New Rulers declare Libya Liberated

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Why open a thread that has one that covers the same points.

Did not realize the other threads were about the liberated Libya they are more about the savagery that occurred at Gadhafis demise.

Is there a problem having a thread that would be about the new beginnings ???

The revolution was but the birthing ......figuratively speaking.....of a potentially new and improved nation in a country that needs it.

(or are you just bi tching to hear yourself bi tch.???) ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Did not realize the other threads were about the liberated Libya they are more about the savagery that occurred at Gadhafis demise.

Is there a problem having a thread that would be about the new beginnings ???

The revolution was but the birthing ......figuratively speaking.....of a potentially new and improved nation in a country that needs it.

(or are you just bi tching to hear yourself bi tch.???) ;-)

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Did not realize the other threads were about the liberated Libya they are more about the savagery that occurred at Gadhafis demise.

Is there a problem having a thread that would be about the new beginnings ???

The revolution was but the birthing ......figuratively speaking.....of a potentially new and improved nation in a country that needs it.

(or are you just bi tching to hear yourself bi tch.???) ;-)
Bitching?... Now when someone does the same to you you'll be all upset because your own bitchiness isn't being applauded with bunnies and sunshine. Maybe it IS you?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Did not realize the other threads were about the liberated Libya they are more about the savagery that occurred at Gadhafis demise.

Is there a problem having a thread that would be about the new beginnings ???

The revolution was but the birthing ......figuratively speaking.....of a potentially new and improved nation in a country that needs it.

(or are you just bi tching to hear yourself bi tch.???) ;-)

F**k, there's about 200 countries in the world, one thread about Libya should be ample. You've made your point (your opinion) about savagery...........most don't agree..................can it already!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
time to reflect on how Libya was won by the 'west" as we move on to the new and ??improved Libya.

How the West won Libya
By Pepe Escobar

They are fighting over the carcass as vultures. The French Ministry of Defense said they got him with a Rafale fighter jet firing over his convoy. The Pentagon said they got him with a Predator firing a Hellfire missile. After a wounded Colonel Muammar Gaddafi sought refuge in a filthy drain underneath a highway - an eerie echo of Saddam Hussein's "hole" - he was found by Transitional National Council (TNC) "rebels". And then duly executed.

Abdel-Jalil Abdel-Aziz, a Libyan doctor who accompanied Gaddafi's body in an ambulance and examined it, said he died from two bullets, one to the chest, one to the head.

The TNC - which has peddled lies, lies and more lies for months - swears he died in "crossfire". It may have been a mob. It may...

Asia Times Online :: THE ROVING EYE : How the West won Libya

JLM......are you saying that a LIBERATION of a country does not warrant its own thread??? When such a major change takes place in any nation , it warrants signs in neon lights. It is BIG. and here one was led to believe that you supported this liberation ....even if the tactics were highly questionable. How many thread topics exist about Iraq and Afganistan........ and not sure that either place has been "declared LIBERATED"....yet.

suspect that you are saying that because in your heart you KNOW that what took place was savagery. IF NOT...then you and your supporters have a primitive idea about what "justice" should be. and are stll living in some prehistoric times ....OR followijng the beliefs and rituals of the bunch that slaughtered him. Either way. the conclusions one must draw are very unpleasant.

Meanwhile the US finds his demise a laughing matter. Is that how a civilized nation/ leadership behaves?? Sorry, but not in my world. Maybe in yours.

PS JLM: seems I am not the only one in the world that considers what took place as vulture like savagery. Those that don't ......might want to reflect on their own ethical compasses.

Now.......let the infighting begin. This "liberation" is not going to go down smoothly. But it will be fascinating to observe how they work through their they try to gel into a semblance of solidity .


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
At this point Ocean Breeze. You must know 90% of north Americans are total A$$holes.
They are happy with this.

We sent Libya back into the stone age this year.
They listen to the propaganda they are given without question.

What more proof that we no longer deserve to live do you need?
Our governments are cold blooded killers. And most are perfectly OK with it.

They don't want to talk about it cause its a constant reminder of how evil and heartless 90% of us have become.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
At this point Ocean Breeze. You must know 90% of north Americans are total A$$holes.
They are happy with this.

We sent Libya back into the stone age this year.
They listen to the propaganda they are given without question.

What more proof that we no longer deserve to live do you need?
Our governments are cold blooded killers. And most are perfectly OK with it.

They don't want to talk about it cause its a constant reminder of how evil and heartless 90% of us have become.
Do you have a link for that stat ... not that I won't take your word on it or anything


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
At this point Ocean Breeze. You must know 90% of north Americans are total A$$holes.
They are happy with this.

We sent Libya back into the stone age this year.
They listen to the propaganda they are given without question.

What more proof that we no longer deserve to live do you need?
Our governments are cold blooded killers. And most are perfectly OK with it.

They don't want to talk about it cause its a constant reminder of how evil and heartless 90% of us have become.

Holy catfish Batman you are certifiable.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Post-Gaddafi Libya should think local

After a revolution that started at the periphery, Libya must empower local networks while avoiding factionalism

Post-Gaddafi Libya should think local | Jason Pack | Comment is free |

from above link:

Amid many questions about the future of post-Gaddafi Libya, one fact cannot be ignored: the Libyan revolution of 2011 is dissimilar – in scope, content, and origin – to its sister revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Indeed, it has almost no parallels in world history.
Generally, sweeping revolutionary change (France in 1789, Russia in 1917, etc) is carried out by an organised group at the centre of power with a distinct ideology. In Libya, the revolution originated in the periphery and is surprisingly devoid of ideology.
As with the French and the Russian revolutions, this year's events in Libya have caused extensive social, political, and

structural inversions. By comparison, regime change in Tunisia and Egypt is akin to the "regime change" that democratic countries experience every few years when one leadership group is thrown out and replaced by a new one – generally from within the elites. In this process, the middle-level bureaucrats in the civil service, army, foreign service and local politicians are largely unaffected.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
At this point Ocean Breeze. You must know 90% of north Americans are total A$$holes.
They are happy with this.

We sent Libya back into the stone age this year.
They listen to the propaganda they are given without question.

What more proof that we no longer deserve to live do you need?
Our governments are cold blooded killers. And most are perfectly OK with it.

They don't want to talk about it cause its a constant reminder of how evil and heartless 90% of us have become.

BRAVO.......nicely summarized and in a language most can comprehend. Spot on.

They are so excited about the "KILL" .....and the more savage the better......that they fail to comprehend or consider what might lie ahead when such a drastic change takes place. People there.......might not have liked it , but they had become used to a certain type of leadership. It is the constant that gives a certain security to a population. Now that is all gone. Yes, it is new and exciting , but it will take time for the people to learn how to handle freedom and liberation and realize what it truly means apart from a catchy slogan.

this kind of drastic change brings uncertainty and fears of its own. They will learn that at first they must take tentative steps into this new "liberation". They must also define CLEARLY what , if any role the "west" is going to play in their future.

How will they handle their oil industry now?? Will "the west" want its share as a reward for "lliberating" them??


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Libya’s transitional leader says Islamic Sharia law will be the “basic source” of all law - The Washington Post

Yay, liberation!

Such a joke. The simple fact is, Libya was better with Gaddafi rather than these western puppets. Under Gaddafi's rule, Libya rose to one of the most prominent and richest countries in all of Africa. Health care and education were all easily accessible to everyone, unprecedented to most of Africa.
Libya's future isn't great, thanks to western imperialistic aggression.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Libya’s transitional leader says Islamic Sharia law will be the “basic source” of all law - The Washington Post

Yay, liberation!

Such a joke. The simple fact is, Libya was better with Gaddafi rather than these western puppets. Under Gaddafi's rule, Libya rose to one of the most prominent and richest countries in all of Africa. Health care and education were all easily accessible to everyone under Gaddafi, unprecedented to most of Africa.

Gaddafi was pushing
-to make the United States of Africa.
-its own Comunication Satilite
-And its own Currency Bank.

That would have been bad for us. So he had to die.

Why Gadhafi must die! - YouTube

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
F**k, there's about 200 countries in the world, one thread about Libya should be ample. You've made your point (your opinion) about savagery...........most don't agree..................can it already!

well, when any of these 200 countries drastically change their leadership and governing style.......they too, will warrant a thread of their own. ;-)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Gaddafi was pushing
-to make the United States of Africa.
-its own Comunication Satilite
-And its own Currency Bank.

That would have been bad for us. So he had to die.

Why Gadhafi must die! - YouTube

gosh.......almost a carbon copy situation with the one with S.H. As long as they remained compliant and cooperative to the "west" problem , no matter what atrocities existed .

.........this is bad. we have entered an era that is quite scary and no one is really safe from the glutons for power and control.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury