American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Texas gunman should not have been able to buy a firearm, but the Air Force failed to alert FBI to his violent past

several members of the same family were killed.


Hear this on BBC today:

American solution to these mass murders is :..........GUNS(EVEN MORE) AND PRAYER.

After all this time and all these incidents of horror........simply y simply don't have the GUTS to do what is really necessary...........and prefer to remain a barbaric "sate". where mass killings of any variety are the order of the day and simply their "lifestyle" As are the candle light prayer vigils they hold to honor their increasing number of dead from gun incidents. Guns and Bibles. The fact that the shooter was killed by a gun carrying citizen......will only reinforce the policy of more guns is the answer. He probably will not be charged with Murder.and will be treated as a hero A mind twister to anyone but an American.

It's a waste of time to charge someone who will obviously be found not guilty for defense of a third.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
As President Donald Trump derided the way federal courts had handled terrorism cases on Wednesday, federal prosecutors filed court documents illustrating the damage that some of his supporters could have inflicted in a terrorist attack they allegedly plotted against Muslim immigrants in Kansas.

Patrick Stein, Gavin Wright and Curtis Allen were arrested a little over a year ago in an FBI sting. The trio, allegedly part of a domestic terrorist group called “the Crusaders,” was charged with plotting a terrorist attack against Muslim immigrants for the day after the presidential election that they hoped would “wake people up.” They allegedly amassed a huge stockpile of weapons and prepared bombs they’d use in an attack targeting an apartment complex that housed Muslim immigrants.

“The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim,” Stein allegedly said during one meeting. “If you’re a Muslim I’m going to enjoy shooting you in the head.”

All three are awaiting trial. Last month, a federal judge ruled that one of the men who had requested bail was a “strong threat to society” and a “danger to the community” and should be kept in custody until trial.

An attorney for Wright said that the group “feared that then-President Obama would declare martial law if Donald Trump won the election” and that “massive social unrest would occur” no matter who won.

Federal prosecutors indicated in a court filing on Wednesday that the FBI’s Laboratory’s Explosives Unit had constructed and set off a 300-pound car bomb using fertilizer to show the damage that the bomb the men were allegedly building could have created.

Here’s the setup:



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
All y'all Canadian lefties do understand, I hope, that there is a very high likelihood that all 26 of the people killed in Texass lived in gun-owning households, were Christians and at least medium fundamentalist, and voted for Trump or would have grown up to vote for somebody like him.

In other words, they were right-wing, gun-owning, Trump-voting Texans. The very people you spew hatred for day after day on this board.

So why aren't you happy they're dead? Especially since you can claim it's their own fault for supporting permissive gun control laws?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Are you addressing me? I'd say it's because their god is as fictional as Harry Potter, and equally likely to save them.

Now that I've answered your question, wanna answer mine?

I didn't answer your question because t's not addressed to me, because none of it applies to me, I don't think any of those things, so it's not aimed at me at all.

"So why aren't you happy they're dead? Especially since you can claim it's their own fault for supporting permissive gun control laws?"


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I didn't answer your question because t's not addressed to me, because none of it applies to me, I don't think any of those things, so it's not aimed at me at all.

Fair answer. You're not a lefty by anyone's (excluding Nazis) standard. Just thought you might could speak up for 'em, seeing as how shy the ordinarily-quite-forward Canadian left is about answering.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
All y'all Canadian lefties do understand, I hope, that there is a very high likelihood that all 26 of the people killed in Texass lived in gun-owning households, were Christians and at least medium fundamentalist, and voted for Trump or would have grown up to vote for somebody like him.

In other words, they were right-wing, gun-owning, Trump-voting Texans. The very people you spew hatred for day after day on this board.

So why aren't you happy they're dead? Especially since you can claim it's their own fault for supporting permissive gun control laws?

Half of the dead are children including an unborn baby. Whether or not your comments on the adult dead are true, they did not deserve to die especially in a house of worship.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
All y'all Canadian lefties do understand, I hope, that there is a very high likelihood that all 26 of the people killed in Texass lived in gun-owning households, were Christians and at least medium fundamentalist, and voted for Trump or would have grown up to vote for somebody like him.

In other words, they were right-wing, gun-owning, Trump-voting Texans. The very people you spew hatred for day after day on this board.

So why aren't you happy they're dead? Especially since you can claim it's their own fault for supporting permissive gun control laws?
Texas is not a very gun toting state.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Thanks Mowich.

Good article. and of course it makes sense.

from the item:

Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns.

The only variable that can explain the high rate of mass shootings in America is its astronomical number of guns.

kinda states the obvious. Doesn't it??