Abortion -The poll is not based upon Religious belief - It is based ethics


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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
i find it so sad that it is always 'men' who judge in this subject, and the worst pArt of it, is that
all of the women are talked about as though each situation has nothing to do with 'anything' but the
pregnancy, and the life of the woman doesn't seem important, she is talked about as though she is just
a selfish person with no thought for anyone but herself,' i am sick of this attitude
.It's bad that men want to be fathers and dads but have no choice in the matter and get POed about it?


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
That topic is for another thread. I am pro choice, but within certain limits. No abortion, after a certain gestation period unless mothers life is in danger is one, I will add more when I get around to posting another thread.
Sex selection- NO.
Twin aborted for economics- No.
And I do not give cred to the hospitals to produce accurate stats.
Why, because of the repercussions.

That is not a topic for a different thread.

Who cares what your opinion is on something if it is completely subjective and there is no way to enforce it.

Are you just trying to record your moral superiority?

If there is nothing that government can do about it, why are you making it an issue?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Abortion -Canada as it stands has no restrictions on abortion. None. Yet the majo

i have known two young women who have terminated their pregnancies at an 'early stage'
, and the reasons for
them doing so were important, as they were both married, and had husbands who were a very negative
weight on their lives, physical abuse was a problem for the women, there were allready children in the marriages, these women were like slaves in their own homes. there was no money for much of anything,
the husbands controlled everything, so 'enough was enough', the women's group i was attending at the
time, made all the arrangements, took them for the medical procedure, which took a huge weight off of
their allready suffering lives, then other plans were made to help them get out of those relationships.
they have since then, built themselves new lives, also with much help from women's groups, and moved on.
both of these women entered these marriages at a very young age, not much more than children themselves.

and naturally, the only option was to kill the child. The one person that had nothing to do with any of it.

i find it so sad that it is always 'men' who judge in this subject, and the worst pArt of it, is that
all of the women are talked about as though each situation has nothing to do with 'anything' but the
pregnancy, and the life of the woman doesn't seem important, she is talked about as though she is just
a selfish person with no thought for anyone but herself,' i am sick of this attitude.''

That's because the majority of the time selfishness is the primary motivator. Prove otherwise. Even your above scenarios is all about her and screw the baby.

now you all can trash the hell out of me, i couldn't give a 'flying f**k', i've said my piece, so all of you holier than thow men can ban together and
do your gossiping, i'm out of here.

Ya, typical you. Trash others opinions and then run.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Abortion -Canada as it stands has no restrictions on abortion. None. Yet the majo

Ya, typical you. Trash others opinions and then run.

Gerry- It's just not worth making enemies over a difference of opinion! You've stated what you think, you've done your part, the only people we can control in our lives is ourselves. Try doing that! -:)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: Abortion -Canada as it stands has no restrictions on abortion. None. Yet the majo

Except for the subject who doesn't have a say!
I don't differentiate between human and other life forms. I don't see humans as being any more important than any other. We kill billions of animal and plant life without thought. I don't hold abortion any different than killing a cow or a chicken. I have no emotional attachment to any of it. All life is sacred but it is not up to me to decide who is right or wrong in any of this. That responsibility lies with the one making the decision and performing the action.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Abortion -Canada as it stands has no restrictions on abortion. None. Yet the majo

I don't differentiate between human and other life forms. I don't see humans as being any more important than any other. We kill billions of animal and plant life without thought. I don't hold abortion any different than killing a cow or a chicken. I have no emotional attachment to any of it. All life is sacred but it is not up to me to decide who is right or wrong in any of this. That responsibility lies with the one making the decision and performing the action.

Although I don't necessarily agree with your opinion I respect it.

When lives are being snuffed out it goes beyond " a matter of opinion".

I agree with that but there's no way you are going to change it and we have to co exist with people whose opinions differ.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The "poor helpless welfare for life of women" image is demeaning. If women are burdened by what they are physically designed for, what good are they to society? If they are incapable of raising children what good are they for anything else?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
The title of this thread should be "This poll is not based on ethics - it is based on political mischief".
Once again, late-term abortions in Canada are not performed by licenced doctors on whim but because the foetus is not viable, the life of the mother is imperilled, or both.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The "poor helpless welfare for life of women" image is demeaning. If women are burdened by what they are physically designed for, what good are they to society? If they are incapable of raising children what good are they for anything else?

Ooooh, oooooh, you're getting W.W.IIII started now!

The title of this thread should be "This poll is not based on ethics - it is based on political mischief".
Once again, late-term abortions in Canada are not performed by licenced doctors on whim but because the foetus is not viable, the life of the mother is imperilled, or both.

Yep, when it's a matter of life or death you do what you have to do!

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I don't know how many late period abortions are done in Canada each year - hopefully none. I personally don't agree with abortions (tons of people willing to adopt), but since it's not illegal, I would hope that if the decision is going to be made, its made sooner rather than later. Why would anyone carry a child for 4, 5 or 6 months and THEN decide oh, I don't want it. Hello!!! You couldn't have made that decision sooner???? Really???

I suspect late (r) term abortions are harder on the woman as well.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If they could think for themselves they'd be able to raise a child without batting an eyelash.

It's you who says they are incapable and end up on welfare for life if they do have kids not me.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I am loving this thread. Loving it.

First thread I open as I take my breaks from cleaning.