Britney has 'multiple personality disorder' - and thinks she's British


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Weird Britney Spears now thinks she's British, and this may be something to do with her dating a British man, Adnan Ghalib....

The many faces of Britney: Singer has 'multiple personality disorder' - and thinks she's British

18th January 2008
Daily Mail

Britney Spears's recent bizarre behaviour may be down to multiple personality disorder, it has been revealed.

The troubled singer's 'favourite' identity appears to involve talking with a British accent, inspired by her latest boyfriend, Birmingham-born paparazzo boyfriend Adnan Ghalib.

Sources claim the singer, 26, is suffering from dissociative identity disorder, which leads the sufferers to take on various personalities to dissociate them from reality.

Those with the disorder take on different identities to help them cope under severe stress.

Britney is said to have been showing a variety of different personalities. Besides "The British girl", other aler egos include "the weepy girl", "the diva" and "the incoherent girl".

Split personality: Friends of troubled singer Britney Spears, seen with British boyfriend Adnan Ghalib last night, claim she is suffering from a multiple personality disorder

Apparently when Britney "returns" from one of her episodes, she has no recollection of what she did or said during the time as her assumed personality.

Britney has been heard talking to photographers in an English drawl since hooking up with Brummie photographer Adnan Ghalib.

It's been claimed the mother of two became the "British Girl" on Monday when she failed to give her deposition in her child custody battle with her ex Fevin Federline. She showed up at court four hours late, screaming: "Move back. I'm scared. Stop it. Let me get in the car, please."

Her lawyers begged her to attend the hearing, in which Commissioner Scott Gordon was expecting to quiz her over the two-hour stand-off with police in her LA home two weeks ago.

After she failed to enter the court on Monday Britney lost access to her two sons Jayden James and Sean Preston. But it's now being claimed she has no recollection of her behaviour on Monday.

Shopping spree: Britney took her shopaholic persona out to store Kitson which opened especially for the star - at 2am - she blew £5,000

In recent days, Britney has been flaunting a ring on her engagement finger as sources claim she's "desperate" to marry her paparazzo boyfriend Adnan Ghalib.

The troubled star has put pressure on the British photographer to fast track his divorce, Mail Online previously reported.

Britney showed off the sparkler during a 2am visit to the clothing store Kitson after requesting the store to open especially for a late night shopping spree.

Little Miss Britney: Spears picked up these pants from store Kitson

The singer sought some retail therapy in the LA boutique Kitson yesterday - spending more than £5,000.

She picked up two pairs of "Little Miss" knickers, a blue Great China Wall hoodie, a bottle of Agent Provocateur perfume, and a L.A.M.B. handbag.

Leaving the store, Britney spoke to the paparazzi in a British accent, saying: "Where is your driver when you need them?"

Britney had spent the earlier part of the evening enjoying a romantic date with Adnan - the couple went out for dinner at the Gaucho Grill in Studio City and then popped into Starbucks for an iced coffee.

It appears the new romance is already getting serious, with a source confirming earlier reports the Gimme More singer hopes to wed the recently separated Birmingham-born photographer.

"Britney is desperate to marry Adnan," a source tells Mail Online, adding that she recently dragged him down to Mexico under the mistaken assumption that it continues to issue quickie divorces. Sadly for Miss Spears, they were obliged to return with Mr Ghalib still married and the singer still waiting.

Britney wants him to be single as soon as possible," the source said.

Britney's relationship with Adnan, who launched an attack on former colleagues who got in the way of the couple's romantic night out, caused concern amongst her friends.

Pants free zone: Britney flashes one more time as she shops at LA boutique Kitson

Britney's best friend and cousin Alli Sims has broken her silence and over her fears regarding the whirlwind relationship.

"I think he only has bad intentions," she says.

"He has given me a weird feeling and creeped me out. I wish he would just go away."

Worried Alli revealed she believes Britney is extremely vulnerable as a result of her fame.

"When you go through your whole life just listening to what everybody tells you to do, you get to the point where you're not used to having to pick out yourself what is really important," she added.

She's not the only one who feels negatively about Adnan – even his own friends and family have been spilling the beans, with one revealing that he used to run a strip club in California before deciding that photographing celebrities was a better money-spinner.

It's also been claimed that Adnan staged the pictures from yesterday that apparently showed Britney buying a pregnancy test.

Her camp has denied she is expecting a third child and Britney told a pack of photographers she was purchasing the test for a "friend".

Her manager Sam said: "I don't even know what the hell that was. I don't know if they even bought one... I think it was probably for Chad."

When asked by a LA radio host if Britney wanted another child, Sam replied: "No, not at all."

Britney lost all visitation rights earlier this month after she refused to hand over Sean Preston, two, and one-year-old Jayden James in a bizarre custody-stand-off at her Malibu, California mansion.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press news agency have admitted they have started preparing Britney's obiturary following her recent behaviour.

AP entertainment editor Jesse Washington said: "We are not wishing it, but if Britney passed away, it's easily one of the biggest stories in a long time.

"I think one would agree that Britney seems at risk right now.

"Of course, we would never wish any type of misfortune on anybody and hope that we would never have to use it until 50 years from now…but if something were to happen, we would have to be prepared."


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Britney Spears has multiple personalities. Unfortunately, they all appear to be stupid.


Council Member
Sep 29, 2007
You know I saw a video the other day on ET (because I only watch the highest quality TV!) of her talking with this british accent. It was really strange, Not beyond what is kind of expected from Spears at the moment.
But really, I feel bad for the girl, for some strange unknown reason, I want her to get back to normal, get her kids, have her life back. I keep pulling for her and she keeps turning around and doing *#($ like this!


Jan 6, 2007
I feel horrid for her. What girl, *****d out since she was a pre-teen, wouldn't have mental problems?

(and the word I wrote, is wh ore, which I feel is okay to bypass the profanity filter since I'm not using to insult anyone, but to describe what I feel was done to her).

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I feel horrid for her. What girl, *****d out since she was a pre-teen, wouldn't have mental problems?

(and the word I wrote, is wh ore, which I feel is okay to bypass the profanity filter since I'm not using to insult anyone, but to describe what I feel was done to her).

Yeah ... and if everyone goes on going "poor her" and lets her get away with not dealing with her little issues, then everyone else has to deal with her spoiled brat tantrums. How many messed up people is she going to leave in her wake?



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
What she needs is a big dose of reality. Take her captive for a year, make her live a normal life of being a responsible adult. Other than that, she's simply fodder for the media/entertainment machine, which is a waste of a human being, no matter how stupid.


Council Member
Sep 29, 2007
If I were her mother, I would be really really worried, not running around selling stories about 16 year old pregnant girls.
Perhaps she needs somebody to step up and actually give her guidance.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
If I were her mother, I would be really really worried, not running around selling stories about 16 year old pregnant girls.
Perhaps she needs somebody to step up and actually give her guidance.

Guidance? Yeah ... and some medical and psych testing for bi-polar or MPD. She's been conditioned by control freaks, so she needs some de-programming. There are meds available for chemical imbalances and counselling for behaviour modification. "Poor me. I'm sick" is no more an excuse than "I was drunk" or "I was only following orders"

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I make a point of quickly changing channels, or 'not' reading headlines concening Britney
Spears, as I think she should be left alone so that her family and friends, or anyone who's
close to her can help her and do everything that is positive in the situation.

It is none of our business, and I detest all of those 'rags' that splash her all over the front page, tv, especially people like Larry King, as he is being very tacky, and should know better.


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
I feel really sorry for her kids. I hope she doesn't get the custody - if the kids are handed out to her, it would mean two more hopelessly ruined lives.
And I don't feel bad for her, either. If you use your head only to eat and to wear a hat, lousy things usually happen to you. She's old enough to do some serious thinking and to analyze, what exactly has lead her to this point in her life. If she doesn't do it, she's her own enemy, and can't be helped. And somehow I don't believe this "multiple personality disorder" thing...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
This woman could be on the threshold of a disaster, and here we are, along with the media, making fun, and deciding if she should have her kids or not. We get all of our
information concerning this from rags and tv media, larry king, and others who want to make
a ton of money at her expense, and of course, we get sucked in, and follow right along.
There are many in this world with emotional problems, and she is just one of those, who
needs medical help, family help, and to be let alone by the public and media.

We have no business making decisions on, how she should or should not be treated by
anyone, it is not our business.


Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta

Woah, there. Spears belongs to a group who make their living by staying in the public eye - this is why the publicist is the best paid and hardest working member of her staff. The entire job of the publicist, in between album releases, is to keep Spears (or Lohan or Hilton or whomever) on the cover of magazines, at movie premiers, getting her picture in as many papers, websites and mags as possible.

Even now, Spears' publicist telephones the photographers before she leaves the house. So, exactly how are we being unfair to her?

If she works so hard to put herself in the public eye, she makes herself utterly fair game when she turns her own life into a train wreck.

Ignore them, but not for their sake - do it for yourself.

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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Yeah, yeah disaster. She acts like every girlfriend I've had in the last four years. Wasn't my place to judge them either - just be the "it's-not-you-it's-me" messed up in the wake. She'd do a lot of people a great service in getting help publicly. That would take some of the stigma away from "mental health care". The drama just makes her look stupid - and me sick of hearing names like Britany or Paris or Carol or....

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Not so newbie now
Nov 21, 2007
950 Snowupthearse Rd. Can
You are so right Wolf. She really should be the poster child for "get mental health care, now". It is such a misunderstood ailment (mental disorder), that this seems like a good opportunity to help people learn more. I am currently the supporter of a person with a mental health disorder and it's a hard road to tow. Or toe. There is so much discrimination and misunderstanding of people who really aren't capable of helping themselves. They are viewed as weak or helpless.

Thank goodness for the internet, where there is much helpful info to be found, once you learn the right words to google for.....