Americans manufacture another nuclear crisis


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
If and when the Americans INVADE Iran, the only reason will be for the same reason it invaded Iraq. Just as Saddam changed his oil dollars to the euro, that is started selling his oil in euros instead of US dollars, not even one year prior to the invasion. And now so has Iran.
Iran stops selling oil in U.S. dollars -report | Markets | Reuters
So yes they are the next target, and no it is not because of nuclear threat.

You are just like the little kid nudging or daring another kid to do it. Afraid to do it themselves no matter the reason. Any invasion of Iran can be all yours if you want it that bad.
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Time Out
Aug 5, 2009
God, another one.:roll:

First of all, let me point out the obvious. Both the United States of American and Israel are western nations.......secular, democratic, based on rule-of-law.......

Iran is a lunatic theocracy straight out of the seventh fact, 1,000 years ago Islam was at the cutting edge of intellectual development, so let me re-phrase.....Iran is a lunatic theocracy that is symbolic of the devolution of is much worse than the Islamic states of 1,000 years ago.

What that means, in plain Dick and Jane language, is that the USA and Israel are on OUR side.

Iran is Mordor.

Israel has had nuclear weapons since the late 1960s, and has never used them.......despite their desperate situation in the Yom Kippur War in the early 70s.

The USA has a huge nuclear arsenal.....and used the weapon only twice, immediately after its development 65 years ago, to bring the worst war in history to an abrupt end, saving millions of lives. To the enthusiastic cheers of her allies, including us.

Your lack of understanding of the clash of civilizations is clearly exposed in the relativism inherent in your post. I suggest, if you seriously believe that Iran having nukes is the same as the USA having nukes, that you go live in Iran for 6 months.....maybe then you would be intellectually capable of chosing a side.

Geezus! What did I expect from a guy that uses Turd Trudeau as an avatar???????

Israel has an appalling amount of crimes committed against humanity. Iran couldn't amass more crimes than Israel if they attained nukes and dropped them all over Europe. So it's quite ironic for you to be calling Iran "lunatic", while under the same breath supporting Israel.

I sincerely hope you don't think because Israel is a western country and "on our side" :lol:, that it justifies Israel's blatant crimes.

if you seriously believe that Iran having nukes is the same as the USA having nukes, that you go live in Iran for 6 months

You probably don't even realize U.S.A is more corrupt than Iran could ever be.
You're the one that needs to go to Iran for 6 months to realize the Iranian people aren't all monsters.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You are just like the little kid nudging or daring another kid to do it. Afraid to do it themselves no matter the reason. Any invasion of Iran can be all yours if you want it that bad.

No kidding!

They have been whining about an impending US invasion of Iran for years now. When Bush was in office they said he would do it before he left. Now they think Obama is going to invade Iran!

Poor things.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Israel has an appalling amount of crimes committed against humanity. Iran couldn't amass more crimes than Israel if they attained nukes and dropped them all over Europe. So it's quite ironic for you to be calling Iran "lunatic", while under the same breath supporting Israel.

I sincerely hope you don't think because Israel is a western country and "on our side" :lol:, that it justifies Israel's blatant crimes.

You probably don't even realize U.S.A is more corrupt than Iran could ever be.
You're the one that needs to go to Iran for 6 months to realize the Iranian people aren't all monsters.

What you don't know about me could fill a large should actually seek out some knowledge of your opposition before you dismiss them with a sneer.

" Iran couldn't amass more crimes than Israel if they attained nukes and dropped them all over Europe.".

Excuse me??????? You do know what a nuclear weapon IS, don't you??? You know, BIG bang, mushroom cloud, lots of deadly radiation. Not a popgun. Hundreds of thousands dead. A couple in major cities of Europe would easily kill more people than there are in the West Bank and Gaza.........

Please also note that the ENTIRE death toll of every war fought by Israel from 1948 to the Yom Kippur War is somewhere around 50,000.....all sides included. There has been no where near 50,000 killed in the "police actions" (for lack of a better phrase) that have broken out besides those wars..

U.S.A is more corrupt than Iran could ever be.

Yeah, Right. You just witnessed a real election, and a radical shift in American direction and policy..........set in motion by the people.

The people in Iran that tried to change things (after having the last election stolen) are pretty quiet now-a-days.......those of them that are still outside of jail....and alive. But you can't tell the difference.

I have no doubt that many Iranians are decent of the reasons one should hesitate in any bombing attack against its nuclear capability is that it would destroy the democracy movement there.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Thread Topic is "Have the Americans Manufactured Another Nuclear Crisis"
or something along those lines, and has nothing to do with persistent personal
attacks on each other.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
None of you are worried about the yellow cake that travels 3000km by truck on **** highways right next to the largest freshwater bodies in the world or perhaps right by your house?

Could you explain this? Without being sarcastic?


Electoral Member
Sep 2, 2006
You are just like the little kid nudging or daring another kid to do it. Afraid to do it themselves no matter the reason. Any invasion of Iran can be all yours if you want it that bad.

That's just the thing. My statements are made because I am against it. Just like I am against the occupation of the US in Iraq. I'm just trying to inform thie uninformed the real reasons as to such an action. Not the bullsh*t reasons you are given by mainstream media. Some people are sooo blind it hurts.


Electoral Member
Sep 2, 2006
I guess we should be looking at allll countries with nuclear capablilities as a threat then. Why is every one segregating Iran? Because they are a Islamic country???
And the truth of the matter is, all of you who think Iran in creating a nuclear bomb, that it is all of you who are manufacturing and backing such a confrontation.
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States

NEW YORK -- The U.S., Britain and France staged a bravura performance of political theatre last week by claiming to have just "discovered" a secret Iran uranium enrichment plant near Qum. On cue, a carefully orchestrated media blitz trumpeted warnings of the alleged Iranian nuclear threat and "long-ranged missiles."

In reality, the Qum plant was detected by U.S. spy satellites over two years ago, and was known to the intelligence community. Iran claimed the plant will not begin enriching uranium for peaceful power for another 540 days. UN nuclear rules, to which Iran adheres, calls for 180 days notice.

UN nuclear watchdogs say Iran should have revealed the plant earlier. Iran alerted the UN last week and said it would invite inspectors.

The reluctance of Iran to reveal its nuclear sites is magnified by constant threats of attack against them by Israel and the U.S. Iran also recalls Iraq, where many of the UN "nuclear inspectors" were likely spies for CIA or Israel's Mossad. This may explain some of Iran's secretive behaviour. The U.S., Britain, France and Israel have been even less forthcoming about their nuclear secrets.

Iran's test of some useless short ranged missiles, and an inaccurate 2,000-km medium ranged Shahab-3, provoked more hysteria. In a choice example of media scaremongering, the Globe and Mail printed a picture of a 1960s vintage SAM-2 anti-aircraft missile being launched, with a caption of Prime Minister Stephen Harper warning of the "grave threat" Iran posed to "international peace and security."

Welcome to Iraq deja vu, and another phony crisis. U.S. intelligence and UN inspectors say Iran has no nuclear weapons and certainly no nuclear warheads and is only enriching uranium to 5%. Nuclear weapons require 95%. Iran's nuclear facilities are under constant UN inspection and U.S. surveillance.

The U.S., its allies, and Israel insist Iran is secretly developing nuclear warheads.

They demand Tehran prove a negative: That is has no nuclear weapons. Iraq was also put to the same impossible test.

Israel is deeply alarmed by Iran's challenge to its Mideast nuclear monopoly. Chances of an Israeli attack on Iran are growing weekly, though the U.S. is still restraining Israel.

The contrived uproar about the Qum plant was a ploy to intensify pressure on Iran to cease nuclear enrichment -- though it has every right to do so under international agreements. More pressure will be applied at this week's meeting near Geneva between the Western powers and Iran.

Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, poured fuel on the fire, again questioning the Holocaust and staging the ostentatious launch of missiles with little military value.

Why did Ahmadinejad antagonize the West and act belligerent when he should be taking a very low profile? Why would Iran face devastating Israeli or U.S. attack to keep enriching uranium when it can import such fuel from Russia?

Civilian nuclear power has become the keystone of Iranian national pride. As noted in my new book, American Raj, Iran's leadership insists the West has denied the Muslim world modern technology and tries to keep it backwards and subservient.

Tehran believes it can withstand all western sanctions.

Iran appears to be very slowly developing a "breakout" capability to produce a small number of nuclear weapons on short notice -- for defensive purposes. Iraq's invasion of Iran cost Iran one million casualties. Iran demands the same right of nuclear self defence enjoyed by neighbours Israel, India and Pakistan.
Real solution

What Iran really wants is an end to 30-years of U.S. efforts to overthrow its Islamic regime. The U.S. is still waging economic warfare against Iran and trying to overthrow the Tehran government. Like North Korea, Iran wants explicit guarantees from Washington that this siege warfare will stop and relations with the U.S. will be normalized.

As Flynt and Hillary Leverett conclude in their excellent, must-read Sept. 29 New York Times article, detente with Iran will be bitterly opposed by "those who attach value to failed policies that have damaged America's interests in the Middle East ..."

This is only a comment written by Eric Margolis, based upon nothing but his own beliefs. No facts from anyone that is documented.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The people in Iran that tried to change things (after having the last election stolen) are pretty quiet now-a-days.......those of them that are still outside of jail....and alive. But you can't tell the difference.

I have no doubt that many Iranians are decent of the reasons one should hesitate in any bombing attack against its nuclear capability is that it would destroy the democracy movement there.

Where is the proof that Iran's elections were fixed? I reviewed the evidence and they are circumstancial at best and certainly not as conclusive as Afghan's fraudulent elections. Certainly the evidence for election fraud isn't as strong as the 2000 US Presidential election.

I'll bet you don't even know the basis for these claims. Please prove me wrong.
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
This is only a comment written by Eric Margolis, based upon nothing but his own beliefs. No facts from anyone that is documented.

Please reference the part of the NPT violated by Iran:

Nothing in the mandatory parts of the NPT requires that nations reveal the existance of nuclear facilities.

Two additional voluntary confidence building protocols exist. Iran signed the Additional Protocols but not the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement.

As per the Additional Protocols Iran must notify the IAEA of nuclear facilities 6 months before the site becomes operational. Iran notified the IAEA 18 months in advance.

As per the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, countries are required to notify the IAEA of plans to build nuclear sites. Iran has not signed this document.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Where is the proof that Iran's elections were fixed? I reviewed the evidence and they are circumstancial at best and certainly not as conclusive as Afghan's fraudulent elections. Certainly the evidence for election fraud isn't as strong as the 2000 US Presidential election.

I'll bet you don't even know the basis for these claims. Please prove me wrong.

Fer Cryin' Out Loud definintion Iranian elections are fixed! Every candidate must be vetted by the Guardian Council.....made up of 6 clerics and 6 jurists charged with the enforcement of Sharia law.

No need for stuffed ballot boxes or hanging chads.......

And even AL GORE conceded the US 2000 election.

It is posts like this that truely reveal the depth of your...........the word than insistently springs to mind is insanity. I don't mean to be insulting, but dammit man, your obsession, and your bias, ares simply over the edge.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''I have no doubt that elements of the Taliban existed amongst the nine or so groups that fought the Soviets.''

Maybe you don't. But some pundits do and pretend Reagan had nothing to do with financing them.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Quoting petros None of you are worried about the yellow cake that travels 3000km by truck on **** highways right next to the largest freshwater bodies in the world or perhaps right by your house?​

Could you explain this? Without being sarcastic?
Sure can.

Saskatchewan's uranium (largest source on planet) as yellowcake travels mostly by truck and some rail. Each load hauled by truck contains about 17 tonnes.

Yellow cake is a fine sand-like powder, uranium oxide concentrate U3O8 (about 70% pure uranium).

The yellowcake is packed into 55 US gallon steel drums, similar in size to oil barrels, each containing about 400 kilograms.

From the mines and mills in Saskatchewan, casks of yellowcake are shipped about 3000 kilometres to Blind River Ontario through small and major centers like Winnipeg. At some points the rail and highway is right along the shores of the Great lakes. Some is shipped by truck to various enrichment facilities in the US like Denver, Oak Ridge etc.

The Blind River refinery also gets shipments of yellowcake for processing from around the world (Utah, Wyoming Nevada). Most of the purified uranium is trucked from Blind River to Port Hope, 600 kilometres away. The rest is sent to the UK for enrichment.

Any road or rail or sea travel must go through a number of towns en route.

Even following Dangerous Good Routes means very little when considering U308.

A crash with a spill into or even near Superior or other far smaller lake for that matter can and will do far more damage over the long term than the detonation of a weapon.

These trucks have no special escorts or special regualtions. I remember a couple years back that a couple of these trucks stopped at a casino for six hours.

Look this stuff up if you wish. Our worst enemies are our own sloppy, cheap, ways.

The way U308 is transported frightens me and concerns me far more than any propaganda the Pentagon or Mossadomites could ever dream up.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Quoting petros None of you are worried about the yellow cake that travels 3000km by truck on **** highways right next to the largest freshwater bodies in the world or perhaps right by your house?​

Sure can.

Saskatchewan's uranium (largest source on planet) as yellowcake travels mostly by truck and some rail. Each load hauled by truck contains about 17 tonnes.

Yellow cake is a fine sand-like powder, uranium oxide concentrate U3O8 (about 70% pure uranium).

The yellowcake is packed into 55 US gallon steel drums, similar in size to oil barrels, each containing about 400 kilograms.

From the mines and mills in Saskatchewan, casks of yellowcake are shipped about 3000 kilometres to Blind River Ontario through small and major centers like Winnipeg. At some points the rail and highway is right along the shores of the Great lakes. Some is shipped by truck to various enrichment facilities in the US like Denver, Oak Ridge etc.

The Blind River refinery also gets shipments of yellowcake for processing from around the world (Utah, Wyoming Nevada). Most of the purified uranium is trucked from Blind River to Port Hope, 600 kilometres away. The rest is sent to the UK for enrichment.

Any road or rail or sea travel must go through a number of towns en route.

Even following Dangerous Good Routes means very little when considering U308.

A crash with a spill into or even near Superior or other far smaller lake for that matter can and will do far more damage over the long term than the detonation of a weapon.

These trucks have no special escorts or special regualtions. I remember a couple years back that a couple of these trucks stopped at a casino for six hours.

Look this stuff up if you wish. Our worst enemies are our own sloppy, cheap, ways.

The way U308 is transported frightens me and concerns me far more than any propaganda the Pentagon or Mossadomites could ever dream up.

Colorado officials: Yellowcake uranium trucks ‘can go wherever they want’

State says material 'doesn’t really present that much of a hazard'; plans to truck sulfuric acid into Montrose County site

By David O. Williams 9/21/09 1:48 PM
MONTROSE — Opponents of a proposed uranium mill in southwestern Colorado near the Utah state line may be relieved to hear that state officials in charge of overseeing the transport of incoming ore and outgoing yellowcake don’t actually consider such things “nuclear materials.”
Uranium yellowcake and sulfuric acid would be carted along I-70 in Colorado

By state statute, uranium ore and processed yellowcake, used to make fuel rods for nuclear reactors, are considered mere hazardous materials and therefore not limited to transportation along the state’s designated nuclear materials routes.
“When you’re dealing with yellowcake shipments, they get carried in pretty much a dump truck,” said Capt. Allan Turner of the Colorado State Patrol’s Hazardous Materials Transport Safety and Response (HMTSR) team.
“We actually had one of those turn over in the city of Colorado Springs, turn over in the median, and people were going to the hospitals with facemasks on, thinking they were contaminated with radiation, when in actual fact it doesn’t really present that much of a hazard.”
Environmentalists looking to stop, or at least dramatically slow, the Montrose County commissioners’ special-use permit approval process for the proposed Piñon Ridge Mill between Bedrock and Naturita in far western Montrose County have fixed on transportation and the potential for spills as a major rallying point.
Toward the end of a lengthy and contentious public hearing earlier this month, Ridgway resident Dana Ivers got up and asked the commissioners if they had any idea what roads Energy Fuels — the Canadian company proposing the mill — would use to bring in uranium ore and ship out yellowcake.
Montrose County Commission Chairman David White said that was a question probably best directed to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), which has approved an access permit for the mill. “Apparently it was OK” with CDOT said White. White told Ivers he did not know the exact route the trucks carting the materials would travel.
“[Ivers] hit the nail on the head when she said, ‘Do you know anything about any of the transportation corridors for either incoming or outgoing traffic?’ and they had nothing,” said Hilary White, executive director of the Telluride-based environmental group Sheep Mountain Alliance. “They knew nothing about it; they had obviously not looked at; they had not seen the plans. It’s a huge concern.”
But according Montrose County’s own website, the Piñon Ridge Mill plan already conditionally recommended for approval by planning staff would use 24-ton capacity trucks to bring in 21 loads of ore a day — or about 500 tons a day – on Colorado Highway 90. After processing, the mill would ship out about 200 pounds of yellowcake a day in sealed, steel 55-gallon drums.
Two facilities in North America can then turn processed yellowcake into fuel rods for nuclear plants: one in Metropolis, Ill., and the other in Port Hope, Ontario, near Toronto. Facilities in Great Britain and France can also convert yellowcake into fuel rods, meaning the yellowcake would have to first be trucked to ports in Texas. Europe, where nuclear power is much more prevalent, is one of the major potential markets for the Piñon Ridge yellowcake uranium.
“It’s a global commodity,” said Frank Filas, environmental manager for a U.S. subsidiary of Ontario-based Energy Fuels. “It could go just about anywhere, but it’s not going to North Korea and it’s not going to Iran.”
According to the county, trucks headed to the nearest major interstate, I-70, would travel east on Colorado Highway 90 (not a designated hazardous materials route), north on Colorado Highway 141 (which is a designated hazardous materials route), north on U.S. 50 (a hazmat route) and finally to I-70 (also a hazmat route).
“The Colorado State Patrol controls the designation of hazmat and nuclear routes in Colorado,” CDOT spokeswoman Stacey Stegman said. “The current, established, hazmat route includes all of U.S. 50, so hazmat moves on U.S. 50 daily. This is just a new hazmat product that will be moving on that route.”
Many in the audience at the most recent hearing were from Grand Junction and Fruita, and were clearly concerned about processed yellowcake moving through their communities.
But the CSP’s Turner said even the crash of a truck hauling uranium ore in Colorado Springs presented no extraordinary health risk. The Fremont County Independent Outreach Committee, a community-based watchdog group monitoring the cleanup activities at the Cotter Uranium Mill near Canon City, appears to agree. That mill, which operated steadily from 1958 to 1979, was later declared an EPA Superfund cleanup site after numerous incidences of contamination.
Turner added that even processed yellowcake doesn’t present that much of a threat, but both yellowcake and unprocessed ore are not considered nuclear materials. That designation is reserved for spent fuel rods and other radioactive waste such as materials from Rocky Flats, which are shipped along Interstate 25 to the Waste Isolation Pilot (WIP) Plant in Carlsbad, N.M.
“When you talk about uranium itself, the materials that you’re dealing with, the ore, that is specifically exempted from our regulatory authority,” Turner said. “We have no regulatory authority to route them; they can go wherever they want.”
Nuclear materials are restricted to I-25, I-70 east of Denver and I-76 in northeast Colorado. There are no nuclear materials routes in southwest Colorado.
Of even more concern to watchdog groups is sulfuric acid, which is used to leach the uranium ore. Energy Fuels’ Filas said three to four trucks of sulfuric acid a day will be coming into the proposed Piñon Ridge facility. CSP’s Turner said only tanker trucks carrying 500 gallons or more must stick to designated hazmat routes. Companies hauling hazmat also must be licensed by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
All of this industrial activity is alarming to many in southwest Colorado who do not want to see a return to the glory days of the state’s uranium mining past. Residents of the resort communities in and around Telluride, Ridgway and Ouray tend to oppose the new mill, while those with mining roots in western Montrose County argue the local economy needs a boost. They resent opposition from “outsiders.”
Sheep Mountain’s White said the mill is a regional issue and that the commissioners need to take that into consideration or they will be open to litigation.
“I feel, and many other people feel, that [the commissioners] are being totally irresponsible to the public’s health, safety and welfare that they are ultimately responsible for — not only Montrose County, but the neighboring counties as well,” White said. “And if they choose to put blinders on and look at a very narrow scope in their approval process, then it will be challenged.”
But even Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, a huge proponent of renewable energy such as wind and solar, has taken the controversial position that nuclear power needs to be part of the mix in order to break U.S. dependency on coal, oil and natural gas. Environmentalists, however, say the long-term wastes from nuclear power — and the potential for catastrophic accidents — make it a bad choice in the fight against global warming.
The next Montrose County commissioner hearing is 10 a.m., Sept. 30 at Friendship Hall in the Montrose County Fairgrounds and Event Center.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
eao: I'll bet you don't even know the basis for these claims (Iran's elections were fraudulent). Please prove me wrong.
Fer Cryin' Out Loud definintion Iranian elections are fixed! Every candidate must be vetted by the Guardian Council.....made up of 6 clerics and 6 jurists charged with the enforcement of Sharia law.

No need for stuffed ballot boxes or hanging chads.......

And even AL GORE conceded the US 2000 election...

MSM and Western leaders' claims that Iran's last election were fraudulent weren't based on biases built into Iran's election system, stuffed ballot boxes or hanging chads. There are many possible reasons why Al Gore conceded the 2000 election. His motivation may have been an unwillingness to lead the US into chaos, or he may have been threatened with assassination or blackmailed... His concession alone proves nothing.

All of which is beside the point. Colpy's response did not reference any evidence that Iran's recent elections were fraudulent. His opinion that Iran's elections were fraudulent appear to be based solely on MSM and Western Leader accusations. Hanging someone based on accusations alone is called a lynching, not due process and I doubt Colpy knows the difference.

....It is posts like this that truely reveal the depth of your...........the word than insistently springs to mind is insanity. I don't mean to be insulting, but dammit man, your obsession, and your bias, ares simply over the edge.

I can understand why Colpy finds my posts frustrating. Sometimes I completely contradict his viewpoint. He is sure that anyone who disagrees with him must be wrong because his opinion is supported by the MSM and Western Leaders and shared with millions of sheeple. He appears to be completely oblivious of common propaganda techniques used by the MSM and Western Leaders to manipulate millions of sheeple:
Propaganda Techniques

IMO, Colpy's opinion appears to originate from the MSM and Western Leaders and he appears to be as manipulated as millions of other sheeple. That's not to say that everyone who believes Iran's elections were fraudulent are manipulated. Hardly. Some people have this opinion based on the evidence, not accusations made by the MSM and Western Leaders.

I searched the web and with difficulty found the "evidence" and drew my own conclusions.

Evidence that Iran's elections results were fraudulent:

1) Election results varied significantly from pre-election polls by a statistically significant amount. (similar to the American Dewey vs Truman election.)
2) Handcounted elections results which came faster than expected.
3) Results showed unusual uniformity across provinces rather than the usual statistical variations according to western experts.
4) Election counts lacked randomness and exhibited patterns associated with human generated random numbers according to western experts.

I would categorize the above as highly suspicious and circumstancial, but not conclusive.

Evidence I saw that Afghanistan's elections were fraudulent

1) Large numbers of underage children registered as voters
2) Evidence of ballot box stuffing and tampering.
3) Evidence of ballot box swapping.
4) Ballot boxes filled with identical ballots all voting for the same candidate
5) Ballot sheets still stuck together the same way they were printed all marked for the same candidate exactly the same way.
6) Ballots found dumped on the side of the road.
7) Photographic evidence of people filling out multiple ballots
8 )Photographic evidence of people with multiple election id cards
9) People bragging they voted dozens and hundreds of times
10) Evidence of vote buying, and bidding wars for votes
...and so on.

I'd rate the above evidence as conclusive....
If someone is aware of more conclusive evidence which proves Iran's elections were fraudulent, please share.
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
MSM and Western leaders' claims that Iran's last election were fraudulent weren't based on biases built into Iran's election system, stuffed ballot boxes or hanging chads. There are many possible reasons why Al Gore conceded the 2000 election. His motivation may have been an unwillingness to lead the US into chaos, or he may have been threatened with assassination or blackmailed... His concession alone proves nothing.

All of which is beside the point. Colpy's response did not reference any evidence that Iran's recent elections were fraudulent. His opinion that Iran's elections were fraudulent appear to be based solely on MSM and Western Leader accusations. Hanging someone based on accusations alone is called a lynching, not due process and I doubt Colpy knows the difference.

I can understand why Colpy finds my posts frustrating. Sometimes I completely contradict his viewpoint. He is sure that anyone who disagrees with him must be wrong because his opinion is supported by the MSM and Western Leaders and shared with millions of sheeple. He appears to be completely oblivious of common propaganda techniques used by the MSM and Western Leaders to manipulate millions of sheeple:
Propaganda Techniques

IMO, Colpy's opinion appears to originate from the MSM and Western Leaders and he appears to be as manipulated as millions of other sheeple. That's not to say that everyone who believes Iran's elections were fraudulent are manipulated. Hardly. Some people have this opinion based on the evidence, not accusations made by the MSM and Western Leaders.

I searched the web and with difficulty found the "evidence" and drew my own conclusions.

If someone is aware of more conclusive evidence which proves Iran's elections were fraudulent, please share.

You need more reasons to change your opinion??? You ought to live life more, stop believing all you read. Just a suggestion.