father was that they were Universalist. That communistic view of the demographics of heaven did not go over well with those who had a more pyramidal view of what they wanted God to be. War was declared and my side lost.

That is why we think literalism to be quite evil. Proof is shown by the fact that it led to the Dark Ages, the Inquisition and all the other affronts to humanity that the Abrahamic cults have collectively done and continue to civilized society. Not too civilized but we Abrahamic cultists are what we are. If we were not sinners we would not be seeking a God to forgive us.

The Gnostic Christian Jesus, and the Gnostic Christians of that flavor, see a spark of God in all people including women and gays. That fact, to me, makes Gnostic Christianity a more desirable denomination of Christianity than all the rest. After all, if a religion cannot accept equality of humans as a starting place, then it cannot be a good religion. All souls are equal. That is scripture. That is why we connect equality to righteousness. If a religion cannot abide with equality of the sexes then to my mind it is not a just religion and is not worthy of the support of moral people.

Inequality is an immoral position and most of the Abrahamic cults are of that immoral persuasion. They take, --- he shall rule over you, --- to an immoral institutionalized position.

As the superior Catholic theology, it is my hope that Gnostic Christianity will eventually absorb the non-egalitarian and immoral Christian cults. I hope their members recognize that equality is the right moral system for all to live under, and that as religionists, to not actively support equality for all, would make any denomination of the Abrahamic cults more of a satanic cult than a God loving one.


Why is it strange? Are you under some sort of impression that people care more about children than money?

It was my hope that our governments would actually step up to protect and get justice for our children but it seems they, nor the parents care enough about justice and just take what money they can from their church and ignore justice.

I wonder how much hate for their parents that will generate in the hearts of the young victims when they get older and recognize that money does not equate with closure the way a just punishment for the perpetrators would provide.

Our Government seems to prefer to continue the Noble Lie than to have an enlightened population that will not tolerate the church lying to us constantly.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

I wonder how much hate for their parents that will generate in the hearts of the young victims when they get older and recognize that money does not equate with closure the way a just punishment for the perpetrators would provide.

Look into the residential schools and the number of now-adult children who simply cannot connect with their parents because they cannot accept that their parents let them be taken. Even though the parents had little choice.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I like a man who can look at a moral system and recognize that it is not that.

If you still have a spiritual or religious itch to scratch, I recommend you look into Gnostic Christianity.

The Gnostic wing of Christianity, if it can even be called that today, has quite a few differences to Christianity and Catholicism. If the old Gnostic Christians were here, they would hardly recognize what has happened to the original Orthodox Catholic Church or its various offshoots in Protestantism and Islam. The Gnostic Christian Jesus would have a fit and would be quite disappointed I think. I know that this Gnostic Christian is.

Please suffer through a bit of boring history.

The main differences that moved the old Christians to decimate Gnostic Christians and burn their scriptures was literalism in reading scriptures. They were also more patriarchal and were not about to grant equality to women. Much later, gays would also lose the equality that they enjoyed. These were Jews don’t forget. The Gnostic version of Jesus and his Father was that they were Universalist. That communistic view of the demographics of heaven did not go over well with those who had a more pyramidal view of what they wanted God to be. War was declared and my side lost.

That is why we think literalism to be quite evil. Proof is shown by the fact that it led to the Dark Ages, the Inquisition and all the other affronts to humanity that the Abrahamic cults have collectively done and continue to civilized society. Not too civilized but we Abrahamic cultists are what we are. If we were not sinners we would not be seeking a God to forgive us.

The Gnostic Christian Jesus, and the Gnostic Christians of that flavor, see a spark of God in all people including women and gays. That fact, to me, makes Gnostic Christianity a more desirable denomination of Christianity than all the rest. After all, if a religion cannot accept equality of humans as a starting place, then it cannot be a good religion. All souls are equal. That is scripture. That is why we connect equality to righteousness. If a religion cannot abide with equality of the sexes then to my mind it is not a just religion and is not worthy of the support of moral people.

Inequality is an immoral position and most of the Abrahamic cults are of that immoral persuasion. They take, --- he shall rule over you, --- to an immoral institutionalized position.

As the superior Catholic theology, it is my hope that Gnostic Christianity will eventually absorb the non-egalitarian and immoral Christian cults. I hope their members recognize that equality is the right moral system for all to live under, and that as religionists, to not actively support equality for all, would make any denomination of the Abrahamic cults more of a satanic cult than a God loving one.



Thanks DL that was an interesting read. You are the second person who has suggested I do more reading on Gnostic Christianity. When I get some time, I will.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Look into the residential schools and the number of now-adult children who simply cannot connect with their parents because they cannot accept that their parents let them be taken. Even though the parents had little choice.

I only need look as far as my father in law to find a victim of those schools.

Note how little our government has done with that issue as well as the pedophile priest protecting Vatican.

Time for the end of the Noble Lie of religion. All they ever do these days is lie to us.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
It's all they ever did, DL.

True but it is also saying that that is all we demanded that they do as we are controlled by the Noble Lie of religion. We give religions respect that they never deserved or earned.

We cannot expect bright citizens when our own government woks hard to dumb us down.



Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Daniel didn't even know what he was writing about, an impossibility if he was part of the invention process. (let alone that his book is prophetic in that it states that more information will become available, the whole NT is that new information

You are wrong. Gawd spoke to me 3 years ago and told me that the new information was, in fact, the "Conversations With God" trilogy by Neale Walsh. You can't argue with Gawd.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
True but it is also saying that that is all we demanded that they do as we are controlled by the Noble Lie of religion. We give religions respect that they never deserved or earned.
Things are improving some. Churchmen have actually been prosecuted lately.

We cannot expect bright citizens when our own government woks hard to dumb us down.

Same thing. The clever taking advantage. It's the human condition.